Showing posts with label Inspiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiring. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Book Cover: First Inspiring Look!

As previously noted and lamented, Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff are leaving Little People, Big World.

The couple made this announcement about a month ago.

In doing so, however, they also said the following…

“We’re not disappearing. We have a lot of exciting stuff in the works and are eager to continue the work that the Lord has called us to.”

Along these lines, Audrey and Jeremy have gone into more detail about their most immediate upcoming project: a memoir titled A Love Letter Life: Pursue Creatively, Date Intentionally, Love Faithfully.

The couple confirmed this book was in the works several months ago, explaining at the time that the tome would be based on their experience as a faith-based couple.

Said Audrey in March:

The book is essentially our love story. We are spilling never before told tales from our dating journey, and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our love story.

The pages are filling up with our failures and successes, what we learned from dating and long distance, and how we prepared more for our marriage than our wedding

We cant wait to share what we’ve learned from our own dating journey in order to equip our readers to build Godly relationships from their first date to “I do” and beyond.

Fast forward to now and the Roloffs have given an interview to People Magazine in which they share more details about this unique idea.

“We believe everyone has a unique love story and we want people to be super stoked to press into their own love story,” Jeremy tells this publication, adding:

“We want readers to prepare more for their marriage than their wedding [day].

“I think social media can paint facades, so [Audrey and I] hope that people will walk away [from the book] knowing that we aren’t perfect, our [dating] relationship wasn’t perfect.

“We learned from our struggles and we came out stronger on the other side.”

The book comes out in April of 2019…

… and this is your first look at the cover!

Audrey and Jeremy have been married for four years and welcomed a daughter named Ember in September.

They say this memoir will reveal the “raw, never-before shared tales from their own dating journey,” with Jeremy teasing the content as follows:

“[Maintaining a long-distance relationship] was really difficult for us. We did it for three years, and in the book we explain how it started, how we survived it.

“And Audrey almost ended our love story.

“We tell that story and I got emotional when I reread it… There are [also] two other really difficult moments outside of [long] distance that were big challenges and learning curves.”

How intriguing, right?

Jeremy often penned Audrey letters during this time apart, which is where the stars got the title of the book from.

To this day, Audrey and Jeremy try to keep their relationship original, creative, fresh and exciting.

“I think one of the things is realizing that pursuing and dating don’t have to stop when you get married,” says Audrey when explaining how they make their marriage work:

“The subtitle of our book is ‘pursue creatively, date intentionally, love faithfully,’ and we think all of those three things can be true before you’re married and after you’ve been married for 20 years.

“For us, it’s really important to continue pursuing each other in marriage, to continue to look for ways that we can love each other when it’s not convenient, and even when it’s hurtful.”

For more on what you can expect to read in the book, click HERE.

And then let us know: Will you be picking up a copy?


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Audrey Roloff Sends Inspiring Message to Fellow Moms

Audrey Roloff recently ran through a list of seven things she loved about her daughter.

But while we’re sure the Little People, Big World star could come up with an even longer list, she’s actually here to talk about the one thing she hates about being a parent:


You know what she means, don’t you, fellow parents around the Internet?

This is a topic Audrey has touched on in the past, writing to her Instagram followers at one point:

“I feel guilty sometimes for not being able to just stay in bed and play with [my daughter], or for putting her in the play gym to be entertained by the dangling animals instead of me.”

That’s silly, of course.

It’s understandable and relatable, but still silly… because of course we cannot be with our kids at all times, tending to their every need 24/7.

In her latest Instagram post, Roloff again brings up the subject of guilt, but she does so in different manner.

The reality star tries to help other parents feel better about any one of a number of reasons why they may feel at the moment as if they messed something up with their child.

“Moms,” Audrey opens simply, adding:

“You’re not the only one who cut your baby’s nail too shoot. You’re not the only one who had to watch countless YouTube tutorials to figure out how to properly baby wrap.

“You’re not the only one who didn’t know what to do when your baby smacked her head on the hardwood for the first time.”

We can see what Audrey is doing here and we admire the effort.

We’d just like to point out that she could have written this note to Moms AND Dads — because there are plenty of men out there who take parenting very seriously and who feel all the the feelings Roloff is describing in this caption.

Which continues as follows:

You’re not the only one who didn’t know it’s not safe to put your baby in a puffy coat in the car seat.

You’re not the only one who didn’t know you’re supposed to start brushing your baby’s teeth from the moment you see them emerge.

You’re not the only one who is constantly googling what foods to give your baby, and how much they should be eating or how much they should be sleeping.

It’s all so very true.

Being a parent is like trying to avoid one landmine after another, on a near daily basis.

It’s impossible to ever relax, to ever feel as though you have a full grasp on what is best for your son(s) or daughter(s) because a new challenge or obstacle is always just around the corner.

Scroll down to see how Roloff concluded her post…

You’re not the only one who has been criticized or glared at for doing something wrong. I have too. You’re not the only one. You’re not alone. Even though you might feel like it sometimes, we are all figuring out this motherhood thing as we go.

So I’ll be here.

Sharing what I’ve learned, where I’ve failed and how the Lord is encouraging, empowering, and equipping me as I embrace all that it means to be a mother.

Tag a mom friend that you want to encourage.

Audrey and husband Jeremy welcomed Ember Jean into the world last September.

Both have been open about how difficult it was at first, especially for Audrey, who suffered a great deal of pain while breastfeeding.

But here they are, having overcome those initial fears and tears and confident enough to pass along all they’ve learned to other new parents across the world.

Once again, we appreciate Audrey’s intention here.

Next time, though, she can just go ahead and address both genders.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Aly Raisman Poses Nude, Shares Inspiring Message

Aly Raisman is one of the survivors of the disgraced Dr. Larry Nassar’s “treatments.” She’s also an accomplished Olympic gymnast.

Now, she’s using her fame — and her body — for a very good cause.

And she’s doing it by defying her critics and posing nude.

Back in November, Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman revealed that she had been molested by Dr. Larry Nassar, her team doctor.

In speaking out, she joined McKayla Maroney and others in condemning the man. His accusers now number over 140.

Bravely, Aly Raisman shared the details of the sick abuse. Under the guise of medical treatment, she and so many other girls were molested over the course of years.

Now, Aly is a grown woman and she’s lending her voice to an important cause — gender equality.

A huge part of that is helping to erase the horrifying, patriarchal notion that a woman is only worthy of respect or personhood if she dresses “modestly.”

In the captions of this bold nude photo, Aly writes:

“Women do not have to be modest to be respected– Live for you!”

Women do not have to be modest to be respected is also what she has written along her torso and leg.

“Everyone should feel comfortable expressing themselves however makes them happy.”

That is absolutely true. Whether a woman wants to wear nothing but pasties and glitter or a full-on niqab, that’s her business. It really shouldn’t be anyone else’s.

And neither outfit is morally superior to the other.

“Women can be intelligent, fierce, sexy, powerful, strong, advocate for change while wearing what makes them feel best.”

She’s absolutely right.

“The time where women are taught to be ashamed of their bodies is OVER.”

Some suggest that, as a sex abuse survivor, she should feel compelled to hide her body. It’s sickening that some people would try to use her tragic history to impose their views of sexuality and nudity upon her.

“The female body is beautiful and we should all be proud of who we are, inside and out.”

And of course she gave a big shout-out to the people who made that photo possible:

“Thank you so much @si_swimsuit @mj_day @darciebaum @ja_neyney @taylorbphoto & the rest of the team.”

It is, of course, wonderful to see Aly Raisman speaking loudly and bravely about women’s equality.

Particularly just after Dr. Larry Nassar has received so much attention — for sex abuse and for possessing child pornography.

One cannot help but note that Aly’s quote, which she has scrawled upon her body, seems to be a reference to that time when Gabby Douglas seemed to victim-blame Aly Raisman.

“It is our responsibility as women to dress modestly and be classy,” Gabby wrote in a cringeworthy post. “Dressing in a provocative/sexual way entices the wrong crowd.”

One, it literally does not entice the wrong crowd. If someone’s a sexual harasser or a more serious predator, they’re not deterred by clothing.

if a predator targets a woman, it’s always the predator’s fault.

Gabby Douglas admitted that she, too was a survivor of Dr. Nassar’s abuse. Different people cope with and react to trauma in different ways, and what she said may have come from a place of her own personal pain.

We’re curious about the eclipsing of Aly’s arm, where “Fierce” is written. Is this photo merely an outtake?

Or is she taking the word “fierce” out of the equation, because the rest of the statement is true for all women — fierce or otherwise.

Regardless of the meaning — photography is art, and open to interpretation — it’s a beautiful photo.

Aly Raisman is an incredible young woman.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

TIME Person of the Year Adama Iwu"s Inspiring Meeting with Ashley Judd

Adama Iwu — one of “The Silence Breakers” for TIME’s Person of the Year issue — made the most of the honor during the cover photo shoot and a pretty cool meeting with Ashley Judd. Adama, an activist who exposes sexual harassment, tells us…


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Farrah Abraham Says She"s Anally Inspiring Couples with "God Given" Gift

Farrah Abraham’s not just a one-woman porno act … she’s the answer to every couples’ butt problems because she’s a natural, or so she’s proudly declaring. Farrah’s rear is all the buzz leading up to Halloween when she’ll do a solo anal…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Beyonce Gives Inspiring Speech to Harvey Victims at Her Houston Church

Beyonce is in her hurricane ravaged hometown, doing what she does best — giving an inspiring performance. Bey, her mom, Tina, and daughter Blue Ivy visited St. John’s Church in Houston Friday and gave a moving speech to Hurricane Harvey…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Maria Menounos Credits Inspiring "Rocky Balboa" Quote for Helping Her Recover from Brain Surgery

Maria Menounos is looking like a million bucks just a few months after brain surgery … and she thanks her fiance and Sylvester Stallone for making it happen. We got Maria out in NYC with her boo, Keven Undergaro, and she tells us she’s…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Pink Just Sent the Most Inspiring Message of All at the VMAs

Pink didn"t merely take home the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at last night"s MTV VMAs.

Nor did she merely perform a medley of her most beloved singles.

The superstar solo artist stole the entire show with an acceptance speech that was raw, honest, inspiring and truly from the heart.

After being introduced by good friend Ellen DeGeneres. The 37-year-old pop star used her time at the microphone to share an empowering story about her six-year-old daughter, Willow.

And it all started because Willow told her mom she was "ugly" because she looked like a "boy."

Instead of getting angry, however, Pink responded to this problem by taking action.

She explains below how she compiled a PowerPoint presentation of "androgynous rock stars and artists that live their truth, are probably made fun of every day of their life, and carry on and wave their flag and inspire the rest of us."

Among those she selected and named: Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Annie Lennox, Prince, Janis Joplin, George Michael and Elton John.

"When people make fun of me, that"s what they use,"" Pink said she told her child. "I look like a boy … I have too many opinions … My body is too strong."

She then asked her toddler:

"Do you see me growing my hair? … Do you see me changing my body? … Do you see me selling out arenas all over the world?"

The crowd rightfully applauded along as Pink ran through this series of questions.

"We don"t change," Pink concluded. "We take gravel in a shell and we make a pearl, and we help other people to change. … You, my darling girl, are beautiful and I love you."


"I am shooketh. I am dead. I am crying. She"s iconic," said host Katy Perry after Pink wrapped up.

We absolutely agree.

Watch the full speech below:

Pink sends inspiring message to daughter women around the world

Monday, July 10, 2017

This Inspiring Model Really is 26 Years Old

Sara Geurts was only 10 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare skin condition called Dermatosparaxis Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

Known in the short-hand as EDS, this disease is a connective tissue disorder that inhibits the body’s ability to produce collagen.

In the case of Geurts, this means her skin produces the sort of wrinkles you"d never expect to see on a 26-year old.

Yes, Sara Geurts is only 26 years old.

You may need to remind yourself of that fact as you click through the aspiring model"s very inspiring photos, and learn more about her story, below…

1. Geurts is on a Mission

Geurts is on a mission

“My skin was my biggest insecurity, but now I think it’s the most beautiful thing ever,” says Sara, who was born in Minneapolis, but who now resides in Los Angeles. She aims to inspire others who think they’re “ugly” by traditional standards.

2. Be Proud of Your Imperfections

Be proud of your imperfections

“Each imperfection you have is individual to you, and it tells a story about you and who you are, and the struggle and the journey that you have been on,” she says.

3. A Viral Sensation

A viral sensation

In 2015, sGeurtse submitted her story to the Love Your Lines campaign, a project that praises women’s fauts and imperfections. Her latest video, produced by Barcroft TV, has thus far been viewed almost two million times.

4. She’s Only 26 Years Old

Shes only 26 years old

We said that already, we know. But we say it again to show appreciate for the bravery Geurts is showing by posing in this manner.

5. Sage Words of Wisdom

Sage words of wisdom

“You’re going to meet people who are intimidated by you,” Sara wrote on Instagram recently. “You’re different. People don’t know how to react or how to accept someone who doesn’t follow the crowd.”

6. About These Critics, Though?

About these critics though

“They are not used to someone who doesn’t try to fit in. So instead of bolstering your uniqueness, they’ll try and make you feel like you’re weird or damaged. I’m here to offer some well earned advice: Screw them.”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Richard Simmons Returns to Inspiring His Fans (PHOTO)

Richard Simmons is back to doing what he does best — delivering inspiration to his fans, and he’s also hinting he’ll come out of hiding soon. Richard addressed his hospitalization this week for gastrointestinal issues, saying it “reminded me that…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Tarek El Moussa Shares Cancer Photo, Inspiring Message

Tarek El Moussa appears to be aware of his reputation these days.

A few months after filing for divorce from wife (and Flip or Flip co-host) Christina, El Moussa has found himself the subject of multiple scathing allegations.

First, there was the incident last May in which Tarek responded to an argument with Christina by grabbing a gun (!!!!) and heading into the woods (?!?!?).

Both Tarek and Christina acknowledged this incident late last year when news of their separation went public, explaining that no one was injured and no charges filed against El Moussa.

Still, it didn’t exactly paint Tarek in the most positive or stable of lights.

Then, amidst analysis over what went wrong in this marriage, there was the report that Tarek often treated Christina very poorly on the set of their HGTV series.

One tabloid cover even claimed that Tarek joked about raping his wife

YIKES, right?

Over the past few weeks, meanwhile, Christina has appeared on the cover of People and talked openly about her relationship with Tarek.

She hasn’t blamed him for the romance falling apart, instead taking the high road any time the subject gets mentioned and making it clear that the ex-couple’s two young kids are her priority.

In other words: Christina has been totally winning the PR game.

Perhaps aware of this discrepancy, Tarek has shared a new photo on his Instagram account.

We posted it at the outset of this article and now we present the caption, which references Tarek’s battle with two kinds of cancer:

Thyroid cancer and Testicular cancer.

He was actually diagnosed with both these diseases in 2013.

“I thought I would share this with everyone… to truly understand how absolutely sick I was.. look at this photo and look at my eyes, I was a skeleton,” Tarek wrote on Thursday night, adding:

“This took a major toll on my physical and mental health.”

We can only imagine.

Tarek concluded his inspiring message as follows:

I know many of my fans have had similar struggles and can relate. The last 3 years were the hardest of my life, I look back and still wonder how I survived…

I never quit although I wanted to thousands of times all day every day. This is from hurting my back after battling 2 cancers.. I had a 60 pound weight swing from my illnesses…

I’m proud to say I didn’t quit and I’m in the best shape of my life!!

For everyone struggling right now from any situation.. remember… keep your head up and don’t quit! There is light at the end of the tunnel, stay strong! 

If Tarek was looking for a way to turn public opinion more in his direction, it’s safe to say this picture and this caption succeeded.

Despite their split, Tarek and Christina continue to film Flip or Flop together. They are under contract for another season of the show.

Will they ever get back together?

Despite supposed photographic evidence, we strongly doubt it.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t be on friendly terms, co-parenting their infants as a team and proving that not all celebrity divorces need to be contentious, ugly and/or messy.

We wish both El Moussas nothing but the best.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Chrissy Metz Goes Glam for Harper"s Bazaar, Sets Inspiring Example

Chrissy Metz has taken America by storm as Kate Pearson.

Playing one of the beloved characters on NBC’s This Is Us, Metz has become a role model for plus-sized women who never thought their body type would be accepted in a leading role on television.

But Metz hasn’t just become accepted.

She’s become a role model.

In the April issue of Harper’s Bazaar, editors even refer to Metz as “Hollywood’s New Pin-Up Girl.”

It’s a title and a pictorial that Metz never (ever, ever, EVER) dreamed she would receive.

“When I first heard Harper’s Bazaar wanted me to be sexy. I was like, ‘Who, me?"” Metz tells the magazine, adding in its feature story:

“I knew y’all were edgy but this is incredible – it’s validation.”

The actress couldn’t contain her excitement on Twitter, either, linking to the official Harper’s Bazaar website and writing online:

“What an amazing honor and privilege full of self discovery! Thank you, thank you, thank you, @harpersbazaarus for this feature and fun.”

The photo shoot paints Metz in a very glamorous light, featuring the rising star in a red swimsuit, as well as a sleeveless, pinup girl-style polka dot sundress.

“I want to wear something because I love it,” the 36-year-old actress says of her style. “Not because it follows the rules.”

It’s pretty clear that Metz isn’t concerned very much with what others think.

Such self-confidence likely helped her land a role on a series that’s already been renewed for two additional seasons.

“If I ever end up on the worst-dressed list, it’s not going to make me fall apart,” she explains, adding:

“I want to look great and feel good and be comfortable, but at the same time, none of this really matters. This is the fun stuff.”

Those who watch This Is Us online or on television each week have fun seeing Metz and her co-stars in action.

But they also have themselves a good cry one or two dozen times per episode as well.

This is an especially sentimental and emotional drama, and it’s one Metz could not be more proud to work on.

She thinks it’s a prime example of how series regulars need not fit into any sort of preconceived notion of beauty or appearance.

“There’s more room for all of us now,” Metz tells Harper’s Bazaar. “No matter our sexuality, race, body size, gender or whatever else.”

And thank goodness for that, right?!?


Monday, November 14, 2016

Dying Dog Draws Giant, Inspiring Crowd for Final Walk

ATTENTION: Major tears ahead…

Walnut, an 18-year-old whippet, took his last walk on Saturday, November 12, 2016. 

What made this final dog walk unlike any other final dog walk that we"ve ever read about? Scroll down for the full story…

1. A Heartfelt Message

A heartfelt message

In the United Kingdom, a man named Mark took to Facebook to reveal the news that his dog would be saying goodbye and that he would be taking him to the beach for one final walk.

2. A Surprising Turn of Events

A surprising turn of events

He posted this announcement on Facebook and things took a turn when #walkwithwalnut begun trending and it paved the way for some sad scenes at the beach, as hundreds of people and their dogs gathered to say farewell.

3. A Busy Beach

A busy beach

At least Walnut got the send off he deserved. Everyone showed up to have one last walk with him. Just look at this scene!

4. AWWWW!!!!!!


Mark says he had no idea this sort of turnout would be the result of a simple social media post. He was overwhelmed.

5. One Last Walk

One last walk

Other dogs were happy enough to say goodbye to Walnut, who mostly had to be carried because he was so weak, but who mustered up the strength to take a few steps.

6. That’s A Lot of People

Thats a lot of people

It’s amazing just how the power of the Internet can make everyone come together to say goodbye to a much-loved pet.

View Slideshow

Friday, November 11, 2016

John Legend Releases Inspiring Music Video After Trump"s Win

John Legend is a gift we simply do not deserve.

He’s so classy, and so talented, and he’s got the most beautiful family in Chrissy Teigen and their baby, Luna.

And now we’ve got another little thing to add to his great big pile of wondrousness:

This is John’s music video for his song “Love Me Now,” and if it doesn’t make you cry, then maybe get your tear ducts examined.

At the very least, hop on Google and figure out how to unthaw your cold, cold heart.

The video features footage from the Domiz Refugee Camp in Northern Iraq, the Dominican Republic, Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, and Orlando, particularly of couples and children.

There’s also a few scenes showing John with Chrissy, and there’s also Luna in her music video debut.

All those images are enough to cause a mental breakdown, but throw in John’s chorus:

I don’t know who’s gonna kiss you when I’m gone

So I’m gonna love you know, like it’s all I have

I know it’ll kill me when it’s over

I don’t wanna think about it, I want you to love me now

And it’s enough to just break your heart to pieces.

But while John is obviously an emotional guy, he says it was a lucky accident that such a touching video was released the same week we all really needed some uplifting.

Here, check out his incredible message for yourself:

It’s been quite a time for the United States and the rest of the world as we all watched the election results come in early Wednesday morning.

Some of us wept for our country. Some of us celebrated. Some of us are already taking to the streets in protest.

You all know how I wanted and expected the election to go.

I wanted us to choose unity and inclusion over building walls and singling out ethnic and religious groups for hate and suspicion. I wanted us to choose progress over yearning for some long-lost mythical era when America was supposedly greatest.

I wanted us to destroy the highest glass ceiling instead of electing an admitted sexual assaulter. But we did not.

These are the election results and all of us will have to learn to deal with it.

I will not give up though. I will continue to be aware and vigilant. I will continue to speak out for justice.

We didn’t think about the election when we planned the release date for this song and video. But in this time of conflict and uncertainty, it’s clear that we all need more love.

I find it in my family and in my music. Embracing my family has made today full of love and light despite the bad news.

But it’s also important that we show love and empathy to people who may not look like us or live like us. Those who are marginalized and rejected, feared and left behind.

The video premieres Friday and features a diverse group of people from all over the world. From Standing Rock to Iraq, from Orlando to the DR.

Love is universal. We all can give it. And it will ultimately win over hate. I have to believe that.

If you want to join our celebration of love, use the hashtag #lovemenow and send us a picture of you and someone you care about.

Like we said, we really, honestly do not deserve the greatness that is John Legend.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Michael Bublé: Sister Shares Inspiring Instagram Post in Light of Nephew"s Cancer Diagnosis

As previously reported, tragedy has struck Michael Buble and his family.

The singer confirmed via statement last week that his three-year old son, Noah, has been diagnosed with cancer.

The statement was posted on his wife’s Facebook page and it read as follows…

“We are devastated by the recent cancer diagnosis of our eldest son Noah who is currently in treatment in the United States.

“We’ve always talked a lot about the importance of the family and the love we have for our children.

“[My wife] and I are going to spend all our time and attention to help Noah to get better, by suspending our professional activities for now.

“During this difficult time, we ask that you pray for him and please respect our privacy.

“We have a long road ahead of us and we hope that with the support of our family, friends, fans around the world and our faith in God, we can win this battle.”

Buble and his wife are also parents to a baby boy named Elias.

A few days after this awful news was made public, Noah’s aunt and Michael’s sister, Brandee Bublé, has shared some inspiring words on Instagram.

Brandee took to her social media account and posted a picture of a chalkboard.

On the chalkboard was written a biblical quote from 1 Corinthians 13:13. It reads:

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, & love. But the greatest of these is love.”

“And we’ve got a lot … ” the children’s book author captioned the inspiring message, adding a heart emoji.

Shannen Doherty, who is in the middle of her own breast cancer battle, recently spoke to Entertainment Tonight about Noah’s diagnosis

She confessed that she “can’t even begin to touch” on how the family is feeling, considering Noah’s young age, she was speaking from experience when she said:

“Just trust in your doctors. Make sure you have amazing doctors, a great team and know that organizations like the American Cancer Society, Stand Up to Cancer, they are doing so much good for cancer.

“And [there is] so much research that we have much better chances now. Stay positive. That positivity, that outlook on life that you can get through something, it actually does get you through.”

We send our prayers to the Buble family and we hope they know our thoughts are with them.

As demonstrated above and also around the nation, people most certainly do overcome cancer.

We hope Noah Buble can be added to this list.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Colton Haynes Accepts Inspiring Award: WATCH!

Colton Haynes came out as gay in May.

The actor did so in an interview with Entertainment Weekly following months of speculation over his sexuality.

“It took me so long to get to this point, but I’m doing so good,” Haynes said at the time, adding:

"I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and healthier than I’ve ever been, and that’s what I care about."

Since then, Haynes has been applauded for his openness and his honesty, which continued in a feature article in Out Magazine.

The Arrow star admitted to the publication that his dead killed himself back when Haynes was a teenager because he believed his son was gay.

Over the weekend, meanwhile, the former Teen Wolf star received the Human Rights Campaign"s Visibility Award, which he accepted with a tearful, heartfelt speech.

We"ve shared it below.

"I"ve experienced a lot of "wow" moments in my life," he said to open. "But I think tonight, it"s probably topping all of them."

Haynes continued:

"My coming out was a bit splashy for many people…That"s just how entertainment works. It makes a bigger deal out of everyone"s personal decisions."

However, the 28-year noted that he never "made the decision" to be gay. That"s not how it works.

Instead, it came just as "naturally as the color" of his eyes and this explains why he felt at home among the LGBT advocates of the evening.

"Tonight I can actually be myself for the first time, and it feels incredible," he said.

"I feel lucky just knowing we have such a strong, fierce, united community that believes as I do that equality is our birthright. It"s not a slogan."

Haynes went on to basically say the haters can keep hating, but they won"t stop him.

They won"t get in his way when it comes to remaining positive and sharing the message of equality for all.

"My promise is simple and real, and I"m not making it to you," he said, explaining:

"I"m making it to the next generations of lesbians and gay men, bisexuals, and transgender youth, and I hope my example will give them the confidence and hope to be who they are as well."

Pretty profound stuff.

We salute you, Colton Haynes.

And we encourage all readers to watch his speech in full:

Colton haynes accepts human rights campaign award

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

9 Inspiring Celebrity Responses to the Orlando Shooting

The lives of 49 innocent people were taken in an Orlando nightclub over the weekend.

It was an unspeakable tragedy carried out by Omar Mateen, a deranged gunman who used a semi-automatic rifle to carry out the biggest shooting massacre in U.S. history.

And while there are no words to make up for the losses of these individuals, a handful of celebrities out there have at least earned our respect via the following tributes and reactions:

1. Lin-Manuel Miranda Honors Orlando Shooting Victims with Sonnet

Lin manuel miranda honors orlando shooting victims with sonnet

Lin-Manuel Miranda was all over the 2016 Tony Awards. Take a look here at the unique way he honored the victims of the Orlando nightclub shooting.

2. John Oliver On Orlando Shooting: Omar Mateen Is a Terrorist Dipsh*t

John oliver addresses orlando shooting this terroist dipsh star

Comedian John Oliver recorded a brief statement that aired before his Sunday night HBO series, ‘Last Week Tonight.’ Oliver called the suspect a “dipshit terrorist” and highlighted the ways in which others are supporting the victims.

3. J.K. Rowling Mourns Orlando Victim with Harry Potter Connection

Jk rowling on the red carpet

J.K. Rowling has spoken out on one Orlando shooting victim in particular. Here is what the author had to say about Luis Vielma.

4. Kim Kardashian Tweets Surprisingly Insightful Comments on Orlando Shooting

Kim kardashian looks pretty

Kim Kardashian tweeted about the tragedy in Orlando. Somewhat surprisingly, she offered some sound ideas on how to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

5. Adele Breaks Down Over Orlando Shooting

Adele breaks down over orlando shooting

Adele dedicated this entire performance to the victims of the Orlando shooting in Pure nightclub. Watch her tribute now.

6. Jimmy Fallon May Have Given The Best Orlando Tribute Yet

Jimmy fallon may have given the best orlando tribute yet

Jimmy Fallon addressed the Orlando shooting on Monday night, telling the audience he had no idea what to tell his daughters when they’re old enough to ask what happened.

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