Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence: I"m a Slutty Power Lesbian!

Jennifer Lawrence likes to consider herself to be an open book.

Would she ever hook up with Justin Bieber? The actress recently answered that question.

And now the Oscar-winner has offered up many more revealing answers in a new cover story of Glamour, flashing some cleavage for that magazine and describing her unique style as follows:

Slutty power lesbian.

Excuse us? Can you elaborate?

“That is literally what I say to a stylist,” Lawrence explained, laughing. “I don’t know if that’s offensive…. You don’t see me as a slutty power lesbian on the red carpet a lot, because I’m embodying the Dior woman, which is an honor…

“But [also] I’ve got tits and an ass.

“And there are things that are made for skinny people… and those make me look fat. I have to show the lumps. If you have boobs, you have to show, like, ‘These are boobs. This isn’t cellulite.’ Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

Elsewhere in the Q&A, Lawrence admits she can be a “f-cking lunatic,” defending her reputation and swearing she never acts a certain way for attention.

Those falls at the Academy Awards, for example? In back-to-back years?

They were real. They were just instances of Lawrence being clumsy.

“I’m not trying to be a GIF. I’m not trying to be a picked-up-on-Twitter quote,” Lawrence insists.

“All I’m trying to do is act. And I have to promote these movies. And I am, at the end of the day, I guess, a f–king lunatic…

“When I fell the second year at the Oscars, I was just like, ‘F-ck. Cause I would think the same exact thing. I know it looks like a gag. It’s really, really not.”

Several weeks ago, Lawrence admitted that she hasn’t had sex in awhile – but that doesn’t mean she’s craving a male companion.

“I don’t, like, date a lot. I don’t meet a lot of guys who I want to go on a date with. I’ll find a guy attractive maybe once a year.

“But I’m not a lonely person. Me not dating someone is not a lack of anything in any way. I feel completely fulfilled. Yes, when I spark with someone, it’s exciting, but I definitely don’t need that.”