Showing posts with label Worry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worry. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

John Legend says Worry About Reuniting Kids Before Sarah Sanders" Dinners

John Legend laid the smack down on anyone worrying about Sarah Huckabee Sanders before worrying about reuniting more than 2,000 immigrant children who were ripped from their parents. We got John and his wife, Chrissy Teigen,…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Sarah Silverman Says Trump"s Real "Golden Showers" Worry Isn"t About Melania

Sarah Silverman has her own theory on why she thinks President Trump is so worried about the golden showers dossier referenced in James Comey’s new book … and it’s got nothing to do with Melania. We got Sarah leaving Craig’s…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tori Spelling: Family and Friends Worry After Mental Breakdown

Tori Spelling began the month of March with what’s been described as a mental breakdown, with police called for a domestic disturbance.

While reports vary on whether or not Tori was actually hospitalized and given the help that she needs, it appears that she’s in a bad place.

This whole situation has her family and friends very, very worried.

Two calls to emergency services in as many days?

Yes, appaently Tori called 9-1-1 the night before about a possible intruder — but it was just her husband, Dean McDermott. The next day, police were called about alleged psychological issues.

Those who care about Tori Spelling feel that this is cause for concern, reports Us Weekly.

Their source elaborates:

“Her friends and family are all very, very worried.”

And from the rest of this report, it sounds like there’s a lot of cause for concern.

According to this source, those close to Tori think that her marriage is taking its toll on her well being in multiple ways.

Some say that her nervous breakdown was caused by a fight with Dean.

But the source says that she won’t even hear suggestions of a split.

“You would think the cheating, money problems, and constant arguing would be enough for Tori to decide to divorce Dean, but she refuses to even discuss it.”

Apparently, she is preoccupied with how ending her marriage might look to judgmental members of the public.

“Tori believes a divorce would label her as a failure.”

Some people really buy into the stigma about divorce.

Behind closed doors, however, the source claims that the couple is having serious financial issues.

“They are heavily in debt.”

Also behind closed doors, it seems that Tori is reportedly frustrated by her husband’s lack of employment.

“Tori has had enough of Dean’s moaning about not being a working actor and is demanding he get a real job to support their family.”

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening.

Per the source, Dean “will start a cooking school or take up another professional hobby, then give it up.”

Oh dear.

Remember, Tori and Dean aren’t just supporting themselves. They have five children, the oldest of whom is only 11.

(Liam is 11, Stella is 9, Hattie is 6, Finn is 5, and Beau just turned 1 on March 2nd)

Worst of all, she’s reportedly considering a sixth child. Given her circumstances, that’s getting her slammed by critics.

Reportedly, Tori and Dean are relying heavily upon Tori’s 72-year-old mother, Candy Spelling.

“Candy pays for all of the kids’ expenses.”

While Candy can certainly afford to take care of the needs of her grandchildren (her estimated net worth is over half a billion), no adult likes being dependent upon their parent’s support.

And it’s said that Tori in particular is preoccupied with what the world thinks of her and of her marriage.

“She is more concerned with perception than her own relationship.”

The source echoes what many fans are feeling upon learning all of this:

“It’s just very sad.”

It’s good to hear that, no matter what shenanigans Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott get into, their children’s needs will continue to be met by their grandmother.

A lot of critics don’t feel sympathy for Tori, since she made money as a celebrity and also comes from a lot of money and has still found herself in this financial predicament.

(People living paycheck to paycheck don’t tend to have a lot of sympathy for people who somehow blew through millions of dollars)

Even so, at least for the sake of her five children, let’s all hope that Tori can get through any psychological and financial issues.

And let’s also hope that they can rake in some money that doesn’t come from a relative. That might do some good for more than just their finances.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tomi Lahren"s Confident Trump"s Got Nothing to Worry About After Flynn Guilty Plea

Tomi Lahren doesn’t think President Trump has anything to fear despite his former national security adviser pleading guilty to lying to the FBI … so he can just keep on making America great again. We got the Fox News contributor at LAX Saturday…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Yasiel Puig: "I Have Too Much F**king Money" to Worry About Burglary

Yasiel Puig doesn’t give a single damn about his L.A. home being burglarized last week — telling TMZ Sports, “I have too much f**king money in my life.” Puig was leaving the Lakers game at Staples Center on Sunday when he opened up about the home…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ex-Dodgers GM Ned Colletti Tells Fans Not To Worry, (Yeah Right Dude)

Good news Dodger fans … the team’s epic collapse ain’t NOTHING fret about, so says ex-GM Ned Colletti who told assured TMZ Sports that everything was A-OK when we got him out in Beverly Hills.  Okay so here’s the thing, the Dodgers are in…


Ex-Dodgers GM Ned Colletti Tells Fans Not To Worry, (Yeah Right Dude)

Good news Dodger fans … the team’s epic collapse ain’t NOTHING fret about, so says ex-GM Ned Colletti who told assured TMZ Sports that everything was A-OK when we got him out in Beverly Hills.  Okay so here’s the thing, the Dodgers are in…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Georgia Cop Tells White Woman ... Don"t Worry, We Only Kill Black People

A Cobb County police officer reassured a white woman who was afraid she’d be shot when he pulled her over by telling her … “Remember, we only kill black people.” During dashcam video of the incident, the woman told the officer she didn’t want to…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ryan Edwards Opens Up on Addiction: I"m All Better! Nothing to Worry About!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom, you know that much of the season finale centered around Ryan Edwards and his difficulties with substance abuse.

Viewers witnessed Ryan and Mackenzie Standifer’s wedding, but the ceremony was far from a joyous occasion.

In fact, the quickie nuptials were attended only by Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry.

Worse, Ryan appeared to have driven to his own wedding under the influence.

When Standifer grabbed the wheel and asked why he was swerving, Edwards offered this bizarre response:

“My eyes, babe, in the sunlight I can’t keep ‘em open.”

He then appeared to briefly nod off behind the wheel.

The wedding was basically a legal precaution to ensure that Ryan would be able to retain custody rights of Bentley, his son with Maci Bookout.

Almost immediately after the ceremony, Edwards entered rehab in order to be treated for a number of addiction issues.

Earlier this month, the world learned that Edwards had left rehab, when he announced his completion of treatment by attacking Bookout on social media.

Despite the brief amount of time that he spent in treatment and thre troubling fact that his first act upon being released was to publicly denigrate the mother of his child, Edwards says all is well is in his world.

Today, the troubled reality star issued a statement about his condition, possibly in response to fan concerns that arose following last night’s episode:

“A little over 30 days ago, I made the decision to check myself into a rehabilitation facility. I am back home now doing well, and life could not be better,” his statement read.

“Without the support of my wife and parents I would not have been able to do this. Thank you all for your well wishes.”

While many fans will no doubt feel comforted by Edwards’ statement, in the case of those struggling with addiction, it’s actions that do 100 percent of the talking.

So only time will tell if Edwards is truly committed to and able to maintain his sobriety.

As a newly married young man with a son and a career in the public eye, his stakes couldn’t be much higher.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive Edwards’ tumultuous past.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Kim Zolciak: Don"t Worry, Kash Still Loves Dogs!

It’s easy — and fun — to give Kim Zolciak a hard time, because, like most reality stars, she can be a little ridiculous.

But her son Kash suffered a traumatic dog attack — just a little over a month ago.

Now Kim’s shared the most heartwarming update on his progress.

He’s doing so well!

Keep in mind that the attack was so vicious that he had to go to the hospital and undergo surgery.

He’s going to be just fine, but still.

Kim shared on Instagram that, even on his second day in the hospital, he was already happy to snuggle a service dog.

And now she’s sharing photos of him on Snapchat.where he helped a stray dog that had just given birth.

So, fair warning: these pics will melt even the iciest heart.

Most traumatic injuries are accompanied by emotional trauma. In some cases, it’s important to learn from the experience so that you never repeat a mistake.

In other cases, “learning” from your experience a little too well can keep you from enjoying life.

Most of us have, at some point or another, met someone with a gripping fear of dogs.

Sometimes it’s just an irrational fear, possibly brought about by — as fake as this sounds — traumatic experiences that their ancestors endured.

Look, scientists are saying that phobias might be caused by that, not us.

In other cases, they’re people who went through what young Kash did — they met one of the few dogs in this world that isn’t a being of absolute good.

If you had a traumatic experience with the ocean, fine, you can just avoid going into the ocean again. It’s easy — we’re not in the ocean right now.

Humans don’t really belong there anyway.

Dogs, on the other hand, are part of our families and part of our society.

Not being a dog person can kind of be a dealbreaker for a lot of future relationships.

And people will totally judge you for it. Dogs are precious and being afraid of them is gonna get in your way throughout life.

But just look at how well Kash is doing!

There are grown-ass adults who lack his maturity, but this little boy is 100% down to snuggle each and every dog.

Seriously, Kim Zolciak said that Kash kept trying to feed the stray dog his breakfast, because he is just unbearably sweet.

We wish him the speediest possible recovery.

We also wish that we knew more about the original incident where he was attacked.

But apparently Kim’s being tight-lipped about it … well, as tight as those lips of hers can get, anyway … based on legal advice.

That’s life, we guess.

But at least dogs are still cute.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jill and Jessa Duggar: Look at Izzy and Baby Henry, Don"t Worry about Josh Duggar!

Those of us without Hulu who can’t watch The Handmaid’s Tale can always keep up with the Duggars. It’s basically the same.

Aside from things like scandals, the usual reality show drama, and questions about the Duggar family’s finances, the Duggars are known for having kids. That’s kind of their whole thing.

And while their fringe cultural stuff and the way that they separate themselves from the world make plenty of people uncomfortable — heck, the sheer number of children make people uncomfortable — you kinda have to admit that they produce some cute kids.

That’s two-year-old Israel, Jill and Derick Dillard’s cutie, snuggling with his baby cousin, Henry.

Henry, of course, is Jessa and Ben Seewald’s baby. And yes, he is adorable.

Israel’s going to be a big brother, so this shameless photo-op is also a good sign that he’s excited at the prospect.

Everybody outside of restaurants and airplanes loves babies, right? But it’s especially important for older siblings to feel that hype.

Now, Henry’s a pretty run-of-the-mill name, almost surprisingly so for this family.

Israel’s a little more on-brand for Duggar names, but it’s not totally unheard of. The abbreviation of his name to “Izzy” in a family that places so much emphasis on specific gender roles is kind of a surprise. For that lot, it’s downright progressive.

Neither of those names can hold a candle to Spurgeon, Henry’s one-year-old brother. There’s no telling how many people have betting pools going for how old he’ll be before he changes his name.

Like these kids weren’t going to have a hard enough time growing up in a fertility cult in front of millions of viewers.

Cute kids are fine and well, but we have to remember that this family still has its issues.

Take, gasp, Jinger’s controversial wearing of pants. Like some kind of harlot.

You know, because she’s a girl, and if people know that girls have actual legs they’ll turn to stone or fly into lustful frenzies.

Or something.

That kind of thinking was considered dated back in the 1930s, and it is now 2017, no matter how hard the Duggar family drags its heels.

Then of course there’s the ominous news of Josh Duggar appearing on Counting On, because the sexual predator who got that family’s first show canceled totally needs more screen time.

We’re all supposed to look at some cute kids and pretend that Josh’s creepy actions have magically gone away?

What’s worse, his family seemed to think that his predatory past wasn’t as big of an issue as the Josh Duggar cheating scandal or even using pornography.

Just because this family seems eager to forgive and forget in exchange for more lucrative reality television contracts doesn’t mean that the rest of are going to.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Zach Roloff: I Worry About My Son. This is Why.

Zach Roloff is a brand new father.

But he may need to face down some old demons in the years ahead.

The Little People, Big World star welcomed a son named Jackson into the world on May 12, posing for a couple photos with the newborn and his wife, Tori.

Said the reality star in a statement at the time:

“Baby and mother are doing great and Jackson is already mastered holding daddy’s fingers and snuggling with mom! He is adorable and Tori and I are loving being parents.”

Since this special development, Zach has opened up in more depth about his son.

As relayed to People Magazine in an exclusive interview, the Roloffs learned that Jackson carried the dwarf gene (achondroplasia) when Tori was 34 weeks along.

They broke this news to their family, but withheld the information from the public until just a few days ago.

For Zach, the challenge that this will present is to ensure his child doesn’t suffer in the same way as he did while growing up.

“I grew up with the name-calling,” the 27-year old tells People, adding:

“I look at my childhood and being a boy on the farm, it was a little tough because boys are very alpha-doggy and follow the pack.

“I was always chasing the back and way behind the pack. It was tough.”

(Men with the genetic condition of achondroplasia grow an average height of 4’4″ … with a normal lifespan; babies, meanwhile, may experience breathing problems and delays in muscle development.)

Having a son who is like himself means that Zach and Tori will need to be especially helpful and positive when it comes to how Jackson sees both himself and the world.

But they are up for this unique challenge.

“You have to encourage a dwarf child a little more because it will take them five steps to do what others can do in two,” explains Roloff.

“But I knew, dwarf or not, I was going to parent my child with the mentality that not everyone gets a trophy. You have to earn it.”

On an earlier episode of his family’s TLC series, Zach opened up to his mother about concerns for Jackson.

Prior to the baby being born, Zach reiterated how his childhood was “tough” and how he was worried it would be the same for his impending son.

“You can’t keep up,” Zach said to Little People, Big World star Amy, remembering what life was like for him many years ago.

“You can’t out-climb the other boys on the trees, you can’t outrun the other boys…Remember when I would come crying to you?”

Yes, Amy told her son. She did remember that.

But there’s reason for optimism.

There’s a reason for Zach to feel better about what may be awaiting his son once he enters elementary school and middle school.

“The world is changing. People are more open to diversity,” says the reality star and soccer coach, concluding of little Jackson:

“Whatever he wants to do, we’re going to find a way to help him do it. That’s our job in life now.”

In the end?

Jackson is happy and Jackson is healthy.

“That’s all that matters,” Zach tells People.

Use the video above to watch Little People, Big World online and catch up on the latest episode!


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Cher Strikes Fear in Billboard Producers Who Worry She"ll Attack Trump

Cher can’t resist going after Donald Trump Meryl Streep-style, at least that’s the worry of Billboard producers who worry her acceptance speech could become super vulgar. Production sources tell TMZ … they’re dealing with what they believe is…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Gabby Douglas to Usain Bolt ... Don"t Worry About Stripped Medal, WIN ANOTHER ONE! (Video)

U.S. Olympic legend Gabby Douglas has some advice for Usain Bolt after the sprinter was stripped of an Olympic gold medal this week … GO OUT AND WIN ANOTHER ONE!!  The 21-year-old gymnast — who has 3 Olympic gold medals of her own — was at…


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Peter Gammons -- Don"t Worry, Bryce Harper ... You"re Gonna Get The $400 Million (VIDEO)

Good news for Bryce Harper … baseball expert Peter Gammons says someone will definitely pay the small fortune he wants … telling TMZ Sports the owners have the money, and it’s just a matter of who. Harper is reportedly looking for RECORD dough…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Darren Sharper -- I"M BACK IN LOS ANGELES ... (Don"t Worry, I"m Still Locked Up!)

Darren Sharper has made his not-so-triumphant return to Los Angeles — where he’s being held in a cell while awaiting his sentencing hearing for raping two women.   The ex-NFL superstar has been doing all sorts of traveling lately. Last month,…


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Leah Messer: Back on Drugs? Fans Worry in Wake of Erratic Behavior

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that this season hasn’t exactly been kind to Leah Messer.

Last week’s premiere stirred up a tremendous amount of controversy due to a scene that appeared to show Leah denying her children breakfast.

Messer proceeded to make the situation worse by taking to Twitter and describing her daughter as a “drama queen” for demanding to be fed.

Now, just as the scrutiny of her parenting was beginning to let up, Leah finds herself at the center of a new controversy, as fans are expressing their concerns about Messer’s sobriety on social media.

Leah struggled with a prescription pill addiction that was documented in season six of Teen Mom 2, but she’s reportedly been clean and sober ever since she checked into rehab last year.

On last night’s episode, however, Leah was shown complaining that she’s too tired to drive and asking a cousin to pick her daughters up from school, thus leading many viewers to speculate that she may be back on drugs.

Leah exacerbated concerns by complaining about her anxiety and difficulty coping with the demands of day-to-say life in a subsequent scene:

“I have a fear of the future and what it holds. I’m trying not to work myself up because that’s when my anxiety kicks in,” she said in a voice-over.

In all likelihood, Leah is just stressed and exhausted, but it’s not hard to see why fans might think there’s something more going on.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

23 Teresa Giudice GIFs That Should Worry Joe (and Everyone Else)

When a cast member of Bravo"s The Real Housewives of New Jersey gets sent up the river, you might think she"s in for a world of pain.

Not necessarily in this case.

We knew going int the year she spent at Danbury Federal Correctional, nicknamed Camp Cupcake, that Tre is no cupcake herself.

Now that Giudice"s release is imminent on December 23, 2015, we"ll see if her cheating, fellow felon of a spouse Joe runs for the hills.

We might after seeing this.

These GIFs prove that while prison is no picnic, she"ll likely go down as one of the baddest b!tches in the minimum security lockup.

Joe"s got nothin" on Tre.

1. Table Flipping Fiend

Table flipping fiend

Teresa Giudice is not gonna take any crap. Her table-flipping reputation will precede her in prison, thanks to The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 1.

2. The F–k Off Me!

The f k off me

Do not put your hands on Teresa Giudice. Step the f–k off.

3. B!tch Slap a B!tch

B tch slap a b tch

Sometimes b!tches just have a good b!tch slap coming.


Motherf ker

Teresa Giudice has to be held back in this classic Real Housewives of New Jersey Gif-able moment.

5. Bust You in the Eye With My 9mm

Bust you in the eye with my 9mm

Teresa Giudice and her associates do not mess around. Take heed.

6. Wahhh, You Threw a Table at Me

Wahhh you threw a table at me

Yes, Teresa Giudice threw a table at you, Danielle Staub. Why don’t you go cry about it.

View Slideshow

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Drake -- Don"t Worry Guys ... Meek"s Already Dead!!! (VIDEO)


breaking news

Drake told a huge crowd at his concert Saturday night there’s no need to show him support in his feud with Meek Mill, because, “He’s already dead.”

Drake was performing at the Landmark Music Festival in D.C. when the crowd began to chant, “F*** Meek Mill.”

Truth be told … Drake really did kill him.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Blake Lively Under Fire For Shading Taylor Swift — But Don"t Worry, It"s All A Misunderstanding! See Blake"s Explanation HERE!

Well here’s one feud that wasn’t!

Blake Lively poked a little fun at Taylor Swift on Instagram recently, but the actress has now officially put all the feud rumors to rest with a more recent post on the social network!

[ Photos: Blake Lively’s Style Evolution ]

Basically, it all started Friday when Lively uploaded a shot to Insta of her “crew” (below), including John Legend, and teased that the squad was covering Swift’s mega-hit Bad Blood:

…soooo, turns out this WASN’T a video shoot for John Legend’s cover of Bad Blood 😄😉 @lorealparisofficial blew it out for this one. My #pinkobsession is exposed now💖 Ok your turn. I won’t tell! 🙊 #AlsoTurnsOutJohnLegendIsntCoveringBadBlood Time to start a petition! 🙋A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 10, 2015 at 7:07pm PDT

Some fans saw that and thought it was low-key shade at T-Swift, though — especially since she’s taken heat from elsewhere because of that song and video.

So, Lively posted an update to Instagram late Saturday night, showing several of her family members in a backstage picture with Swift and writing about how she was not throwing shade at the super star singer!

Lively wrote in the pic:

“Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4eva”

Whoa!! We hope you know about this, Ryan Reynolds!! LOLz!

Ch-ch-check out the pic dismissing the shade rumors (below):

Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4evaA photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 12, 2015 at 9:35pm PDT

Whew. Glad we got all that sorted out.

[Image via C.Smith/FayesVision/WENN.]