Showing posts with label Raisman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raisman. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2018

Adam Rippon Says Aly Raisman Is Changing Dangerous Sports Culture

Aly Raisman and her Team USA teammates are heroically disrupting a dangerous belief system that athletes must blindly trust their coaches and doctors — so says fellow Olympian Adam Rippon.  The Team USA figure skating star says he’s so proud…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Aly Raisman Warns Bachelor Fans: Colton Underwood Is a Selfish Jerk!

Right after Labor Day, Colton Underwood was confirmed as the next Bachelor.

Some fans are very excited, but other members of the Bachelor Nation are still a little wary of him.

According to what his ex, famed Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman, wrote in her book, this next season of The Bachelor could be worse than Arie’s. …

While Aly Raisman did not call out Colton by name in her book, FierceRadarOnline reports that she describes an unhappy encounter with a man who could only be the next Bachelor.

“A professional athlete I’d been talking to for a while had invited me to visit him and watch one of his games,” Aly wrote.

Aly said that she had taken him up on his invitation despite the travel distance because “I figured I could use a distraction.”

“Saturday went well,” she shared, speaking of the day before the game. “The guy was attentive and fun, and we seemed to be having a good time.”

Aly reveals: “But when I met him Sunday after his game, he had turned into a completely different person.”

“We were in his car when I made a move to change the radio station,” she says.

This, apparently, is when things really went south.

“‘Don’t touch the music,’ he snapped,” Aly reports.

“I thought he was joking,” Aly explains. “So I continued to reach for the stereo buttons.”

“‘I’m not kidding — don’t touch it,’ he said sharply,” she narrates.

According to her, this handsome gentleman had some very ugly reasoning for insisting that he control the radio.

She reports that he told her: “‘I just played a game, and you just sat and watched. You haven’t done anything today."”

“‘So we’ re going to listen to this sports radio station,"” she says that he said. “‘I want to hear what they say about me.’”


“I sat silently for the rest of the car ride,” Aly reveals. “I couldn’t wait to get out.”

We can imagine.

“I felt embarrassed,” after the incident, Aly admits.

“But,” she adds, she felt “also angry that I had traveled to see someone who treated me so disrespectfully.”

No one has the right to speak to anyone in the way that she describes. Apparently, the rest of the day didn’t really improve upon her experience.

“He was glued to his phone and ignored me as we sat and ate dinner,” she reveals.

Phone use is a normal part of life, but if someone flies out to see you for a weekend, maybe be less of a jerk.

“When I left for the airport,” Aly shared. “He hardly said good-bye.”

Speaking of this man — whom many believe to have been Colton — reminds us of Raven Gates’ words of warning.

“I just don’t think his intentions are good,” Raven told Tia Booth on Bachelor in Paradise.

“First of all, Colton’s past dating history has been the It Girl,” Raven reasoned. “You’re the It Girl from your season, and he reached out to you.”

“And then he went on Becca’s season, and now he’s back with you,” Raven pointed out. “All of his actions have said something different…”

Raven implored Tia: “You have to really see the true person that Colton is.”

That’s a fair point. People might have a hard time seeing past Colton Underwood’s virginity and his smile and his general handsomeness.

Just because a guy’s clearly not just out to get in your pants doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have an agenda.

If Raven is right, then Colton just gravitates towards the most popular girl around and uses her like an accessory to promote himself.

If Aly was really talking about Colton in her book, then it sounds like he has some major entitlement issues and can be a selfish jerk sometimes.

Besides, if the Bachelor Nation is right about Colton not really being a virgin, then he might also be a huge liar.

What are we getting ourselves into with this next season?


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Colton Underwood: Is He Really a Virgin? Fans Beg Aly Raisman for the Truth!

If you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers, you know where all of this is heading — but that doesn’t make the drama any less fun to watch.

Right now, fans are still buzzing over one of Becca’s men being a virgin. Last night, Colton Underwood told Becca.

Fans are entertained, but not everyone is convinced. Some are urging Colton’s famous ex, Aly Raisman, to expose him as a liar.

After Colton “came out” to Becca as a virgin, viewers on social media were quick to point out that … he totally dated Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman for a couple of years.

“I just want a tell-all interview with Aly Raisman on Colton,” one members of the Bachelor Nation tweeted.

They know that not every couple has sex while dating, but, to them, the idea of two beautiful adult athletes like Colton and Aly dating for two years defies belief.

“Weekly reminder tweet,” another wrote on Twitter. “That I want Queen Aly Raisman to drag Colton and expose him.”

This person clearly believes that Colton is lying, perhaps for a reality career storyline or perhaps to stand out among Becca’s suitors.

Some took their disbelief to Aly Raisman’s Instagram, where they commented under her latest photo (this photo).

“Speak the truth,” a commenter demanded of her. “Is Colton a virgin. Like how did he restrain from all that?”

By all that, this person means Aly’s incredible athletic figure.

Other fans were less confrontational and, appropriately, kept the conversation to themselves as they reflected upon this week’s episode.

One tweeted: “I love how Becca basically just asked Colton, ‘so is Aly Raisman a virgin too?"”

Becca did not, of course, literally ask that — she did not mention Aly’s name. It is unclear if she knows Colton’s dating history.

At one point during the episode, Becca got up and left — and fans were quick to point out that it seemed like she was disappointed.

“Becca now realizes she will not be having sex with Colton in the fantasy suite,” one tweeted. “And that was def her plan.”

While no one could blame Becca for wanting to get under Mr. Underwood’s underwear, she clarified that reality television can be misleading.

“For the record,” Becca tweeted. “I think I got up just to go to the bathroom sooooo…”

In other words, no, she did not just get up and storm off in a huff after realizing that Colton was not some sort of tantric sex god.

“Colton telling me he’s a virgin was unexpected because he hasn’t experienced a ton of life like most people at this part of their lives have,” Becca shared honestly.

“But it means so much that he was able to open up about something that was so difficult for him,” Becca says.

“I loved when he said, ‘It’s not a marriage thing for me, it’s a heart thing.’” Becca explains. “I appreciate someone who takes that so seriously.”

Colton also reflected on the importance of being honest about his sexual history — in this case, the lack thereof.

He recalls how, after ignoring romantic pursuits because of his enthusiasm for his football career, he would bluff while speaking to teammates as they shared their sexual experiences.

“It really threw me for a loop because it was like, ‘Who am I? Why did I make up lies? Why wasn’t I proud of who I was?"” Colton says.

“‘Why didn’t I stand up for the man I am?’” he still asks himself. “And that’s why now it’s important for me to share that with you.”

Becca certainly appreciated his honestly.

Of course, you can’t talk about virgins in the Bachelor fam without talking about Ashley Iaconetti.

(Colton Underwood cries less than she does, though … so far)

Ashley was not super thrilled with this week’s episode

“I’m not happy about the way Colton’s virginity was portrayed on this episode,” Ashley tweeted.

Ashley explained that she did not like seeing virginity portrayed “like it’s a reason not to further pursue a romantic relationship with someone…”

For some people, it might be a dealbreaker. Ashley has probably encountered people who fetishize her virginity — which is also creepy.

Of course, Ashley has found love with Jared Haibon. In fact, the two are engaged. After searching for so long, she deserves to be happy.

It’s important to note that it is entirely possible, even if its is very uncommon, for two adults to date each other for two years without having sex.

Some people are asexual, and do not experience sexual attraction. Asexuality actually has an entire spectrum.

Others may choose to remain chaste for religious reasons, because of trauma, or simply — as Colton says — as a matter of the heart.

There’s also plenty to be said for definitions of virginity, which vary widely — virginity is a social construct.

Some people who have had a great deal of sexual experiences consider themselves “virgins” because they or their communities have decided to define virginity in a certain way.

Regardless, Colton’s sexual history — or, again, lack thereof — does not disqualify him from being a viable candidate for Becca, or any woman’s, heart.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Aly Raisman Drops "Survivor" Swimsuit for Child Sex Abuse Awareness on Women"s Day

Aly Raisman is steppin’ up for causes that hit close to home on women’s day — and she’s lookin’ damn good doin’ it. The Team USA gymnastics star — who took Larry Nassar to task at his sexual assault trial — just debuted a…


Friday, March 2, 2018

Aly Raisman Sues U.S. Olympic Committe Over Nassar Sexual Abuse

Team USA gymnastics star Aly Raisman is going after the U.S. Olympic Committee in court over the “serial molestation, sexual abuse and harassment” from Larry Nassar — saying USOC could have prevented it. Raisman says she continues to suffer from…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Aly Raisman Poses Nude, Shares Inspiring Message

Aly Raisman is one of the survivors of the disgraced Dr. Larry Nassar’s “treatments.” She’s also an accomplished Olympic gymnast.

Now, she’s using her fame — and her body — for a very good cause.

And she’s doing it by defying her critics and posing nude.

Back in November, Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman revealed that she had been molested by Dr. Larry Nassar, her team doctor.

In speaking out, she joined McKayla Maroney and others in condemning the man. His accusers now number over 140.

Bravely, Aly Raisman shared the details of the sick abuse. Under the guise of medical treatment, she and so many other girls were molested over the course of years.

Now, Aly is a grown woman and she’s lending her voice to an important cause — gender equality.

A huge part of that is helping to erase the horrifying, patriarchal notion that a woman is only worthy of respect or personhood if she dresses “modestly.”

In the captions of this bold nude photo, Aly writes:

“Women do not have to be modest to be respected– Live for you!”

Women do not have to be modest to be respected is also what she has written along her torso and leg.

“Everyone should feel comfortable expressing themselves however makes them happy.”

That is absolutely true. Whether a woman wants to wear nothing but pasties and glitter or a full-on niqab, that’s her business. It really shouldn’t be anyone else’s.

And neither outfit is morally superior to the other.

“Women can be intelligent, fierce, sexy, powerful, strong, advocate for change while wearing what makes them feel best.”

She’s absolutely right.

“The time where women are taught to be ashamed of their bodies is OVER.”

Some suggest that, as a sex abuse survivor, she should feel compelled to hide her body. It’s sickening that some people would try to use her tragic history to impose their views of sexuality and nudity upon her.

“The female body is beautiful and we should all be proud of who we are, inside and out.”

And of course she gave a big shout-out to the people who made that photo possible:

“Thank you so much @si_swimsuit @mj_day @darciebaum @ja_neyney @taylorbphoto & the rest of the team.”

It is, of course, wonderful to see Aly Raisman speaking loudly and bravely about women’s equality.

Particularly just after Dr. Larry Nassar has received so much attention — for sex abuse and for possessing child pornography.

One cannot help but note that Aly’s quote, which she has scrawled upon her body, seems to be a reference to that time when Gabby Douglas seemed to victim-blame Aly Raisman.

“It is our responsibility as women to dress modestly and be classy,” Gabby wrote in a cringeworthy post. “Dressing in a provocative/sexual way entices the wrong crowd.”

One, it literally does not entice the wrong crowd. If someone’s a sexual harasser or a more serious predator, they’re not deterred by clothing.

if a predator targets a woman, it’s always the predator’s fault.

Gabby Douglas admitted that she, too was a survivor of Dr. Nassar’s abuse. Different people cope with and react to trauma in different ways, and what she said may have come from a place of her own personal pain.

We’re curious about the eclipsing of Aly’s arm, where “Fierce” is written. Is this photo merely an outtake?

Or is she taking the word “fierce” out of the equation, because the rest of the statement is true for all women — fierce or otherwise.

Regardless of the meaning — photography is art, and open to interpretation — it’s a beautiful photo.

Aly Raisman is an incredible young woman.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Aly Raisman & Jordyn Wieber Face Larry Nassar at Sentencing, Wieber Reveals Abuse

Aly Raisman and her former Team USA teammate, Jordyn Wieber, are facing Larry Nassar on the final day of his sentencing … with Jordyn bravely addressing the disgraced doctor she says abused her “time after time, appointment after…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Gabby Douglas Victim-Blames Aly Raisman, Apologizes

Recently, Aly Raisman revealed that she was sexually abused by her team doctor, starting when she was a young teenager. The world responded with horror, sympathy, and support.

Except for Aly’s former teammate, Gabby Douglas.

For whatever reason, she decided to respond by appearing to victim-blame Aly. And that did not go over well.

Aly Raisman joins over 130 women in accusing Dr. Larry Nassar of sexual abuse.

Coming forward about sexual assault is never easy, for a whole host of reasons. From society’s judgmental attitude to the legal system forcing survivors to relive their trauma to internalized feelings of shame and confusion … it’s tough.

Coming forward as a celebrity, where the spotlight magnifies so many of those deterrents, is even harder.

(Among those accusers is former teammate McKayla Maroney, who also showed extraordinary bravery in sharing her #MeToo story as a celebrity)

Aly Raisman revealed details of her sex abuse, in a story that is tragically familiar, alleging that Dr. Nassar began molesting her when she was just 15.

Larry Nassar, who is currently in jail and awaiting sentencing for some gross but unsurprising child pornography charges, allegedly passed off his molestation as “therapeutic massage.”

(It’s not uncommon for gymnasts of this caliber to require a number of therapies, including massage, because what they do can be tremendously hard on their bodies)

Dr. Nassar’s alleged abuse of these girls went on for years.

On Friday, Aly Raisman posted a follow-up, responding to some of the responses that 

“Just because a woman does a sexy photoshoot or wears a sexy outfit does not give a man the right to shame her or not believe her when she comes forward about sexual abuse.”

Absolutely true. Some victim-blamers try to say that if a survivor of childhood sexual abuse goes on to enjoy sex as an adult or flaunt her body, then she must not have suffered enough as a child. That is wrong and also vile.

(Some of those same people will look to a woman who grows up to be a sex-repulsed shut-in and say that she needs to “get over it,” which is not better)

“What is wrong with some of you? AND when a woman dresses sexy it does not give a man the right to sexually abuse her EVER.”

Women may dress however they like. And literally nothing could give one human being the right to sexually assault or abuse another.

“Women are allowed to feel sexy and comfortable in their own skin; in fact I encourage you all to wear what you feel good in.”

Note that she’s not saying that all woman need to dress sexily. Some women will feel good in a crop top. Others in a turtleneck. Others in a niqab.

“I will not put up with any woman being shamed for wanting to wear a skirt, dress, etc. I do not tolerate it. Are we clear?”

Yes ma’am. Very clear.

“Oh, and one more thing. STOP VICTIM SHAMING. It is because of you that so many survivors live in fear.”

Everything that Aly Raisman said was true and also well-said. It’s sad that she had to defend herself and others like that.

Gabby Douglas, however, saw things a little differently.

Quoting her former teammate’s post, Gabby added her own words:

“However, it is our responsibility as woman to dress modestly and be classy. Dressing in a provocative/sexual way entices the wrong crowd.”


Rather than pointing out that there are various photos and videos of Gabby Douglas dressed in manners that, in her universe, might “entice the wrong crowd,” let’s instead say this:

It is not a woman’s responsibility, or anyone’s responsibility, to dress modestly. You can fall asleep naked at a party and no one is entitled to touch you.

Also, and this is almost beside the point, but plenty of good people are “enticed” by sexiness. Gabby Douglas appears to believe that men who like modesty aren’t sex abusers and that others are.

Again, folks, sexual predation doesn’t have a stake in how you dress or what side of the political aisle you sit on. Predators exist in every social circle, and there are those who delight in using their “family values” image to allay suspicion.

Well, apparently Gabby was known for her questionable views.

Fellow Olympic gymnast Simone Biles shared a screencap of Gabby’s truly awful take, and wrote:

“Shocks me that I’m seeing this but it doesn’t surprise me… honestly seeing this brings me to tears bc as your teammate I expected more from you & to support her. I support you Aly [hearts emoji] & all the other women out there! STAY STRONG”

That is the correct view. It must be heartbreaking to hear that from someone who rose to fame by your side, with whom you shared such a unique experience.

Gabby responded to the backlash by deleting her original message and tweeting again:

“i didn’t correctly word my reply & i am deeply sorry for coming off like i don’t stand alongside my teammates. regardless of what you wear, abuse under any circumstance is never acceptable. i am WITH you. #metoo

It’s good that she apologizes. We’re not sure how her message could be the result of poor phrasing.

However, she’s using the #MeToo hashtag, which implies that she’s had her own awful experiences. It may be that she’s still processing something … and potentially blames herself.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

Simone Biles Blasts Gabby Douglas: Don"t Victim Shame Aly Raisman!

Simone Biles is publicly attacking her former Team USA gymnastics teammate Gabby Douglas — and it’s all over comments Gabby made insinuating some women invite sexual abuse by the way they dress.  It all started with Aly Raisman … their 2016…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Aly Raisman: Olympic Gymnast Reveals She Was Sexually Assaulted By Team Doctor

Olympic medalist Aly Raisman has become the latest member of the Us Women’s Gymnastics team to accuse Dr. Larry Nassar of sexual abuse.

The disgraced Nassar served as the team’s primary physician for several years.

He first treated Raisman when she was just 15 years old.

Raisman’s former teammate, McKayla Maroney, accused Nassar of sexual assault last month, 

In an interview with 60 Minutes that’s set to air on Sunday night, Raisman describes her abuse and the ways in which she feels the US Gymnastics program failed Nassar’s victims:

“Why are we looking at why didn’t the girls speak up?” Raisman said in a clip released by CBS today.

“Why not look at what about the culture? What did USA Gymnastics do, and Larry Nassar do, to manipulate these girls so much that they are so afraid to speak up?”

Asked if she’s angry about the way she and her teammates have been treated, Raisman replied:

“I am angry. I’m really upset because it’s been — I care a lot, you know, when I see these young girls that come up to me, and they ask for pictures or autographs, whatever it is, I just — I can’t — every time I look at them, every time I see them smiling, I just think — I just want to create change so that they never, ever have to go through this.”

Now 23, Raisman achieved fame as a member of the “Fierce Five” team of American gymnasts that wowed audiences with their dominant performance at the 2012 Olympics.

Raisman competed again in the 2016 games, bringing her career medal count to six.

On October 18, Maroney first revealed the abuse she had suffered at Nassar’s hands in response to the trending “#MeToo” hashtag.

“It seemed whenever and wherever this man could find the chance, I was ‘treated.’ It happened in London before my team and I won the gold medal, and it happened before I won my silver,” Maroney said at the time.

She went on to describe one encounter with Nassar as “the scariest night of my life.”

Dozens of women have accused Nassar of sexual misconduct, and he is currently awaiting trial on 33 criminal charges, ranging from rape to possession of child pornography.

In a statement issued today, the US Gymnastics program praised Raisman for coming forward with her own account of Nassar’s abuse:

“In the last year, Aly has become an advocate for many issues, and sharing her personal experience of abuse takes great courage,” the statement reads.

“We are appalled by the conduct of which Larry Nassar is accused, and we are very sorry that any athlete has been harmed during her or his gymnastics career.”

The organization concluded:

“Aly’s passion and concern for athlete safety is shared by USA Gymnastics.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Aly Raisman: Team USA Doctor Abused Me Too

Another major Team USA gymnastics star claims she was abused by ex-USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar — with Aly Raisman coming forward in the hopes of protecting future athletes.  Raisman — a 2-time national team captain who won 6 gold…


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Aly Raisman & Colton Underwood: Dating!

Back in August, Aly Raisman was second only to Simon Biles as the most popular superhuman in a leotard.

Not surprisingly, she received many a romantic proposition from young men on social media, but (as far as we know) only one was from a professional football player.

San Diego Chargers tight end Colton Underwood asked Raisman out via video chat, and she agreed to a date with the 24-year-old.

On Monday night, Colton and Aly attended the Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year event and confirmed that they are officially a couple.

Aly told reporters that she and Colton have been dating since they attended the VMAs together back in August.

Hell of a first date!

She also said that she’ll be spending the holidays with Colton and his family in Indiana.

Though Underwood publicly asked Raisman out online, the idea that they would make a great couple was first suggested by a pair of mutual friends.

Underwood’s former teammate Andrew East is married to retired American gymnast Shawn Johnson.

The couple talked up Colton and Aly to one another, but instead of simply shooting her a text, Underwood decided that an old school (albeit high-tech) romantic gesture was in order.

He asked Aly out shortly after she and her teammates dominated at the Rio Olympics.

Though the VMAs constituted their first official date, the couple met up for brief hangout shortly after Colton posted his video:

“We happened to both be in Denver at the same time,” she said.

“I was there for less than 12 hours, he was flying in for just a few days. It just ended up working perfectly.”

It seems the pair hit it off quickly.

In the weeks after the VMAs, Underwood reportedly drove 90 minutes round trip to meet up with Aly on multiple occasions.

Asked about her future with Underwood, Raisman declined to go into specifics, but stated that she’s excited for things to come:

“I’m just looking forward to 2017,” Raisman shared. “I think it’s going to be an exciting year for everyone.”

Did Aly really just jinx 2017? Damn.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Aly Raisman Accepts Date from Tight End: Watch! Swoon!

Aly Raisman has abs of steel.

This was proven to the public in a recent photo with fellow U.S. gymnasts Simon Biles and Madison Kocian that went viral.

Take a look at it for yourself:

What Aly Raisman does NOT have, however, is a boyfriend.

But Oakland Raiders tight end Colton Underwood is hoping to change this fact.

Raisman, who won a Gold Medal and two Silver Medals this summer at the Rio Olympics, was doing a Yahoo Spots video segment on Monday when Underwood popped up on screen with a question.

“Just want to congratulate you on all your success in the competitions and representing the U.S.A. over there. I know I’ve been following along. My roommates, my teammates, everybody here is super proud of you,” Underwood says in the clip.

A teammate of Andrew East, who is married to former Olympian Shawn Johnson, Underwood then added the kicker::

"You know, if you’re ever in San Jose and want to go on a double date with me and Andrew and Shawn, let me know."

How did Raisman handle being asked out in very public fashion?

With the same calmness that helped her achieve incredible Olympic success.

"They’ve told me about him before. He’s very cute,” she said with a smile. "I would go on a date with him.”

She later said that “Shawn and Nastia [Liukin] fight over who’s going to find me a boyfriend first," adorably showing no shame over her single status.

After accepting the date invitation from Underwood, the gymnast and professional football player went ahead and exchanged messages on Twitter.

Raisman wrote: “@Colt3FIVE thanks for the sweet video…. Looking forward to meeting you :).”

The baller respoded: “Anytime! Looking forward to meeting you too. Safe travels back, see you soon!”

Going forward, meanwhile, the popular, Gold Medal-winning U.S. gymnastics team will be hitting the road for the 36-city Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics.

The tour stops in San Jose on Sunday, September 18. We"re just saying! And we"re just very excited!

We look forward to social media photos of their date!

Check out Underwood asking Raisman out in the footage below:

Aly raisman accepts date from colton underwood watch and swoon

Monday, August 22, 2016

Simone Biles, Aly Raisman Flaunt CRAZY Abs in Bikini Pic

The 2016 Rio Olympics have officially come to an end, which means you can safely stop caring about swimming, table tennis and whitewater canoeing for another four years.

But if you think we’re about to just set aside our love of famous people in revealing swimwear, you’re crazier than Ryan Lochte in a gas station bathroom:

As you’ve no doubt heard, the US women’s gymnastics team crushed the competition harder than Simone Biles crushes on Zac Efron.

And with shredded abs like that, it’s not hard to see why.

Following days of grueling competition that saw Biles cement her place as the world’s most dominant gymnast, the 19-year-old hit one Rio’s famous beaches with her teammates Madison Kocian and Aly Raisman.

And they brought with them the most patriotic six-packs since Budweiser changed its label to just read, “America.”

We already informed you that Raisman is hot. (We like to cover the supes important news around here.)

But this pic reminds us that all gymnasts who compete at that level are rocking impeccably chiseled bodies.

So while the women’s team took the all-around gold and Biles left Rio with three four individual medals, it’s important to remember that when it comes to abs you could bounce a quarter off of, everyone who climbs atop that balance beam deserves a place on the podium.

The games seemed to come and go in an instant, but everyone who competed will have memories to last a lifetime.

Except for Ryan Lochte.

That dude probably doesn’t remember much of anything.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Aly Raisman: Hottest Pics of the Sexy Gymnast!

Over the course of the 2016 Olympics, there have been countless articles about how sexist it is to talk about the attractiveness of female athletes.

But we at The Hollywood Gossip reject that notion.

After all, aren"t the Olympics all about appreciating flawless specimens of human physicality?

Besides, we"re equal opportunity objectifiers, and we"re happy to bring you updates on the most gold medal-worthy Speedo bulges on the men"s teams, too.

That flimsy justification brings us to Aly Raisman.

You may have marveled at Raisman"s superhuman skills during the floor exercises that brought the US women"s team gold last night.

But you may have also marveled at the way her American flag onesie complimented dat ass.

Look, there are a million places you can read about Raisman"s epic floor routine during last night"s team finals.

It"s only at THG that you"ll get an in-depth discussion of the curvature of her patriotically-bedazzled posterior.

We don"t want to say it"s the most important thing you"ll ever read, but it"s certainly not not the most important thing you"ll ever read.

Okay, onto the perfectly-toned butt:


1. Aly Raisman Floor Routine

Aly raisman floor routine

Aly was breathtaking during last night’s team finals. Yes, we’re talking about her performance! Get you mind out of the gutter!

2. Aly on Dancing With the Stars

Aly raisman and mark ballas pic

Aly first caught our eye when she partnerered up with Mark Ballas on DWTS in 2013.

3. Aly Raisman on the Beam

Aly raisman on the beam

Aly Raisman has been a multi-threat during the Rio games. Here she is wowing the crowd at trials.

4. Aly Raisman: Nude for ESPN the Magazine Body Issue

Aly raisman nude for espn the body issue

Aly went nude for ESPN’s body issue. And for that, we thank her.

5. Aly Raisman: Close Up Selfie

Aly raisman close up selfie

Aly recently posted this selfie. Podium makeup officially on fleek.

6. Aly Raisman Modeling

Aly raisman modeling

Aly Raisman showing off her modeling skills. She’s a girl of many talents!

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