Showing posts with label Stodden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stodden. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Courtney Stodden Releases a Haunting New Music Video: WATCH!

Courtney Stodden is launching her music career. If you think that that"s funny, then you"ve clearly never heard her sing.

Some of her past projects were a little over-the-top (though we"ll always have a place in our hearts for "Asphalt"), but her new music is serious.

Now she has a music video out. This one is haunting, beautiful, and deeply bizarre. And you can watch it below.

Courtney stodden as ember

Under her new persona, Ember, Courtney Stodden has graced us with three new singles.

"Pink Flamingo" and "Me Too" are pop.

The former has some clear EDM influences and some entrancing qualities.

"Me Too" has a topical title, but before you accuse her of titling it in poor taste, remember that Courtney Stodden has shared two stories of sexual assault.

This is very much her heartbreaking story to tell.

You can find both of those songs here on iTunes, where you can also find the song "For You."

And "For You" has its very own music video.

Courtney stodden for you music video still

The music video"s opening isn"t the strongest. She speaks in a British accent, giving the intro an almost fairytale quality.

At times, her singing reminds us a bit of Blondie.

Part of that may be this particular song"s musical elements. She doesn"t somehow resemble the entire band.

At other times, between the filters employed and the wig and the singing itself, we get some very genuine Lana Del Rey vibes.

In these moments, the similarity is primarily visual.

There"s this powerful retro quality with some intense witchy vibes, and we"re here for it.

Courtney stodden purple

Bits of Japanese kanji appear on the screen from time to time.

Courtney — or Ember — lounges in a robe in the grass, or lays out in a skimpy white outfit to soak up a little sun.

(Yes, Courtney is famous for her body, so she"s not exactly wearing a nun"s habit for the video)

Later, things take a turn for the psychedelic.

We see her in purple with red eyes, but the vision is distorted. it"s an interesting effect.

Courtney stodden casket

Eventually (and yes, this is a spoiler, so spoiler alert), we see that she has been singing to herself all along.

Well, singing to her open casket.

(Or is this Ember singing to Courtney? I"ve never watched Hannah Montana, but the alter ego thing seems complicated)

The launch of her (serious) music career could be seen as Courtney"s rebirth as Ember.

Ember, of course, is evocative of fire imagery. Phoenixes are reborn in flames, and there is nothing more symbolic of rebirth than a phoenix.

We don"t know how much of that is intentional and how much the serindipidous symbolism just fell together (sometimes it"s like that), but we expect more along these lines as Ember releases more music videos.

Don"t be too disturbed by the "Courtney is dead" imagery. What the public has seen of Courtney was a persona, just like Ember.

Courtney stodden as ember pink flamingo

Courtney-slash-Ember isn"t stopping at these three singles, by the way.

Her album, "Off The Record," drops on July 8. That"s in less than a month!

While some of Courtney"s older songs like "Asphalt" and "Mistletoe Bikini" were a bit more sensational, we"re excited to see more of her artistic side.

And we"ll be eager to see more music videos, of course.

The "For You" music video was a wild ride but we keep getting back in line.

Courtney stodden releases a haunting new music video watch

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison: We"re Both Completely Broke!

Back when Courtney Stodden married Doug Hutchison, it seemed the odd couple was destined for stardom in the age of reality televsion.

After all, for the first few months, the world seemed unable to look away from the washed up actor and his aspiring pop star child bride.

Unfortunately, as Doug and Courtney soon learned the hard way, the fascination of the public doesn’t always equate to big bucks.

To their credit, they did their damnedest to try to cash in with a reality show and other business ventures but nothing seemed to pan out.

These days, Stodden and Hutchison are getting divorced, and the legal proceedings have shed some light on the former couple’s financial situation.

According to domuments obtained by The Blast, Courtney has filed for spousal support, claiming that she earns just $ 2,500 a month.

That’s a problem, as her monthly expenses amout to a whopping $ 4,700 (including $ 1,000/month on clothes).

Courtney says she has just $ 2,700 in the bank at the moment, but claims to be in possession of $ 10,000 worth of furniture and appliances.

Yes, her finances have reached the “I wonder how much the couch would go for on Craiglist” point. 

Courtney tells the court that her situation hasn’t always been this dire.

According to her filing, things “changed drastically” over the last 12 months due to “no major production deals.”

Of course, this begs the question – at what point was Courtney Stodden landing major production deals?

But as sad as Courtney’s situation is, she’s still doing better than Doug.

Yes, it seems those Green Mile residuals have dried up and left the out-of-work thespian in a rather sorry state.

Hutchison filed for bankruptcy last year, likely in anticipation of Courtney’s request for spousal support.

According to documents, his monthly income at the time was $ 2,494 but his expenses came out to $ 5,281.

Hutchison has reportedly fled Hollywood for financial reasons and is currently living in Michigan.

Needless to say, it’s gonna be tough for Courtney to squeeze much blood from that stone.

Maybe instead of trying to get spousal support from one another, these two can just head down to the welfare office together.

Or better yet, maybe they can sell a reality show that focuses on their divorce!

Might as well get something out of this marriage before it’s over, right?


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Courtney Stodden Shares Two Stories of Sexual Abuse

She wishes it were not the case, but Courtney Stodden is having a moment.

A #MeToo moment, that is.

Actually, Courtney Stodden is unfortunately having a pair of #MeToo moments and she’s finally opening up about them to a national audience.

The reality star – known for appearances on Couples Therapy and Celebrity Big Brother, as well as for marrying a much older man – opened up last night on something called The Tomorrow Show.

Asked if she could relate to the women who have shared their stories of sexual abuse and harassment of late, Stodden replied in the affirmative.

She didn’t provide many details, but she did explain that she’s been victimized on two occasions.

“When the first incident happened, I, didn’t tell [then-husband Doug Hutchison]. It was actually during the first time we separated,” she said, continuing:

“It actually happened to me two times when we were separated.

“At that age, ya know, I was only 19… I didn’t really think it was wrong, which is the crazy part.”

Stodden filed for divorce from Hutchison just a week ago.

When the two got married, she was 16 years old and he was 51 years old.

This unusual (and inappropriate? And illegal? And ridiculous?) age difference is what sky-rocketed Stodden to Z-List stardom.

The relationship, however, suffered through many ups and downs, including various separations and temporary break-ups.

It was during one of these brief splits, Stodden says, that she was abused sexually.

The thing is, she didn’t exactly know it at the time because she had only slept with Hutchison prior to this awful experience.

We’ll let Courtney explain further:

“I only had sex with one man before that… So gentle, not to get explicit. But I was like, ‘OK, maybe that’s just a rough way of going on a date.’

“I really didn’t realize it was sexual abuse until I started hearing these women talking.

“It wasn’t until #MeToo started that I was like, ‘Wow, maybe that wasn’t OK.’ So yeah, it’s really a sad thing, but it happens all the time.”

The #MeToo movement started several months ago in response to numerous stories of women in Hollywood being harassed (or much worse) by men in power.

It has given females across the world a chance to speak out and to be heard; or just to feel as though they aren’t alone in having endured some terrible acts by some pretty terrible men.

Stodden, who has been through a lot over the years, doesn’t want to get into specifics over what she went through in these two instances.

But she says both centered around “power and sex” and concluded:

“It’s just like all the other women’s stories. It’s nothing different. Each woman should be heard.

“I’ll definitely be a part of the movement, for sure.”


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Courtney Stodden Says She Was Breadwinner In Marriage

Courtney Stodden didn’t make a mistake when she opted out of spousal support on her divorce docs from Doug Hutchison … she just didn’t see the point in fighting for money that he doesn’t have. We got Courtney leaving Starbucks in Santa…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Courtney Stodden Wants Clean Divorce with No Spousal Support

Courtney Stodden surprisingly wants no spousal support from her estranged hubby, Doug Hutchison. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Courtney cites irreconcilable differences for the reason they’re splitting. She lists September 1, 2017 as the…


Courtney Stodden Wants Clean Divorce with No Spousal Support

Courtney Stodden surprisingly wants no spousal support from her estranged hubby, Doug Hutchison. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Courtney cites irreconcilable differences for the reason they’re splitting. She lists September 1, 2017 2017 as…


Courtney Stodden Files For Divorce From Doug Hutchison

Sometimes, the most promising relationships just aren’t built to last.

And sometimes, a child bride marries a washed-up actor, and no one is even mildly surprised when they get divorced a few years later.

We’ll give you two guesses as to which description applies to Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison.

Yes, as you may recall Stodden and Hutchison separated in 2017 after six years of marriage.

The move was expected, but what happened next was not.

Months went by, and neither Doug nor Courtney took the steps necessary to legally end their marriage.

In fact, at least one of them appeared to have second thoughts about ending things, as Stodden begged Hutchison to take her back in a series of heartfelt Instagram posts.

“I need this man back in my life,” she captioned one photo. 

“I need him to come help me. I need him to want our marriage to work. He’s been my only solid rock. Doug, if you read this — this is a public cry for your undying love.”

It now appears that – as Hutchison predicted at the time – Stodden was experiencing an emotional low point, and her vulnerability ultimately proved to be short-lived.

People magazine is reporting today that Stodden filed for divorce from Hutchison this week after more than a year of separation.

There’s no word on what prompted Courtney to finally pull the trigger after all this time, but earlier this week, she hinted that she was moving forward with her divorce in a cryptic Twitter post:

“Moving out of that #Beverlyhills house already. #drama,” Stodden tweeted.

Fans speculated that she was suggesting that she’d moved into a smaller home in preparation for what could be a costly legal battle.

Now it seems those predictions were accurate.

At this time, it’s unclear if either Stodden or Hutchison has requested spousal support.

While Hutchison is 34 years Stodden’s senior, she was the primary breadwinner during their marriage, which could make her financially vulnerable.

Here’s hoping she doesn’t try to relaunch her singing career to help cover expenses.

We’ll have further updates on this situation as more information becomes available.


Courtney Stodden Files for Divorce from Doug Hutchison

Courtney Stodden’s made the move to officially end her marriage with actor Doug Hutchison after more than 6 years together … TMZ has learned. Courtney filed divorce docs Tuesday, but it’s unknown at this time whether she or Doug will ask for…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Courtney Stodden: Broke, "Addicted to Fame," Doug Hutchison Claims

Back in May of 2015, Courtney Stodden celebrated her divorce from Doug Hutchison with a lavish party at a Las Vegas strip club.

All these months later, however, the divorce still isn’t finalized, and it seems that Courtney may be having second thoughts.

In a since-deleted Instagram post, Courtney posted a photo of the day that she controversially married Hutchison.

(She was just 16 at the time. He was 51.)

Predictably, the marriage was fraught from the very start, and it quickly deteriorated.

At one point, Courtney’s mother, Krista Keller, attempted to initiate an affair with Hutchison.

He rejected her advances, but the marriage fell apart shortly thereafter.

Now, however, Courtney claims she wants to work things out, but Hutchison has good reason to be skeptical.

Courtney captioned the pic of her wedding day with a lengthy plea for Hutchison to take her back.

“I need this man back in my life,” she wrote. “I need him to come help me.”

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Hutchison reveals that he was baffled by Courtney’s post, and the two of them haven’t communicated in several months.

“I have been left so confused and hurt. I am actually distraught by this,” Doug tells the outlet.

“I cannot understand why Courtney posted that message on social media.”

Doug says that even though he was taken aback by Courtney’s public plea for a reconcilation (the estranged husband and wife hadn’t seen each other since September) he still encouraged Stodden to visit him in Michigan, where he’s been living since the split.

“I still begged her to come to Michigan and work on our marriage, and she wouldn’t. And that spoke volumes to me.

“She is addicted to fame,” he says.

Hutchison said that he suspects their may be an ulterior motive to Courtney’s public plea for a reconciliation:

“Courtney has to be out of her apartment at the end of the month,” he claims.

“She was telling me she was considering moving in with this other man she was seeing, so I just didn’t see how we were ever going to make it work,” Doug adds.

“I said to her, ‘Darling, you are seeing other men, and going on dates, and are looking to move in with someone else. I don’t see how we can do that.’”

Hutchison says he believes Courtney is using her new boyfriend for his cash, and he cautions her current love interest to be wary of her motives.

“The thing is she doesn’t have any money, and he started paying her rent, and she really wants to stay in Hollywood,” he says.

“She has been telling me all along she feels caught in the middle and still loves me, even though we are getting divorced. She says she is not in love with him. I know that he has a great deal of money. I think she may have found her sugar daddy.”

Hutchison adds that he’s deeply concerned for Courtney’s mental health these days, and he fears that she may be headed down a dangerous path.

“I know she struggles with depression and anxiety and it’s heartbreaking to see her upset,” he tells the Mail.

“I don’t want Courtney to go down that road [that her idol Marilyn Monroe did]. I don’t want Courtney to die at 36 and succumb to Hollywood’s dark side.”

The 23-year-old has been open about her struggles with depression, and Doug says that his biggest concern these days is that her financial situation may be preventing her from receiving proper treatment.

Stodden suffered a miscarriage back in 2016, and those who know her best say it sent her on a downward spiral from which she has yet to fully recover.

Here’s hoping Courtney is able to find the help she needs.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Courtney Stodden Begs and Pleads to Reunite with Husband

This not exactly just in:

Courtney Stodden isn"t the most emotionally stable woman on the planet.

We mean no harsh judgment by this statement.

We"re just stating a fact that Stodden herself has pretty much owned up to, such as when she shared a troubling portrait of herself on Instagram late last year and wrote as a simple caption:


That was the first we had heard from Stodden since August, when she opened up about her split from husband Doug Hutchison.

"Our relationship is really interesting to say the least because there are so many emotions," Stodden said at the time, adding of the actor to whom she was married for six years:

"We are both heartbroken I guess and it’s hard to be in each other’s orbit because of that heartbreak."

In case you forgot, Stodden rose to fame after marrying Hutchison at the age of 16… when he was at the age of 51.

She is also famous for often taking her clothes off online and for trying to establish herself as an actress or a singer.

At the moment, however, she"s nothing more than a heartbroken woman.

She has shared a very emotional video on Instagram that opens as follows:

“So, obviously, I’ve been crying – again. I just want to be honest with you guys about some things. Me and my husband have been going through a really rough time – separation, and ultimately divorce, coming up in a week.

"I’ve, at the last minute, realized that I don’t want it and I want to try to make things work.”

It sounds like the divorce papers are not yet signed, and that Stodden hopes they never are.

“Ever since we’ve been separated and he’s moved away, I’ve been really depressed and I’ve realized that I don’t deserve him,” Stodden continued, crying.

“I love him so much and I need him back in my life. I just need him to come help me and be with me and I love him.”

As a caption to the video below, Stodden wrote:

So basically this is what I’ve been dealing with in my life … it’s been rough. To say the least. Everyone goes through shit … this is mine. You aren’t alone.

Watch and feel sorry for Courtney below:

Courtney stodden begs and pleads to reunite with her husband

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Courtney Stodden Applauds Trump Recognizing Jerusalem as Israeli Capital

Courtney Stodden, of all people, has a hot take on President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and it’s tied directly to her deep roots … in Christianity. We got Courtney leaving church Avalon in Hollywood Wednesday night, and…


Friday, November 24, 2017

Courtney Stodden Shares Pictures of Herself Crying, Claims to be "Devastated"

Courtney Stodden has racked up a lot of attention over the years for her revealing clothing, outspoken attitude and her marriage to Doug Hutchison. 

Earlier this week, Stodden took to Instagram with a startling image that immediately got fans talking. The reality star looked as though she had been crying for hours on end. 

Have a look below.

It doesn’t look good, does it?

The 23-year-old captioned the image with the word “Devastated.” She never elaborated on what she meant when her legions of fans expressed their concern for her. 

“You’ll make it through, stronger than ever. Bad times are temporary. You’re doing great,” added one.

Another worried fan wrote: “Oh my god are you OK!!! Did someone hurt you? If they did please press charges. If you are feeling sad and blue remember they there are lots of people who love you and look up to you. I think you’re a great person from looking at your posts and you deserve to be happy. If you ever need to talk to a complete strange.”

Some fans looked further into the image, and one concluded that she had a black eye. 

“It looks like you’ve got a black eye,” said one concerned fan. “Someone needs to call for help she could be hurting herself!” wrote another.

While some tried to defend Stodden, others were more critical of the fact that she claimed to be “devastated” yet she posted a selfie. 

“Devastated? But you’re taking a selfie,” added one Instagram user.

“So devastated that you managed to take a selfie and post it, along with an attention seeking cryptic word. You need to get some help, you have needed it for years. Stop spending so much energy trying to be famous and seek some help,” added another.

All was quiet on the Courtney front until last night when she shared another bizarre picture with her 250,000 followers. 

She does not look quite as upset in the latest picture, but it’s clear she was still not happy. 

“Tried to hide the sadness. Thanks for all of the love,” she captioned the picture, and it continued to cause concern amongst her fans who were awaiting updates. 

Courtney has never been the most stable reality TV star out there. She married Doug back in 2011 when she was just 16 years old. Doug was 34 years her senior when they got married. 

If anything, they proved they were a match made in hell and confirmed they were divorcing earlier this year. Aside from that, Courtney does not have much in the way of a parental figure. 

Her mother, Krista Keller is not going to win any prizes for mother of the year because there is no mother-daughter relationship. In fact, her mother, at one point claimed to be in an emotional relationship with Doug, so there’s that. 

Courtney opened up on The Doctors earlier this year about mixing booze and pills to cope with her troubled lifestyle.

“I just want some normalcy now … and I don’t know if I’m coping in the most healthy way,” she admitted at the time.

“I also have been taking anti-anxiety medication, otherwise I literally feel like I’m going to jump out the window. Sometimes, I have medical marijuana, but that doesn’t really help because I start having a panic attack.”

She’s had a messed up life, and her recent Instagram posts are very worrying. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below. 


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Courtney Stodden: Here"s an Update on My Divorce!

Courtney Stodden — depending on who you ask, she’s either a modern day Marilyn Monroe or a real-life Jessica Rabbit, and possibly both.

After six years of marriage, Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison have split and are in the process of divorcing. But they’re not exactly in a rush.

Courtney’s offering an update, on that divorce but also on her life, in a new interview.

A lot of television personalities are an acquired taste — at best — but it’s hard to imagine someone actually disliking Courtney Stodden.

Like … we’re pretty sure that she has done nothing wrong, ever, in her life.

She has a beautiful singing voice, even though some of her songs can be super raunchy.

(Surely you remember Courtney Stodden’s filthy Christmas music video for “Mistletoe Bikini”)

Her song, “Asphalt,” is actually super catchy (I’ve caught myself singing it plenty of times … and almost nonstop when the city repaved my street).

She’s also just a total sweetheart.

She got married to Doug when she was 16 and he was 51.

Courtney is now 22 — she’ll actually turn 23 next week! She’s had a lot of personal growth, and we’ve been hoping that her process of moving on is going smoothly.

Well, Courtney Stodden did an interview with RadarOnline, so we don’t have to keep wondering.

Courtney addresses a few topics:


“I’m very single right now… I just started [dating].”

Though her circumstances are rarer than most, Courtney’s not the only 22-year-old who’s only just starting her dating life.

Most weren’t married, though.

“I was just in a six-year long marriage so I’m not necessarily interested in completely jumping into something serious.”

Good. She needs to live her life, you know?

We don’t know if “stay in a bunch of hotels before you rent an apartment; rent several apartments before you buy a house” is a popular saying or something that we just made up, but we’d stand by it as good advice (for most people, not all).

And the last thing that you need after a six-year marriage is another long-term relationship.


Courtney shares that she is still in touch with Doug Hutchison because the two of them are business partners.

In fact, they have a mutual project that would keep them in touch regardless.

“We’re working on a new movie that we are both going to star in together.”

That could be interesting. If they’re looking to reconcile, that might be the place to start that.

“Our relationship is really interesting to say the least because there are so many emotions. We are both heartbroken I guess and it’s hard to be in each other’s orbit because of that heartbreak.”

That heartbreak may have less to do with their divorce and more to do with their tragic miscarriage.

“We’ve come so far together and for us to just choose to split and to still be collaborating on business, it makes for a kind of interesting dynamic.”

She clearly still has a lot of affection for Doug.

“It’s still really fresh, really new, emotions are really very sensitive. He’s been there for me when nobody else was for six years. He’s been my rock and ultimately my family.”

The divorce, it turns out, is still pending — Courtney hasn’t actually filed yet. Legally, they’re just separated.

(Some people spend years just being separated, folks)

Courtney also talks about her career — more music, a lingerie line, and she’s looking into television roles.

All of that is pretty exciting.

On Having Children:

“I love kids so much, but I think first thing first I need to discover who I am before inviting children into that situation.”

That shows more wisdom than, honestly, most parents seem to possess.

Not just reality TV parents but, like, all parents.

She’s had so much personal growth recently. We can’t wait to see what she gets up to next.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Courtney Stodden Gets Sexy, Political in Makeup-Free Selfie!

Courtney Stodden’s not exactly shy about her looks or her politics.

And now she’s stunning followers with a makeup-free photo … and some very pleasant glimpses at her spectacular body.

And her caption has something of a political twist.

So, remember that Baywatch movie?

Everybody watched the Baywatch trailer, at least, for obvious thirst reasons.

Well, thirst alone wasn’t enough to keep the film from flopping at the box office.

Courtney’s smoldering hot red swimsuit photo isn’t just visually reminiscent of Baywatch — she mentions the series by name.

Her caption, “Make Baywatch Great Again,” is an obvious nod both to the film’s unenthusiastic reception and to the campaign slogan of a certain orange politician.

Some people might be surprised to see a political reference in Courtney’s caption, but they shouldn’t be.

Remember, she was a supporter of Bernie Sanders and then Hillary Clinton in 2016.

And Courtney Stodden got political again just recently.

Trump’s campaign slogan is as easy to parody as it is perplexing — since, you know, America was already pretty great.

In fact, you tended to kind of get the impression that “great” was just a euphemism for “white.”

But we can be sure that Courtney truly means great. And sexy. And fun. And kind.

That’s kind of her brand.

What’s more is that posing without makeup is almost inherently political.

Women are constantly policed for their appearances.

Going without makeup can get women asked if they’re “sick” or “tired” by clueless men who are used to seeing their faces look different.

And who have no idea how much work so many women put into their looks, every single day.

It’s worth noting that society tends to find men plenty attractive without any makeup, yet has high standard’s for a woman’s appearance — that she should have a “natural look” but obviously hide any perceived imperfections.

In other words, women are expected to wear just enough makeup to be pleasing to the eye, but to not have fun with it.

Ultimately, personal makeup choices should always be personal — to benefit no one but the makeup wearer themselves.

But photos like this of Courtney’s send a powerful message that going without makeup can be wildly sexy.


But our biggest takeaway from all of this was just that we would 100% be down to watch a Courtney Stodden Baywatch movie.

There are plenty of sexy actors and actresses who can go play around in the ocean, but it’s pretty tough to find someone as endearing as Courtney.

What a doll.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Courtney Stodden to Billy Bush: F--k You for Not Respecting Women!

Where nothing in the cursed year of 2016 made sense, 2017 is mostly just … frightening.

Maybe Courtney Stodden is the hero we’ve needed all along.

Billy Bush is related to two US Presidents and he’s been on television a lot.

Since last October, however, he’s been indelibly associated with Donald Trump and his comments about sexual assault.

Courtney Stodden, like most of America, was outraged then and she’s rightly outraged now.

So, when she saw his face on a magazine cover, she decided to make a statement.

And that’s how we got this photo of her, flipping the bird at Billy Bush, right there in the store.

Apparently, when you’re a celebrity, the store clerks let you do it.

We can’t imagine that Billy Bush ever imagined that he’d have a more odious political association than with either President Bush.

That was before the 2016 election, of course.

“I just start kissing [women]. It’s like a magnet,” Trump infamously said. “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab them by the p—y. You can do anything.”

Billy Bush just laughed instead of, you know, reacting with horror at what he was hearing. 

He got blasted in the press after the tape leaked. He also got fired.

It turns out that just sitting back and laughing while someone brags about sex crimes doesn’t reflect well on you as a person, let alone your network.

Billy Bush’s own daughter was apparently disappointed to hear her father’s role in that creepy conversation.

He’s since expressed his regrets for not at least changing the subject.

It’s hard to feel sorry for the guy, though.

He wasn’t a secretary or some random producer — he’s Billy Bush, and could have, as Trump’s peer, called him out on bragging about sexual assault.

Of course, so could a larger chunk of the American people.

We still remember fringe conservative commentators scrambling to dismiss the comments as “locker room talk.”

Buddy, if you hear somebody boasting about sexual assault in a locker room, you need to call the police.

And maybe start going to a different gym.

The talk of p—y-grabbing was one of those many moments during the 2016 campaign that shocked people by not being the death spiral of Trump’s candidacy.

But so was failing to immediately disavow the KKK.

So was the whole unusual enthusiasm from white supremacists in general thing.

But Courtney broke the “dumb blonde” stereotypes by being totally aware of what was going on and where to draw the line.

Can “woke blonde” be a new stereotype?

Courtney’s been outspoken about politics before.

Actually, she’s posted very specifically about Billy Bush back in October, to celebrate his firing from NBC.

During the primaries, she was a vocal supporter of Bernie Sanders.

After Bernie got about 4 million fewer votes in the primaries, Courtney supported Hillary Clinton’s campaign right up through the election.

She’s someone who cares about the world and the future.

We know that she’s been having a rough go of it lately, but we have to wonder if she has a future as a political commentator.

Let us dream, okay?


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Courtney Stodden: I Mix Booze And Pills So I Don"t Jump Out A Window!

Mixing prescription medications — including medical marijuana — and alcohol is recommended by zero doctors. This is worrisome.

Courtney Stodden’s been through life stresses at 22 that most people don’t experience until they’re decades older — if ever.

She’s a reality star, so there’s the stress of fame. There’s her mother, Krista Keller, who is a real piece of work and from whom Courtney is estranged.

That distance from Mommy Dearest is exactly right for Courtney’s well-being, but it’s also a serious life stressor. She had a famous and tragic miscarriage in 2016 and she’s still grieving.

And, oh by the way, Courtney’s getting a divorce.

Divorces, no matter how amicable, always make the lists of life’s biggest stressors. It’s up there with death of a loved one. Add to that the fact that her husband, Doug Hutchison, is 34 years her senior.

He was already 50 when she married him … at 16. That’s not on Courtney; that’s on her mother and on Doug.

Everybody has their own coping mechanisms, and not all of them are necessarily healthy.

Courtney recently spoke about her desires, and it’s hard to hear this and not be concerned.

“I just want some normalcy now … and I don’t know if I’m coping in the most healthy way,” she admitted on The Doctors.

“I also have been taking anti-anxiety medication, otherwise I literally feel like I’m going to jump out the window. Sometimes, I have medical marijuana, but that doesn’t really help because I start having a panic attack.”

At least she knows what works and what doesn’t. More importantly, she knows that what she’s doing now isn’t helping. It sounds trite, but just admitting it is the first step to making things better.

For a reality star who people love to classify as a “dumb blonde,” Courtney seems very aware of the factors that are influencing her state of mind.

For one thing, her marriage to a 50-year-old man when she was 16. “My mother was the one who granted permission. Now, when I’m explaining the story, it’s like: ‘Oh God, this is crazy!"”

Well, yeah.

“I went from my parents to another parental figure,” she remarks with some brutal honesty. Ugh, that whole situation was so creepy.

At 22, now separated from Doug, she’s finally getting to be a young person. Even though she says that she feels like she’s “lived so many lives at such a young age,” and she’s not wrong, she is still a young woman who didn’t get to have the normal experiences of early adulthood. 

Being young usually involves partying. Especially when you’re beautiful and famous.

Well, not if you’re in a fertility cult. Sorry, Duggar girls.

If you think about it, Courtney spent what could have been her college years married to a middle-aged actor. That’s not a normal life. To an extent, some partying and even some pill-popping are much more age-appropriate behaviors than, say, her marriage.

But it is important for her to find the right balance. That means weighing having a healthy amount of fun with staying alive.

“I literally feel like my coping mechanisms could lead to a disastrous, vicious situation,” she admits. “I think if I seek the proper coping mechanisms, I could turn this around and be the young woman that I want to be.”

Fortunately, she’s talking about this openly — especially on The Doctors, where they offered to go over her medications and see what was working and what might need to change.

But the fact that she’s talking about all of this in the public sphere is enough to show that she wants to make sure that her celebrations of newfound freedom aren’t cut tragically short.

It would be horrible if the substances that she uses to resist autodefenestration led to a different tragedy


Monday, May 1, 2017

Courtney Stodden Celebrates Divorce at Strip Club! See the Pics!

When Courtney Stodden married Doug Hutchison, she was 16 and he was 50.

The marriage attracted a lot of attention for obvious reasons, and most thought it would never work.

It turns out those people were absolutely right.

Stodden and Hutchison separated for the second time back in January, and it seems this time, they’re calling it quits for good.

Courtney filed for divorce from Doug soon after news of their separation went public, and she’s been making the most of the single life ever since.

“Divorce” and “party” are not words that usually go together, but Courtney turned lemons into lemonade over the weekend by celebrating the official end of her marriage in epic fashion.

Along with some scantily clad friends, Courtney hosted her own divorce party at Crazy Horse Gentleman’s Club in Las Vegas.

It’s not hard to see why a 22-year-old woman who’s been married since she was 16 might want to blow off some steam, and that’s exactly what Court did – shelling out for bottle service in the VIP making it rain for the working gals.

In a recent interview with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Courtney explained the reasoning behind her celebratory blow-out:

“I think the party may help lighten things up for me,” she told the site.

“We got married in Vegas in a little chapel with like five people there, so we never had the whole bachelor/bachelorette experience. So this is like a weird reverse version of that– like a single bachelorette party!”

Of course, Courtney couldn’t resist taking a few good-natured shots at her much older ex.

She swung at a groom-shaped pinata with a pink bat, and there was a cake featuring an elderly gent who we assume represented Doug:

Hey, if a few pastry- and party-favor-themed disses are as bad as this divorce gets, Courtney and Doug should consider themselves incredibly lucky.

They may not have had much of a chance from the start, but to their credit, Stodden and Hutchison lasted longer than anyone expected.

Now, Courtney and her giant boobs are single for the first time in their adult lives.

May God have mercy on us all.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Courtney Stodden Gets Naked, Opens Up About Divorce

Last month, we learned that Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison got divorced.

In the weeks since, Stodden has rushed right through the usual celebrity meltdown milestones.

Courtney developed a drinking problem (or at least pretended to #mystique).

At one point, she shaved her head for reasons that remain unclear.

We were braced for her to enter a rebound relationship with Charlie Sheen and start munch Xanax out of a bowl with a cereal spoon when she finally began to pull herself out of the tailspin.

Yes, even Coutney’s sped past all the stops on the trainwreck tour so quickly she’s already at Redemption Junction.

It’s almost like she was never really that upset and is actually kind of okay with being rid of the creepster who’s 34 years her senior and married her before she was a legal adult.

Anyway, Courtney is still pretending to be mildly heartbroken because she sort of has to, but she’s also posting lots os nude selfies, so color us interested:

“I think both of us saw the warning signs for quite some time,” Stodden, 22, told Us.

“Technically we’ve been split for two-and-a-half to three months now. It’s really recent and the emotions are still really raw.”

Courtney added that she’s been occupying herself by becoming fluent in Dr. Phil-ese, saying:

“It’s hard right now but we’re trying to individually find our happiness. It’s just really sad right now.”

Stodden says that even though the marriage didn’t last, she still reflects fondly on her time with her acting coach-turned-Humbert Humbert:

“He’s been my rock for me through so many things that I’ve been through,” Stodden told Us.

“It’s been interesting for sure.”

We’re starting to think that Courtney’s definition of “interesting” is very different from ours.

Fortunately, Courtney’s boobs are lighting the way through this boring, boring time in her life:

Courtney Stodden Barely Clothed Photo

We’ll give her this much:

Despite her youth, Stodden has a keen understanding of how the Internet works and she knows her strengths:

There were three interesting things about her – her creepy marriage, and her boobs – and now she’s down to two.

So she’s doing what any aspiring starlet with a thirst for fame and a dearth of talent would do:

She’s flaunting the hell out of them, which is the proper way for her to process her divorce.

After all, you can’t spell “Stodden” without double-D’s.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison: It"s Over!

When Courtney Stodden married Doug Hutchison back in 2011, she was 16 years, and he was 50.

Needless to say, a lot of folks believed the relationship wouldn’t last.

Now, it looks as though they’re being proven right, as the couple is reportedly taking a page from Gwyneth Paltrow’s book and ending their marriage very … very … slowly … 

According to Radar Online, Courtney and Doug have called it quits but are still living together for the time being.

Although in their case, the arrangement probably has less to do with highfalutin ideas about “conscious uncoupling” and more to do with the cost of rent in Los Angeles.

The cause of the split is sadly predictable, as insiders say 56-year-old Doug is simply unable to keep up with his young wife’s hard-partying ways.

“Courtney is simply just over it,” one source tells Radar.

“They are separated, but still living together. It is a horribly awkward existence.”

It seems the couple’s problems began when Stodden suffered a miscarriage back in June.

Friends say Doug was as supportive as could be, but when the aspiring singer began turning to booze to help her cope, Doug was unwilling to follow her down that path.

The situation reportedly came to a head on New Year’s Eve, when Doug bowed out of Courtney’s 48-hour bender.

“Courtney drinks all day and is always ready to party,” the source claimed.

“She is realizing now that she wants to live her life and she feels like a hostage with Doug.”

After their marriage, Doug on Courtney made several attempts at reality TV stardom, but the public (and network execs) seemed largely uninterested in their unorthodox relationship.

Despite developments that made their situation even stranger (such as reports that Courtney’s mom hit on Doug), the fascination with Stodden and Hutchison’s marriage never extended beyond the tabloid pages.

No word yet on if or when the pair will announce their split, but they’ve never been known to protect their privacy, so you bet that an announcement is forthcoming.

Hey, on the bright side, no one really thought they would last this long, so … win?
