Friday, May 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Goal: Achieved!

Break out the trumpets, people.

Sound the alarm.

Stand up and applaud.


For several weeks now, Kim has kept followers up at night, causing us to wonder about her weight.

Has she finally shed all of those pregnancy pounds? Has she achieved her weight loss goals?

Come on now, Kim, stop leaving us in suspense: HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH?!?

Forget North West, Saint West or the status of her marriage to Kanye West. Kim’s weight is pretty much all the reality star has been talking about since she gave birth in December.

But now she has officially given the universe a reason to celebrate.

Just feast your eyes on the following photo:

Kim scale

“Yaaaassssss!!!! #Atkins,” Kardashian wrote as a caption to the Snapchat video from which we took this image.

It shows her weight at 135.8 pounds and, as we sadly know, Kardashian weighed 135 pounds before getting implanted with Kanye’s seed last year.

Earlier this month, Kim shared a similar Snapchat video, at which time her weight was 139.6 pounds.

Can we once again mention how pathetic it is for Kim Kardashian to be doing this?

How terrible an example she is setting for new mothers everywhere by emphasizing her need to lose weight to such a degree?

Especially when she has the time and the wealth to diet properly and to exercise with a personal trainer?

Kim, of course, has also been touting the Atkins Diet as playing a major role in her slimmed-down figure, prompting us to wonder just how much money she’s made off those mentions.

Well into the six figures, we’re sure.

Congratulations on that new body,Kim Kardashian! You remain a terrible person.