Showing posts with label Judd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judd. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ashley Judd Judge Throws Out Sexual Harassment Claim ... Against Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein just won a big victory … a court just dismissed Ashley Judd‘s sexual harassment claims against him.
Ashley claimed Weinstein shut her out of “Lord of the Rings” after she turned down his sexual demands. She says he blacklisted her from movie...
Ashley Judd Judge Throws Out Sexual Harassment Claim ... Against Harvey Weinstein

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wynonna Judd: Daughter Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison

Wynonna Judd’s troubled 22-year-old daughter is once again in trouble with the law.

This time, her daughter has been sentenced to eight years in prison.

Grace Pauline Kelley is Wynonna Judd’s 22-year-old daughter.

Her father is Arch Kelley, who was Wynonna’s first husband.

She has been sentenced to eight years in prison. She has been serving her sentence since April.

Grace is currently in Henning, Tennessee where she is behind bars at the West Tennessee State Penitentiary.

She is not scheduled for release until August 10, 2025.

She will, at least, be eligible for parole as early as February 4, 2019. But, given her history, it is unclear if she is likely to be paroled.

According to RadarOnline, Grace was arrested for leaving a court-mandated drug recovery program early.

The premature departure was a violation of her parole.

The order for her arrest was issued in November of 2017.

This stems from months earlier, in May of 2017, when Grace pleaded guilty to meth manufacture, delivery, sale, and possession with intent in Williamson County Court.

In addition, Grace was also charged with the manufacture and delivery of methamphetamines in the neighboring Maury County.

In that case, Grace pleaded guilty to the lesser charge — possession of meth.

Grace had been ordered to serve 11 months and 29 days in prison, but was instead gifted with a suspended sentence.

She had an enviable opportunity — to serve her sentence on probation after spending only 30 days behind bars and then 180 days in an in-house rehab program.

Unfortunately, it appears that Gracd squandered her parole and will instead spend a great deal of time behind bars. At the earliest, she will still serve for months and months.

She was also ordered to pay a fine of $ 3,092.50. Given that her balance due is now reportedly $ 3,273.50, it appears that she has not attempted to resolve that.

This past year or so is not Grace Pauline Kelley’s first time running into trouble with the law.

In December of 2015, she was arrested in the parking lot of a Walgreens in Nashville, Tennessee.

Months later, she was charged with promotion of meth manufacture.

She was able to plead guilty to the lesser charge of possession of meth, but that’s still … not great. In fact, it’s genuinely worrisome.

She was also arrested in Alabama as a “fugitive from justice.”

Many people read this story with confusion, wondering how this could have happened.

Wynonna Judd has a net worth of about $ 20 million. They wonder how she could fail to help her daughter.

We don’t know the ins and outs of this family, but we know that family life can be complicated. Sometimes, people take a while before they’re prepared to actually accept help.

If Grace is an addict, which some might infer from her criminal history, then there may be some major trust issues between mother and daughter that make it difficult for Wynonna to help. Addicts lie.

Some wonder if Wynonna has simply cut off contact with her young adult daughter in response to this criminal behavior and perhaps as a result of past misdeeds related to meth, but that is all speculation.

We hope that, perhaps behind bars, Grace can get the help that she clearly needs.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Ashley Judd Sues Harvey Weinstein for Damaging Her Career

Ashley Judd’s chances of landing a role on “Lord of the Rings” got torpedoed after she turned down Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual demands … so she says in a new lawsuit. The actress is suing the disgraced movie mogul for defamation and…


Ashley Judd Sues Harvey Weinstein for Damaging Her Career

Ashley Judd’s chances of landing a role on “Lord of the Rings” got torpedoed after she turned down Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual demands … so she says in a new lawsuit. The actress is suing the disgraced movie mogul for defamation and…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Judd Apatow Says Garry Shandling Achieved Zen Ahead of New HBO Documentary

Judd Apatow says his late mentor Garry Shandling became a nicer, wiser guy toward the end of his life, which will be explored in a new documentary about the comedian. We spoke to Judd on “TMZ Live,” and he gave us a rundown on what’s behind his new…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Judd Apatow Donates $1,000 to Florida Shooting Victim"s Hospital Fund

Judd Apatow is just one of thousands of people who’ve donated to a child who was shot and critically injured during the Florida high school shooting … TMZ has learned. Judd’s rep confirmed to us that the comedian had, in fact, contributed $ 1,000…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

TIME Person of the Year Adama Iwu"s Inspiring Meeting with Ashley Judd

Adama Iwu — one of “The Silence Breakers” for TIME’s Person of the Year issue — made the most of the honor during the cover photo shoot and a pretty cool meeting with Ashley Judd. Adama, an activist who exposes sexual harassment, tells us…


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wynonna Judd Can"t Perform at Concert Due to "Medical Emergency"

Wynonna Judd had a serious medical emergency Saturday night that torpedoed her concert. Wynonna was supposed to perform at Aura nightclub in Portland, Maine.  Her opening band took the stage and completed its set and the scene was set for…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Judd Apatow Compares Trump Presidency to Rape, Remains a Jackass

If history has taught us anything, it’s that when a Snooki-colored despot seizes power with the help of a Russian dictator and immediately begins using his stubby baby fingers to shred the Constitution, the opposition doesn’t exactly mince words.

Just kidding, a situation like the Trump presidency has never happened before in the history of anywhere (*googles “Germany 1938″* on second thought…), but when the political sh-t hits the fan like it has in recent months in America, people say things they wouldn’t normally say.

Some of those comments sound crazy, but are actually completely reasonable descriptions of what’s currently taking place in the halls of power.

These comments include “there’s reason to believe the president colluded with a hostile foreign power in order to manipulate a U.S. election, which would mean we’re just beginning to uncover the biggest political scandal in American history.”

Other comments, however, sound crazy and are actually are the sort of remarks that should be left to the tinfoil hat crowd.

A joke made by noted coattail rider and Lena Dunham apologist Judd Apatow serves as a great example of this type of butthurt hyperbole:

Promoting his new HBO show, Neurotic White People in Manhattan (we’re just guessing at the title/concept), Apatow took the stage to perform standup in LA last night.

If you’ve ever been in a room full of people who have gathered to watch a standup set by someone who’s not a professional standup comic, you know how high the expectations were.

Sadly, Apatow was not able to rise to the occasion, and not only because he was unable to simply point a camera at Seth Rogen and go take a nap.

Speaking of the night Trump got elected, Apatow delivers the rare triple-threat bad joke:

It was unfunny, unoriginal, and in poor taste:

“[I felt like] a person about to get raped, but I didn’t know how bad it would be.” Apatow told his audience.

“I feel like I’ve just been raped and I just don’t know if I’m going to get murdered.”

Yes, Judd Apatow thinks he’s funny enough to crack the crowd up with not only, but a joke about what it feels like to be raped.

He is wrong, and like the movie Funny People, the attempt serves as a potent reminder of how little Apatow understands comedy.

When the world thinks you should really just stick to basking in the reflected glory of Lena Dunham, you know your career has really gone off the rails.

But hey, we have to thank him for reminding us how it feels to be pissed off by something not directly related to Trump.

It’s like learning how to love again.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ashley Judd: Watch, React to Her "Nasty Woman" Poem!

In case you did not have access to the television, a radio or the Internet today, allow us to be the first to tell you:

A lot of men and women marched against Donald Trump, his personality and his politics on Saturday.

According to various estimates, over 750,000 people protested in Los Angeles… over 500,000 in Washington D.C… over 250,000 in Chicago.

And so on and so forth.

A number of these protestors were celebrities.

And the celebrity who has received the most attention as a result of her appearance in D.C. was Ashley Judd.

And that"s because Judd used Trump"s own two words (courtesy of an insult her hurled during a debate at Hillary Clinton) against him.

"I am a feminist…I am a nasty woman," Judd declared in her reading of a poem by Nina Donovan, 19-year old from Tennessee.

The message went on to paints a harsh portrait of Trump"s America, awash in corruption, chauvinism and racism.

"I am not as nasty as a swastika painted on a pride flag. And I didn"t know devils could be resurrected but I feel Hitler in these streets. A mustache traded for a toupee," Judd continued.

"I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny ignorance…

"We are not here to be debunked. We are here to be respected. We are here to be nasty. I"m nasty, like my blood stains on my bedsheets,"

It kept going from there.


Ashley judd watch react to her nasty woman womens march poem

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cris Judd Surprised By Possible J Lo and Drake Dating (VIDEO)

Jennifer Lopez’s ex-hubby was stunned at our news … J Lo and Drake are on the road to hooking up.  We broke the news to Cris Judd at The Grove in L.A. Tuesday, and he was legitimately surprised. Check out the vid … it doesn’t sound like a…


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ashley Judd Hints That She Was Sexually Harassed By Harvey Weinstein?

In a recent interview with Variety, Ashley Judd opened up about being sexually harassed by one of Hollywood’s top studio chiefs.

“I was sexually harassed by one of our industry’s most famous, admired-slash-reviled bosses,” Judd revealed. “I was making “Kiss the Girls” at the time, and here I was, a declared feminist.

“I did not recognize at the time what was happening to me. It took years before I could evaluate that incident and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it.”

Judd goes on to say that she was not the unnamed mogul’s only victim, and she says she eventually realized that “a bunch of other actors” endured “the exact same thing.”

The “stealth” nature of the harassment, the abuse of power, and the dawning realization that the victims were numerous bring to mind the many accusations against Bill Cosby

Naturally, the world of celebrity gossip has been abuzz with theories regarding the identity of Judd’s abuser and the speculation keeps coming back around to one name: Harvey Weinstein.

In addition to the fact that Weinstein was accused of sexually assaulting a young woman earlier this year, several details in Judd’s description (a “reviled” boss who heads a studio that’s a “rival” of Paramount’s) mesh with Weinstein’s infamous public persona.

Then there are these accounts posted anonymously on the comment boards for a Jezebel article about Judd’s claims:

“Under the anonymity of the internet, I can actually confirm it was Harvey Weinstein,” wrote one woman. “I went to grad school with Ashley Judd and she told this story as we were discussing adult development and how some powerful men end up as predators.

“She was young when it happened and I absolutely believe her because a) every f–king woman in Hollywood has some unspoken story about that dick and b) she had no reason to lie or embellish under the circumstances.”

Another woman supported the claim, writing:

“Under the anonymity of the internet, I can confirm this from the perspective of a working woman in Hollywood. When things get really sh-tty, there will be actress meet ups that involve lots of sh-tty homemade cocktails and bitching about the stupidity of the old white men that run this industry, and Harvey Weinstein’s name always comes up.

“Everyone has at least one story, whether it’s about them or someone dear to them. It’s so f–ked up. He should absolutely be in prison.”

Weinstein has yet to comment on Judd’s claims or the growing number anonymous allegations against him. Story developing.