Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Justin Bieber Takes Dig at The Weeknd, Acts Like a 6-Year Old

As previously noted, Justin Bieber is back on Instagram.

But the artist isn"t just posing with his shirt off for legions of drooling fans.

He"s also throwing immature shade at his ex-girlfriend"s new boyfriend.

Instead of attending the Grammy Awards on Sunday night, Bieber conducted a livestream on social media with fans.

When asked about his current favorite song, the pop star replied, “Ummm … ‘Starboy’ by the Weeknd,” prior to laughing for 12 straight seconds.

"Oh sh-t, that was funny,” the 22-year-old added. “We gotta end it now. Oh, that was too funny.”

Was it? Was it really?

Bieber apparently finds it hysterical that he would name The Weeknd, considering this singer is in the process of banging Selena Gomez, Bieber"s long-time girlfriend back in the day.

Previous reports had claimed Bieber wasn"t fazed by this relationship because he didn"t think any real feelings were involved.

But it"s clearly on his mind. That"s our main takeaway from the following piece of footage.

A few days after news of Selena dating The Weeknd went viral, Justin was asked by TMZ about the romance and whether it has affected his enjoyment of the latter"s music.

“Hell no I can’t listen to a Weeknd song,” he said at the time. “That sh-t’s wack.”

Watch his lame laughing over The Weeknd below:

Justin bieber takes dig at the weeknd acts like a 6 year old