Showing posts with label Acts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acts. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Aretha Franklin Detroit Memorial Features 24 Musical Acts

TMZ just got a list of the performers who will take the mic at Aretha Franklin’s memorial next Thursday, and it’s awesome!!! Check this out: The Four TopsGladys KnightJohnny GillRon IsleyKiki SheardKurt CarrJean CarneDoug CarnRonnie McNeirLJ…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mariah Carey Accused by Ex-Manager of Nudity and Sex Acts

Mariah Carey has faced a number of challenges and setbacks during her life and career. This, however, could cost Mariah her reputation.

Her former manager is gearing up to sue her.

Mariah is accused of sexual harassment … and of just generally being naked all of the time.

This isn’t the first time that Mariah Carey has been accused of inappropriate behavior and inappropriate workplace nudity.

This time, however, it isn’t by a security guard — it’s by her former manager, Stella Stolper.

TMZ reports that she is suing Mariah Carey and accusing the singer of sexual harassment.

The accusations go beyond inappropriate nudity.

Mariah allegedly did “sexual things” while naked and in the presence of her management. That is, folks, not appropriate behavior in the vast majority of professional environments.

Stella’s team has filed documents alerting Mariah’s people that a lawsuit is in the works.

There is more, beyond the “I love being naked around people whose jobs require them to be near me” issue, which in and of itself matches up with previous accusations levied against her.

Stella will reportedly accuse Mariah of having a substance abuse problem.

One of her issues is allegedly that she doesn’t take her meds for her bipolar disorder.

When you have bipolar disorder, randomly not taking your meds can be dangerous and can lead to disastrous losses of impulse control.

Stella apparently plans to levy more accusations against Mariah that will make these accusations pale in comparison.

Stella’s papers say that Mariah fired her while she was in the middle of a three-year contract.

She says that Mariah still owes her a major payday for that.

It seems like, if Mariah just pays her what she says that she owes her, this lawsuit might never happen.

But it doesn’t sound like Mariah is interested in handling this quietly.

Her rep tells TMZ:

“If this frivolous and baseless claim is filed, we will defend against it vigorously and successfully.”

Previous accusations against Mariah, made by a man who had worked security for her, are hauntingly similar.

He, also, accused her of deliberately exposing herself to him and even instructing him to enter rooms where she was already posed and naked.

Mariah would also allegedly say hateful things to the men employed to protect her.

For example, she would refer to white men on her security team as members of the KKK, or would simply announce that she did not want white people around her but would prefer to be surrounded by black men.

People deserve a basic level of respect, and it doesn’t sound like Mariah was giving that to her security team.

We should mention that these are far from the wildest accusations leveled against Mariah Carey.

Her own (estranged) sister has claimed that Mariah grew up in a Satanic sex cult. She described alleged childhood memories of animal sacrifices and chanting and other visuals from a bad 1980s horror movie.

It is always important to consider which accusations sound credible and which accusations sound like a desperate cry for help by someone who is clearly troubled.

It’s worth noting that everyone accusing Mariah of nudity and sexual misconduct has something to gain — a financial payout that they say that they are contractually owed.

That said, just because someone has something to gain doesn’t mean that they aren’t owed anything.

Is this just another lawsuit … or is this a brand new #MeToo story, being leveled at Mariah Carey?


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Super Bowl Halftime Acts: Who Really Scored?

Beyonce. Madonna. The Black Eyed Peas. Lady Gaga. Who put on the best Super Bowl halftime act in recent memory?

Have a look below at some of the best Super Bowl performances and weigh in now.

It"s a tough choice!

1. Beyonce

Beyonce halftime show

Queen Bey ran the world in 2013, making her Super Bowl performance one of the most memorable. She even staged a Destiny’s Child reunion!

2. Madonna

Madonna super bowl performance

Madonna took to the Super Bowl stage in 2012 and she proved she was the Queen of Pop. It’s just a shame Beyonce outshone her the next year.

3. Black Eyed Peas

Black eyed peas halftime show

The Black Eyed Peas showed off their vocal prowess back in 2011 when they were still HUGE. Yes, their songs were AMAZING. Everything about it was just a delight.

4. Bruce Springsteen

Bruce springsteen halftime show performance

Music legend, Bruce Springsteen took to the stage in 2009 with a showstopping performance.

5. The Rolling Stones

The rolling stones halftime show

The Rolling Stones set the Super Bowl stage alight in 2006. Despite a few issues, it was a solid performance.

6. Paul McCartney

Paul mccartney halftime performance

Paul McCartney proved in 2005 that he was just as relevant as he was many years before.

View Slideshow

Monday, June 12, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Suspended After Sex Acts in Pool, Contestant DeMario Jackson Says

“Bachelor in Paradise” was shut down after a producer complained about 2 contestants getting extremely sexual in a swimming pool … this according to sources connected to contestant DeMario Jackson, but there are different versions and Warner Bros.…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Donald Trump"s Ex-Wife Acts Oblivious to Kathy Griffin"s Beheading Photo (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s second ex-wife is ready for her close-up in Hollywood … based on the way she played oblivious to Kathy Griffin’s gory beheading photo and all the fallout from it. Marla Maples, who still looks ridiculously hot, was leaving an event…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Justin Bieber Takes Dig at The Weeknd, Acts Like a 6-Year Old

As previously noted, Justin Bieber is back on Instagram.

But the artist isn"t just posing with his shirt off for legions of drooling fans.

He"s also throwing immature shade at his ex-girlfriend"s new boyfriend.

Instead of attending the Grammy Awards on Sunday night, Bieber conducted a livestream on social media with fans.

When asked about his current favorite song, the pop star replied, “Ummm … ‘Starboy’ by the Weeknd,” prior to laughing for 12 straight seconds.

"Oh sh-t, that was funny,” the 22-year-old added. “We gotta end it now. Oh, that was too funny.”

Was it? Was it really?

Bieber apparently finds it hysterical that he would name The Weeknd, considering this singer is in the process of banging Selena Gomez, Bieber"s long-time girlfriend back in the day.

Previous reports had claimed Bieber wasn"t fazed by this relationship because he didn"t think any real feelings were involved.

But it"s clearly on his mind. That"s our main takeaway from the following piece of footage.

A few days after news of Selena dating The Weeknd went viral, Justin was asked by TMZ about the romance and whether it has affected his enjoyment of the latter"s music.

“Hell no I can’t listen to a Weeknd song,” he said at the time. “That sh-t’s wack.”

Watch his lame laughing over The Weeknd below:

Justin bieber takes dig at the weeknd acts like a 6 year old

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump Accused of "Perverted Sexual Acts," Blackmail at Hands of Russia

Donald Trump may be in serious trouble.

We’re talking serious, BIGLY trouble, like no politician has ever been in before.

On Tuesday night, mere hours before Barack Obama made us all cry during his Farewell Address, multiple news outlets reported that Trump may have been compromised by Russia.

In a stunning, 35-page document, anonymous sources allege that the foreign power has been blackmailing and colluding with the President-Elect over “salacious” personal and professional information it has cultivated on Trump over the years.

It’s important to note that the information contained in this report has not been verified by any U.S. intelligence agencies at the moment.

But Buzzfeed has actually published the full, unverified dossier – which has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents and journalists for weeks – that outlines how the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” Donald Trump for years.

A synopsis of this packet was reportedly given to Trump and Obama at some point this month.

Both have been made aware of the damning intel Russia has gathered on Trump.

The document was prepared by a former British intelligence agent. Among other shocking claims, it says:

– Trump was first approached by Russian officials in 2013 when he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant.

– His lawyer, Michael Cohen, held clandestine meetings with Russian officials in Prague in which he discussed pay-offs to Russia for the nation having hacked into U.S. email accounts in an attempt to sway the election toward Trump.

– Trump “accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin,” including on his Democratic and political rivals.

– During a trip to Moscow, in which he stayed in the same Ritz-Carlton room as Barack and Michelle Obama once stayed, Trump asked prostitutes to defile the bed on which The First Couple once slept by peeing on each other.

You can read the entire document HERE.

You may draw your own conclusions and you may read every detail of this alleged relationship between Trump and Russia.

But, as you might, expect, the Internet is focused on one specific aspect of the report:

The whole golden shower thing.

Here is the excerpt from the dossier that highlights this allegation:

According to Source D, where s/he had been present, Trump’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel where he knew President and Mrs. Obama (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him.

Along with (great) jokes about R. Kelly now singing at Trump’s inauguration, Twitter could not help but go off on the assertion that Donald Trump asked prostitutes to pee all over each other in his presence.

To wit:

Chelsea Handler referred to Kanye West’s blonde hair, shared a photo of the rapper with Trump and wrote:

“Kanye’s new hair makes a lot more sense now #GoldenShowers.”

The following Joe Biden meme is also making the hilarious rounds:

Of everything listed in this document, Trump paying for golden showers may be the least important allegation.

It would simply paint the President-Elect as someone with unique sexual tastes, not as someone working with a foreign power to undermine the U.S. democracy.

But we’ll save the in-depth political analysis for CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

We’re The Hollywood Gossip. What else are we going to focus on aside from Trump’s supposed desire to soil a bed in which the Obamas once slept with prostitute urine?

For his part, Trump has referred to this entire report as a “witch hunt.”

Sorry, as a “WITCH HUNT.”

He, along with Mike Pence, also linked to an article in something called titled “Fake News: BuzzFeed Runs ‘Unverifiable’ Trump-Russia Claims” as proof that the whole thing is BS.

This random website is run by conservative talk show host and outspoken Trump supporter Laura Ingraham.

And BuzzFeed itself wrote several times that the report is “unverified.”

This is all a lot to digest, we know. But don’t think too much about it.

Just look forward to Trump’s press conference today, hope the media does its job in pressing him on everything related to Russia…

… and enjoy some more golden shower jokes on Twitter!


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Nick Viall Acts Like Nick Viall, Sleeps with Bachelor Contestant

Nick Viall is doing all the work for the producers of ABC’s The Bachelor. 

The 36-year-old will be the latest suitor on the reality hit when the show debuts in January. 

Nick has been very vocal about his love for sex in the past, but the latest bit of intel is something not even he could have predicted. 

Production on his season of The Bachelor is well underway, but Viall got the shock of his life when he realized that he already knew one of the contestants. 

He slept with the lucky lady and didn’t think to call her again. 

“During the first day of taping, all of the girls came out, and he actually had slept with one of them at a wedding and never called her again,” the insider tells Us.

That’s totally awkward and we can’t wait to see how it all plays out on screen. 

Is that perhaps why Nick was nervous to be The Bachelor?

There’s word that Nick and the woman did not acknowledge the fact they had hit bone town prior to the show filming. 

It would not have went down well with the other contestants. They would no doubt feel like the chick had an unfair advantage. 

That said, Nick apparently made it clear to producers that he did not want any of his past conquests on the show as it would be a waste.

If that is indeed true, he makes a valid point. 

If the previous women in his life did not get his heart racing, then why would that happen on the show?

Obviously, tensions could flare because of the fact the whole thing is televised. 

It would make for a good narrative if the one that won Nick’s heart was one of the women who got away from him. 

It would be a bit much, but what more can we realistically expect from the reality hit?

Nick is currently on his third shot at love with the ABC franchise, so here’s hoping that he finds the woman for him. 

It would suck if he returned a fourth time. That would probably break some sort of record. 

Either way, this latest intel has us more intrigued than ever for the new season of the show. 

What do you think of the news?

Hit the comments below!


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton Acts All Silly with Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Hillary Clinton was in good spirits and, we presume, good health on Tuesday night.

She was definitely in good company.

The front-runner to be elected President of the United States in November attended a fundraiser at the Los Angeles home of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, stopping at various point to pose with the well-known guests there.

The snapshots on Clinton and her two famous hosts inside a photo booth have gone viral, for example because…

… well, just look at them!

There’s Hillary, Justin and Jessica smiling as a trio.

There they are looking all shocked and surprised.

There’s Hillary and Jessica exchanging stunned expressions.

And there’s all three of them looking cute and cozy together.

“Look who came over for lunch… #imwithher,” Biel wrote on Instagram after making this hilarious set of photos live.

Timberlake them chimed in with: “Look WHO DID come over for lunch… Wow. #ImWithHer.”

Jennifer Meyer, meanwhile, snapped a selfie with Hillary and Jennifer Aniston at the event.

“We’re with her,” the jewelry designer and wife of Tobey Maguire wrote on Instagram. “[Love] us @hillaryclinton.”

According to guest Maya Henry’s social media updates, Timberlake and Biel hosted the event and also made a speech in front of about 100 guests, a list that included Jamie Foxx.

Earlier in the week, Clinton made other stops in California that included a fundraiser at Magic Johnson’s home.

She also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live in order to answer questions about both Donald Trump and her health.

In response to ridiculous accusations over the declining state of her physical well-being, Clinton was up to a challenge that Kimmel laid in front of her:

Could she open a jar of pickles? To quote a former Vice Presidential nominee… you betcha!

See Hillary do exactly that below:

For whatever it’s worth, Clinton appears to have the A-List celebrity vote all wrapped up.

At the Republican National Convention in July, Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. spoke.

At the Democratic National Convention a week later, Demi Lovato, Meryl Streep and Eva Longoria were among the featured speakers.

Will these endorsement actually make a difference come the election?

It’s impossible to say, but Clinton’s list of enthusiastic celebrity supporters certainly can’t hurt.

Here’s an updated rundown of the many stars with whom Clinton has stopped to pose over the past several months of her campaign.

They are most definitely with her.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Justin Bieber Has Epiphany, Acts Like Jesus in a Tree

We"re a little worried about Justin Bieber.

He"s just… been acting a little odd lately.

Earlier this week, he said he feels "like a zoo animal" when fans take photos of him and announced a new no-picture policy.

Then he was seen in Boston wandering around a park shoeless and feeding the squirrels.

What"s going on?

Well, sources close to the Biebs tell TMZ that all the touring he"s been doing has taken its toll and he feels he"s "lost his center."

They say he"s had an "epiphany" of sorts and wants to move away from the nightclub scene and reconnect with religion and nature.

Earlier this week, he was seen sprawled out solo on the lawn of the Canadian Parliament building and, true to his word, refused a pic with a fan.

In the video below, he hangs out in a tree, spreading his arms out like Jesus on the cross.

Justin does seem committed to his spiritual reawakening, as he just got a face tattoo of a small cross underneath his left eye, a move that had fans freaking out because OMG HIS FACE.

He also paid homage to God in a recent Instagram post, sharing a heavenly photo and praising the big guy in the caption.

"I am so glad God is able to move even when people are blind to it," he wrote. "I am the one on that stage but I am nothing without a light shining through."

"I’m such an average, ordinary person that doesn’t deserve the praise," he continued.

"I believe it belongs to my God! Thank you God for showing up when we need you the most!"

We hope Justin finds his peace and heals his soul, whether it"s in a tree or wherever.

Justin bieber has epiphany acts like jesus in a tree

Friday, March 25, 2016

North West Curses & Acts Totally Ratchet in New Video by Khloe Kardashian

We can"t decide if this is funny as hell or terribly disturbing.

We knew we liked North West when she was caught giving her mom Kim Kardashian some major side-eye as the selfie queen sang in the car.

But now her aunt Khloe Kardashian has taken an innocent photo of little Nori and turned her into a trash-talking ratchet biatch.

In a new blog post entitled "Watch North Unleash Her Inner Diva," Khloe utilizes the app "My Talking Pet" to manipulate North"s mouth to appear as if she"s going on a crazy, expletive-filled rant.

“OMG, I’m obsessed with making these videos of my nieces and nephews saying the most INSANE sh*t!!!" writes Khloe. "I send them to Kim and Kourt in our family’s group texts and we can’t get enough, LOL. Damn, Nori, you savage!”

Savage, indeed.

In the vid, the two-year-old wears shades and spouts off on, I dunno, the people.

This is a transcript of North"s little made-up toddler tirade:

“Do you know who my mama is? Do you know who my daddy is? That’s right, don’t make me check you. And do not make me take my shades off, because I will punk your f*cking ass.

"I don’t think you know who I is. My name is North West, and I’m about to run this sh*t for the rest of my life. 

“I am the head bitch in charge. You can take a seat. Actually, you can take a few seats, okay?!

"Don’t even get me to start tripping out. And listen, do me a favor: Remember, don’t you ever come for me, unless I send for you.

"Okay? Okay, okay, okay?"

Um, okay.

I suppose such a video might be hilarious if it was of, say, Jessa Duggar"s baby Spurgeon, because it would stand in stark contrast to the family"s super pious Christian beliefs and would never actually happen (heaven forbid). 

But coming out of Nori"s mouth leaves us feeling disconcerted because, frankly, this is precisely the type of tripe we hear from her father Kanye West a regular basis.

Catching a glimpse of this apple possibly having fallen so close to that tree makes us brace for the future – and not in a good way.

We"ve already seen North scowling like her dad in this side-by-side pic, and it was kinda cute, but we hope and pray she doesn"t emulate his attitude.

However, Khloe thinks the vid is totally boss, and plans to make more starring her other nieces and nephews. 

“I’m definitely going to be sharing more of these with you guys — they’re too good to keep to myself. Get ready for some KoKo-fied Mason, Penelope, Reign and Saint vids!!!”

We can"t wait to see Penelope slurring her words like an alcoholic and Saint complaining about his baby weight while posing for a belfie.

What do you think of Khloe"s new video? 

North west curses and acts totally ratchet in new video by khloe

North West Curses & Acts Totally Ratchet in New Video by Khloe Kardashian

We can"t decide if this is funny as hell or terribly disturbing.

We knew we liked North West when she was caught giving her mom Kim Kardashian some major side-eye as the selfie queen sang in the car.

But now her aunt Khloe Kardashian has taken an innocent photo of little Nori and turned her into a trash-talking ratchet biatch.

In a new blog post entitled "Watch North Unleash Her Inner Diva," Khloe utilizes the app "My Talking Pet" to manipulate North"s mouth to appear as if she"s going on a crazy, expletive-filled rant.

“OMG, I’m obsessed with making these videos of my nieces and nephews saying the most INSANE sh*t!!!" writes Khloe. "I send them to Kim and Kourt in our family’s group texts and we can’t get enough, LOL. Damn, Nori, you savage!”

Savage, indeed.

In the vid, the two-year-old wears shades and spouts off on, I dunno, the people.

This is a transcript of North"s little made-up toddler tirade:

“Do you know who my mama is? Do you know who my daddy is? That’s right, don’t make me check you. And do not make me take my shades off, because I will punk your f*cking ass.

"I don’t think you know who I is. My name is North West, and I’m about to run this sh*t for the rest of my life. 

“I am the head bitch in charge. You can take a seat. Actually, you can take a few seats, okay?!

"Don’t even get me to start tripping out. And listen, do me a favor: Remember, don’t you ever come for me, unless I send for you.

"Okay? Okay, okay, okay?"

Um, okay.

I suppose such a video might be hilarious if it was of, say, Jessa Duggar"s baby Spurgeon, because it would stand in stark contrast to the family"s super pious Christian beliefs and would never actually happen (heaven forbid). 

But coming out of Nori"s mouth leaves us feeling disconcerted because, frankly, this is precisely the type of tripe we hear from her father Kanye West a regular basis.

Catching a glimpse of this apple possibly having fallen so close to that tree makes us brace for the future – and not in a good way.

We"ve already seen North scowling like her dad in this side-by-side pic, and it was kinda cute, but we hope and pray she doesn"t emulate his attitude.

However, Khloe thinks the vid is totally boss, and plans to make more starring her other nieces and nephews. 

“I’m definitely going to be sharing more of these with you guys — they’re too good to keep to myself. Get ready for some KoKo-fied Mason, Penelope, Reign and Saint vids!!!”

We can"t wait to see Penelope slurring her words like an alcoholic and Saint complaining about his baby weight while posing for a belfie.

What do you think of Khloe"s new video? 

North west curses and acts totally ratchet in new video by khloe

Monday, February 22, 2016

Courtney Stodden Sticks Naked Butt in the Air, Acts Natural

Whew! For a minute there, we’d thought we’d lost naked Courtney Stodden.

First, she posts a makeup-free selfie, revealing a face (and just her face) that’s totally unrecognizable. Okay, she’s pretty much unrecognizable to most folks, anyway, but you know what I mean.

Then she posts a photo of herself in her version of a “classy” outfit: a skimpy leotard and a hoodie.

Geez, Courtney. You may as well be the next Sister Wife.

But nah, that was all just for funsies, because naked Courtney is back on Instagram, nuder than ever.

In this naked photo, she’s in bed, which we know because she captioned the photo with the hashtag “#bedbug.”

When I see a pic like this – you know, one that’s supposed to be “candid” but in reality is anything but – I always ponder the logistics that went into it.

For example:

  • How many shots did she take before getting a good one?

  • How many times did she have to move before getting the right lighting?

  • Who is actually taking the photo?

  • Is someone crouching down on the side of the bed or is Courtney doing a reach around with her right arm?  

  • How many times did she have to reposition her ass to get that curved look?

Any woman who’s ever tried to take sexy selfies like this (yep, I’m guilty) knows that it’s not like, “Oh, I’m just hanging around naked in bed in full hair and makeup with my ass thrust skyward and thought I’d capture the moment with a selfie.” 

Nah, girl, it takes time, effort and commitment.

But then again, this is kind of Courtney’s job.

However, believe it or not, she does have another job. She’s set to appear on Lifetime’s new reality show, The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition with her mom Krista, plus Kim Richards and Heidi Pratt.

We’re positive it’ll be a doozy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Farrah Abraham Screams at Her Mom Again, Acts Like an Ass

In the latest clip from Teen Mom OG, Farrah Abraham has an epiphany, apologizes to her family and anyone she"s ever insulted in a desperate plea for forgiveness for acting like a monster over the years and promises to change her ways.

Haha, just kidding.

In actuality, we see Farrah screaming at her mom yet again, possibly trying to bait Nicki Minaj into calling her out on Twitter again so mainstream media will pay attention to her once more.

Nicki famously tweeted that Farrah was "a c*nt to her mother" last month, which was possibly the best thing that"s ever happened to Farrah"s career.

I"m sorry, but I kind of had to chuckle when I typed "career."

In the clip, we first see Farrah"s mom Debra sitting with her granddaughter Sophia, scrolling through pics Farrah sent them from England, where she"s shooting Celebrity Big Brother UK.

The photos show Farrah in a very low cut dress in front of Buckingham Palace, and Sophia tells Grandma, "Mommy"s boobies really big."

They ARE, Sophia!

Farrah then calls her mom, who is taking care of Sophia and the house while she"s away, and actually starts out acting semi-sweet. 

Deb tells Farrah her hair looks beautiful and she seems very pleased with the compliment. 

They engage in some chit chat and Deb tells her Sophia"s doing great, then Farrah brings up an abnormally high water bill she received and asks what"s going on.

"Have you been using excessive amounts of water, Mom?" asks Farrah.

Deb explains that the sprinkler had broke "or something," and Farrah jumped right to conclusions.

"You guys let the water run all day?" she demands.

"No," Deb says.

"You know what, don"t lie," starts Farrah, and then the clip cuts off, teasing a rant she"ll surely embark on in which she"ll tear Deb a new one for the 3,435th time.

Think maybe this time Deb will grow some mama balls and stand up to her daughter? Probably not, but we can dream.

And we probably won"t feel too bad for the reality TV star when Sophia grows up, makes just like Mommy and treats her exactly the way she sees Farrah treating Deb.

Lead by example, Farrah.


Farrah abraham screams at her mom again acts like an ass

Monday, January 11, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence Acts Like a Jerk, Embarrases Foreign Reporter

It wasn"t her finest moment.

After accepting her Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy, Joy"s Jennifer Lawrence went backstage to the press room for a brief Q&A session with reporters.

This particular ceremony is put on by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, meaning that it"s an international thing.  So, when a foreign reporter asked Lawrence a question while staring at his phone, it"s likely that English is not his first language.

"You can"t live your whole life behind your phone, bro," Lawrence lectured the reporter, according to a video recorded by Variety. "

You can"t do that. You"ve got to live in the now."

The reporter was probably petrified that Lawrence was chewing him out, so he laughed nervously and continued with his translated question.

"We"re at the Golden Globes," she told him. "If you put your phone down you"d know that."

Everyone in the room laughed because they thought it was hysterical, while the poor reporter will weep into his hotel pillow tonight.

It was an obnoxious moment, and not one of Lawrence"s finest.  The Oscar winner has had a great run so far in Hollywood, earning praise for her down-to-earth, self-depricating attitude.  

She also wrote an essay about the pay gap between men and women in the industry, which sparked a major conversation.

"When the Sony hack happened and I found out how much less I was being paid than the lucky people with dicks, I didn’t get mad at Sony," Lawrence wrote in Lena Dunham"s magazine, Lenny.

I got mad at myself.  I failed as a negotiator because I gave up early. I didn’t want to keep fighting over millions of dollars that, frankly, due to two franchises, I don’t need. (I told you it wasn’t relatable, don’t hate me.)"

Here"s hoping she realized soon after what a snotty moment that was inside the Beverly Hilton.

Jennifer lawrence acts like a jerk embarrases foreign reporter

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Miley Cyrus Acts Like Big Baby in New Music Video

Miley Cyrus has spent the last couple years proving that she is no longer a child.

She"s an adult who can get totally naked any time she wants and who smokes a lot of marijuana. (It"s true.)

But the artist has chosen to go back in time for her "BB Talk" music video, acting like a giant baby throughout the duration of the footage.

We"re not kidding or exaggerating.

The video features Cyrus using recreation props as a pacifier and donning a curly blond wig with a pink bow. She pouts like a little child as she belts out lyrics about the complexity of lost love.

It"s very weird and very confusing, even by Miley Cyrus standards.

At one point, Miley goes from the crib… to a bubble bath… to dancing around with a pacifier while saying things such as, "I don"t know what the f–k I want."

Classic, Miley, right? We guess.

It makes that whole prosthetic penis thing seem almost normal.

The song is the latest off "Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz."

The former Disney actress surprised fans with the released of her first video off the album for "Dooo It!" after she hosted the Video Music Awards in August.

A few months later Cyrus, premiered her psychedelic video for "Lighter," in which the 23-year-old star is nude and sings a midst colorful lights with a joint in hand.

We though that was strange.

But then we went ahead and watched this video…

Miley cyrus acts like big baby in new music video