Showing posts with label Slutty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slutty. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

Steve Harvey Sued by Fitness Model, His Show Made Me Look Slutty

Steve Harvey and his talk show producers are being accused of tarting up a hard working single mom, who also happens to be a fitness model … according to a lawsuit. The Steve Harvey Show episode aired in April 2016, and the woman, Dominique…


Steve Harvey Sued by Fitness Model, His Show Made Me Look Slutty

Steve Harvey and his talk show producers are being accused of tarting up a hard working single mom, who also happens to be a fitness model … according to a lawsuit. The Steve Harvey Show episode aired in April 2016, and the woman, Dominique…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Bella Thorne Slammed For "Acting Slutty" on Snapchat

If you follow Bella Thorne on social media, you know that like Miley before her, the former Disney star isn’t shy when it comes to showing a little skin.

Bella’s bikini pics are an almost-daily occurrence, and she’s basically the Martin Scorsese of short video clips featuring partial nudity.

Basically, going to Bella’s Instagram page and complaining about the prominently displayed boobs would be like going to a potn site … and complaining about the prominently displayed boobs.

But this 2017, a time in which someone will find cause to complain about literally anything you post online.

As a result, Bella has been on the receiving end of some truly ridiculous slut-shaming in recent weeks.

Her latest Snapchat uploads how Bella bouncing around in a sheer black dress.

Pretty tame stuff, but some folks are apparently shocked – shocked! – by Bella’s behavior.

“I love your acting but this constant need to parade yourself around acting slutty is beneath you,” commented one follower.

“U used to be better than this,” wrote another.

“Something about either her makeup or hair is too gimmicky for my tastes. Beautiful girl and I bet if she did more natural shots it would get more attention,” a third remarked.

You get the idea.

Bella has been doing a lot of one thing on her social media accounts for at least the past year, yet for some reason, people visit her page and are astonished to see her doing that one thing.

We can only assume the delicate flowers who posted these comments are engaged in Rumspringa – the rite of passage in which Amish folks enter the modern world for a few weeks and get frightened back to the farm.

We legitimately can’t imagine anyone else being shocked by the sight of a young woman dancing in a black dress.

Naturally, there were plenty of favorable comments, too, but you know how it goes:

You post something online, 75 people like it, 1 d-bag posts something mean, and you spend the rest of the day stewing about the d-bag.

Maybe it’s different for celebrities, but until Disney is busted manufacturing its starlets in an underground lab beneath Space Mountain, we’re gonna assume Bella is a human, and thus, has feelings.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Ariel Winter: Posting Racy Photos Is NOT Slutty!

Ariel Winter knows a thing or two about posting racy pictures on social media.

The 19-year-old Modern Family actress makes headlines on weekly due to her latest snaps, but that’s not to say she likes the attention. 

We know: Everyone likes attention, but Ariel wants the world to know that she’s not that kind of girl. 

She takes issue with the fact that males take risky pictures and have little fanfare. The star opened up in a revealing chat with Yahoo Style. 

I feel like people put so much emphasis on it. Guys, all the time, go on their Instagrams and take pictures nude with guitars in front of their stuff. No one says anything. Nobody cares,” said Winter.

“When we try to be free and post what we want, it’s like, look at that slut on social media. That’s not what it is. We’re proud of our bodies. We’re proud of who we are. We’re made the way we are. Why do we care? If I take a picture and I think it looks good — if it’s a little revealing, whatever.”

On top of that, she had some harsh words for her haters, saying: “If people don’t like it, unfollow me. If you’re so offended, why do you look at it? Don’t take the time to hate on me. Just unfollow me and follow someone who covers every part of their body to their toes. I don’t care.”

Um, okay then. There is no denying that you can get upset at what people are saying about you, but it does appear that Ariel has a thick skin and does not allow the naysayers to drag her down. 

Winter also took a jab at celebrities who take self-imposed exiles from social media, noting that the key to it all is finding the right balance. 

“Just don’t open it for a few days. Just leave it be. Sometimes I’ll go days or weeks without posting. I try to update my followers on what I’m doing. It makes me feel closer to them. I’ve never felt the need to take a break from it like that. Just put your phone down and enjoy the things in life,” she says.

Is it just us or does Ariel sound wise beyond her years? Celebrities who grow up in the spotlight have a knack for going off the rails at some point, but it seems that Ariel has her priorities in check. 

She dealt with fame “just by going through it. I’ve had a lot of time now to just go through the highs and lows of it. The people around me keep me grounded in what’s going on. I’m aware of it, but I’m not invested in it. It’s not taking over my life.” 

“I focus less on the celebrity aspect of my job. I’d love to continue being an actress, but I didn’t get into the industry so I could be on magazines.”

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence: I"m a Slutty Power Lesbian!

Jennifer Lawrence likes to consider herself to be an open book.

Would she ever hook up with Justin Bieber? The actress recently answered that question.

And now the Oscar-winner has offered up many more revealing answers in a new cover story of Glamour, flashing some cleavage for that magazine and describing her unique style as follows:

Slutty power lesbian.

Excuse us? Can you elaborate?

“That is literally what I say to a stylist,” Lawrence explained, laughing. “I don’t know if that’s offensive…. You don’t see me as a slutty power lesbian on the red carpet a lot, because I’m embodying the Dior woman, which is an honor…

“But [also] I’ve got tits and an ass.

“And there are things that are made for skinny people… and those make me look fat. I have to show the lumps. If you have boobs, you have to show, like, ‘These are boobs. This isn’t cellulite.’ Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

Elsewhere in the Q&A, Lawrence admits she can be a “f-cking lunatic,” defending her reputation and swearing she never acts a certain way for attention.

Those falls at the Academy Awards, for example? In back-to-back years?

They were real. They were just instances of Lawrence being clumsy.

“I’m not trying to be a GIF. I’m not trying to be a picked-up-on-Twitter quote,” Lawrence insists.

“All I’m trying to do is act. And I have to promote these movies. And I am, at the end of the day, I guess, a f–king lunatic…

“When I fell the second year at the Oscars, I was just like, ‘F-ck. Cause I would think the same exact thing. I know it looks like a gag. It’s really, really not.”

Several weeks ago, Lawrence admitted that she hasn’t had sex in awhile – but that doesn’t mean she’s craving a male companion.

“I don’t, like, date a lot. I don’t meet a lot of guys who I want to go on a date with. I’ll find a guy attractive maybe once a year.

“But I’m not a lonely person. Me not dating someone is not a lack of anything in any way. I feel completely fulfilled. Yes, when I spark with someone, it’s exciting, but I definitely don’t need that.”