Saturday, February 3, 2018

Super Bowl Halftime Acts: Who Really Scored?

Beyonce. Madonna. The Black Eyed Peas. Lady Gaga. Who put on the best Super Bowl halftime act in recent memory?

Have a look below at some of the best Super Bowl performances and weigh in now.

It"s a tough choice!

1. Beyonce

Beyonce halftime show

Queen Bey ran the world in 2013, making her Super Bowl performance one of the most memorable. She even staged a Destiny’s Child reunion!

2. Madonna

Madonna super bowl performance

Madonna took to the Super Bowl stage in 2012 and she proved she was the Queen of Pop. It’s just a shame Beyonce outshone her the next year.

3. Black Eyed Peas

Black eyed peas halftime show

The Black Eyed Peas showed off their vocal prowess back in 2011 when they were still HUGE. Yes, their songs were AMAZING. Everything about it was just a delight.

4. Bruce Springsteen

Bruce springsteen halftime show performance

Music legend, Bruce Springsteen took to the stage in 2009 with a showstopping performance.

5. The Rolling Stones

The rolling stones halftime show

The Rolling Stones set the Super Bowl stage alight in 2006. Despite a few issues, it was a solid performance.

6. Paul McCartney

Paul mccartney halftime performance

Paul McCartney proved in 2005 that he was just as relevant as he was many years before.

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