Showing posts with label Nothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nothing. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cardi B to Tomi Lahren You"re Nothing But a Trump Sheep!!! ... Oh, and I"ll Dog Walk You

A new political feud is quickly emerging online and it’s between a couple of the most unlikely people you ever thought would get into it … Cardi B and one Tomi Lahren.
It all started with Tomi commenting on Cardi’s political rants last week about the government shutdown, with...
Cardi B to Tomi Lahren You"re Nothing But a Trump Sheep!!! ... Oh, and I"ll Dog Walk You

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Monday, January 14, 2019

Mark Ingram Nothing But A Towel ... For Saints" Dance Party

Breaking News

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Mark Ingram Nothing But A Towel ... For Saints" Dance Party

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Nikki Bella Rips Ronda Rousey, You"re An Entitled "Do Nothing Bitch"

Nikki Bella is going off on Ronda Rousey — claiming she’s done more for women’s wrestling than Ronda EVER has … and says when it comes to the sport, Ronda’s the real “Do Nothing Bitch.” The two have been feuding ever since Nikki betrayed Ronda on…


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Bristol Palin Blasts Farrah Abraham: We Are NOTHING Alike!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Bristol Palin will be joining the cast of Teen Mom OG for the show’s upcoming eighth season.

Bristol is one of two new cast members replacing the fired Farrah Abraham, the other being former The Challenge star Cheyenne Floyd.

Farrah Abraham-Bristol Palin

But Farrah has become desperate in her efforts to remain relevant as of late, so perhaps it should come as no surprise that she decided to launch an attack against the more high profile of her usurpers.

Yes, for about a month now, Farrah has been talking smack about Bristol every chance she gets.

And of course, she’s been favoring the old “why are you so obsessed with me?!” card and accusing Bristol of biting her style.

Bristol appeared on Jenny McCarthy’s Sirius XM show earlier this week, and the unhinged host showed little interest in vaccinating Palin from the infectious disease that is Farrah: 

“Farrah had said something about you, saying, ‘She looks like she wants to be me,’” McCarthy said

At first, Palin was sympathetic and allowed for the possibility that she and Farrah have suffered similar mistreatment by the press:

“Girlfriend. I watch the show. I kind of felt bad,” she said about Abraham.

“I know how it feels to be judged off the bat. I feel like I walk into a room and people just whisper.” 

From there, Bristol went into mild shade-throwing mode, stating that she pities poor Farrah for the obvious difficulty she’s experiencing in her post-MTV life:

“I watch the show. Maybe she’s just misunderstood. Poor girl, I feel so bad.”

When McCarthy directly quoted Abraham as saying, “She’s trying to be me,” Palin finally lost it.

“Girlfriend, you could not pay me to want to be anything like you,” Bristol said.

“Honestly. No, I’m not trying to be like her.”

From there, Bristol was off on a rant, confirming that those who have had actual interactions with Farrah share the opinion of those who have only watched her from afar — the girl is batsh-t crazy.

“This is the only time I’m going to address it. I can’t stand people like that,” Bristol raged.

“They are just searching for attention. So, it’s poke, poke, poke. No. You’re like that on the show because that’s how you are.”

We didn’t think Farrah could sink any lower than she already had, but amazingly she’s found a way to look like the psychotic one in a feud with a freakin’ Palin.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Omarosa Leaves Trevor Noah"s "Daily Show" Set with Nothing But Smiles

Omarosa is getting called every name in the book for leaking secretly recorded convos with and about Trump — but you’d never guess she was bothered, based on her pearly whites. Trump’s former aide-turned-foe was seen leaving Trevor Noah’s ‘Daily…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Joseline Hernandez: Stevie J Is Nothing But TRASH!!

Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star Stevie J married Faith Evans in a quiet, private ceremony last July. To say that it was sudden was an understatement.

His ex, Joseline Hernandez, was quick to throw shade at him at the time — quietly accusing him of having proposed to her just a month earlier.

Joseline isn’t done. Now, she is dragging his name through the muck.

Stevie J and Faith Evans are married, but that doesn’t mean that Stevie’s ex is going to let the two enjoy their wedded bliss unchallenged.

“You know they say one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure,” Joseline Hernanzes wrote in an Instagram comment.

As if that weren’t shady enough, she really drove home her point in a way that no one could possibly miss.

Joseline continued: “But we know it’s still garbage.”

Ooooooh. Dang, Joseline. Tell us how you really feel!

Joseline Hernandez Throws Shade at Stevie J and Faith Evans

This is not the first time that she’s used social media to strike a blow at Stevie’s happiness.

After the story broke that Stevie J and Faith Evans had married in a quiet, private ceremony, Joseline decided to share some screenshots of a text conversation she’d had just one month earlier.

In the conversation, a person identified in her phone only as “a–hole” but believed to be Stevie J sent her a message reading: “Will you marry me?”

Joseline’s reply is shown as: “I’m actually trying to marry someone else I really like. I’m sorry. I tried it with you. I’m liking some one else a lot.”

That is one hell of a way of saying “no.”

That was on June 17th.

Stevie J and Faith Evans were then married on July 17th.

The two of them even got that date immortalized in a pair of matching arm tattoos.

If you believe the implications of the screenshots that Joseline posted, that would mean that Stevie was possibly just desperate to be married.

You would have to be, if you’re going to ask one woman to marry you, and then marry another just one month later.

That said, some believe that Joseline may have faked the screenshots (it is extremely easy to do so), which don’t even feature Stevie J’s actual name.

Others believe that, even if the proposal is authentic, that fans should still be happy for Stevie and Faith. 

Though this wedding was sudden, Faith and Stevie’s romance began in 2017.

Besides, these two have known each other since the 1990s.

Some say that they belong together — and that, at worst, maybe Stevie was getting cold feet a few weeks before the wedding.

Regardless, if Joseline wants to argue that Stevie is garbage, she won’t have a difficult time.

Stevie J lost his $ 1.3 million child support appeal, though he did manage to avoid a prison sentence over it.

Nobody likes a deadbeat dad.

Additionally, Stevie J allegedly attacked Erica Mena, who accused him liking to beat up women.

We don’t know the full story of that situation, but it sounds like their altercation was serious — and began with Stevie insulting her young son.

To Faith Evans, though, he’s apparently still a treasure.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ninja Says He"s "Being Smart" with Gaming Fortune, "Nothing Lasts Forever"

Pro gaming legend Ninja says he’s not going out like Antoine Walker — telling TMZ Sports he’s saving every penny of the FORTUNE he’s making playing video games so he doesn’t end up broke.  Ninja is considered the best Fortnite player on the…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Roseanne Barr: I"ll Make Restitution, But I Did Nothing Wrong!!

Last week, Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet and the ensuing backlash got her sitcom revival cancelled. Womp womp.

This week, she is trying to convince people that she is “making resitution” for what she’s done. That’s very vague, but sounds good.

Unfortunately, she might be more convincing if she weren’t retweeting outlandish, horrible statements about the same woman she compared to an epe.

Roseanne Barr tweeted that former Senior Adviser to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, was the child of the “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes.”

That, folks, is racist. Comparing black people to apes has a long and terrible history, and it is impossible to imagine that Roseanne did not know that.

Though she had made a similar statement about another member of the Obama administration several years ago, it was the outcry over this tweet that prompted ABC to cancel her series.

In addition to using racism as a weapon to target a woman whose politics she dislike, Roseanne also cost the entire cast and crew their jobs.

While multiple sources indicate that a spinoff without Barr might actually happen, it sounds like a long-shot.

Roseanne herself seems to at least acknowledge that she did something wrong. On Tuesday, she tweeted:

“I’m making restitution for the pain I have caused.”

It is not clear whether Roseanne is referring to the people she targeted with racist insults — people like Valerie Jarrett.

She may also be talking about the cast and crew who are suddenly in search of new jobs even though her show had previously been renewed for a second season.

Many of these people may have had to turn down offers that have now expired because they already had Roseanne lined up. Some are scrambling.

But maybe Roseanne really wants to convince fans who felt betrayed by her racism that she’s not the same as she was.

Though retweeting replies like this one may make that harder to believe.

A fan tweeted, and Roseanne retweeted, this:

“You didn’t cause any pain. Those people always hated you.”

Point of order: actually, plenty of people who currently dislike Roseanne Barr were fans of her, years ago, when she was an advocate for equality. They wonder what happened to make her like she is today.

“Valerie Jarrett wants Israelis and Jews chased into the sea, and she’ll celebrate.”

We’re horrified by this statement and also unsure of the source of Jarrett’s alleged desire to red bull an entire diverse ethnic group of millions of people.

Obviously, Roseanne is not responsible for the abhorrent things that her fans say.

But she chose to retweet this. She is responsible for that.

And many feel that it calls her entire “restitution’ statement into question.

Roseanne also tweeted this:

“Deplatforming — read about it.”

Deplatforming is usually brought up when people are talking about nazis.

The idea is essentially that while people are free to think and say the most evil, abhorrent things imaginable, that doesn’t mean that other people have to listen.

It also doesn’t mean that these people need a platform from which to spew their vile rhetoric.

Thus, deplatforming is making sure that people like famed nazi Richard Spencer have as few opportunities to try to share their ideas about genocide as possible.

Based upon that tweet, Roseanne apparently believes that deplatforming is a bad thing and that it is happening to her.

In that case, is she suggesting that her racist tweet was fine, and that this was all a sinister conspiracy to boot her off of television?

To be honest … based upon her social media history, this would not even the most bizarre and improbable conspiracy theory that Roseanne believes.

But though people have rushed to her defense — sort of — by claiming that she isn’t racist but is in fact just crazy, there is no evidence of that.

Racism is a lot of things, but it is not a mental illness. Millions of people with mental illness manage to not be racist. Sometimes, people are just bad.

We would all like to see Roseanne do and say better things. Maybe she’s serious about restitution. We sure hope so.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Michael Irvin Says Nothing Worse Than Being Falsely Accused

Michael Irvin says if Matt Patricia is telling the truth … there’s NOTHING in the world worse than being falsely accused of rape.  Irvin would know … he was accused of sexually assaulting a 27-year-old woman in Florida hotel back in 2017.…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blake Griffin Responds To Ex-Fiancee, Says He Owes Her Nothing!

Blake Griffin is adamant he does not owe his baby mama any money … after she accused him of abandoning her and their kids for Kendall Jenner … in courts docs obtained by TMZ Sports. We broke the story … Brynn Cameron — Blake’s former fiancee…


Blake Griffin Responds To Ex-Fiancee, Says He Owes Her Nothing!

Blake Griffin is adamant he does not owe his baby mama any money … after she accused him of abandoning her and their kids for Kendall Jenner … in courts docs obtained by TMZ Sports. We broke the story … Brynn Cameron — Blake’s former fiancee…


Saturday, April 21, 2018

Ryan Seacrest Has Nothing But Love for "American Idol" Despite Ratings Woes

Ryan Seacrest loves “American Idol” — he makes that perfectly clear — and he doesn’t seem to be sweating the prospect of the show not returning next season … ratings be damned. We got the ‘Idol’ host leaving E Baldi restaurant in Beverly Hills…


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Ex-Team USA Soccer Coach Bruce Arena: I Regret Nothing

Regrets? Bruce Arena doesn’t have a few … even though Team USA didn’t qualify for the 2018 World Cup.  Now that it’s been a couple of months since the heartbreaking and shocking failure … we asked the former Team USA head coach if he had…


Monday, April 2, 2018

Jenelle Evans to MTV: You"re NOTHING Without Me!

Say what you will about Jenelle Evans, the woman knows how to get what she wants.

She might alienate her family and fans and jeopardize her livelihood in the process of getting what she wants, but in the end, it’s a safe bet that the Carolina Hurricane will come out on top.

In the wake of news that her husband, David Eason, had been fired by Teen Mom producers, many hoped that Jenelle would be next on the chopping block.

And indeed, there were times when it seemed as though Evans was practically daring her bosses to cut her loose.

Eason was fired after hurling homophobic slurs at fans who suggested he may want to delete a photo of Jenelle shooting a gun that was posted just hours after the Parkland, Florida school shooting that claimed 17 lives.

So what does Jenelle do?

Why, she joins the NRA in order to piss off her haters, of course!

Not exactly damage control behavior, and many thought Jenelle’s boasting about joining the controversial lobbyist group would lead her employers to give her the ax.

Last week’s news that Jenelle was refusing to film scenes for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 led to rumors that she would finally be finding herself on the unemployment line.

However, now it seems that her gambit may have paid off.

“A crew was down there to film her this week, and she kept ditching,” a behind-the-scenes source tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“She would set it up and then not come to the shoot. The crew flew home today without having filmed any footage with Jenelle.”

And what exactly is Jenelle demanding?

Well, for starters, she wants MTV to continue bankrolling Eason’s travels and other expenses, despite the minor detail that he’s no longer appearing on the show.

“Jenelle knows that MTV will not film David anymore and there’s no chance of them hiring him back but she still wants them to cover the expenses for him– pay for him to go on trips and stuff, even though he won’t be filmed,” a second source tells The Ashley.

“For instance, she wants them to agree to fly David to the reunions and events and cover his expenses, even though he won’t be attending the reunions or going on-camera.”

The insider adds that Jenelle is “using her newly-hired lawyer” to negotiate on her behalf and has caused major production delays due to her refusal to film.

Sounds like the sort of thing that would serve as the last straw for producers, but amazingly, it looks like Evans has the upper hand.

“Jenelle’s stalling is holding up the production of the season,” the source says. 

“They can’t get it ready and edited and everything until they get footage of Jenelle for the last few episodes. A bunch of the crew that went out [to North Carolina] to film is over her wasting their time.”

Insiders say the situation came to a head on Friday evening when Jenelle finally agreed to film after a tense round of negotiations.

“I filmed all day yesterday. Now you know. Happy?” Evans tweeted on Saturday morning.

Production sources say the move came after a camera crew returned to her house and then sat idle for most of Friday, as she stuck to her guns until nighttime.

Like we said, the girl is nothing if not stubborn – and it seems to be working for her.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s bonkers behavior.


Friday, March 23, 2018

Justin Bieber: Baskin Champion Means Nothing to Me! I Just Want Selena Gomez!

With reports of a social outing followed by a “sleepover,” fans can’t help wondering if Justin Bieber is dating a model to make Selena Gomez jealous after their split.

It’s entirely possible that he’s hoping to make her jealous … but apparently he doesn’t consider what he’s doing to be “dating.”

Because he’s entirely and hopelessly hung up on Selena.

So, Selena and Justin have broken up, even if it’s said to be a temporary break rather than a more permanent split.

Apparently, the two of them had been having trouble getting along, and one big disagreement precipitated the two of them stepping back from the rekindled relationship.

That sounds healthy.

In the mean time, Justin has reportedly been spending time with a young model, Baskin Champion.

In fact, after an outing, she reportedly came over for a sleepover — albeit one that included other friends.

People reports that, even as cozy as these two have appeared to get, Bieber and Champion aren’t dating.

In fact, the Biebs apparently isn’t trying to explore any new relationships.

“He isn’t dating.”

He might be hooking up — though we should all remember that this was an alleged sleepover that included other friends. Even with Bieber’s reputation, we can’t pretend that we know what went on behind closed doors.

But, hookups or no hookups, there’s reportedly one thing that occupies his thoughts at all times.

“He thinks and talks about Selena all the time.”

Now, plenty of us think and talk about Selena Gomez all of the time — she’s one of the most talented singers on the planet.

In Bieber’s case, though, his reported preoccupation with the magical, lyrical, and beautiful songstress is much more personal.

And it sounds like he wants her back … because he doesn’t want to live without her.

“The chapter with her is definitely not finished,” the insider reports.

So it sounds like it’s safe to say that Bieber is still planning on reuniting with Selena … even if he has a few sleepovers while he waits for “destiny.”

That said, we should remember that the two spending some time apart is not an accident.

“They weren’t getting along and decided to take a break.”

Insiders close to the Biebs have sought to minimize the significance of this split, however.

““It doesn’t seem like a big deal and they will probably be fine again soon.”

Meanwhile, Selena Gomez has been getting away and enjoying bikini times with friends on a yacht in Australia.

“She’s just trying to enjoy herself and is spending quality time with her friends.”

It doesn’t sound like she feels driven to make the Biebs jealous or to leap into a new relationship out of revenge or whatever.

“She’s happy and healthy and isn’t focusing on the negativity.”

This could be a sign that she just doesn’t feel about Bieber the way that he does about her.

It could also just be a sign that Selena is much, much more mature than Justin is.

Neither of these explanations would be a surprise.

However, HollywoodLife reports that, per their source, Justin’s sleepover got to Selena.

“She is getting on a plane now, headed back stateside after working on herself in Australia for the week.”

We don’t know for sure when she had planned on departing, but this source believes that Justin’s dalliance played a role in her decision-making.

“Selena is hurt and disappointed after seeing Justin with another woman, and she felt the need to run home immediately.”

The source acknowledges that this isn’t necessarily Selena rushing back into Justin’s arms. 

“Things are definitely not done between Justin and Selena,” the source concludes. “She still has a lot of things to figure out and she is eager to come home to get clarity on everything.”

Honestly, most fans just want Selena to be happy and healthy, no matter what romantic decisions that does or does not entail. It sounds like that’s what Selena wants, too.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Danielle Mullins Shades Mohamed Jbali: He"s Nothing But a Mistake!

Of all of the disastrous 90 Day Fiance couples that have graced our screens, few if any have been more controversial than Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali.

We know that Mohamed may face deportation after some paperwork vanished in transit, but … what has Danielle been up to?

Resenting her ex and throwing shade on social media. Take a look at her latest jab.

Now, Mohamed and Danielle’s split has been deeply acrimonious.

Though they were one of those special 90 Day Fiance couples who do make it far enough to walk down the aisle at the end of their 90 days, these two seem to hate each other.

Mohamed accused Danielle of stealing his money and identity during their marriage.

Danielle has tried during their divorce process to get Mohamed deported … out of retaliation for him withholding sex from her during their marriage.

Mohamed has since seemed to accuse Danielle of having an STI or some other sort of disease.

And now, Danielle has posted this:

“I don’t have [exes], I have examples of what not to do again,” it reads.

Even teens can have exes, but the phrasing, the large font, and the “clever” sincerity make it appear marketed to Danielle’s exact demographic.

Danielle enjoys sharing with her followers on social media.

She posts things like recipes and family photos.

But she’s not above dragging Mohamed Jbali from time to time.

Danielle captioned this photo: “This is so true.”

Interestingly, Danielle’s followers have seemed to take issue with the fact that, in real life and on social media, she has retained the name “Danielle Jbali” despite her enmity towards Mohamed.

Fans were particularly outspoken under this post, since she did (indirectly) bring up Mohamed. They commented on it so much that Danielle felt that she had to speak out.

“Drop the name [questions] already,” she writes. “I have chosen to use my legal name on my social media. I am living my life for me not fans of the show. My social media is mine and if you don’t like what I do unfollow me.”

Danielle continues, explaining that she does not like the hate and hostility that she too often receives on social media.

“We are humans like you. Just because we agreed to go on tv does not mean we have to put up with the negative comments and questions that is not your business. You keep calling other people names you will be blocked.”

Fans accused her of hypocrisy, however, since she’s choosing to bash Mohamed while still using his name.

“Stop talking about your “EXAMPLE” or bringing him up! It’s simple done and over with. @danielle_jbali no body cares you keep the name you could just change it on instagram it costs nothing. But you can keep it legally, just change it on instagram.”

While it’s true that it costs precisely zero dollars to change your display name on social media (unlike legal name changes, which cost time and money), Danielle hit back at this critic.

“if you don’t like what I post unfollow or I will help you.”


Still, fans chimed in to defend Danielle.

“People it’s her life if she wants to keep her last name or not it’s not a big deal and what she post on her page is her page don’t like it press unfollower button it’s that simple and happy 2018 year girl.”

Some people keep an exes name because it’s how they’re known to the public. Others keep it because it’s the surname of their children. It’s always a personal choice.

It’s a personal choice for Danielle, too.

You don’t have to like Danielle to respect her personal choice, folks.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jalen Ramsey Slams Texas A&M & Jimbo Fisher, You Taught Me Nothing!

Jacksonville Jaguars star Jalen Ramsey has a serious problem with Texas A&M using his image to recruit players — and he’s demanding the school cut that crap out, ASAP. The beef started Monday night over a new Texas A&M promotional ad trying…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Prince"s Heirs Worried Estate"s Burning Cash Will Leave Them With Nothing

Prince’s estate is spending a ton of cash — at times more than $ 600k PER MONTH — and dropping that kinda loot has the singer’s heirs worried they’ll be left with nothing when it’s their turn to collect. Sources close to Prince’s heirs tell TMZ ……


Friday, February 2, 2018

Arrow Season 6 Episode 12 Recap: All For Nothing

The Grim Reaper came calling on Arrow Season 6 Episode 12, but did a character worth caring about die?

When the episode got underway, Cayden James continued to tighten his grip on the residents of Star City. 

He had control of most of the city, and not even A.R.G.U.S. managed to help take the villains down. 

Oliver and Thea conferred about what the best course of action would be to save as many people as possible. 

The best course of action, it seemed, was to create bomb shelters to give the citizens a place to hide if the unthinkable happened. 

Oliver and Diggle worked together with the aim of taking down Vigilante, but then Renew Curtis dropped the bomb that Vince was a good egg. 

This gave Team Arrow a glimmer of hope as Felicity came to the conclusion that Vince could plant a technological device in in Cayden’s lair to give the details about the mobile bomb. 

While Oliver was against using Vince because he’s been doing lots of sketchy things for over a year now, he realized there was no other way, and he had to roll with it. 

In an unsurprising turn of events, Vince was caught in action. He thought he fooled his way out of it, but Cayden and Anatoly later captured him. 

Dinah was adamant to save Vince because they go way back, and all that jazz. The team could hear him being tortured. Oliver did not want to save Vince because the bomb needed taking care of, but Curtis and Rene stepped up to the challenge. 

Just when Dinah caught up with Vince, an explosion lit up the whole venue, and Dinah was left trapped. That’s when Black Siren appeared in all of her villainous glory. 

She seemed against killing Vince, but she did so right after Cayden told her, solidifying herself as a villain. 

Dinah was mad because she failed to save her man, and that he mostly died for nothing. Felicity found out that the same people who released the picture of Oliver as Arrow edited the video of Oliver killing Cayden’s son. 

With this latest twist, Team Arrow is more divided than ever, and Dinah is determined to take down all of those who were involved in the drama in Star City. 

Given that Black Siren hesitated, is it fair to assume that she’s thinking of to the good side? 

That could be fun because Dinah is not ready to forgive her and will probably want to kill her. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments. 

Arrow continues Thursdays on The CW!
