Monday, January 11, 2016

Woman Goes Viral with Explanation of Apartment Fire

Let us be clear:

We do not think that apartment buildings catching on fire is a good source of comedic material.

There"s almost nothing funny about what happened to an apartment complex recently  in Tulsa, Oklahoma, considering the fire that engulfed this building left over 100 people without power or heat.

Still, for those who like to find a silver lining whenever possible, we direct you to the video below.

It features a woman named Michelle Dobyne.

She had an apartment in said complex and she is explaining to Oklahoma News on 6 just what happened and how she"s standing there safely.

"Aw, man, the building is on fire,” Dobyne said on live TV, explaining how she was told about the impending disaster and adding:

“I said "No, what?" I got my three kids and we bounced out. Nuh-uh, we ain"t gon be in no fire. Not today."

Damn straight, Michelle! You tell "em!

The following footage is reminding many of Kimberly "Sweet Brown" Wilkins, who went viral in 2012 after she recounted her experience with a fire, which turned into a full-blown meme with the line, "ain"t nobody got time for that."

So keep your eye on Michelle Dobyne, people.

She may be coming once again to a computer screen near you.

Woman gives hilarious account of apartment fire