Showing posts with label Oops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oops. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

Arie Luyendyk Jr: Oops, I Fell in Love With TWO Women on The Bachelor!

If you’ve been following The Bachelor Spoilers, you have a pretty good idea of how this season of the hit series is going to end. 

But there was a time when even Arie Luyendyk Jr. didn’t know which contestant would be the winner.

And, by his own admission, he took a page out of Ben Higgins’ book — and ended up falling in love with two different women.

While a lot of The Bachelor fans think that they know the name of the winner … thanks to, believe it or not, some math and maybe some tongue-in-cheek reasoning, 

The one thing that everyone knows for sure is that Arie was pretty determined to become the leading man on this season.

So much so that Arie dumped his real-life girlfriend to become The Bachelor … just two days before the big announcement.

But now Arie says that he was totally taken aback by his own feelings. Maybe being the star of The Bachelor isn’t as easy as he’d imagined?

Arie Luyendyk Jr. spoke to People, where he admitted to being caught off-guard by his own feelings.

“I fell in love with two women, and I didn’t know I was capable of that.”

If he’d been in real life and both women had been open to it, they might have been able to work out some sort of polyamorous option. Alas, The Bachelor doesn’t give that much leeway. (Maybe one day!)

In real life, people feel conflicted all of the time. But apparently this was a first for Arie.

“I’ve never been in that situation, and it was really hard.”

That line is not, we think, intended as a double entendre.

Arie provides a single hint, saying: “And they were two very different women, and that’s what made it even harder.”

We’d imagine that two deeply similar women could be just as challenging, sure.

“I didn’t know I was really capable of having strong feelings and being in love with more than one person, but that happened.”

It can be a shock when you’re no longer a hormonal teen but you still end up catching feelings.

“The end was really difficult for me. And I think that it’s because it’s such a huge decision, and it’s my life.”

It absolutely is. (Though, to be fair, most post-Bachelor relationships seem to either crash and burn or to fizzle out within a few months)

“But I’m happy, and I wouldn’t have changed anything,” Arie says.

He speaks of the many women who were courting him.

“There were so many different types of women and so many different personalities.”

Yep. That’s how people work.

“I think I learned that I can be very open and that I can be attracted to a lot of different types of people.”

And, overall, he enjoyed being the center of attention for more than a dozen beautiful young women. Surprise!

“I’m very happy. I have no regrets. It was an amazing experience.”

If we’re being entirely honest, this reads as more of a tease for the upcoming season than a confession.

Maybe we’re just projecting the tone that we imagine Arie striking. We’re totally willing to admit that possibility.

But teasing the season is, you know, part of the job.

We also think that, because it’s so widely believed that Arie is going on the show to boost his social media standing (despite Arie’s age and supposed maturity) rather than to find love, he’s probably trying to soften his image.

That, too, goes with the territory. He wants people to tune in, folks. And love triangles attract viewers.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Young Jeezy Bails at Start of Overtime, Guarantees Falcons Win ... Oops! (VIDEO)

Biggest Super Bowl blunder ever has gotta go to Young Jeezy … for bailing on the Falcons at the start of overtime and crowning them champs … before the GREATEST. COMEBACK. EVER. Jeezy and his crew were leaving NRG Stadium with the game…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ivanka Trump on Insensitive Instagram Pic: Oops! My Bad!

According to at least one supposedly reliable source, Ivanka Trump is unlike her father in a rather important and mature way:

She can admit when she’s wrong.

And this source tells Us Weekly that the First Daughter is well aware she messed up on Saturday by posting a certain image to her Instagram account.

The 35-year old came under fire over the weekend after sharing a photo of herself in a silver Carolina Herrera gown on her various social media account.

The picture was snapped while Trump was attending the annual Alfalfa Club dinner.

And while this could have typically been shrugged off as just another example of Trump flaunting her wealth, good looks and status online for all to see… well…

… Saturday was not exactly a typical day across the nation Ivanka’s dad now rules.

In response to President Trump’s Executive Order that banned refugee access to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries, thousands of protestors took to airports around the country. 

There were gatherings held in support of immigrants in Chicago, Nashville, Los Angeles and New York, to name just a few cities.

So many critics considered it rather tone-deaf of Ivanka to not only NOT mention these protests online, but to post a photo that depicted her luxurious lifestyle for all to see.

And Trump reportedly understands this viewpoint.

A source familiar with the situation told Vanity Fair today that Trump “feels terrible about the post, and does not want something like this to happen again.”

She has not deleted the post, but this sort of recognition is a good start.

A second insider, meanwhile, told the news outlet that although the post showed her “naiveté in not understanding her surroundings or circumstances,” Ivanka “can adjust her behavior accordingly, and she’s open to that.”

And then there’s a third source, who actually says Trump had no idea any sort of protests were even going on throughout the country.

How is this possible?

Because, according to this report, Ivanka and her husband were in the middle of observing Shabbat.

Both halve of couple are Orthodox Jews, meaning they don’t use technology or do any work between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday.

Could they truly have not known about Trump’s Muslim ban and the subsequent outrage? And then Ivanka Tweeted the controversial photo above after sundown on Saturday, but before checking the news?

It’s possible, we suppose.

But we still can’t blame those who fired back with insults, quips and comments such as the one below:

Ivanka slam

Kushner is, somehow, a close advisor to President Trump.

Ivanka, conversely, does not official role in her father’s administration, but she stuck closely by his side throughout the 2016 presidential campaign and has moved her family to DC since he won the election.

She has not made a public comment about the Women’s March held on January 21 or about the protests in response to her father’s Executive Order last Friday.

A source close to the Ivanka told Us Weekly last week that her dad “looks to Ivanka for advice and consultation on almost everything.” Which is a scary prospect, if you think about.

Then again… Donald talking to Steve Bannon about almost everything is A LOT scarier.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Melania Trump, Oops, I Thought Barron Had School Today!

Melania Trump may be First Lady now, but she’s also just an ordinary parent who sometimes forgets her son is off from school. TMZ broke the story, Melania planned to stay in the White House Friday and Saturday night after the inauguration but…


Melania Trump, Oops, I Thought Barron Had School Today!

Melania Trump may be First Lady now, but she’s also just an ordinary parent who sometimes forgets her son is off from school. TMZ broke the story, Melania planned to stay in the White House Friday and Saturday night after the inauguration but…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ellen DeGeneres -- Oops, No ID ... Still Wriggles into White House for Medal (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Ellen DeGeneres’ face was apparently ID enough to get her past White House security with a bunch of other celebs getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Ellen says she forgot her ID and couldn’t get inside for the ceremony, yet there she was next…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tina Knowles -- OOPS!!! Silly Me, Posting Elevator Pic of Solange & Jay Z! (PHOTO)

Tina Knowles has some big regrets today … after posting a pic of Solange in an elevator with Jay Z, reminiscent of perhaps the singer’s greatest hits. Beyonce’s mom immediately yanked the pic down, after realizing it brings back memories of…


Monday, October 19, 2015

Britney Spears Wardrobe Malfunction: Oops, She Did It Again!

This isn"t the first Britney Spears wardrobe malfunction and it almost certainly won"t be the last, but it may well be the most memorable one yet.

Sadly, that"s not because we get to see Britney naked. No what"s impressive about this costume failure is the way her dancers rally around to make sure we don"t see any flesh.

When Brit busts out of her futuristic sexy Martian costume, she goes right on performing with the help of some dude who hopefully got a raise after the show.

Keeping your boss from showing her boobs to as crowd of thousands (and the entire Internet) has gotta be worth a few extra bucks in your paycheck.

Britney spears wardrobe malfunction oops she did it again