Thursday, February 1, 2018

Fred Goldman to O.J. Simpson: You Owe Me $70 Million, Jerk!

It’s been three months since O.J. Simpson was released from prison, and we have to say – so far, things are going pretty smoothly.

O.J. hasn’t some forward as Khloe Kardashian’s father, but he also hasn’t murdered anyone, so we consider it a net positive.

The Juice is one of like three things you’re still allowed to joke about in 2018, so we like to poke fun at him whenever we get the chance.

But it’s important to bear in mind that there’s nothing remotely funny about Simpson’s (alleged) crimes.

Though he was acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in his criminal trial, the former NFL running back was found liable in a 1997 civil case and ordered to pay $ 33.5 million to Goldman’s family.

As he has yet to fork over a dime in the 21 years since, that amount has more than doubled due to penalties and interest and O.J. is now indebted to the Goldmans in the amount of roughly $ 70 million.

Quite understandably, Ronald’s father, Fred Goldman, is tired of waiting, and this week, he filed a motion to force Simpson to pay what he owes.

Goldman is asking a judge to order O.J. to turn over revenue that he “has and could make from any autograph or memorabilia signing, promotion, or other commercial enterprises.”

Since that revenue accounts for 100 percent of O.J.’s earnings these days, he obviously has a good deal riding on the outcome of this case.

It might seem like an open-and-shut scenario, as Simpson’s debt is more than two decades old, but it seems the Goldmans have already hit a snag:

“The judge said if you want to do that, you are going to have to identify who is paying Mr. Simpson,” Goldman’s attorney David J.Cook explained in an interview with Radar Online.

“It’s a temporary pause in our tempo, but it won’t stop us. We can call it a low-level speed bump.”

O.J.’s attorney, Ronald P. Slates, claims his client has done everything in his power to make good on his debt to the Goldmans.

He says that Simpson offered the Goldmans $ 5 million and 25 percent of all future earnings at the 

In response to Slates’ plea for clemency, Cook reminds us that there is no mercy for the Goldmans, who live with the loss of their son every day:

“They live with the loss … and anyone who sees their children die before they do, the loss of a child can be very consuming,” he told Radar.

“Fred rejects, as many people do, what’s called ‘closure.’ Closure for anybody who has lost a child is an obscene word.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.
