Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mariah Carey Accused by Ex-Manager of Nudity and Sex Acts

Mariah Carey has faced a number of challenges and setbacks during her life and career. This, however, could cost Mariah her reputation.

Her former manager is gearing up to sue her.

Mariah is accused of sexual harassment … and of just generally being naked all of the time.

This isn’t the first time that Mariah Carey has been accused of inappropriate behavior and inappropriate workplace nudity.

This time, however, it isn’t by a security guard — it’s by her former manager, Stella Stolper.

TMZ reports that she is suing Mariah Carey and accusing the singer of sexual harassment.

The accusations go beyond inappropriate nudity.

Mariah allegedly did “sexual things” while naked and in the presence of her management. That is, folks, not appropriate behavior in the vast majority of professional environments.

Stella’s team has filed documents alerting Mariah’s people that a lawsuit is in the works.

There is more, beyond the “I love being naked around people whose jobs require them to be near me” issue, which in and of itself matches up with previous accusations levied against her.

Stella will reportedly accuse Mariah of having a substance abuse problem.

One of her issues is allegedly that she doesn’t take her meds for her bipolar disorder.

When you have bipolar disorder, randomly not taking your meds can be dangerous and can lead to disastrous losses of impulse control.

Stella apparently plans to levy more accusations against Mariah that will make these accusations pale in comparison.

Stella’s papers say that Mariah fired her while she was in the middle of a three-year contract.

She says that Mariah still owes her a major payday for that.

It seems like, if Mariah just pays her what she says that she owes her, this lawsuit might never happen.

But it doesn’t sound like Mariah is interested in handling this quietly.

Her rep tells TMZ:

“If this frivolous and baseless claim is filed, we will defend against it vigorously and successfully.”

Previous accusations against Mariah, made by a man who had worked security for her, are hauntingly similar.

He, also, accused her of deliberately exposing herself to him and even instructing him to enter rooms where she was already posed and naked.

Mariah would also allegedly say hateful things to the men employed to protect her.

For example, she would refer to white men on her security team as members of the KKK, or would simply announce that she did not want white people around her but would prefer to be surrounded by black men.

People deserve a basic level of respect, and it doesn’t sound like Mariah was giving that to her security team.

We should mention that these are far from the wildest accusations leveled against Mariah Carey.

Her own (estranged) sister has claimed that Mariah grew up in a Satanic sex cult. She described alleged childhood memories of animal sacrifices and chanting and other visuals from a bad 1980s horror movie.

It is always important to consider which accusations sound credible and which accusations sound like a desperate cry for help by someone who is clearly troubled.

It’s worth noting that everyone accusing Mariah of nudity and sexual misconduct has something to gain — a financial payout that they say that they are contractually owed.

That said, just because someone has something to gain doesn’t mean that they aren’t owed anything.

Is this just another lawsuit … or is this a brand new #MeToo story, being leveled at Mariah Carey?
