Showing posts with label Achieved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Achieved. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Judd Apatow Says Garry Shandling Achieved Zen Ahead of New HBO Documentary

Judd Apatow says his late mentor Garry Shandling became a nicer, wiser guy toward the end of his life, which will be explored in a new documentary about the comedian. We spoke to Judd on “TMZ Live,” and he gave us a rundown on what’s behind his new…


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Audrey Roloff: My Daughter Just Achieved THIS Milestone!

You’ll forgive Audrey Roloff if she is over the moon right about now.

You’ll forgive the Little People, Big World star, in fact, if she is over the moon, Mars, Uranus and every other planet in the solar system…

… because her daughter is just so gosh darn cute, precious and getting older by the second.

Roloff has provided fans with another exciting update about Ember Jean, who came into the world this past September after forcing her mother to go way past her due date.

But Ember has clearly been worth the wait.

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff admittedly struggled at first to adjust to first-time parenthood, but they’ve since found a steady groove and have been sharing adorable snapshots of Ember ever since.

The latest is above… and is positively delightful.

Thanks to the caption, it was also educational.

“We worked hard for those chunky arms so we had to put on our strawberry outfit and show em off,” wrote Audrey at the outset of her message, prior to adding:

“I mean… can you even handle the sweetness?! Does this make her edible?!”

Audrey then said how she feels “so blessed to have such a smiley, squishy, talkative, and healthy baby girl,” passed along her love for Ember and concluded with the aforementioned update:

“P.S. she slept her first night in the crib last night – bittersweet mama moment.”


All parents can likely relate to that feeling.

On one hand, it’s nice to have the child a bit farther away at night in order to help you sleep.

On the other hand, this is the first of what will be many, many signs that Ember is growing up. And quickly!

Just over a week ago, Roloff posted a picture of Ember in celebration of the young girl’s four-month birthday.

She wrote at the time that Ember was “laughing and giggling,” that she was “sitting up in a high chair” and sleeping about “seven hours a night.”

That impressive last benchmark explains why it was time for Ember to go sleep in her own crib, away from Mom and Dad.

(Of course, she’ll always be close to Mom and Dad, in terms of where she stands in relation to their heart.)

“I’m in love I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it!” concluded Roloff at the time.

Earlier in her motherhood, Audrey explained that she was having some difficulty, mostly with breastfeeding, but also with the adjustment in general.

Can anyone blame her?

In the blink of an eye, you are responsible for an entire human being, from dressing her to feeding her to changing her to making sure she feels safe and loved at all times.

It’s really amazing any parent can maintain his or her sanity, when you stop to think about it.

Thankfully, Audrey has a supportive husband and a loving family, even more so now that she and Jacob have ended their alleged feud.

At some point this spring, TLC will air new episodes of Little People, Big World and we can’t wait to tune and watch Audrey and Jeremy and Ember in loving action.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Jacob Roloff Gushes Over Girlfriend, Has Achieved Ultimate #RelationshipGoal

Jacob Roloff has come a very long way in a year.

Last summer, the ex-Little People, Big World resigned from his family’s reality show with a handful of scathing statements, calling out his loved ones as a bunch of phonies.

The youngest Roloff sibling blasted producers, his parents and his brothers for faking scenes and scripting storylines on a weekly basis.

But that was then.

And now?

Roloff has clearly found peace away from the camera.

He spends a great deal of his time on the road, traversing the Pacific Northwest with his girlfriend and his two dogs and even acknowledging that he may have misspoke a bit in the past.

“I remember at that time, I was causing strife,” Roloff said online about a month ago, adding:

“I said inflammatory things [last year]. Even as I said those things, I would admit that in about a year, ‘I’d probably regret some of this."”

Roloff went on to admit that he was simply rebelling back then and, simply bit, he “grew up” in a big way in the many months since.

Jacob isn’t all talk, either.

He has stopped by his family’s farm in Oregon on multiple occasions since Tori and Zach Roloff welcomed their first child into the world in mid-May, sharing numerous photos of nephew Jackson on Instagram and gushing over the precious bundle of joy.

And now he’s doing the same thing when it comes to his girlfriend, Isabel Rock.

The 20-year old shared a photo of Isabel, sitting around a campfire on his Instagram page yesterday, looking all cute while cuddled up in a cozy blanket.

“Seriously dig this girl,” he wrote as a caption. “Life with her is a gift.”

How sweet is that?!?

When it comes to the proverbial #RelationshipGoals, it’s safe to say these two have attained the sort we all strive for.

Jacob and Isabel have been documenting their road trip on YouTube almost since the beginning.

They keep a running video blog that alerts fans to their whereabouts and serves as a general reflection on their lives.

“These videos are going to be kind of a mix of dog life, travel life, just talking and stuff,” Jacob said back when they started.

“We’ll pretty much just show you scenery and tell you what we’re doing that day or something and then also talks and stuff while we’re driving.”

In general, Jacob has been making a point to step back into the spotlight of late.

He’s been doing this partly to satisfy his base of followers, partly because he has things he wants to say… and partly because he actually has a new book out!

It’s true! Read all about it HERE and decide whether you want to purchase the memoir or not.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Goal: Achieved!

Break out the trumpets, people.

Sound the alarm.

Stand up and applaud.


For several weeks now, Kim has kept followers up at night, causing us to wonder about her weight.

Has she finally shed all of those pregnancy pounds? Has she achieved her weight loss goals?

Come on now, Kim, stop leaving us in suspense: HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH?!?

Forget North West, Saint West or the status of her marriage to Kanye West. Kim’s weight is pretty much all the reality star has been talking about since she gave birth in December.

But now she has officially given the universe a reason to celebrate.

Just feast your eyes on the following photo:

Kim scale

“Yaaaassssss!!!! #Atkins,” Kardashian wrote as a caption to the Snapchat video from which we took this image.

It shows her weight at 135.8 pounds and, as we sadly know, Kardashian weighed 135 pounds before getting implanted with Kanye’s seed last year.

Earlier this month, Kim shared a similar Snapchat video, at which time her weight was 139.6 pounds.

Can we once again mention how pathetic it is for Kim Kardashian to be doing this?

How terrible an example she is setting for new mothers everywhere by emphasizing her need to lose weight to such a degree?

Especially when she has the time and the wealth to diet properly and to exercise with a personal trainer?

Kim, of course, has also been touting the Atkins Diet as playing a major role in her slimmed-down figure, prompting us to wonder just how much money she’s made off those mentions.

Well into the six figures, we’re sure.

Congratulations on that new body,Kim Kardashian! You remain a terrible person.