Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pete Davidson: Hell Yeah I Used to Jerk Off to Ariana Grande Before We Met!

When he appeared on Howard Stern, Pete Davidson finally addressed his penis size … but he also spoke about a lot more.

Pete admitted to having masturbated to the thought of his current fiancee, Ariana Grande, before they ever met. He also discussed his marijuana use.

This boy has no filter, folks.

Howard Stern, who seems to be so adept at getting people to talk to him that he should probably be working for U.S. intelligence, spoke to Pete Davidson.

Obviously, Pete Davidson famous on his own, but the fact that he’s engaged to one of the biggest talents on the planet definitely came up.

“Any time we’re intimate,” Pete shares. “I’m always apologizing and saying thank you.”

He gives an example of the way that he speaks to Ariana in bed: “‘You’re awesome for doing this, thank you so much."”

That sounds very courteous — and courtesy is exactly what Ariana deserves.

Pete knows that he is the envy of the world when it comes to his romance with Ariana.

“I get it,” Pete says. “I was jerking off to her before I met her!”

That is … well, totally normal. It’s just weird to admit so bluntly, but as we said, Pete has no filter. It’s part of what makes him such a good comedian.

Some worry that Ariana will be upset by his oversharing. Please remember that Ariana started Pete Davidson’s dong rumors

She’s not a little kid — in fact, she’s a few months older than he is. She’s just short.

But when Pete admits that he’s the envy of the world for getting to bone Ariana Grande, he’s not really kidding.

“I got a death threat!” Pete tells Stern.

“Someone wanted to shoot me in the face… because [Ariana] is so hot,” Pete says. “You know how insane that is?”

To be clear, Pete is not maligning the mentally ill — he has been open and direct about his mental health.

“Am I that ugly that people want to shoot me in the face?” Pete jokes. “They’re like, ‘no, f–k this guy,’ like what did I do?”

Pete also opened up about how he addressed his substance abuse issues after going to rehab in 2016 — but he still uses marijuana.

Why? Because it was never an actual problem.

“It wasn’t the weed,” he explains.

He did excise marijuana from his system for a quarter of a year, but realized that unlike other substances, the weed made his life better, not worse.

“I was sober for three months at one point,” Pete shares. “And was like this f–king sucks.”

“I have Crohn’s disease,” Pete says. “So it helps more than you can imagine.”

Those of us lucky enough to only be able to imagine how unpleasant that must be for him should be grateful that we do not understand first-hand.

“There was a point where I couldn’t get out of bed,” Pete reveals. “I was 110 pounds… I also just love smoking weed.”

You know what? That’s not everyone’s thing, but that’s fair. And it is finally becoming decriminalized in more parts of the country.

With the exception of those three months, Pete says, “I’ve been smoking weed every day for eight years.”

One of the reasons that we were so overjoyed when Pete and Ariana first hooked up, aside from the fact that they’re both good people who deserve the world, was that Pete has his life together.

His borderline personality disorder is diagnosed, and he tackled his substance abuse issues directly and successfully.

(Smoking marijuana on a daily basis as self-medication sounds fine, so long as the person is functional — a lot of us know people who do the same who lead successful, healthy lives)

As for his oversharing, well, that is what Pete does. A lot of comedians tend to have less of a filter, which is what makes them so funny.

We somehow suspect that Ariana won’t mind his oversharing. She might object to his self-image issues, though.
