Showing posts with label Medal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medal. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Miley Cyrus Proudly Wears Shaun White"s Gold Medal

Miley Cyrus elevated Shaun White to Almighty status (holy hell … check out that candle!!!). Just some of the perks of winning a gold medal. Miley hung out with the Flying Tomato a week after he brought home gold for crushing the…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

McKayla Maroney Flaunts Gold Medal Cleavage on Instagram

McKayla Maroney won America’s admiration with her spectacular gymnastic skills at the 2012 Olympics, winning an team Gold and an individual Silver medal.

Her adorable reaction to being awarded a Silver medal went viral, and won hearts all over the world.

These days, she’s older and she’s not shy about showing off her amazing body, as these new photos make very clear.

We cannot emphasize enough how much McKayla’s famous and very distinctive reaction of disappointment has overshadowed everything else about her in terms of how the public views her.

It’s hard to imagine someone taking a selfie with her without them both doing the “not impressed” face.

Hell, when President Obama met McKayla Maroney, the two took a photo together where they were both making that facial expression.


The second place belt at the trivia night that I attend is just called the “Maroney.” It also has a large photo of McKayla Maroney, front and center.

She’s a household name in a way that very few Olympic athletes ever are.

She’s also just … all kinds of hot these days, as you can see here:


McKayla shared a series of three photos via her Instagram story.

(Instagram stories, if you’ll recall, are said to be basically just Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to destroy Snapchat since they refused to let him buy them)

You can see her knee emerging from the rips in her jeans (she has those rips on both sides).

In case you’re wondering what that red stuff is around her hair, that’s a filter that’s giving her a crown of hearts.

Understandably, that might not be what people first notice about this image.

Clearly McKayla isn’t feeling shy about baring her cleavage.

And there’s no reason for her to be, because she’s a shockingly gorgeous young woman.

There have been some McKayla Maroney boob job rumors over the years, but … those just look like natural breasts to us, folks.

Some people might be wondering why they didn’t notice how hot McKayla Maroney was back in 2012, when every camera was on her.

The answer is because she was sixteen, you guys.


She turns twenty-two later this year (December 9th, almost one month after Taylor Swift’s new album comes out).

Her youth has come up before, if you’ll recall.

It’s not that 16 is an unusual age to be an Olympic gymnast — it’s basically standard, right?

But some awful person hacked McKayla Maroney’s nudes.

That’s terrible enough on its own.

(No one deserves to have their intimate photos stolen, and no one is “asking for it” by having those photos in their possession or by having taken them in the first place)

It wasn’t until later that we learned that McKayla Maroney was underage in those pics, which makes a bad situation worse.

But we’re glad that McKayla hasn’t been so scarred by the experience of having her nude photos leak that she wants to retreat from being a public figure.

Or even just shy away from taking alluring photos.

Not for our sake (though the world enjoys her pictures), but for hers.

She deserves to get to live her life, unobstructed by unwelcome opinions or fear at being hacked again.

And if she wants to post thirst traps, she’s welcome to do so.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Gabby Douglas to Usain Bolt ... Don"t Worry About Stripped Medal, WIN ANOTHER ONE! (Video)

U.S. Olympic legend Gabby Douglas has some advice for Usain Bolt after the sprinter was stripped of an Olympic gold medal this week … GO OUT AND WIN ANOTHER ONE!!  The 21-year-old gymnast — who has 3 Olympic gold medals of her own — was at…


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Laurie Hernandez on Dancing with the Stars Win: It"s Like a Gold Medal!

Laurie Hernandez has won Dancing with the Stars.


It’s true, however, that the gymnast defeated a pair of other athletes on Tuesday night to claim the iconic Mirrorball Trophy alongside professional partner Val Chmerkovskiy.

Of course, Hernandez won a Gold Medal at the Summer Olympics just a few months ago.

So there’s no way this reality show-based honor can possibly compete with that previous accomplishment.


“Honestly, I feel like they tied (with) each other,” Hernandez told USA Today of winning Dancing with the Stars and winning the highest prize one can win as an American athlete.

This seems like a stretch, but hey:

We’ve never won a Gold Medal or a Dancing with the Stars season. So what the heck do we know?!?

“The Olympics, as a little kid, it was such a big goal that I created for myself and I was able to push through and make that happen,” she explained, adding of how DWTS compares:

“I’ve always loved to dance and my passion was dancing as well as gymnastics, so winning the Mirrorball was insane and amazing.”

Hernandez knocked off James Hinchcliffe (and Sharna Burgess) and Calvin Johnson (and Lindsay Arnold) to claim the Season 23 title.

In July, meanwhile, she helped her team win women’s all-around team competition in Rio and also took home a Silver Medal in the balance beam.

Not a bad year, huh?

Aside from showing off extreme dancing talent, Hernandez also wore her emotions on her sequined-sleeves at many points during the competition.

As you can see in the video posted above, she broke down in front of the judges after dedicating a routine a couple weeks ago to her late grandmother.

Chmerkovskiy, who has now come out on top of Dancing with the Stars twice, said he finds Hernandez very inspiring.

He just hopes that others, most notably young fans and viewers, do as well.

“I wanted to set an example through her … for her generation that anything is possible,” Chmerkovskiy told the newspaper. “To stay hungry, to stay humble, she’s a testament to that.”

Hernandez agreed.

She isn’t backing away from the pressure or expectations.

“I do want to inspire others…When I was a little kid, I looked up to other people, so I hope I can inspire little kids,” she said.

She’s off to a great start, that’s for certain!

Do you think Hernandez deserved to win Dancing with the Stars? Where does she rank among all-time champions?

And has any celebrity has a better 2016 than Laurie Hernandez?!? WOW!

Weigh in below with your thoughts, opinions and comments.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ellen DeGeneres -- Oops, No ID ... Still Wriggles into White House for Medal (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Ellen DeGeneres’ face was apparently ID enough to get her past White House security with a bunch of other celebs getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Ellen says she forgot her ID and couldn’t get inside for the ceremony, yet there she was next…


Monday, August 8, 2016

McKayla Maroney: Forget the Olympics; Check Out These Gold Medal Curves!

Back in 2012, American gymnast McKayla Maroney became an overnight sensation.

Sure, she was part of the Olympic team that won gold at the London games, and she took home an individual silver medal in the vault, but it wasn’t her performance so much as her reaction to coming in second that made her a household name.

Four years later, “McKayla Maroney is not impressed” memes still pop up on occasion.

More importantly, however, McKayla is now 20, and her active Instagram presence has led fans to an important realization:

McKayla Maroney is super hot.

McKayla chose to sit out the Rio games, and these days she’s shifted her focus from gymnastics to something even closer to her heart.

No, not risque selfies (though she’s clearly fond of those as well).

We’re talking about music – which is apparently Ms. Maroney’s true passion these days.

She recently celebrated reaching one million followers with the above pantsless and the following caption: 

“Sending love to all one million of you Also, I haven’t talked about it much, (mainly cuz people wouldn’t take me seriously) but for the last year I’ve dedicated all my time to writing/making music, and I can finally officially say that I’ve got some cool stuff on the way for u guys!!”

She added: “Hope u like dancing!”

McKayla, at this point, we’re liking pretty much anything that involves you.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Covers Sports Illustrated, Dons Gold Medal

When Caitlyn Jenner graced the cover of Vanity Fair last April, she officially came out as an icon in the transgender community.

Long before she put on a dress, however, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star was an icon for those in a very different universe.

In 1976, Jenner (then known as Bruce, of course) won the Gold Medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.

She was featured on boxes of Wheaties. She was featured on the cover of numerous national magazine. She was hailed as the best athlete on the planet.

Oh, yes, long before Jenner got all mixed up in the crazy world of Kim Kardashian and company, the star was a national hero.

Fast forward to 40 years later and Caitlyn is once again featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated, this time as the lead story in its Where Are They Now? double issue.

She’s wearing her Gold Medal for the occasion.

“It’s a picture that brings attention to this issue,” Jenner told SI of why she posed with the award four decades after appearing as Bruce on the publication’s cover.

“That’s the important thing. That’s why I wore the medal.”

Jenner says she keeps the medal in her nail drawer, on the down low for the most part, but that she used to let her kids take it medal to show and tell in school.

Caitlyn, of course, has left the sporting world far behind, although she does hit the golf course whenever possible.

SI Films has also premiered a 22-minute film online; it takes a look back at Jenner’s historic Olympic victory and where she is now.

This is where she was when she broke on to the national scene:

At this point, Jenner remains proud of what she accomplished in track and field.

But she has now dedicated her life to a grander cause, to assisting those in the LGBT community gain acceptance.

No, she won’t ever become a man again.

She has a mission in front of her as a woman.

“Sports. It’s not real life,” she told Sports Illustrated.

“You go out there, you work hard, you train your ass off, win the Games. I’m very proud of that part of my life. And it’s not like I just want to throw it out. It’s part of who I am.

“What I’m dealing with now, this is about who you are as a human being.

“What did I do for the world in 1976, besides maybe getting a few people to exercise a little bit? I didn’t make a difference in the world.”

Caitlyn Jenner Covers Sports Illustrated, Dons Gold Medal

When Caitlyn Jenner graced the cover of Vanity Fair last April, she officially came out as an icon in the transgender community.

Long before she put on a dress, however, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star was an icon for those in a very different universe.

In 1976, Jenner (then known as Bruce, of course) won the Gold Medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.

She was featured on boxes of Wheaties. She was featured on the cover of numerous national magazine. She was hailed as the best athlete on the planet.

Oh, yes, long before Jenner got all mixed up in the crazy world of Kim Kardashian and company, the star was a national hero.

Fast forward to 40 years later and Caitlyn is once again featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated, this time as the lead story in its Where Are They Now? double issue.

She’s wearing her Gold Medal for the occasion.

“It’s a picture that brings attention to this issue,” Jenner told SI of why she posed with the award four decades after appearing as Bruce on the publication’s cover.

“That’s the important thing. That’s why I wore the medal.”

Jenner says she keeps the medal in her nail drawer, on the down low for the most part, but that she used to let her kids take it medal to show and tell in school.

Caitlyn, of course, has left the sporting world far behind, although she does hit the golf course whenever possible.

SI Films has also premiered a 22-minute film online; it takes a look back at Jenner’s historic Olympic victory and where she is now.

This is where she was when she broke on to the national scene:

At this point, Jenner remains proud of what she accomplished in track and field.

But she has now dedicated her life to a grander cause, to assisting those in the LGBT community gain acceptance.

No, she won’t ever become a man again.

She has a mission in front of her as a woman.

“Sports. It’s not real life,” she told Sports Illustrated.

“You go out there, you work hard, you train your ass off, win the Games. I’m very proud of that part of my life. And it’s not like I just want to throw it out. It’s part of who I am.

“What I’m dealing with now, this is about who you are as a human being.

“What did I do for the world in 1976, besides maybe getting a few people to exercise a little bit? I didn’t make a difference in the world.”