Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Details Mental Illness in Powerful New Poem

Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra struggles with his mental health, and has to defend himself and explain to fans that his mental illness doesn’t make him a bad parent.

He’s absolutely right. He has coping mechanisms, and one of those is expressing himself through poetry.

In a powerful and evocative new poem, he explains what it’s like to endure the fog of depression and anxiety on a daily basis.

On Instagram, Tyler Baltierra shared a somewhat freeform poem that, at first, might resemble prose.

“Living with this depression & anxiety causes hurt.” Tyler’s poem begins. “Its brain is like an alien stuck in a foreign body.”

A lot of people can feel that way. Particularly those who endure a chronic battle with an illness.

“That body just keeps getting up,” Tyler continues. “it keeps putting on these clothes & it goes about the day doing whatever is required.”

It sounds like he is describing an empty routine that feels devoid of meaning.

“But It barely eats,” Tyler laments. “It’s always weak & it’s always tired.”

Many feel betrayed by their flesh prisons, and Tyler is no exception.

“But I’m so confused,” Tyler writes. “I just don’t get it, because if it’s so weak & it’s so tired, then why can’t it sleep when it’s time for its mind to retire.”

Insomnia is a special kind of torment that adds insult to injury for those enduring the chronic fatigue that can accompany depression.

“It’s like its mind is this tire that keeps spinning in circles & it gets lost every time it takes a spin while driving on that thin of a wire.”

By this point, you have no doubt noted that retire and wire rhyme with some earlier words. There’s a lot of that going on.

“But even though it lacks the ability to see what is required,” Tyler says. “That doesn’t mean It’s not allowed to desire the love & compassion every other human being desires.”

“It feels like it’s a conspire to not have known this information prior,” Tyler writes.

He means a conspiracy, but he’s using poetic license to play with the word.

“Because now all these thoughts in its brain caused by all these demons inside won’t stop talking with such an evil tone that’s dire…”

To be clear, he’s not talking about delusions of demons. He’s talking about the horror of intrusive thoughts.

(On their own, intrustive thoughts are supposed to be prompts to do things that we don’t want to do, so that our horrified internal reactions reinforce our resistance to those impulses. Mental illness can make that much worse)

Tyler writes: “& that tone distracts it from ever being able to see the positivity in this life it could actually acquire.”

That’s depression for you.

Tyler Baltierra ends his poem with the tag: “#PoetryIsMyBrainsFreedom.”

The Teen Mom OG star has opened up about his mental health struggles in the past.

Recently, he shared a heartbreaking poem that he wrote while battling suicidal ideation after getting the news of his father, Butch Baltierra, once again going to jail.

A person’s parent’s screw-ups, as a parent or as a human being, can haunt their children well into adulthood.

Tyler has explained that he shares all of this, not only because expressing himself through poetry is therapeutic, but because he hopes to help people.

Sometimes, the most powerful thing that you can do for someone is to make them understand that they are truly not alone.

The comments under Tyler’s poem were filled with expressions of support and sympathy.

A number of followers mentioned that they very personally understood his experiences.

Others recommended CBD oil, which they say can alleviate anxiety and depression like marijuana without producing the high.

It is always heartwarming to see people come together with solutions that worked for them, but not every solution is universal.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Details Suicide Attempt in Heartbreaking New Poem

We’ve been talking about Tyler Baltierra and his mental health for a while now, mostly because he and Catelynn Lowell have been putting such a focus on it lately.

For the past several months they’ve been dedicating themselves to ending the stigma around mental illness, and they’ve been doing it by being honest about their own struggles.

Catelynn, of course, did two separate six-week stays in a treatment center in Arizona back in winter, to deal with the grief of having a miscarriage and to work through some of her childhood trauma.

She allowed MTV to film much of that journey for Teen Mom OG, even though it was extremely personal and very tough to watch.

As for Tyler, he revealed a few months back that he was diagnosed as bipolar, and he’s also been very open about that.

He’s made several posts on social media about his feelings, and more recently he’s been sharing some poetry that’s really been letting his fans and followers in on his emotional state.

Yesterday, he posted a brand new poem, probably the longest, most intimate one he’s released to date.

And that’s because it’s a poem about his suicide attempt.

As he revealed in that book he and Catelynn wrote together, he tried to hang himself when he was just 12 years old, but was able to free himself before suffering too much damage.

It was bad enough reading about it in the book, but in this poem, he’s gone into even more detail — seriously, it’s a tough read with some graphic details.

Even in the caption he wrote for it, he admitted he wasn’t going to share it, “but I know that I’m not the only one who went through mental health struggles & I know that someone can relate to this experience.”

He said that the poem “was written in a very dark time in my life,” and that “I still don’t like to categorize myself as a survivor but the older I get, the more I realize that we are ALL survivors & we ALL are worthy enough to live!”

And with that, let’s get right into the actual poem, all right?

He begins by asking his readers to “Imagine a little boy almost 12 years old with an angry core & he’s already smoking & trying to find a way to not have his mind collapse to the floor.”

The boy, he writes, goes to school and gets good grades, but has a bad attitude, anger issues, and problems with authority, so he get suspended, but “it doesn’t bother him that bad cause he knows this week he’s gonna see his Dad.”

“But ya see, later on that week, he gets a call from his Dad that makes his knees become weak, ‘Sorry Son, your dad f-cked up again, I have to go back to livin in prison ya see, this is hard on me.”

Tyler’s obviously referring to his father Butch here, who’s been in and out of his life because of his drug addiction.

It’s had a profound impact on him, and as we’re seeing now, 12-year-old Tyler had a very hard time dealing with it.

The poem continues with “He cringes with pain& collects his tears as his ears hear the collect call disappear.”

“He sits in the middle of the kitchen, tears are falling to the floor as he rests his head on the cabinet door & asks what is this life even worth living for?”

As you can probably imagine, here’s where things get dark.

“He sees the knives on the counter,” Tyler writes, “he thinks maybe he can go out that way, he just wants his mind to stop the wander, to stop the shower, of all these emotions that hold all the power …”

Then he describes climbing a tree in his backyard to think and seeing a rope that used to hold a tire swing.

“He grabs that rope, ties it around his neck, then jumps with the weight of all his emotions & he can’t seem to cope with all that, which makes that rope snap back,” he recalls.

“He grabs that rope as it starts to choke, he’s gasping for air, now he’s losing hope, he’s struggling to breathe, he’s stretching his feet to reach the dirt & scrambling because his young naive brain didn’t believe how much this would hurt.”

See what we mean about this being a tough read?

Next, Tyler says that he struggled to get free, and when he imagined his mother finding his body, it gave him the extra motivation he needed to keep trying.

He was able to touch the tips of his toes to the ground long enough to catch his breath, and that helped him gather enough strength to pull himself up and get his head loose.

“He doesn’t believe what happened,” he continues, “he runs in the house & can’t believe how tight that rope just fastened. He can’t believe he just tried killing himself & how his little brain could be so saddened.”

He found some makeup to cover up the “red bleeding rope marks” on his neck, and as he was applying it, “he feels lost, sad, & happy, yeah all those emotions he feels simultaneously.”

“Lost in his mind, sad for all the desperate times, but happy to still be alive!”

It’s a lot to take in, right?

Fortunately, Tyler’s received nothing but support since sharing this, with many of his followers thanking him for being courageous enough to be so open and honest about such a difficult topic.

Lots of people have even told him that his poem is one of the most moving things they’ve ever read, which seems like some pretty high praise.

Here’s hoping that Tyler is feeling way, way better than he did when he attempted suicide, and that he never feels that low again.

Because seriously … how tragic.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Halsey Says She Hopes Trump Listens to He Poem About Sexual Assault against Women

Halsey has a message for Donald Trump … “Watch my F***ing speech!” The singer delivered a rousing, emotional, profound poem Saturday at the Women’s March in New York City … a very personal speech about sexual assault.  We got her at LAX…


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Chael Sonnen Slams Rampage, Fedor ... with Poem!

Chael Sonnen strolled in to the TMZ newsroom … With a poem to make everyone look like buffoons. No, not us, his Bellator competition … Who he says he’ll knock out, what a shocking admission! That’s right, Chael says he’ll…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kobe Bryant Busts Out Slam Poem About Steve Urkel

Kobe Bryant took it all the way back to 1992 last night … busting out a slam poem about the legendary Steve Urkel from “Family Matters” — and he kinda killed it.  The Mamba delivered his performance on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon”…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ashley Judd: Watch, React to Her "Nasty Woman" Poem!

In case you did not have access to the television, a radio or the Internet today, allow us to be the first to tell you:

A lot of men and women marched against Donald Trump, his personality and his politics on Saturday.

According to various estimates, over 750,000 people protested in Los Angeles… over 500,000 in Washington D.C… over 250,000 in Chicago.

And so on and so forth.

A number of these protestors were celebrities.

And the celebrity who has received the most attention as a result of her appearance in D.C. was Ashley Judd.

And that"s because Judd used Trump"s own two words (courtesy of an insult her hurled during a debate at Hillary Clinton) against him.

"I am a feminist…I am a nasty woman," Judd declared in her reading of a poem by Nina Donovan, 19-year old from Tennessee.

The message went on to paints a harsh portrait of Trump"s America, awash in corruption, chauvinism and racism.

"I am not as nasty as a swastika painted on a pride flag. And I didn"t know devils could be resurrected but I feel Hitler in these streets. A mustache traded for a toupee," Judd continued.

"I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny ignorance…

"We are not here to be debunked. We are here to be respected. We are here to be nasty. I"m nasty, like my blood stains on my bedsheets,"

It kept going from there.


Ashley judd watch react to her nasty woman womens march poem

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Wrote a Poem to ISIS Because of Course She Did

Ya know, if we’d been forced to guess a theme for 2017, it almost certainly wouldn’t have been “orange semi-literate throwbacks to bygone decades undermining our national security goals,” and yet, here we are.

First, Donald Trump chooses to take the word of a guy who’s spent the past three years living in the UK’s Ecuadorian embassy over the findings of 17 intelligence agencies.

Now, Lindsay Lohan is jumping into the geopolitical fray as only she can:

As an ISIS-sympathizing poet and possible Turkish spy!

The first indication that LiLo’s Manchurian Candidate chip has been activated came when she basically pledged her loyalty to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a bizarre television interview.

When she started talking in a bizarre fake accent, we knew there was more in store.

Now, Lindsay’s transformation into the Austin Powers to Angelina Jolie’s James Bond is complete, thanks to this weird ass poem to ISIS that she posted to Instagram today:

Lindsay Lohan Poem

The line that everyone has been seizing on today (and with good reason), is the one about “idle ISIS minds.”

For one thing, now that Lindsay Lohan has called ISIS lazy you may want to keep a good several-hundred mile distance from her for the rest of her days, as she’s now a marked woman for life.

We’re guessing someone warned her about that, and she thought they were talking about freckles.

Lindsay says she wants to “fix” ISIS which sounds like the worst idea ever, but we say give her a shot.

In all likelihood, the mission would result in her first film role that would actually be seen by a wide audience in over a decade.

Yes, that was a beheading joke.

We were under the impression that Trump had buried anything that could be described as PC in a shallow grave next to the Bill of Rights.

Oh, that’s not til Jan 20?

Our mistake!

We’ll have further updates on this story, including Lindsay’s inevitable pro-ISIS statement at gunpoint, which she be uploaded some time in the next 48 hours.

Their crucial mistake was believing she could act. 


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Charlie Sheen Writes Insane Poem Following Brooke Mueller"s Hospitalization

So, don’t know if you heard, but Brooke Mueller has had kind of a rough week.

And yeah, that could be in the running for Understatement of the Year.

She was spotted at a bar in Utah on Tuesday night with Bob and Max, the seven-year-old twins she shares with Charlie Sheen.

She was barefoot, which is always a bad sign, and also she had two young children at a bar. On a school night, even.

The situation only got sketchier when Brooke got into a fight with her nanny, who was also at the bar. Someone called the police, but Brooke took the kids and left before they arrived.

Brooke managed to lay low for a few hours, but she was spotted going crazy at a car wash Wednesday morning around 6:00 AM.

People called the police one more time after they saw her “swinging wildly” at the twins. They even stopped to intervene before cops could arrive, and they said she yelled at them and seemed “high as a kite.”

Well, it’s Brooke Mueller, so …

Heartbreakingly, one of the witness claims that one of the kids begged him “Don’t call the cops, they are going to take my mommy away!”

But the unfortunate truth of the matter is that some mommies need to be taken away for the good of everyone involved, but that doesn’t make this whole thing any easier.

Though Brooke did run again before police arrived, they were finally able to speak to her over the phone, and they determined that her children weren’t in danger and that she didn’t commit a crime.

But then a woman who claimed to be Brooke’s mother called police again and informed them that her daughter just might be mentally unstable.

They were able to catch Brooke that time, and she was admitted to a hospital for a psych evaluation.

It sounds like a real roller coaster ride of sadness and drugs, so you know Charlie Sheen couldn’t keep quiet about it for too long.

Charlie released a statement about Brooke to People, and it’s … yeah, you’re just going to have to read it for yourself.

In the face of a roughshod and polar moment of unsanctioned divide

Sanity and certainty were restored with grace and resolve

Immeasurable gratitude and love to a fellow yeoman of the apocalypse

Sir Michael from that hamlet called Walters

Need accept each and every Crimson palm-sting

As high fives rain upon his bitchen nobility

Not just from this traveler

But from his safe and stable brood as well

For real, that was his statement about Brooke Mueller.

Those poor, poor children …
