Showing posts with label Gabby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gabby. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2018

Dwyane Wade Says He"s Trying to Do a Movie with Gabby Union!

Dwyane Wade’s trying to get that Hollywood money … telling TMZ Sports he’s trying to do a movie with his wife, Gabrielle Union!! The Miami Heat star and Gabby hit up Craig’s in West Hollywood on Thursday night — and you gotta check out the…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Gabby Douglas & Mom Condemn Nassar Attacker, "Never Evil with Evil"

Violence is not the answer … even when it comes to Dr. Larry Nassar — this according to Gabby Douglas and her mom who are strongly condemning the father who attacked Nassar in court.  Natalie Hawkins was at LAX with Gabby where she…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Gabby Douglas: Dr. Nassar Molested Me, Too

A couple of weeks ago, Aly Raisman accused Dr. Nassar of sexual abuse, joining more than 100 other gymnasts.

Aly responded to some truly despicable victim-blaming, only for her former teammate, Gabby Douglas, to seemingly victim-blame Aly for “immodesty.” Gabby apologized after the backlash, but … yikes.

Now Gabby’s come forward. Not only to apologize again, but to say that she, too, is a survivor of Dr. Nassar’s sex abuse.

After Aly Raisman gave a similar account to McKayla Maroney’s molestation accusations against Dr. Larry Nassar, their former team doctor, Aly posted about how dressing a certain way before or after being a victim of sexual abuse doesn’t in any way negate what happened.

(As we mentioned at the time, if haters see assault survivors living their lives, they dismiss what happened as “not that bad.” If they see survivors as nervous shut-ins, they tell them to “get over it.” It’s vile)

Gabby Douglas jumped in with a truly awful take: a reminder that women have a “responsibility” to dress modestly, or they might invite the wrong kind of attention.

That’s awful, and the backlash was intense. Which, we imagine, is why Gabby Douglas apologized at the time and has now posted this lengthy apology:

“First, I want to reiterate my apology for responding the way that I did to a comment that one of my teammates posted.”

That’s good. A personal desire for modesty is every bit as valid as any other personal outfit choice, from niqabs to nudity. Saying that others have a “responsibility” to feel as you do … is unacceptable.

“I know that some of you may take what I am about to say as insincere, but I still wanted to provide context.”

Context is always good.

“The day before I commented, I was at an event where hundreds of children and young adults came to spend an evening with me.”

That’s not really a surprise. She’s still a household name and she’s an athletic superstar.

“It’s very humbling when many people look up to you as an example.”

Most people would assume that it’s the opposite of humbling, but we can see that.

“I take my job as a role model very seriously and I always want to do my best to represent all the best qualities that a role model should embody. I admit there are times that I fall short.”

“I didn’t view my comments as victim-shaming because I know that no matter what you wear, it NEVER gives anyone the right to harass or abuse you.”

That’s true. You can pass out naked in somebody’s house, and they still don’t have the right to touch you without your consent. No one does.

“It would be like saying because of the leotards we wore, it was our fault that we were abused by Larry Nassar.”

Note that she says we, following up her use of the #MeToo hashtag in her first apology by confirming that she is a fellow survivor.

(Going through awful stuff doesn’t negate the problematic things that you might say or do later in life, but they can put things into context)

“I didn’t publicly share my experiences as well as many other things because for years we were conditioned to stay silent and honestly some things were extremely painful.”

We can only imagine how painful it would be to hold onto that secret, to be burdened by it.

“I wholeheartedly support my teammates for coming forward with what happened to them.”

And that’s good.

Gabby’s message continues:

“I understand that many of you didn’t know what I was dealing with, but it is important to me that you at least know this.”

We’re listening.

“I do not advocate victim shaming/blaming in any way, shape, or form!”

It sure sounded like that was what she was doing in her now-deleted “modesty” post.

“I will also never support attacking or bullying anyone on social media or anywhere else.”

That’s good … but almost sounds like she’s talking about the backlash that she received.

“Please forgive me for not being more responsible with how I handled the situation.”

Responsible is exactly the right word.

“To every other individual that commented to or about me hatefully, I apologize that I let you down too.”

That’s a very mature way to respond to your haters.

“I will never stop promoting unity, positivity, strength, being courageous, and doing good instead of evil.”

That’s good … though some of those are vague and could mean very different things from very different people.

“I have learned from this and I’m determined to be even better.”

That’s good.

She sends it with:

“All my love, Gabby.”

Whatever you may think of Gabby Douglas before or after this second apology, she did not deserve to be one of Dr. Larry Nassar’s countless alleged victims.

Dr. Nassar, who has been in jail while awaiting sentencing for child porn charges, pleaded guilty Wednesday morning to sexual assault.

He is being sued by over 125 women, most of whom are gymnasts.

This story is ongoing, in that Nassar still awaits sentencing. And we may have not yet heard from all of the victims.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gabby Douglas Says U.S. Team Doctor Larry Nassar Abused Her, Too

Gabby Douglas just announced that she, too, was abused by her former team doctor, Larry Nassar … this after 2 other U.S. gymnasts claimed the same thing. Gabby issued a statement Tuesday which started out by apologizing for her perceived…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Gabby Douglas Victim-Blames Aly Raisman, Apologizes

Recently, Aly Raisman revealed that she was sexually abused by her team doctor, starting when she was a young teenager. The world responded with horror, sympathy, and support.

Except for Aly’s former teammate, Gabby Douglas.

For whatever reason, she decided to respond by appearing to victim-blame Aly. And that did not go over well.

Aly Raisman joins over 130 women in accusing Dr. Larry Nassar of sexual abuse.

Coming forward about sexual assault is never easy, for a whole host of reasons. From society’s judgmental attitude to the legal system forcing survivors to relive their trauma to internalized feelings of shame and confusion … it’s tough.

Coming forward as a celebrity, where the spotlight magnifies so many of those deterrents, is even harder.

(Among those accusers is former teammate McKayla Maroney, who also showed extraordinary bravery in sharing her #MeToo story as a celebrity)

Aly Raisman revealed details of her sex abuse, in a story that is tragically familiar, alleging that Dr. Nassar began molesting her when she was just 15.

Larry Nassar, who is currently in jail and awaiting sentencing for some gross but unsurprising child pornography charges, allegedly passed off his molestation as “therapeutic massage.”

(It’s not uncommon for gymnasts of this caliber to require a number of therapies, including massage, because what they do can be tremendously hard on their bodies)

Dr. Nassar’s alleged abuse of these girls went on for years.

On Friday, Aly Raisman posted a follow-up, responding to some of the responses that 

“Just because a woman does a sexy photoshoot or wears a sexy outfit does not give a man the right to shame her or not believe her when she comes forward about sexual abuse.”

Absolutely true. Some victim-blamers try to say that if a survivor of childhood sexual abuse goes on to enjoy sex as an adult or flaunt her body, then she must not have suffered enough as a child. That is wrong and also vile.

(Some of those same people will look to a woman who grows up to be a sex-repulsed shut-in and say that she needs to “get over it,” which is not better)

“What is wrong with some of you? AND when a woman dresses sexy it does not give a man the right to sexually abuse her EVER.”

Women may dress however they like. And literally nothing could give one human being the right to sexually assault or abuse another.

“Women are allowed to feel sexy and comfortable in their own skin; in fact I encourage you all to wear what you feel good in.”

Note that she’s not saying that all woman need to dress sexily. Some women will feel good in a crop top. Others in a turtleneck. Others in a niqab.

“I will not put up with any woman being shamed for wanting to wear a skirt, dress, etc. I do not tolerate it. Are we clear?”

Yes ma’am. Very clear.

“Oh, and one more thing. STOP VICTIM SHAMING. It is because of you that so many survivors live in fear.”

Everything that Aly Raisman said was true and also well-said. It’s sad that she had to defend herself and others like that.

Gabby Douglas, however, saw things a little differently.

Quoting her former teammate’s post, Gabby added her own words:

“However, it is our responsibility as woman to dress modestly and be classy. Dressing in a provocative/sexual way entices the wrong crowd.”


Rather than pointing out that there are various photos and videos of Gabby Douglas dressed in manners that, in her universe, might “entice the wrong crowd,” let’s instead say this:

It is not a woman’s responsibility, or anyone’s responsibility, to dress modestly. You can fall asleep naked at a party and no one is entitled to touch you.

Also, and this is almost beside the point, but plenty of good people are “enticed” by sexiness. Gabby Douglas appears to believe that men who like modesty aren’t sex abusers and that others are.

Again, folks, sexual predation doesn’t have a stake in how you dress or what side of the political aisle you sit on. Predators exist in every social circle, and there are those who delight in using their “family values” image to allay suspicion.

Well, apparently Gabby was known for her questionable views.

Fellow Olympic gymnast Simone Biles shared a screencap of Gabby’s truly awful take, and wrote:

“Shocks me that I’m seeing this but it doesn’t surprise me… honestly seeing this brings me to tears bc as your teammate I expected more from you & to support her. I support you Aly [hearts emoji] & all the other women out there! STAY STRONG”

That is the correct view. It must be heartbreaking to hear that from someone who rose to fame by your side, with whom you shared such a unique experience.

Gabby responded to the backlash by deleting her original message and tweeting again:

“i didn’t correctly word my reply & i am deeply sorry for coming off like i don’t stand alongside my teammates. regardless of what you wear, abuse under any circumstance is never acceptable. i am WITH you. #metoo

It’s good that she apologizes. We’re not sure how her message could be the result of poor phrasing.

However, she’s using the #MeToo hashtag, which implies that she’s had her own awful experiences. It may be that she’s still processing something … and potentially blames herself.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

Simone Biles Blasts Gabby Douglas: Don"t Victim Shame Aly Raisman!

Simone Biles is publicly attacking her former Team USA gymnastics teammate Gabby Douglas — and it’s all over comments Gabby made insinuating some women invite sexual abuse by the way they dress.  It all started with Aly Raisman … their 2016…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Gabby Douglas Hasn"t Spoken with McKayla Maroney, Giving Her Space

Gabby Douglas wants to give McKayla Maroney some more time and space before she calls her ex-Team USA teammate about her sexual assault allegations … but applauds McKayla for speaking out.  It’s been nearly a month since Maroney went…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

D-Wade & Gabby Recruit Thong Chick for Couples Pic

“Hey you … yeah, you in the thong! Can you come over and take a picture?”  “No, you’re not in it — snap this shot of me and my wife!” Here’s Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union capturing the beauty of Greece in all of it’s bathing suit…


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Gabby Douglas Gunning to Be Marvel Superhero

Captain America. Wonder Woman. The Olympian? Marvel’s roster is full of badass superheroes — and Team USA legend Gabby Douglas wants to join the squad. Gabby recently announced that she’s gonna take her talents to Hollywood … so when we saw her…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Gabby Douglas Won"t Compete on "Dancing" ... I Wanna Be a Judge! (VIDEO)

Gabby Douglas in full BOSS MODE — telling TMZ Sports she doesn’t want to follow the typical celebrity path and compete on “Dancing with the Stars” … she wants to be a JUDGE!  The U.S. Olympic legend was at LAX when we asked about fellow…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Gabby Douglas to Usain Bolt ... Don"t Worry About Stripped Medal, WIN ANOTHER ONE! (Video)

U.S. Olympic legend Gabby Douglas has some advice for Usain Bolt after the sprinter was stripped of an Olympic gold medal this week … GO OUT AND WIN ANOTHER ONE!!  The 21-year-old gymnast — who has 3 Olympic gold medals of her own — was at…


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gabby Douglas Updates Fans On Health (And It Sounds Painful)

Fans wanted to know why Gabby Douglas missed Sunday’s VMAs, where her four teammates presented Beyonce with a Moon Man for Best Female Video.

It turns out that Douglas is battling a mouth infection that landed her back in the hospital Sunday, her rep told People.

“Gabby is back in the hospital tonight being treated for a seriously infected past mouth injury.  She continues to have deep swelling and adverse reactions to medication.”  

Last night, Douglas was feeling well enough to let fans know that she’s on the road to recovery, but it’s been a bit of a painful journey.

“Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing ok” Douglas wrote on Instagram alongside a picture of herself in a dentist’s chair.

Gabby Douglas Dentist Chair

“I had a complication from a prior injury that caused a cyst to grow on a bone in my mouth.

“Got it removed and feeling much better now!

“Thanks for all your concerns and prayers  and HUGE thank you to the doctors that have taken care of me these last four days! #ontheroadtorecovery #butIstillgottagetthesewisdomteethout”

Douglas’ teammates – Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Laurie Hernandez – missed their girl, but knew it was best for her to stay home (and good thing, too, since she had to be hospitalized again).

Gabby Douglas Bedridden

“I think she’s feeling a little better, but she’s staying home as a precaution,” Biles told People on the red carpet Sunday night.

“We’re sad she couldn’t be here to enjoy this with us. We miss her!”

Hernandez told Entertainment Tonight that though the growth needed to be closely watched, Douglas is going to pull through.

“It’s a little bit swollen, but we hope she can get better soon because we wish she could be here with us,” she said.

Get well soon, Gabby!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Gabby Douglas Misses VMAs, Back In Hospital For Serious Mouth Infection

While viewers were wondering where Gabby Douglas was at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, the gold medalist was battling a pretty serious mouth infection.

So serious that it sent her back into the hospital on Sunday night.

“Gabby is back in the hospital tonight being treated for a seriously infected past mouth injury,” the gymnast’s publicist told People Magazine.

“She continues to have deep swelling and adverse reactions to medication.”

Prior to that, Douglas Instagram’d a photo of herself in bed, wishing she were with her four teammates, Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Laurie Hernandez , who presented Beyonce with Best Female Video.

Gabby Douglas Bedridden

“Out of the hospital & resting comfortably! #FinalFive so sad I can’t be with u all to present tonite@MTV thank u xoxo #VMAs #myview,” Douglas Instagram’d.

When only four of the five Rio 2016 teammates arrived on the red carpet, viewers wondered when Douglas was.

“I think she’s feeling a little better, but she’s staying home as a precaution,” Biles told People.

“We’re sad she couldn’t be here to enjoy this with us. We miss her!”

Douglas has not had it easy during and after this summer’s Olympic games.  She didn’t put her hand over her heart when the national anthem play after her team won gold in the all-around competition.  Instead, she said, she “stood to attention.

Douglas’ mom, Natalie Hawkins, came to her defense.

“I don’t think respecting your country or your flag boils down to whether you put your hand over your heart or not,” she told Reuters.

“When the Star Spangled Banner is played, most military members either salute or stand to attention.

“We grew up in the military community,” Hawkins added.  “My mom spent almost 30 years in the military, my dad’s a two-time Vietnam vet.

“Because of that it was so insulting that they would accuse my daughter of being unpatriotic when we are so tied to the military family.” 

All controversy aside, we hope Douglas gets well soon.

Gabby Douglas Misses VMAs, Back In Hospital For Serious Mouth Infection

While viewers were wondering where Gabby Douglas was at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, the gold medalist was battling a pretty serious mouth infection.

So serious that it sent her back into the hospital on Sunday night.

“Gabby is back in the hospital tonight being treated for a seriously infected past mouth injury,” the gymnast’s publicist told People Magazine.

“She continues to have deep swelling and adverse reactions to medication.”

Prior to that, Douglas Instagram’d a photo of herself in bed, wishing she were with her four teammates, Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Laurie Hernandez , who presented Beyonce with Best Female Video.

Gabby Douglas Bedridden

“Out of the hospital & resting comfortably! #FinalFive so sad I can’t be with u all to present tonite@MTV thank u xoxo #VMAs #myview,” Douglas Instagram’d.

When only four of the five Rio 2016 teammates arrived on the red carpet, viewers wondered when Douglas was.

“I think she’s feeling a little better, but she’s staying home as a precaution,” Biles told People.

“We’re sad she couldn’t be here to enjoy this with us. We miss her!”

Douglas has not had it easy during and after this summer’s Olympic games.  She didn’t put her hand over her heart when the national anthem play after her team won gold in the all-around competition.  Instead, she said, she “stood to attention.

Douglas’ mom, Natalie Hawkins, came to her defense.

“I don’t think respecting your country or your flag boils down to whether you put your hand over your heart or not,” she told Reuters.

“When the Star Spangled Banner is played, most military members either salute or stand to attention.

“We grew up in the military community,” Hawkins added.  “My mom spent almost 30 years in the military, my dad’s a two-time Vietnam vet.

“Because of that it was so insulting that they would accuse my daughter of being unpatriotic when we are so tied to the military family.” 

All controversy aside, we hope Douglas gets well soon.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Gabby Douglas Bullied: Mom Comes To Olympian"s Defense

Gabby Douglas went from America’s Sweetheart to persona non grata after some were offended she didn’t put her hand over her heart while the National Anthem played at gymnastics medal ceremony.

The Olympian’s mom Natalie Hawkins, is sick of the bullying, and spoke to Reuters about the hell Douglas, 20, is being put through.

She’s had to deal with people criticizing her hair, or people accusing her of bleaching her skin. They said she had breast enhancements, they said she wasn’t smiling enough, she’s unpatriotic.

“Then it went to not supporting your team mates. Now you’re ‘Crabby Gabby’,” Hawkins said.

Last week during the medal ceremony for the all-around finals, Douglas stood to attention wile the National Anthem played rather than put her hand over her heart.  

“I don’t think respecting your country or your flag boils down to whether you put your hand over your heart or not,” Hawkins said. “When the Star Spangled Banner is played, most military members either salute or stand to attention.”

“We grew up in the military community. My mom spent almost 30 years in the military, my dad’s a two-time Vietnam vet. Because of that it was so insulting that they would accuse my daughter of being unpatriotic when we are so tied to the military family.”

Hawkins can’t understand why Douglas is being dragged through the mud.

“You name it and she got trampled. What did she ever do to anyone?”

The stress from being constantly criticized is getting to Douglas, according to her mother.

“What was going through her head was ‘I’m being attacked for everything I do so I might as well not do anything. Because no matter what I do, I am being attacked."”

The bullying has gotten to Douglas, who hasn’t done as well during these Olympic games aside from winning gold with her teammates.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Gabby Douglas: Disappointed in Rio, Hot on Instagram

As you surely know, the 2016 Olympics are currently in full swing in Rio de Janeiro, which is Portuguese for "pool of green sludge."

For the second time, Gabby Douglas helped the US team take home gold in gymnastics.

There"s been talk that she"s disappointed that she didn"t qualify for the individual all-around competition due to a rule that only two gymnasts from each country can participate, but…

Or why are we wasting your time?

There are a million places you can go for news about Gabby"s performance in Rio.

You came here to ogle a hot Olympian, and ogle a hot Olympian you shall!

God bless the USA, and God bless spangly leotards!

Take it away, Gabby:

1. Gabby Douglas Modeling

Gabby douglas modeling

Gabby Douglas is as beautiful as she is talented. She may have taken a backseat to Simone Biles and Aly Raisman at this year’s Olympics, but she’ll always be number one in our hearts.

2. Gabby Douglas: Ready to Compete

Gabby douglas ready to compete

Gabby Douglas has her game face on in Rio this week. And what a gorgeous game face it is.

3. Gabby and Her Gold

Gabby and her gold

Gabby Douglas helped her team win Olympic gold at the Olympics for the second time in a row. Unfortunately, she didn’t qualify for the individual all-around. The team is just THAT good this year.

4. Gabby Douglas: Sweaty, Hot

Gabby douglas sweaty hot

Gabby may be somewhat disappointed by her performance at this year’s Olympics. But as always, her look was on fleek!

5. Gabby Douglas in Tight Pants

Gabby douglas in tight pants

Gabby trains like a boss. And all that working out has done a body good.

6. Gabby Douglas on the Beam

Gabby douglas on the beam

Gabby may have been the Ryan Lochte to Simone Biles’ Michael Phelps in Rio. But she is, and will remain, a legend in the sport.

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