Showing posts with label Explanation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Explanation. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kendall Jenner Shuts Down Pregnancy Rumors with Bagel Explanation

Kendall Jenner is NOT the 4th Kardashian who’s expecting a bundle of joy — she’s just got a bun in the oven … otherwise known as a bagel. Kendall posted a mirror selfie Saturday and almost immediately had to respond to rumors that she was…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Taylor Swift Posts Creepy, Silent Teaser Video with Zero Explanation

Remember when Taylor Swift purged her social media accounts, wiping out every post and every photo? Her big "Blank Space" event of 2017.

Well she"s back, uploading the same post to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram — with no words and no audio. Just a short, silent video.

Of a snake.

Taylor swift and her phone

Okay, so, we all remember how, after enjoying two years at the very top of the celebrity food chain, Taylor Swift was betrayed in 2016.

Overexposure from being adored so strongly for her 1989 album had large portions of the population primed to turn on Taylor over pretty much anything.

They got two excuses:

First, following their breakup Calvin Harris ranted about Taylor on Twitter.

Smelling blood in the water, Kim Kardashian struck.

Months earlier, Kim Kardashian had secretly recorded a phone conversation between Kanye West and Taylor Swift.

Carefully judging her timing, Kim released a series of Snapchat videos of that call, which — though we don"t get the full conversation — made it appear that Taylor Swift had been fully aware of Kanye"s hurtful lyrics about her.

People who resented Taylor Swift but had been holding their silence for ages took to Twitter, and that hateful "Taylor Swift Is Over Party" was born.

And Taylor"s detractors celebrated by referring to Taylor as a "snake" and by posting snake emojis as comments on her social media.

Classy, guys.

Taylor swift kanye west and kim kardashian

But it"s impossible to look at Taylor"s teaser video, of a snake"s tail, and not think of those emojis.

As Taylor certainly was.

Throughout that entire shameful affair in 2016 and through Taylor"s remaining largely quiet on social media since then, we"ve been eagerly anticipating what sort of music Taylor would write about her experience.

It looks like we"re going to get to hear it at last, and before too long.

There"s no telling if this video is leading up to a single or an album or both. Taylor hasn"t actually said anything yet.

But we think that it"s safe to say that Taylor Swift posting a snake"s tail video isn"t a preview of a wildlife documentary she"s been working on.

We have to note that releasing a teaser that"s so minor and enigmatic is such a power move and we are here for it.

Taylor swift new baby bump photo

Honestly, we"re having so much fun imagining possible names and titles for albums and songs.


Ouroboros? That"s the snake devouring its own tail, a metaphor for basically everything.

Lamia? That"s a half-human, half-snake who devours young men. That would be perfect for Taylor, in the vein of "Blank Space."

Gorgon? Snakes for hair might be a little on-the-nose, but it would be a great metaphor for media attention (gaze turning folks to stone and all that).

Apep? That"s the serpentine demon of the night who battles the Sun God Re to bring about eternal darkness.

Venom? Straight and to the point.

We saw the snake"s tail without the snake"s head, so we"re not predicting a song called "Amphisbaena" just yet — though that"s a two-headed snake.

Obviously, Taylor isn"t going to let us name her album or the tracks on it.

If she did, though, we"d name that album "Lamia."

Taylor swift struts

We think (and hope) that enough time has passed that Taylor can come back into the spotlight after being essentially absent for so long.

Taylor Swift won her countersuit against the man she accused of sexually assaulting her. 

It"s only been, what, a week since that victory, and she"s already teasing her new music.

It looks to us like Taylor was just waiting to put her legal battle behind her before she moved forward with new music.

1989 was one of the best albums that we"ve heard in our lives, so we really cannot wait to hear what she"ll come out with next.

Taylor swift posts creepy silent teaser video with zero explanat

Monday, February 29, 2016

Stacey Dash Offers Bizzare Explanation for Bizarre Oscars Appearance

While certain moments from the 2016 Academy Awards left us crying and/or cheering, one moment left the television universe in absolute befuddlement.

Early on in the ceremony, Stacey Dash was dubbed the “director of our minority outreach program” by host Chris Rock.

The former actress and current Fox News contributor than walked out on stage, gave some kind of maniacal laugh and simple said:

“I cannot wait to help my people out. Happy Black History Month.”

No one in the audience laughed.

But everyone in the theater and everyone watching at home wondered the same thing:

What the heck was Dash doing there?!?

This is the same Stacey Dash who recently slammed the controversy over no African-Americans getting nominated for any acting awards at the Oscars… while campaigning against Black History Month and BET.

It would have been one thing if Dash made some kind of joke at her own expense.

But she didn’t do anything of note or or humor at the event. She just came out, uttered two sentences and walked away.

Following the incident, Dash took to to explain the “Why” and “How” of it all of her very odd cameo.

After reminding readers that she recently spoke out against both Black History Month and the #OscarsSoWhite controversy, Dash added:

When they added ME to increase the diversity, I’m sure many black people rolled their eyes. I’m not “black enough,” they say. But guess what?

I’ve heard that all my life. I would rather be a free thinking, black than a cookie cutter black who thinks – and votes – just like all my friends.

That statement doesn’t really strike us as an explanation for “Why” or for “How.”

But it does jibe with the confusion of the entire thing. So we guess it makes sense in that regard.

Relive the most memorable moments from the 2016 Oscars below:

Monday, January 11, 2016

Woman Goes Viral with Explanation of Apartment Fire

Let us be clear:

We do not think that apartment buildings catching on fire is a good source of comedic material.

There"s almost nothing funny about what happened to an apartment complex recently  in Tulsa, Oklahoma, considering the fire that engulfed this building left over 100 people without power or heat.

Still, for those who like to find a silver lining whenever possible, we direct you to the video below.

It features a woman named Michelle Dobyne.

She had an apartment in said complex and she is explaining to Oklahoma News on 6 just what happened and how she"s standing there safely.

"Aw, man, the building is on fire,” Dobyne said on live TV, explaining how she was told about the impending disaster and adding:

“I said "No, what?" I got my three kids and we bounced out. Nuh-uh, we ain"t gon be in no fire. Not today."

Damn straight, Michelle! You tell "em!

The following footage is reminding many of Kimberly "Sweet Brown" Wilkins, who went viral in 2012 after she recounted her experience with a fire, which turned into a full-blown meme with the line, "ain"t nobody got time for that."

So keep your eye on Michelle Dobyne, people.

She may be coming once again to a computer screen near you.

Woman gives hilarious account of apartment fire

Monday, September 14, 2015

Blake Lively Under Fire For Shading Taylor Swift — But Don"t Worry, It"s All A Misunderstanding! See Blake"s Explanation HERE!

Well here’s one feud that wasn’t!

Blake Lively poked a little fun at Taylor Swift on Instagram recently, but the actress has now officially put all the feud rumors to rest with a more recent post on the social network!

[ Photos: Blake Lively’s Style Evolution ]

Basically, it all started Friday when Lively uploaded a shot to Insta of her “crew” (below), including John Legend, and teased that the squad was covering Swift’s mega-hit Bad Blood:

…soooo, turns out this WASN’T a video shoot for John Legend’s cover of Bad Blood 😄😉 @lorealparisofficial blew it out for this one. My #pinkobsession is exposed now💖 Ok your turn. I won’t tell! 🙊 #AlsoTurnsOutJohnLegendIsntCoveringBadBlood Time to start a petition! 🙋A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 10, 2015 at 7:07pm PDT

Some fans saw that and thought it was low-key shade at T-Swift, though — especially since she’s taken heat from elsewhere because of that song and video.

So, Lively posted an update to Instagram late Saturday night, showing several of her family members in a backstage picture with Swift and writing about how she was not throwing shade at the super star singer!

Lively wrote in the pic:

“Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4eva”

Whoa!! We hope you know about this, Ryan Reynolds!! LOLz!

Ch-ch-check out the pic dismissing the shade rumors (below):

Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4evaA photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 12, 2015 at 9:35pm PDT

Whew. Glad we got all that sorted out.

[Image via C.Smith/FayesVision/WENN.]