Showing posts with label Window. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Window. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Ex-NFLer Tony Beckham Breaks Man"s Face For Allegedly Masturbating Near Daughter"s Window

Breaking News
Former NFL DB Tony Beckham — a Titans 4th-round pick in 2002 — beat the hell out of a man after he allegedly caught the guy masturbating outside his 15-year-old daughter’s window.
Cops in Palm Beach County, Florida say Tony saw a man with his hands down his pants...
Ex-NFLer Tony Beckham Breaks Man"s Face For Allegedly Masturbating Near Daughter"s Window

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Southwest Passengers Sue Airline Over Engine Failure, Shattered Window

Nine passengers who survived Southwest flight 1380 — the one where shrapnel from a failed engine shattered a cabin window — are suing the airline. The passengers say they’re all suffering severe PTSD after the tragic flight. Some are also coping…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Southwest Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Window Breaks Mid-Flight

Southwest Airlines had to make another emergency landing when a window tore open during a flight from Chicago to Newark — but this time the plane got down without any fatalities. Flight 957 was diverted Wednesday to Cleveland after the window…


Southwest Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Window Breaks Mid-Flight

Southwest Airlines had to make another emergency landing when a window tore open during a flight from Chicago to Newark — but this time the plane got down without any fatalities. Flight 957 was diverted Wednesday to Cleveland after the window…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Buffalo Bills Zay Jones Will Not Be Charged for Window Smashing After Bloody Arrest

Buffalo Bills receiver Zay Jones will NOT be charged with vandalism after the bizarre incident where he got naked, argued with his brother … and allegedly smashed out a 30th floor window. The L.A. County D.A. tells TMZ Sports … there was…


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Nigel Lythgoe Says "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" Now Out the Window

Nigel Lythgoe is troubled by misconduct allegations made by Ryan Seacrest’s stylist … especially because she allegedly wanted $ 15 million in return for her silence. We got the brainchild behind “American Idol” Wednesday at the Grove, and asked…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Woman Drops iPhone Out Window, Tweets Traumatic Rescue

A woman named Liz Bertorelli has gone viral for overcoming a legitimate personal crisis this month:

She dropped her iPhone out her apartment window and watched helplessly as it lay on her neighbor"s balcony… for days.

Why was she unable to retrieve it? Why couldn"t her neighbors simply help out? How did she put one foot in front of the other and go on with her life following such a traumatic event?

Thankfully, Liz Tweeted a majority of this harrowing tale in real time.

Scroll down for a story of tragedy and then eventual triumph…

1. What Did I Do?!?

What did i do

Follow-up question: What do I do now?!?

2. Phew. It Will Be Okay Now, Right?

Phew it will be okay now right

They’ll see the note and contact me and this nightmare will be over soon…



And what will happen to the phone if it rains?!?

4. I’m Batman

Im batman

Or I will be if need be.

5. I Did Watch MagGyver One Time

I did watch maggyver one time

Maybe I can do this.

6. No.


Have you ever seen Romeo and Juliet?

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Friday, September 8, 2017

This Tinder Date Clogged His Toilet and Got Stuck in His Window

Think you"ve been on a terrible first date?

Think these are examples of some terrible first dates?

HA! Think again.

An Internet user named Liam Smyth has shared the following first date story on social media and we promise you"ve never heard anything quite like it.

After scrolling through each detail below, you"ll pray you never experience anything quite like it, either…

1. They Swiped Right!

They swiped right

Liam says he met his unnamed date on Tinder, which is a perfectly fair, reasonable and normal way to meet someone these days.

2. A Promising Start

A promising start

And a promising middle part, too: “After our meal, we repaired back to my house for a bottle of wine and a scientology documentary,” Liam writes on his GoFundMe page. (Why did he create this GoFundMe page? Keep reading to find out!)

3. An Hour Into the Netflix and Chilling…

An hour into the netflix and chilling

… Liam’s date got up to use the bathroom, returned and confessed: she popped in his toilet and clogged up the drain.

4. Panic Ensues

Panic ensues

We’ll let Liam explain what his date said/did next: “I reached into the toilet bowl, wrapped it in tissue paper, and threw it out of the window.”

5. WAIT!


It gets worse: This woman’s didn’t make it out the window all the way; instead, it fell inside the wide gap between the window’s two panes and got stuck there.

6. The Date Has an Idea!

The date has an idea

She says she was once a gymnast and can slide between the windows and hurl the poop down to the street. And she actually succeeds! But then gets stuck herself between the panes, as you can see in this photo.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Denny"s Deer Smashes Through Window

Denny’s customers got an off-the-menu breakfast special — a crazed deer that crashed through a window … and scrambled around the restaurant. Broken glass went flying as the deer leaped into the restaurant … clearing rows of booths and tables…


Denny"s Deer Smashes Through Window

Denny’s customers got an off-the-menu breakfast special — a crazed deer that crashed through a window … and scrambled around the restaurant. Broken glass went flying as the deer leaped into the restaurant … clearing rows of booths and tables…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Courtney Stodden: I Mix Booze And Pills So I Don"t Jump Out A Window!

Mixing prescription medications — including medical marijuana — and alcohol is recommended by zero doctors. This is worrisome.

Courtney Stodden’s been through life stresses at 22 that most people don’t experience until they’re decades older — if ever.

She’s a reality star, so there’s the stress of fame. There’s her mother, Krista Keller, who is a real piece of work and from whom Courtney is estranged.

That distance from Mommy Dearest is exactly right for Courtney’s well-being, but it’s also a serious life stressor. She had a famous and tragic miscarriage in 2016 and she’s still grieving.

And, oh by the way, Courtney’s getting a divorce.

Divorces, no matter how amicable, always make the lists of life’s biggest stressors. It’s up there with death of a loved one. Add to that the fact that her husband, Doug Hutchison, is 34 years her senior.

He was already 50 when she married him … at 16. That’s not on Courtney; that’s on her mother and on Doug.

Everybody has their own coping mechanisms, and not all of them are necessarily healthy.

Courtney recently spoke about her desires, and it’s hard to hear this and not be concerned.

“I just want some normalcy now … and I don’t know if I’m coping in the most healthy way,” she admitted on The Doctors.

“I also have been taking anti-anxiety medication, otherwise I literally feel like I’m going to jump out the window. Sometimes, I have medical marijuana, but that doesn’t really help because I start having a panic attack.”

At least she knows what works and what doesn’t. More importantly, she knows that what she’s doing now isn’t helping. It sounds trite, but just admitting it is the first step to making things better.

For a reality star who people love to classify as a “dumb blonde,” Courtney seems very aware of the factors that are influencing her state of mind.

For one thing, her marriage to a 50-year-old man when she was 16. “My mother was the one who granted permission. Now, when I’m explaining the story, it’s like: ‘Oh God, this is crazy!"”

Well, yeah.

“I went from my parents to another parental figure,” she remarks with some brutal honesty. Ugh, that whole situation was so creepy.

At 22, now separated from Doug, she’s finally getting to be a young person. Even though she says that she feels like she’s “lived so many lives at such a young age,” and she’s not wrong, she is still a young woman who didn’t get to have the normal experiences of early adulthood. 

Being young usually involves partying. Especially when you’re beautiful and famous.

Well, not if you’re in a fertility cult. Sorry, Duggar girls.

If you think about it, Courtney spent what could have been her college years married to a middle-aged actor. That’s not a normal life. To an extent, some partying and even some pill-popping are much more age-appropriate behaviors than, say, her marriage.

But it is important for her to find the right balance. That means weighing having a healthy amount of fun with staying alive.

“I literally feel like my coping mechanisms could lead to a disastrous, vicious situation,” she admits. “I think if I seek the proper coping mechanisms, I could turn this around and be the young woman that I want to be.”

Fortunately, she’s talking about this openly — especially on The Doctors, where they offered to go over her medications and see what was working and what might need to change.

But the fact that she’s talking about all of this in the public sphere is enough to show that she wants to make sure that her celebrations of newfound freedom aren’t cut tragically short.

It would be horrible if the substances that she uses to resist autodefenestration led to a different tragedy


Friday, May 12, 2017

Rolando McClain Arrested for Drugs, Gun and Window Tint

Ex-Dallas Cowboys linebacker, Rolando McClain, was arrested in Alabama on Friday after a routine traffic stop went south real fast.  Officials in Hartselle, AL say the 27-year-old former University of Alabama star was pulled over in a 2017 GMC…


Rolando McClain Arrested for Drugs, Gun and Window Tint

Ex-Dallas Cowboys linebacker, Rolando McClain, was arrested in Alabama on Friday after a routine traffic stop went south real fast.  Officials in Hartselle, AL say the 27-year-old former University of Alabama star was pulled over in a 2017 GMC…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Metta World Peace -- Woman Admits Throwing Brick Through NBA Star"s Window

It’s not just NBA stars who can brick a shot … because a woman just admitted to firing one through a window at Metta World Peace’s home!! The Lakers star appeared in an L.A. courtroom on Monday to get a permanent restraining order against Miesha…


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Justin Bieber Hurls Argentine Flag Out Window, Loses a Fan

Justin Bieber is doing his best to lose as many fans as possible these days.

First, Bieber canceled all meet and greets, denying concert goers the chance shake his hand and pose for a photo prior to shows.

The singer apologized at the time for doing so, claiming that these events made him very tired.

Next, Bieber announced that he will no longer pose for selfies with fans, citing security concerns and a desire for privacy.

And now footage from earlier this month in New York City has surfaced… and it doesn’t paint Bieber in a very positive light.

According to The Daily Mail, it was filmed by one of the fans who had been waiting for Bieber to emerge from his hotel and it focuses on an unnamed Argentinian teenager who was desperate to meet her idol.

As you can see in two different ways below, the girl tosses an Argentine flag Bieber’s way. And he coldly hurls it out the window.

Soon after the incident took place, this is what the fan wrote on Facebook:

“Yesterday I was at the hotel at 10am and I stayed for hours outside waiting. When he was going out, guards told us to back off, so I grabbed the flag and threw it at him.

“Of course it was not my intention for it to fall close to his face, so I apologised a thousand times.

“He looked at me… grabbed the flag, threw it on the pavement and shut the window.”

Ouch. Harsh by The Biebs, isn’t it?

Especially when you see the event unfold in full via the following video and you see just how irritated he seems to be by the mere presence of his supporters:

“I’m 15 and he could have treated me better since I apologised and he could hear it,” the girl added on Facebook.

Amazingly, this is not Bieber’s first scandal involving the flag of Argentina.

Back in 2013, Bieber was banned from performing in the country after he kicked away flags that attendees hurled onstage during a performance.

He did eventually apologize for the incident, at least.

Should he also do so for the latest flag controversy featured above? You tell us!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Florida Man Arrested For Throwing Alligator Into Wendy"s Drive-Thru Window

An obvious troubled Florida man is facing charges of aggravated assault after throwing an alligator into a Wendy’s drive-thru window.

Joshua James, 23, has been accused of hucking the live animal through the drive-thru window at the Royal Palm Beach, Fla., franchise.

His mother reportedly told local media outlets that he wanted to play a practical joke on his friend, who worked at the establishment.

The animal was captured and released back into the wild. As for where one gets a gator to toss at a pal inside a fast food restaurant?

James, of Jupiter, Fla., found the alligator on the side of a road and lured it into the back of his truck, according to an incident report.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says he threw the three-foot long animal through the window after ordering a drink.

Officials say the incident actually happened in October but the suspect has only now been taken into custody for unknown reasons.

In addition to assault, the 23-year-old miscreant faces charges of unlawful possession and transportation of an alligator … obviously.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Squirrel Jumps Face First Into Really Clean Window

There are positives and there are negatives to keeping one"s home window"s sparkling clean and clear.

The positives? Your house will look very tidy and presentable to guests.

The negatives? An animal might not realize a window is actually staring it in the face, choosing to fly into the air and then wishing he thought twice about it upon slamming into said window.

That"s really the only introduction you need to this video.

It features a man who has turned his camera phone on to a squirrel because the squirrel has gotten unusually close to his house.

He figures this is a cute enough reason to record some footage… and he"s right. It would have probably been worth sharing with friends if the squirrel had just remained in place, staring into the living room.

But then the squirrel decides to take a leap of faith by leaping into the air. Look out below!

Really, though, the animal is the one who should have been looking out… directly in front of him.

Watch him SLAM into a closed window and fall to the ground below.

Despite their reputation as seemingly dirty and annoying animals, squirrels have provided an unexpected number of entertaining and viral videos over the years.

There was the one in New York City who drank a milkshake from a trash can… and the one who awoke a sleeping panda and immediately regretted doing so.

And who can ever forget this iconic squirrel photobomb?!?

Check out the latest example of a squirrel giving up a reason to write about him and go ahead and laugh. It"s okay. Don"t feel bad.

We assume the furry little guy wasn"t actually hurt in this video. Squirrels are tough creatures!

Squirrel jumps face first into closed window