Showing posts with label Blackmail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blackmail. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Melanie Brown Accuses Ex-Husband of Abuse, Forced Threesomes and Sex Tape Blackmail

As previously reported, Melanie Brown has filed for divorce from Stephen Belafonte.

What prompted the singer and reality show judge to split from her husband of nearly a decade?

Some allegedly awful behavior, according to a bombshell new report…

Brown’s attorneys were granted a restraining order for their client on Monday, with TMZ having obtained the documents that explain why Mel fears for both her life and the lives of her kids.

In her declaration, Mel B tells a truly heinous story of abuse.

Among her most sordid and scary allegations against Belafonte:

He choked her in November of 2007.

It was the night of the Dancing with the Stars finale, Brown asserts, and she was getting ready at home when her then-husband placed both of his hands around her neck and slammed her down on the hardwood floors.

Any time she achieved a level of success, Brown alleges, Belafonte would “beat me down to let me know he was in charge.”

He punched her in the face in July of 2012.

In this detailed incident, Brown says she was a judge on The X Factor when she was leaving to tape a segment with Usher.

At this, Belafonte punched his wife a closed fist in the face, splitting open her lip.

When she asked how she was supposed to work with the injury, Belafonte supposedly screamed that she should have thought of that before deciding to “flirt with and f-cj Usher.”

He punched and shoved her in August of 2012.

The day after Brown performed at the closing ceremonies at the London Olympics, Belafonte reportedly punched her again with a closed fist and pushed her down on the carpet.

The artist’s face “actually scabbed over the rug burns,” Brown writes, adding that Belafonte then forced her to Tweet that she injured herself by running on 7″ Christian Louboutin heels.

He cheated on her with the nanny and got his mistress pregnant.

Brown says Stephen told her he wanted to have the baby and “all three of us live together.”

She explains that Belafonte eventually demanded the (unnamed) nanny get an abortion. She also claims Stephen paid the nanny in excess of $ 300,000 of Mel B’s money “for alleged nanny services.”

He threatened her life.

After Brown downed a bottle of Aspirin in 2014 to deal with “emotional and physical exhaustion,” she tried to call the authorities for help.

But she says Belafonte hurled her in the bedroom, locked the door and told her “to die, bitch.”

He blackmailed her with sex tapes.

Brown says Stephen is in possession sex tapes of her and often threatened to release them to ruin her career.

He made her participate in threesomes.

Brown added that her soon-to-be ex forced her to “participate in sexual intercourse with him and random women” and he would frequently secretly record the encounters.

She says when she attempted to resist these threesome, he’d threaten to release the sex tapes.

He made it impossible for her to leave him.

Brown says she tried over the years, but Stephen “threatened me with violence and threatened to destroy my life in every possible way … destroy my career and take my kids from me.”

He has a gun.

It’s either a .38 or .357 magnum and it’s against the law because Belafonte is prohibited from carrying firearms as part of a domestic violence conviction stemming from an incident with another woman years ago.

In addition to granted the restraining order in this case, the judge ordered Belafonte to leave the family residence in the Hollywood Hills.

He went to the home late Monday afternoon, TMZ reports, packed up most of his belongings, and told a photographer in the vicinity that these allegations are untrue.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump Calls BS on Sexual Blackmail Story, "I"m a Germaphobe" (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just obtusely addressed reports posted by some media, which claim the Russians have graphic sexual material on the President-elect, saying simply, “I’m a germaphobe.” Trump scoffed at unconfirmed reports that Putin has anything on him,…


Donald Trump Calls BS on Sexual Blackmail Story, "I"m a Germaphobe" (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just obtusely addressed reports posted by some media, which claim the Russians have graphic sexual material on the President-elect, saying simply, “I’m a germaphobe.” Trump scoffed at unconfirmed reports that Putin has anything on him,…


Donald Trump Accused of "Perverted Sexual Acts," Blackmail at Hands of Russia

Donald Trump may be in serious trouble.

We’re talking serious, BIGLY trouble, like no politician has ever been in before.

On Tuesday night, mere hours before Barack Obama made us all cry during his Farewell Address, multiple news outlets reported that Trump may have been compromised by Russia.

In a stunning, 35-page document, anonymous sources allege that the foreign power has been blackmailing and colluding with the President-Elect over “salacious” personal and professional information it has cultivated on Trump over the years.

It’s important to note that the information contained in this report has not been verified by any U.S. intelligence agencies at the moment.

But Buzzfeed has actually published the full, unverified dossier – which has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents and journalists for weeks – that outlines how the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” Donald Trump for years.

A synopsis of this packet was reportedly given to Trump and Obama at some point this month.

Both have been made aware of the damning intel Russia has gathered on Trump.

The document was prepared by a former British intelligence agent. Among other shocking claims, it says:

– Trump was first approached by Russian officials in 2013 when he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant.

– His lawyer, Michael Cohen, held clandestine meetings with Russian officials in Prague in which he discussed pay-offs to Russia for the nation having hacked into U.S. email accounts in an attempt to sway the election toward Trump.

– Trump “accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin,” including on his Democratic and political rivals.

– During a trip to Moscow, in which he stayed in the same Ritz-Carlton room as Barack and Michelle Obama once stayed, Trump asked prostitutes to defile the bed on which The First Couple once slept by peeing on each other.

You can read the entire document HERE.

You may draw your own conclusions and you may read every detail of this alleged relationship between Trump and Russia.

But, as you might, expect, the Internet is focused on one specific aspect of the report:

The whole golden shower thing.

Here is the excerpt from the dossier that highlights this allegation:

According to Source D, where s/he had been present, Trump’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel where he knew President and Mrs. Obama (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him.

Along with (great) jokes about R. Kelly now singing at Trump’s inauguration, Twitter could not help but go off on the assertion that Donald Trump asked prostitutes to pee all over each other in his presence.

To wit:

Chelsea Handler referred to Kanye West’s blonde hair, shared a photo of the rapper with Trump and wrote:

“Kanye’s new hair makes a lot more sense now #GoldenShowers.”

The following Joe Biden meme is also making the hilarious rounds:

Of everything listed in this document, Trump paying for golden showers may be the least important allegation.

It would simply paint the President-Elect as someone with unique sexual tastes, not as someone working with a foreign power to undermine the U.S. democracy.

But we’ll save the in-depth political analysis for CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

We’re The Hollywood Gossip. What else are we going to focus on aside from Trump’s supposed desire to soil a bed in which the Obamas once slept with prostitute urine?

For his part, Trump has referred to this entire report as a “witch hunt.”

Sorry, as a “WITCH HUNT.”

He, along with Mike Pence, also linked to an article in something called titled “Fake News: BuzzFeed Runs ‘Unverifiable’ Trump-Russia Claims” as proof that the whole thing is BS.

This random website is run by conservative talk show host and outspoken Trump supporter Laura Ingraham.

And BuzzFeed itself wrote several times that the report is “unverified.”

This is all a lot to digest, we know. But don’t think too much about it.

Just look forward to Trump’s press conference today, hope the media does its job in pressing him on everything related to Russia…

… and enjoy some more golden shower jokes on Twitter!
