Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Milkshake Squirrel Totally Bumps Pizza Rat from the Headlines

Sorry, Pizza Rat. But you are SO yesterday"s news.

A new animal in New York City has sky-rocketed to viral fame. Are you ready to meet Milkshake Squirrel?!?

The woman filming this video and her friends weren’t exactly prepared to do so, but they couldn’t help marveling over the furry little guy after they noticed him scrummaging through a garbage can.

The squirrel is apparently of chocolate milkshakes from Shake Shack, as he snaps up a thrown-away cup of that beverage from the trash can, jumps back over the fence and gulps it all down… right in front of his brand new fan club.

Watch as they laugh over the squirrel and then issue a warning: Careful, dude. You"re gonna get a stomach ache!

Milkshake squirrel attempts to bump pizza rat from the headlines