Showing posts with label Squirrel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Squirrel. Show all posts

Friday, April 7, 2017

Taco Squirrel Takes New York City, Internet By Storm

Move over, Pizza Rat.

You are SO 2015.

Two years after this cheese-loving rodent made headlines in New York City, the Internet has fallen in love with Taco Squirrel.

He"s a squirrel. Who was spotted eating a taco.

That"s about it. But check out the adorable animal below and then see what Twitter has to say about him:

1. This is Taco Squirrel

Taco squirrel

He made headlines by scarfing down on this Mexican delicacy during a nice spring day in New York.

2. Or When It’s Warm and Dry Outside

Or when its warm and dry outside

When isn’t a good time for taco squirrel?!?

3. Just Trying to Get By

Just trying to get by

The squirrel trouble is real.

4. We’d Totally Read This

Wed totally read this

Come on, children’s authors of the world!

5. #RelationshipGoals

Number relationshipgoals

Just something to consider, ladies.

6. What is This Nonsense?!?

What is this nonsense

We’re not ready for Eggo Squirrel. One at a time, please.

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Friday, June 24, 2016

Dad Uses Wild Squirrel to Yank Out Daughter"s Tooth

Here is something you don"t see everyday.

Actually, correction: here is something we guarantee you have never seen before in your entire life.

A Montreal native named David Freiheit recently decided to complete what he refers to in the following video as an "historical first."

We don"t know if he"s certain this is actually the case, but it"s fair to guess that no one has ever before attempted to pull his daughter"s loose tooth out via wild squirrel.

Yup, that"s exactly what is about to take place.

In the footage, you"ll see Freiheit attach one end of dental floss to his daughter"s tooth… and some granola to the other side.

A nearby squirrel finds the bait and does what any squirrel would do with granola: he makes a run for it in order to chown down on it.

As he does so, of course, he takes the little girl"s tooth along with him.

"Not many people get to say they did something for the first time in human history," Freiheit wrote in the YouTube caption.

That"s true. Not many people get to say this.

Not many people care so much about saying this that they would attach one end of dental floss to their daughter and the other to a squirrel.

But, hey! It worked!

See for yourself:

Dad uses wild squirrel to yank out daughters tooth

Dad Uses Wild Squirrel to Yank Out Daughter"s Tooth

Here is something you don"t see everyday.

Actually, correction: here is something we guarantee you have never seen before in your entire life.

A Montreal native named David Freiheit recently decided to complete what he refers to in the following video as an "historical first."

We don"t know if he"s certain this is actually the case, but it"s fair to guess that no one has ever before attempted to pull his daughter"s loose tooth out via wild squirrel.

Yup, that"s exactly what is about to take place.

In the footage, you"ll see Freiheit attach one end of dental floss to his daughter"s tooth… and some granola to the other side.

A nearby squirrel finds the bait and does what any squirrel would do with granola: he makes a run for it in order to chown down on it.

As he does so, of course, he takes the little girl"s tooth along with him.

"Not many people get to say they did something for the first time in human history," Freiheit wrote in the YouTube caption.

That"s true. Not many people get to say this.

Not many people care so much about saying this that they would attach one end of dental floss to their daughter and the other to a squirrel.

But, hey! It worked!

See for yourself:

Dad uses wild squirrel to yank out daughters tooth

Monday, November 9, 2015

Squirrel Jumps Face First Into Really Clean Window

There are positives and there are negatives to keeping one"s home window"s sparkling clean and clear.

The positives? Your house will look very tidy and presentable to guests.

The negatives? An animal might not realize a window is actually staring it in the face, choosing to fly into the air and then wishing he thought twice about it upon slamming into said window.

That"s really the only introduction you need to this video.

It features a man who has turned his camera phone on to a squirrel because the squirrel has gotten unusually close to his house.

He figures this is a cute enough reason to record some footage… and he"s right. It would have probably been worth sharing with friends if the squirrel had just remained in place, staring into the living room.

But then the squirrel decides to take a leap of faith by leaping into the air. Look out below!

Really, though, the animal is the one who should have been looking out… directly in front of him.

Watch him SLAM into a closed window and fall to the ground below.

Despite their reputation as seemingly dirty and annoying animals, squirrels have provided an unexpected number of entertaining and viral videos over the years.

There was the one in New York City who drank a milkshake from a trash can… and the one who awoke a sleeping panda and immediately regretted doing so.

And who can ever forget this iconic squirrel photobomb?!?

Check out the latest example of a squirrel giving up a reason to write about him and go ahead and laugh. It"s okay. Don"t feel bad.

We assume the furry little guy wasn"t actually hurt in this video. Squirrels are tough creatures!

Squirrel jumps face first into closed window

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Milkshake Squirrel Totally Bumps Pizza Rat from the Headlines

Sorry, Pizza Rat. But you are SO yesterday"s news.

A new animal in New York City has sky-rocketed to viral fame. Are you ready to meet Milkshake Squirrel?!?

The woman filming this video and her friends weren’t exactly prepared to do so, but they couldn’t help marveling over the furry little guy after they noticed him scrummaging through a garbage can.

The squirrel is apparently of chocolate milkshakes from Shake Shack, as he snaps up a thrown-away cup of that beverage from the trash can, jumps back over the fence and gulps it all down… right in front of his brand new fan club.

Watch as they laugh over the squirrel and then issue a warning: Careful, dude. You"re gonna get a stomach ache!

Milkshake squirrel attempts to bump pizza rat from the headlines