Showing posts with label Jerk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerk. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Kristen Doute: Nev Schulman is a Jerk and I"ll Never Watch Catfish Again!

Despite Nev Schulman’s accuser filing a police report, they’re keeping him on Catfish, but the show is still looking for a new cohost.

Many thought that Vanderpump Rules star Kristen Doute would be a shoe-in for a host of reasons.

Nev laughed it off and basically called her a stalker, and Kristen is firing back.

Max Joseph is out at Catfish.

Nev Schulman, despite the sexual misconduct allegations against him, is still hosting the show.

And he’s looking for someone else. Naturally, a lot of people suggested Vanderpump Rules star Kristen Doute.

It’s not just that Kristen has been a fan of the show.

Kristen has some real detective skills, as The Ashley notes, having exposed her cheating ex-boyfriend James Kennedy and tracked down Tom Sandoval’s “Miami Girl.”

Using a common celebrity tactic, Kristen even drummed up support for the idea on Twitter, and a lot of fans loved the idea.

But when the subject came up in a recent interview, Nev Schulman shot down the possibility in a deeply insulting way.

“I’m even afraid to say her name, honestly,” Nev told Us Weekly.

He joked about her fondness for Catfish, saying: “I almost feel like I need to take a restraining order out.”

“Kristen really wants to be on the show,” Nev added. “I think she’s almost … she’s trying too hard!”

Kristen Doute appeared on co-star Stassi Schroeder’s Straight Up With Stassi to respond.

“I do not like ‘Catfish.’ I do not watch it,” Kristen shares. “I took it off my DVR.”

Kristen says: “I tweeted Nev. I’ve tweeted Max before. I’ve tweeted at ‘Catfish.’ I definitely started my own hashtag: #KristenForCatfish.”

“You know what, all of my wonderful followers on Twitter had my back and had that s–t trending real hard,” she notes.

“They know that I’m right” for the job, she says, “because I’ve taught them so many things that you, Nev, did not.”

“Everyone that I know — my team, my friends, the people who follow me — all contacted me like, ‘Kristen! He’s looking for a co-host!’” Krisen reveals.

Her interest in the show was famous, so it’s natural that she would come to mind.

“I thought it would be really fun to do one time,” Kristen explains. “I promote the s–t out of it and tell everyone to watch it.”

Stassi reassures her that she did nothing wrong by being outspoken about her hopes.

“That’s called manifesting,” Stassi notes.

Kristen laments how Nev responded: “He was a complete a–hole about it.”

If she just hadn’t gotten the role, that would be one thing. This rudeness is another matter.

“I unfollowed everything,” Kristen says of things related to Catfish. “And I don’t watch the show anymore”

She made this move “because that s–t [Nev said about me] was so beyond rude for someone who commends what you’ve done.”

“He badmouthed me because he thinks he’s too f–king cool for school,” she theorizes.

“He probably won’t even acknowledge this,” Kristen says. “But even if he wanted to say he was joking, it’s still f–king rude.”

She is absolutely right.

You can tell that Stassi is really heartbroken about this.

“It breaks my heart because you’ve talked about this show for so long,” Stassi says supportively.

“What do you want?” Kristen asks of Nv. “Do you want people to never speak about your show or be excited about it?”

She has a very valid point. If you shame fans of your show for liking it … how do you expect other fans to feel?

“It actually hurt my feelings,” Kristen admits. “And then it pissed me off.”


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pete Davidson: Hell Yeah I Used to Jerk Off to Ariana Grande Before We Met!

When he appeared on Howard Stern, Pete Davidson finally addressed his penis size … but he also spoke about a lot more.

Pete admitted to having masturbated to the thought of his current fiancee, Ariana Grande, before they ever met. He also discussed his marijuana use.

This boy has no filter, folks.

Howard Stern, who seems to be so adept at getting people to talk to him that he should probably be working for U.S. intelligence, spoke to Pete Davidson.

Obviously, Pete Davidson famous on his own, but the fact that he’s engaged to one of the biggest talents on the planet definitely came up.

“Any time we’re intimate,” Pete shares. “I’m always apologizing and saying thank you.”

He gives an example of the way that he speaks to Ariana in bed: “‘You’re awesome for doing this, thank you so much."”

That sounds very courteous — and courtesy is exactly what Ariana deserves.

Pete knows that he is the envy of the world when it comes to his romance with Ariana.

“I get it,” Pete says. “I was jerking off to her before I met her!”

That is … well, totally normal. It’s just weird to admit so bluntly, but as we said, Pete has no filter. It’s part of what makes him such a good comedian.

Some worry that Ariana will be upset by his oversharing. Please remember that Ariana started Pete Davidson’s dong rumors

She’s not a little kid — in fact, she’s a few months older than he is. She’s just short.

But when Pete admits that he’s the envy of the world for getting to bone Ariana Grande, he’s not really kidding.

“I got a death threat!” Pete tells Stern.

“Someone wanted to shoot me in the face… because [Ariana] is so hot,” Pete says. “You know how insane that is?”

To be clear, Pete is not maligning the mentally ill — he has been open and direct about his mental health.

“Am I that ugly that people want to shoot me in the face?” Pete jokes. “They’re like, ‘no, f–k this guy,’ like what did I do?”

Pete also opened up about how he addressed his substance abuse issues after going to rehab in 2016 — but he still uses marijuana.

Why? Because it was never an actual problem.

“It wasn’t the weed,” he explains.

He did excise marijuana from his system for a quarter of a year, but realized that unlike other substances, the weed made his life better, not worse.

“I was sober for three months at one point,” Pete shares. “And was like this f–king sucks.”

“I have Crohn’s disease,” Pete says. “So it helps more than you can imagine.”

Those of us lucky enough to only be able to imagine how unpleasant that must be for him should be grateful that we do not understand first-hand.

“There was a point where I couldn’t get out of bed,” Pete reveals. “I was 110 pounds… I also just love smoking weed.”

You know what? That’s not everyone’s thing, but that’s fair. And it is finally becoming decriminalized in more parts of the country.

With the exception of those three months, Pete says, “I’ve been smoking weed every day for eight years.”

One of the reasons that we were so overjoyed when Pete and Ariana first hooked up, aside from the fact that they’re both good people who deserve the world, was that Pete has his life together.

His borderline personality disorder is diagnosed, and he tackled his substance abuse issues directly and successfully.

(Smoking marijuana on a daily basis as self-medication sounds fine, so long as the person is functional — a lot of us know people who do the same who lead successful, healthy lives)

As for his oversharing, well, that is what Pete does. A lot of comedians tend to have less of a filter, which is what makes them so funny.

We somehow suspect that Ariana won’t mind his oversharing. She might object to his self-image issues, though.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Aly Raisman Warns Bachelor Fans: Colton Underwood Is a Selfish Jerk!

Right after Labor Day, Colton Underwood was confirmed as the next Bachelor.

Some fans are very excited, but other members of the Bachelor Nation are still a little wary of him.

According to what his ex, famed Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman, wrote in her book, this next season of The Bachelor could be worse than Arie’s. …

While Aly Raisman did not call out Colton by name in her book, FierceRadarOnline reports that she describes an unhappy encounter with a man who could only be the next Bachelor.

“A professional athlete I’d been talking to for a while had invited me to visit him and watch one of his games,” Aly wrote.

Aly said that she had taken him up on his invitation despite the travel distance because “I figured I could use a distraction.”

“Saturday went well,” she shared, speaking of the day before the game. “The guy was attentive and fun, and we seemed to be having a good time.”

Aly reveals: “But when I met him Sunday after his game, he had turned into a completely different person.”

“We were in his car when I made a move to change the radio station,” she says.

This, apparently, is when things really went south.

“‘Don’t touch the music,’ he snapped,” Aly reports.

“I thought he was joking,” Aly explains. “So I continued to reach for the stereo buttons.”

“‘I’m not kidding — don’t touch it,’ he said sharply,” she narrates.

According to her, this handsome gentleman had some very ugly reasoning for insisting that he control the radio.

She reports that he told her: “‘I just played a game, and you just sat and watched. You haven’t done anything today."”

“‘So we’ re going to listen to this sports radio station,"” she says that he said. “‘I want to hear what they say about me.’”


“I sat silently for the rest of the car ride,” Aly reveals. “I couldn’t wait to get out.”

We can imagine.

“I felt embarrassed,” after the incident, Aly admits.

“But,” she adds, she felt “also angry that I had traveled to see someone who treated me so disrespectfully.”

No one has the right to speak to anyone in the way that she describes. Apparently, the rest of the day didn’t really improve upon her experience.

“He was glued to his phone and ignored me as we sat and ate dinner,” she reveals.

Phone use is a normal part of life, but if someone flies out to see you for a weekend, maybe be less of a jerk.

“When I left for the airport,” Aly shared. “He hardly said good-bye.”

Speaking of this man — whom many believe to have been Colton — reminds us of Raven Gates’ words of warning.

“I just don’t think his intentions are good,” Raven told Tia Booth on Bachelor in Paradise.

“First of all, Colton’s past dating history has been the It Girl,” Raven reasoned. “You’re the It Girl from your season, and he reached out to you.”

“And then he went on Becca’s season, and now he’s back with you,” Raven pointed out. “All of his actions have said something different…”

Raven implored Tia: “You have to really see the true person that Colton is.”

That’s a fair point. People might have a hard time seeing past Colton Underwood’s virginity and his smile and his general handsomeness.

Just because a guy’s clearly not just out to get in your pants doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have an agenda.

If Raven is right, then Colton just gravitates towards the most popular girl around and uses her like an accessory to promote himself.

If Aly was really talking about Colton in her book, then it sounds like he has some major entitlement issues and can be a selfish jerk sometimes.

Besides, if the Bachelor Nation is right about Colton not really being a virgin, then he might also be a huge liar.

What are we getting ourselves into with this next season?


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Selena Gomez to Justin Bieber: Congrats on the Engagement, Jerk!

It’s been three weeks since Justin Bieber got engaged to Hailey Baldwin, and millions of Beliebers are still reeling in shock from the news.

Of course, no one was more shocked than Justin’s most famous ex, Selena Gomez.

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez - Split

Reports about Selena’s reaction have varied, but accounts concur that she was shocked by the engagement.

Some have claimed that Selena was happy to be rid of Justin for good, while others say she would do anything to win him back.

The former scenario was always much more believable, and it’s supported by a new report from Star Magazine.

The tabloid claims that Selena recently wrote a letter to Justin congratulating him on his engagement.

“Selena was initially blindsided by Justin’s wedding plans, but after lots of contemplation realized it’s for the best, and told him so in a letter,” a source told the tabloid.

“She told pals it gave her enormous closure, because it marked the end of a long, painful chapter of her life.”

The insider claims that with the mailing of the letter (frankly, we’re finding it tough to believe that Selena really still uses snail mail, but whatever), Selena felt that she had permanently turned the page on an important chapter in her life:

“Selena doesn’t want to be linked to Justin forever,” the insider said.

“She really just wants to get on with her life. She doesn’t want to be part of the Justin circus anymore.” 

A separate source says Selena looks forward to a future in which she and Justin can enjoy a relationship as platonic friends and share memories of their time together: 

“Selena hopes to get to a point where she looks back on her time with Justin fondly and moves on,” the insider claims.

“At the end of the day, she only wants the best for him.” 

Well, if this report is accurate, then that’s awfully mature of Selena.

Of course, it’s no surprise that she would seize the opportunity to be the bigger person.

Not only has she always been much more emotionally evolved than Justin, she’s now unburdened of the baggage that may have prevented her from seeking out a relationship with someone who’s actually on her level.

It’s a win-win!


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Meghan Markle Issues Statement on Father: Sadly, He"s a Jerk!

In just two days, Meghan Markle will marry Prince Harry in the kind of lavish ceremony that most folks can only dream about.

Unfortunately, in the meantime, she’s being made to tolerate a metric ton of bullsh-t from her wildly trashy family.

For months now, Meghan’s shady half-siblings have been talking trash to anyone who will listen, clearly hoping that her fairytale romance will somehow equate to them never having to work again.

Now, her father is doing his best to one-up his own children in order to retain the title of Worst Markle of Them All.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Thomas Markle had suffered a heart attack and would not be attending the royal wedding on Saturday.

Now, we know that Thomas is not in poor health, but will still not be making the trip to London for his daughter’s big day.

The reason?

Well, as far as anyone can tell, Thomas is embarrassed by a bizarre scandal involving paparazzi photos that he sold to a media outlet.

It’s really not that big a deal on its own, but Thomas seems hell-bent on making it a big deal.

Rather than face the possibility that someone might make fun of him for cashing in on his daughter’s fame, Thomas has decided to piss off one of the world’s most powerful families by casting a dark cloud over a very important day.

The situation is so bad that Meghan has been forced to issue an official statement – her first as a member of the royal family – regarding her father’s absence.

“Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health,” reads the statement.

“I would like to thank everyone who has offered generous messages of support. Please know how much Harry and I look forward to sharing our special day with you on Saturday.”

Officially, Thomas is sticking to the excuse that he’s too sick to travel. 

“He has told Meghan he cannot attend due to medical reasons,” a source tells People magazine.

“She is ultimately concerned, as Prince Harry is, for her father,” the insider adds.

“They have both been in touch with Thomas Markle in recent days, as they have for some time. They have been in regular contact.”

Does this guy know his daughter will have the power to behead people as of Saturday morning?!

We haven’t done much research, but we’re pretty sure that’s a thing.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Arie Luyendyk: Sorry for Acting Like a Jerk... Again!

Arie Luyendyk Jr. is getting really good at this apology thing.

The unpopular Bachelor star has been issuing mea culpas for weeks, it seems, ever since he shattered Becca Kufrin’s heart on national television to wrap up the latest season of this ABC reality show.

This time around, however, Arie did not blindside his fiancee with a break-up speech in front of network cameras.

Instead, he teamed up with his second fiancee to pull a lame, unoriginal and, according to some, offensive prank on Twitter followers this past Sunday.

In honor of April Fool’s Day, Arie and Lauren Burnham set out to play a joke on their shrinking number of fans.

Luyendyk shared a photo of someone’s baby bump, implied it belonged to Lauren and Tweeted:

“Secrets finally out, we have a bunny in the oven! @laurenburnham91.”

Take a look below at the picture that accompanied this caption:

bunny in oven

Just over an hour after uploading this image, Arie copped to the ploy, simply writing “APRIL FOOLS” and likely thinking he was the funniest person on the planet.

But many people out there disagreed.

Because infertility is sadly a common problem in America, a handful of critics on the Internet did not think this was a topic to base a joke around.

There are millions of women who would give absolutely anything to actually have a bun in their oven…and here is Arie, just having a grand ole time at their expense.

So the argument by quite a few social media users went, with one person referring to Lauren and Arie as “disgusting” and others adding:

hating on Arie

“You really are a douche canoe if this is an April fools [sic]!!” wrote another displeased commenter.

(Editor’s Note: Based on the way Arie treated Becca, many would say he’s a douche canoe regardless of this prank. But we digress.)

After initially blowing off the backlash, Luyendyk later jumped back on Twitter yesterday and recognized that he messed up, writing:

I do have sympathy for women struggling from infertility. My April Fools prank was in no way meant to offend women who struggle with that.

I apologize if you were effected personally by my post.

arie apology

That’s probably enough now, right?

We understand why this is a very personal and sensitive issue for folks out there, but we don’t doubt Arie and Lauren meant no harm by their joke.

They’ve hopefully learned some kind of lesson and should probably err on the side of being as sensitive as possible in general, considering how they’re viewed by most Bachelor viewers after the finale.

Maybe take a social media hiatus, guys.

There’s little good that can be done by you making your presence felt strongly in the public sphere these days.

We could all use a cooling off period from these two, no matter what you think of their pregnancy prank, couldn’t we?


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Fred Goldman to O.J. Simpson: You Owe Me $70 Million, Jerk!

It’s been three months since O.J. Simpson was released from prison, and we have to say – so far, things are going pretty smoothly.

O.J. hasn’t some forward as Khloe Kardashian’s father, but he also hasn’t murdered anyone, so we consider it a net positive.

The Juice is one of like three things you’re still allowed to joke about in 2018, so we like to poke fun at him whenever we get the chance.

But it’s important to bear in mind that there’s nothing remotely funny about Simpson’s (alleged) crimes.

Though he was acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in his criminal trial, the former NFL running back was found liable in a 1997 civil case and ordered to pay $ 33.5 million to Goldman’s family.

As he has yet to fork over a dime in the 21 years since, that amount has more than doubled due to penalties and interest and O.J. is now indebted to the Goldmans in the amount of roughly $ 70 million.

Quite understandably, Ronald’s father, Fred Goldman, is tired of waiting, and this week, he filed a motion to force Simpson to pay what he owes.

Goldman is asking a judge to order O.J. to turn over revenue that he “has and could make from any autograph or memorabilia signing, promotion, or other commercial enterprises.”

Since that revenue accounts for 100 percent of O.J.’s earnings these days, he obviously has a good deal riding on the outcome of this case.

It might seem like an open-and-shut scenario, as Simpson’s debt is more than two decades old, but it seems the Goldmans have already hit a snag:

“The judge said if you want to do that, you are going to have to identify who is paying Mr. Simpson,” Goldman’s attorney David J.Cook explained in an interview with Radar Online.

“It’s a temporary pause in our tempo, but it won’t stop us. We can call it a low-level speed bump.”

O.J.’s attorney, Ronald P. Slates, claims his client has done everything in his power to make good on his debt to the Goldmans.

He says that Simpson offered the Goldmans $ 5 million and 25 percent of all future earnings at the 

In response to Slates’ plea for clemency, Cook reminds us that there is no mercy for the Goldmans, who live with the loss of their son every day:

“They live with the loss … and anyone who sees their children die before they do, the loss of a child can be very consuming,” he told Radar.

“Fred rejects, as many people do, what’s called ‘closure.’ Closure for anybody who has lost a child is an obscene word.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Marie in "The Jerk" "Memba Her?!

Bernadette Peters is best known for her role as the trumpet playing vixen Marie — opposite Steve Martin as Navin — in the 1979 funny film ‘The Jerk.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Thursday, June 15, 2017

North Carolina Woman Calls Missing Cat a Jerk, Goes Viral

Cats are notorious for going a wander for days on end, and owners get worried because they think the worst is happening to their little furry friend. 

It happens, and one woman from North Carolina took the internet by storm in her ad to find her cat named Babou who went missing on June 9. 

NC Cat Ad

The reason it went viral? She called the little animal a “jerk.”

No, we’re not even kidding. 

The advertisement reads:

Babou is a 6-year-old, sprayed, gray female shorthair with no chip and no collar, about 10 pounds. She’s been missing since Friday morning, June 9th. 

She’s mostly friendly, but may run if you try to catch her – she’s kind of a jerk, too. She has strong opinions about things. 

Last seen in Ballantyne – closest intersection is Ballantyne Commons and N Community House Road

A post shared by Mary Irwin (@marymakeup) on

We can’t quite believe someone would call a missing pet friend a “jerk,” but it’s certainly a humorous way to garner attention across the internet. We bet everyone is looking out for the little cutie right about now. 

“She’s probably hiding somewhere, cursing my name,” Mary Irwin told ABC News on Tuesday, June 13. She even claimed their reunion would be like a scene out of West Side Story. 

“It’s going to be like the Sharks and the Jets, and she’s going to be leading this team of wild cats,” Irwin joked.

“She’ll show up in two weeks missing an ear and patches of hair and smoking a cigarette all like, ‘You should see the other guy. I’d tell you where he is, but then I’d have to kill you.’”

A post shared by Mary Irwin (@marymakeup) on

She then went on to confirm that she rescued that cat in a Target parking lot in 2011.

“She ran across the parking lot and jumped into my arms. She was the coolest cat for six months and then she got spayed, and that changed everything,” Irwin explained.

“She knows how she is supposed to behave, but she likes to see what she can get away with,” the owner revealed.

“She has a scratching post, but if she’s mad at us, she’ll wait until we’re looking at her, then she’ll walk over to the couch and stick out one paw and run it slowly down the side of the couch. Like a teenager.”

Badou sounds like a wonderful feline, and we hope she makes her way home very soon!


Monday, March 20, 2017

Prince William: Is He a Jerk Behind Closed Doors?

When Prince William married Kate Middleton in 2011, the whole world tuned in for what was almost literally a fairy tale wedding.

Of course, fairy tales usually come to a close after the princess lands her prince (Hey, it’s not our fault they’re so behind the times), and we all know happily ever afters are rare in the real world.

So while the stories we all grew up with depicted royal marriages as the ultimate source of bliss, everything from the Charles and Diana nightmare to the stories about the contentious early years of Queen Elizabeth II’s marriage has shown us that

Yes, he pressures of royalty seem to have a damaging effect on marriages, but there was a time when William and Kate were regarded as the exception to that rule. 

Now it seems they’re falling into the same traps that ensnared William’s forefathers.

Last week, there rumors that Kate was (pardon the pun) royally pissed at William for the mini-scandal that followed his recent ski trip to Switzerland.

You see, Will wasn’t just hitting the slopes with his buddies.

He was day-drinking, “dad dancing,” and getting a bit too close with some women who were decidedly not his wife.

Now, it seems it’s not just Kate who’s feeling fed up with Will’s hard-partying, work-averse ways.

In a new piece for the Daily Mail, columnist Robert Jobson offers a frank assessment of Will’s royal career up to this point.

And it would be a massive understatement to say Jobson is less than thrilled by what he sees:

“The sugar-coated image he enjoyed for so long was almost too good to be true. For scratch the surface of William and what you find is a complex character,” he writes.

“There is an ‘over-confidence’ which some say is bordering on arrogance, and which senior Palace aides now fear is clouding the 34-year-old’s judgment.”

We’ve known for some time now that the public is turning on William and Kate, but Jobson says it’s not just those of us outside the palace walls who are getting tired of Will wearing his sense of entitlement like a badge of honor:

“He can be ‘petulant, capricious, even hostile’, I am told – words you might not readily associate with the second in line to the throne,” Jobson writes.

He goes on to say that Prince Charles has given up on trying to influence the behavior of his “headstrong” eldest son, and William has chosen to surround himself with sycophantic yes men.

Jobson says the added attention Will has received since marrying Kate has gone to his head, and the 34-year-old accepts criticism from no one.

“The Duke of Cambridge has some very good, innovative ideas. But the Duke can be a little unforgiving,” one royal insider tells Jobson.

“When he gets it right everyone is patting him on the back, but who is there to criticise him and warn against getting it wrong?”

It could be a dangerous scenario, as these days, it sounds like Will is “getting it wrong” more than ever.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Stassi Schroeder Sex Tape: Who"s the Jerk That Threatened to Post It Online?

It was back in March of last year that we first learned about the existence of a Stassi Schroeder sex tape

On an episode of Vanderpump Rules that was filmed back in the summer of 2013, Stassi revealed that she’d masturbated on a live webcam for a boyfriend who was out of town.

On the season 3 reunion show, we found out that the intimate moment was recorded without her knowledge, and the video had been shopped around to potential buyers.

On last night’s episode, we learned a bit about the identity of the D-bag who extorted $ 900 from Lisa Vanderpump by threatening to go public with the footage.

Needless to say, if you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know just about everything about this tape except whether or not Stassi’s carpet matches the drapes. (We’re guessing she prefers linoleum.)

But for most fans, one big question remains: Who is this jerk that threatened to post Stassi’s solo sex tape online?

Well, after a bit of digging, we here at THG believe we can confidently reveal the answer:

But first we have to ask: Remember this douche?

That’s Frank Herlihy, the former Sur bartender whom Stassi was dating around the time she made the tape.

That’s not exactly conclusive evidence on its own, but on last night’s episode, Lisa revealed that the amateur extortionist was a former employee whom she had been forced to fire – which also describes Frank.

The only men we’ve seen Stassi get seriously involved with over the course of the series are Jax Taylor, her current boyfriend Patrick Meagher, and Frank.

We’re pretty sure those first two can be ruled out as suspects, which leaves Frank – who was not exactly a fan favorite to begin with – as the culprit.

Can we prove it beyond a reasonable doubt? No, but this ain’t Making a Murderer and Frank ain’t Steven Avery.

He’s just some D-bag who tried to extend his 15 minuted of fame by showing the world his ex’s handiwork. Gross.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence Acts Like a Jerk, Embarrases Foreign Reporter

It wasn"t her finest moment.

After accepting her Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy, Joy"s Jennifer Lawrence went backstage to the press room for a brief Q&A session with reporters.

This particular ceremony is put on by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, meaning that it"s an international thing.  So, when a foreign reporter asked Lawrence a question while staring at his phone, it"s likely that English is not his first language.

"You can"t live your whole life behind your phone, bro," Lawrence lectured the reporter, according to a video recorded by Variety. "

You can"t do that. You"ve got to live in the now."

The reporter was probably petrified that Lawrence was chewing him out, so he laughed nervously and continued with his translated question.

"We"re at the Golden Globes," she told him. "If you put your phone down you"d know that."

Everyone in the room laughed because they thought it was hysterical, while the poor reporter will weep into his hotel pillow tonight.

It was an obnoxious moment, and not one of Lawrence"s finest.  The Oscar winner has had a great run so far in Hollywood, earning praise for her down-to-earth, self-depricating attitude.  

She also wrote an essay about the pay gap between men and women in the industry, which sparked a major conversation.

"When the Sony hack happened and I found out how much less I was being paid than the lucky people with dicks, I didn’t get mad at Sony," Lawrence wrote in Lena Dunham"s magazine, Lenny.

I got mad at myself.  I failed as a negotiator because I gave up early. I didn’t want to keep fighting over millions of dollars that, frankly, due to two franchises, I don’t need. (I told you it wasn’t relatable, don’t hate me.)"

Here"s hoping she realized soon after what a snotty moment that was inside the Beverly Hilton.

Jennifer lawrence acts like a jerk embarrases foreign reporter

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ariana Grande Gets Compared to Ariel Winter, Goes OFF on Boady-Shaming Jerk

Ariana Grande is not shy when it comes to expressing her views, and while the singer’s outspoken ways have landed her in trouble in the past, more often, Ariana has been praised for speaking out on a wide range of important issues.

Yesterday, Ari took to Instagram to share a screenshot from the account of some dumbass who felt the need to share his unfavorable view of her body on social media:

“Was asked if I’d prefer @ArielWinter1 or @ArianaGrande,” wrote the idiot. “Lol, it wud definitely by Ariel Winter curves are sexy sticks aren’t” 

Fortunately, Ariana is not one to quietly back down, and she went off on the dude on her own IG page:

“Sigh …. tweets, comments, statement like this are not okay,” the singer wrote.

“About anyone!!! We live in a day and age where people make it IMPOSSIBLE for women, men, anyone to embrace themselves exactly how they are. Diversity is sexy! Loving yourself is sexy!

“You know what is NOT sexy? Misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing and body shaming!!! Talking about people’s body’s as if they’re on display ASKING for your approval / opinion. THEY ARE NOT!!!! CELEBRATE YOURSELF. CELEBRATE OTHERS. 

“The things that make us different from one another make us BEAUTIFUL. BODY BOUNDARIES. LOVE LOVE LOVE ONLY.” 

Winter – who recently opened up about her breast reduction surgery and has spoken up about the difficulty of coming of age as a young woman in the public eye – saw the comment and spoke out in support of Grande:

“Thank you @ArianaGrande,” the Modern Family star tweeted. “Women should empower one another. Celebrate each other- you’re all beautiful.” 

While we’re just as excited as Ariana is about her upcoming tour with Justin Bieber, we’re even more excited about a a generation of pop stars and actresses who have zero interest in the body competition that’s too often accepted in Hollywood.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ronda Rousey: Justin Bieber is a Jerk!

We all know that Justin Bieber likes to pick fights with photographers, reporters and Orlando Bloom, but he may have bitten off way more than he can chew by pissing off UFC champ and reigning Biggest Badass on the Planet, Ronda Rousey.

Rousey spoke with Cosmo recently, and she told an all-too-familiar tale of Bieber douchery.

“Justin Bieber was actually really rude to my little sister at the Cannes Film Festival,” Rousey began.

“My little sister is really hard to impress. She didn’t really care about anyone at the Cannes Film Festival, but I wanted to spend some time with her.

“Justin Bieber was over there, taking some pictures with some ladies, and she suddenly got really excited. She was like, ‘Do you think he would wanna take a picture with me?

“I was like, ‘Sure, Julia. Don’t worry about it…I walked over there and he turned to me and he goes, ‘I’ve already taken a billion pictures today.’ And I said, ‘Yeah, but – she’s the only 16-year old girl at the whole party.

“I only got ‘yeah, but’ out, and he goes, ‘A billion!’ and he walks off and totally snubs my little sister. She looked at me, and she’s like  on the verge of tears and she goes, ‘I’m no longer a Belieber.

“Yeah, I don’t think I’d wanna hang out with him,” Rousey added. “I’m not a Belieber. I was, but I’m not anymore.”

Interestingly, Bieber is friends with Floyd Mayweather, who’s also but taken down a peg by Ronda in the past.

When Floyd boasted about his superior wealth (as he does constantly), Rousey reminded the world that he’s an illiterate woman-beater.

So far Ronda is dominating her bout against The Money Team!