Showing posts with label 6Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6Year. Show all posts

Friday, October 6, 2017

Grandma Buys X-Rated Book for 6-Year Old, Twitter Erupts

They say you should never judge a book by its cover.

And the following story is living, hilarious proof of that classic saying.

Earlier this week, a Twitter user with the handle “@Tiffany1985B” explained that her mother purchased a book for her six-year old granddaughter titled “If Animals Could Talk.” 

Sounds adorable, right?

As you"re about to find out below, not quite…

1. Ah, Grandmas!

Ah grandmas

You’ve gotta love them, right? This one obviously meant well here.

2. Non. Stop. Laughter.

Non stop laughter

Thankfully, the mother had a great response and the right attitude to this misguided gift.

3. And How Can She Not?

And how can she not

When this is the first page!

4. Obviously Meant for Adults

Obviously meant for adults

Just like the classic “Go The F*ck To Sleep,” this book is hilariously diguised as a children’s book, but isn’t exactly appropriate for anyone under the age of 13.

5. LOL!


This is our new favorite book.

6. Hard Drugs and Harsh Language

Hard drugs and harsh language

Seriously, how is this not a New York Times bestseller?

View Slideshow

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Justin Bieber Takes Dig at The Weeknd, Acts Like a 6-Year Old

As previously noted, Justin Bieber is back on Instagram.

But the artist isn"t just posing with his shirt off for legions of drooling fans.

He"s also throwing immature shade at his ex-girlfriend"s new boyfriend.

Instead of attending the Grammy Awards on Sunday night, Bieber conducted a livestream on social media with fans.

When asked about his current favorite song, the pop star replied, “Ummm … ‘Starboy’ by the Weeknd,” prior to laughing for 12 straight seconds.

"Oh sh-t, that was funny,” the 22-year-old added. “We gotta end it now. Oh, that was too funny.”

Was it? Was it really?

Bieber apparently finds it hysterical that he would name The Weeknd, considering this singer is in the process of banging Selena Gomez, Bieber"s long-time girlfriend back in the day.

Previous reports had claimed Bieber wasn"t fazed by this relationship because he didn"t think any real feelings were involved.

But it"s clearly on his mind. That"s our main takeaway from the following piece of footage.

A few days after news of Selena dating The Weeknd went viral, Justin was asked by TMZ about the romance and whether it has affected his enjoyment of the latter"s music.

“Hell no I can’t listen to a Weeknd song,” he said at the time. “That sh-t’s wack.”

Watch his lame laughing over The Weeknd below:

Justin bieber takes dig at the weeknd acts like a 6 year old

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Selena Gomez Dances with Sick 6-Year Old, Moves Internet to Tears

Selena Gomez for all the wins, people.

Each and every last one of them.

The singer has shared a video on her Instagram page that features her dancing with a very special fan.

Her name is Audrey Nethery. She is six years old. And she sadly suffers from Diamond Blackfan Anemia, which is an inherited type of bone marrow failure.

There is no cure for the illness right now.

But that hasn’t stopped Audrey from living it up!

First, she went viral for her dance moves in Zumba, which her parents often post on their Facebook page dedicated to raising awareness of DBA.

Then, she appeared in April on Rachael Ray’s show, Rachael. To wit:

on Rachael

The celebrity chef also raised $ 10,000 at the time to help fund research into Audrey’s disease.

Fast forward to Wednesday, meanwhile, and Audrey having a chance to meet Gomez, hanging out with the artist backstage and breaking out into a dancing duet with her.

“Finally got to meet this sweetheart –she owned it fully,” Gomez, captioned a video of her getting down with the toddler on social media.

Take a look at their fun routine, set to “Love You Like A Love Song,” now:

A video posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

“Every time I see her dance, even when it’s just in her class, it makes me cry,” Julie Haise, Audrey’s mother, has written in the past about her daughter’s routines.

“When she’s dancing, she’s happy and brings so much joy to everyone watching.”

It appears, meanwhile, as if Selena’s concerts are the place to be for anyone who wants to break into dance.

Or at least for Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston when they want to break into dance.

Just look at this new couple go!

Even more importantly than Hollywood’s new It Couple, however, we want to take a moment and wish the very best to Audrey Nethery.

She is braver than we will ever be.

Selena Gomez Dances with Sick 6-Year Old, Moves Internet to Tears

Selena Gomez for all the wins, people.

Each and every last one of them.

The singer has shared a video on her Instagram page that features her dancing with a very special fan.

Her name is Audrey Nethery. She is six years old. And she sadly suffers from Diamond Blackfan Anemia, which is an inherited type of bone marrow failure.

There is no cure for the illness right now.

But that hasn’t stopped Audrey from living it up!

First, she went viral for her dance moves in Zumba, which her parents often post on their Facebook page dedicated to raising awareness of DBA.

Then, she appeared in April on Rachael Ray’s show, Rachael. To wit:

on Rachael

The celebrity chef also raised $ 10,000 at the time to help fund research into Audrey’s disease.

Fast forward to Wednesday, meanwhile, and Audrey having a chance to meet Gomez, hanging out with the artist backstage and breaking out into a dancing duet with her.

“Finally got to meet this sweetheart –she owned it fully,” Gomez, captioned a video of her getting down with the toddler on social media.

Take a look at their fun routine, set to “Love You Like A Love Song,” now:

A video posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

“Every time I see her dance, even when it’s just in her class, it makes me cry,” Julie Haise, Audrey’s mother, has written in the past about her daughter’s routines.

“When she’s dancing, she’s happy and brings so much joy to everyone watching.”

It appears, meanwhile, as if Selena’s concerts are the place to be for anyone who wants to break into dance.

Or at least for Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston when they want to break into dance.

Just look at this new couple go!

Even more importantly than Hollywood’s new It Couple, however, we want to take a moment and wish the very best to Audrey Nethery.

She is braver than we will ever be.