Showing posts with label Storm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Storm. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

White House Struck by Lightning Amid Figurative Storm Brewing Over Trump

The Lord didn’t send thunder or hail, but maybe a lightning strike at the White House can jolt President Trump onto a righteous path … because a little shock therapy never hurts. There’s a thunderstorm in the nation’s capital and the…


Friday, June 22, 2018

"Storm Chasers" Joel Taylor Died of Ecstasy Poisoning on Cruise Ship

“Storm Chasers” star Joel Taylor died from an ecstasy overdose while on a cruise ship earlier this year … according to his toxicology results. The Bureau of Forensic Sciences of Puerto Rico tells us, based on Taylor’s lab results, it was…


"Storm Chasers" Joel Taylor Died of Ecstasy Poisoning on Cruise Ship

“Storm Chasers” star Joel Taylor died from an ecstasy overdose while on a cruise ship earlier this year … according to his toxicology results. The Bureau of Forensic Sciences of Puerto Rico tells us, based on Taylor’s lab results, it was…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Roseanne Barr Breaks Silence on Sitcom Cancelation, Tweets Up a Storm Once Again

Less than 24 hours after claiming she was leaving Twitter, Roseanne Barr has returned to Twitter.

This time, however, the controversial comedian has fewer racist “jokes” to make at the expense of African-Americans.

On Tuesday morning, Roseanne wrote that former Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett was what would happen if the “Muslim brotherhood [and] planet of the apes had a baby.”

The actress eventually deleted this horrible insult, but not before it spread around the Internet and ABC reacted by canceling her sitcom.

In a statement, ABC Presidence Channing Dungey said that the huge ratings for Season 10 of the rebooted series no longer warranted a Season 11, not when the show’s star had expressed such inappropriate views.

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” said Dungey.

This network decision has been applauded all non-racists around the globe.

Roseanne, meanwhile, issued an apology shortly after garnering an extreme amount of backlash online, Tweeting:

I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me – my joke as in bad taste.

Few folks are forgiving Barr, however, considering her history of being an awful person.

Now, in the wake of this controversy, Roseanne has walked back her claim that she was leaving social media and commented at length on her show’s cancelation.

“Don’t feel sorry for me, guys!!-I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people,and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet,” Barr wrote, adding:

“I will be on Joe Rogan’s podcast friday.”

She was far from done, however.

“I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me,” she added, prior to making an excuse for her racism:

“It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible [sic].

“I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please.”

Aside from the lame ambien defense, this may sound all well and good to some.

Roseanne is clearly sorry, right?

Except she has since re-Tweeted a large number of Conversative voices who have, indeed, defended her position and her opinions and think this is yet another Liberal conspiracy.

To wit:

Roseanne Barr RTs

In a now-deleted tweet, Barr also wrote an apology to Jarrett once again, addressing President Obama’s close friend as follows:

“@ValerieJarrett I want to apologize to you. I am very sorry to have hurt you. I hope you can accept this sincere apology!”

Jarrett, meanwhile, has mostly taken the high road in response to her name randomly and terribly being bantered about in this fashion.

“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” she said yesterday in response, adding that Roseanne’s remarks reflect a greater issue in society than her hurt feeling:

“I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers who come right to their defense.

“The person who is walking down the street minding their own business and they see somebody cling to their purse, or run across the street, or every black parent I know who has a boy who has to sit down and have a conversation — the talk — as we call it.

“As you say, those ordinary examples of racism that happen every single day.”

barr stuff

But back to Barr:

In a series of other Tweets she has since erased, Barr repeats the stance of one follower who thinks ABC is acting in a hypocritical manner.

“I’m calling on @ABCNetwork @Disney to uphold their “standards” by firing @JoyVBehar for calling Christians mentally ill,” this person (and Roseanne) wrote.

“You can’t treat @therealroseanne one way because she supports @realDonaldTrump & allow Joy Behar to remain employed. #BoycottABC #StandWithRoseanne #Roseanne.”

But then after this, Roseanne said:

Please don’t start all of that boycott abc stuff-I’m not a censor and they have the right to do what they wish. It’ all ok. thanks tho guys.

Roseanne was the number-one scripted series of last season with a 6.4 rating among 18-49-year olds, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The Wrap reports that Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT have pulled all reruns of the series.

Based on her Twitter spree last night, it’s very possible that Roseanne really was on ambien when she originally Tweeted about Jarrett and was also on ambien in these rambling responses to the scandal.

But plenty of celebrities take sleeping pills and/or other types of medication.

It says something about Roseanne’s personal beliefs that when she does so, this filth comes out of her virtual mouth.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Boston Marathon Runners Soaked & Trash Baggin" in Crazy Rain Storm

Running the Boston Marathon is already hard as hell  … and that’s without being caught in a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR like the runners in Beantown are Monday! The field of about 30,000 competitors are gonna have to be Boston Strong to make it…


Friday, January 26, 2018

"Storm Chasers" Cruise Rages On After Joel Taylor"s Death and Drug Use Still Rampant

The cruise on which “Storm Chasers” star Joel Taylor allegedly died of an OD continues to be party central … with abundant drug use. A “White Party” was held Thursday night on the cruise ship and passengers tell us drugs were everywhere ……


"Storm Chasers" Star Joel Taylor"s Death Investigation Dropped by FBI

Joel Taylor’s death is officially off the FBI’s plate — for now at least … TMZ has learned. Carlos Osorio — a spokesman for the FBI’s San Juan Division — tells TMZ the feds have been pulled off the “Storm Chasers” star’s case, and it’s been…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

"Storm Chasers" Star Joel Taylor"s Cruise Ship Had Zero Tolerance Drug Policy

The cruise line on which “Storm Chasers” star Joel Taylor died of an apparent OD this week does not allow illegal drugs on the boat … which raises the question — how did they ignore a river of drugs on board? Royal Caribbean International tells…


"Storm Chasers" Star Joel Taylor"s Cruise Ship Had Zero Tolerance Drug Policy

The cruise line on which “Storm Chasers” star Joel Taylor died of an apparent OD this week does not allow illegal drugs on the boat … which raises the question — how did they ignore a river of drugs on board? Royal Caribbean International tells…


"Storm Chasers" Star Joel Taylor"s Apparent OD Death Triggers FBI Investigation

The apparent drug overdose that led to the death of a “Storm Chaser” star on a cruise ship has triggered an FBI investigation … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. TMZ broke the story … “Storm Chaser” star Joel Taylor had been doing GHB late…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

"Storm Chaser" Star Joel Taylor Dead From Suspected Overdose

“Storm Chaser’ star Joel Taylor died from a suspected overdose on a cruise ship … this according to passengers on the boat. Passengers on the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Harmony of the Seas tell TMZ … drugs on the party boat were plentiful, and…


"Storm Chaser" Star Joel Taylor Dead From Suspected Overdose

“Storm Chaser’ star Joel Taylor died from a suspected overdose on a cruise ship … this according to passengers on the boat. Passengers on the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Harmony of the Seas tell TMZ … drugs on the party boat were plentiful, and…


Storm Chaser Joel Taylor Dead at 38

Joel Taylor, who became famous chasing storms on Discovery Channel’s “Storm Chasers,” has died … this according to his friends. Joel was on the show from the beginning in 2008 and was there for the entire 5-season run. Chasing storms was not just…


Joel Taylor Dies; Storm Chasers Star Was 38

Sad and stunning news out of the world of reality television this week:

Joel Taylor, one of the stars on Discovery Channel’s Storm Chasers, died on Monday, according to close friends who shared the tragic development on social media.

He was 38 years old.

The case of Taylor’s death is unknown at this time.

But former colleague Reed Timmer wrote the following on Twitter very late Monday night:

“RIP my best friend and storm chasing partner, Joel Taylor. I am shocked and absolutely devastated by the loss of my incredible, caring friend.

“We chased so many intense storms, and I wish we could have just one more storm chase. I’ll miss you forever, Joel. We lost a legend.”

Timmer attended the University of Oklahoma with Taylor, who studied meteorology.

Another good friend, Mike Olbinski, touched on the topic of Taylor’s memorable smile in his social media tribute to the late reality star.

timmer tribute

“I was lucky enough to meet Joel a few years ago at Reed’s wedding. He was so kind to me and we got to hang out for a bit during those few days,” Olbinski captioned an image from the wedding, adding:

“I snapped this photo of him and that just seemed like who he was. A huge smile. RIP Joel Taylor…you will be so missed.”

After graduating from college, Taylor went on to track tornadoes for the aforementioned program as part of a team from the website TornadoVideos.Net.

The Elk City native’s storm chasing team issued a statement on Facebook in light of Taylor’s passing, referring to their late acquaintance as an “inspiration.

This is what the team members wrote:

Our community of Elk City and the Storm Chasing community lost a great guy today. Joel Taylor was truly an inspiration to myself and many who knew him.

He was one of the most level headed chasers on the roads and truly a classy guy outside of chasing.

He didn’t chase for the glory he chased because he had a true passion for storms. In the last few years he’d load up with his dad and go chase and not even take a camera.

Our hearts are hurting for his mom Tracy and dad Jimmy along with his brother and sister and their children. Please know you are in our prayers. RIP Joel.

joel wedding

Storm Chasers debuted in 2007 and Taylor made his first appearance a year later.

It was canceled by Discovery Channel in 2012.

The series was filmed each year in the area known as “Tornado Alley” due to the frequency and serious nature of tornadoes occurring there in the central part of the country.

Numerous teams of storm chasers were featured on the show over the years.

Amber Kulick, who is studying meteorology in college, Tweeted early this morning:

“I’m literally in tears right now I spent so much time watching storm chasers and that helped feed my want to be a meteorologist I can’t believe Joel Taylor is gone.

“RIP to one of the best.”

We share this same sentiment.

May Joel Taylor rest in peace.


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Donald Trump Weirdly Jokes About Government Shutdown in Twitter Storm

You’d think President Trump would be solemn the day the federal government shut down over a budget impasse, but instead he used his favorite platform to use jokes laced with sarcasm to describe his feelings. Trump tweeted, “This is the One Year…


Friday, September 1, 2017

Big Brother Recap: A Storm Rocks The House

After that big veto ceremony left Matt and Raven on the block, it was evident that there were going to be fireworks on the latest episode of the CBS hit. 

When the tense episode got underway, Jason went straight into the storage room and questioned the decision he had just made. Alex followed him and said it was always going to cause a fight. 

While they were in there wondering what they could do, Matt and Raven were in the Kitchen yelling because they were apparently blindsided. Paul took Raven outside to cool off and let her know he was there for her. 

He was using her shock to his advantage so she would remember that he was there for her when Jason stuck the knife in. Matt stayed inside and yelled about Jason being a “punk bitch.”

When Jason made his exit from the storage room, Matt was outside with Raven, so he went to the door and put his ear to it to see if he was still the hot topic around the house. 

He was. 

Matt made his way inside and called Jason out for hiding and kept calling him names.

“I never expected a cowboy like you to be a p—y like that,” he yelled.

Here’s the thing with Matt: He has played ZERO game. He has spent the summer with his face inside a bowl of cereal and canoodling with Raven. 

Maybe if they actually WON a competition or spoke to the other houseguests, they would have been safe. Instead, they wanted to blame everybody but them. 

At the end of the day, they are both cowards and have stated many times they wanted to make it to the jury. Maybe the common word around the house is that Paul is winning, so they are all settling for the jury. 

It’s sad seeing all of these idiots give up and not play the game. Matt was even down for throwing his life in the game away to save Raven. Like, does he not know $ 500,000 is at stake?

Why would you give up your shot at that money for someone you barely know? 

Matt then tried to move the target on to Kevin … and it worked. He asked Kevin about the hinky vote last week. We all know it was Alex and Jason who voted against him. 

Kevin swore on his kids that he did not vote against Matt. And, the cookie crumbled for Christmas when she argued with Kevin. 

She asked him about going to the pool, and she got pissed that he asked her the same thing. However, Josh joined in the conversation and asked about the $ 25,000. 

It got tense, but Kevin refused to swear on his kids again. This confirmed to Christmas that Alex was the other vote with Jason and it made her realize they are more dangerous than they get credit for. 

Sometime later, Kevin went to speak to Matt, and Paul noted that Kevin does this every week when someone is about to be evicted. He makes friends with them so that he has a jury vote. 

This successfully turned the rest of the house against Kevin, and Kevin knew when Josh started piping up that it was all part of the mob mentality to rattle him. 

When it came to the eviction, Matt was given a penalty vote for not following the have not way of life, and was evicted by a landslide. I just can’t with this guy. 

He has got to be one of the worst players… ever. 

He almost made Julie fall off her chair laughing when he said that Raven was one of the best players of the game and that she could win. 

“Do you really think she has a shot to win? She hasn’t won anything,” the host said. 

As if that was not bad enough, we did not even get to see the HOH competition play out. The rain in Los Angeles was just too much of a risk. Raven still did not have waterproof makeup, so that was that. 

What did you think of the latest episode?


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Big Brother Recap: A Storm Is Brewing

Jessica Graf may have the Halting Hex, but she’s having a hard time explaining the ins and outs of the lucrative power. 

Because the power is unheard of on Big Brother, Paul is skeptical that Jessica is talking the advantages of the power up. While that may be true, she was not expecting to go on the block next to Cody. 

After the nominations, Paul decided to try and find out more about what could happen now, so he invites both of them up to the HOH room for a chat. In true Cody fashion, he flipped out and said there was no point in talking. 

What Cody does not realize is that you need to have a social game or you run the risk of having a bitter jury when it comes to the time they decide who walks away with the money. 

Cody, however, went for the jugular and got all up in Paul’s face. He was swiftly told to vacate the room and Jessica followed closely behind. 

For Jessica, this was her getting to see her boyfriend’s true colors, and she did not like it. She voiced her dismay at the way he acted, but all he could muster was that he does not care. 

Jessica realized that this was what he was like in real life, and stormed out of the room. 

And this is why I’m single,” Cody revealed. At least he’s honest about things. 

Elsewhere, Paul opened up to his fellow houseguests about Cody getting all up in his grill. Naturally, Josh wanted to join in the fun and got the pots and pans out to get at Mark. 

Things went from bad to worse and production had to step in to halt all of the drama between the two men. 

Paul then turned his attention to Jessica because he wanted to know the truth about the power. Finally, she admitted that she could cancel the eviction and make his reign as HOH a null week. 

This did not sit well with Paul, and he tried to manipulate Jessica into letting Cody go and keeping the power for herself for another week. Christmas got in on the fun and said that her game would be better without him. 

Jessica questioned everything but ultimately repaired their relationship. There’s absolutely no way she would let Cody go home over the twist. 

In the end, Paul emerged with the veto win, and Jessica was apparently considering sending Cody out of the game. As much as the producers want us to believe this to be the truth, it’s not. 

Jessica asked Paul for two weeks of safety and that the HOH would target Alex next week, so she did consider taking her boyfriend out. 

All things considered, it was a crazy episode of Big Brother, and things are only going to get better when the hex is used. 

What do you think about all of the drama? 

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Woman Finds BFF in Bed with Fiance, Epic Tweet Storm Ensues

This is a story about every woman"s worst nightmare … and how it got turned into every Internet user"s most glorious wet dream.

When a woman walked in on her fiance having sex with one of her close friends the night before her wedding, she reacted in a variety of ways.

And one of her bridesmaids was on hand to document the entire thing in a series of Tweets that has gone viral because…

… well, scroll down and find out why for yourself!



So, this is how it started.

2. Screw It! Let’s Party!

Screw it lets party

But a certain someone isn’t invited.

3. Oh, Yes, She Went Harry Potter on Us

Oh yes she went harry potter on us

This cheater better look out.

4. MIA for Rest of the Day?

Mia for rest of the day

Not quite. She was just getting started.

5. Get It? Painballs?

Get it painballs

As in: we want to cause some pain in his balls?

6. Wait… WHAT?!?

Wait what

Now the husband-to-be is getting married to the cheating bridesmaid/mistress? In Vegas? On the Internet?

View Slideshow

Friday, May 26, 2017

Hillary Clinton Says Chardonnay Eased Her Pain, Coughs Up a Storm at Alma Mater (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton inspired grads at her alma mater … to lean on the bottle when times get tough. That’s mostly a joke, but HRC did talk about how she’s been coping during her commencement speech Friday at Wellesley College. She was cracking…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Taco Squirrel Takes New York City, Internet By Storm

Move over, Pizza Rat.

You are SO 2015.

Two years after this cheese-loving rodent made headlines in New York City, the Internet has fallen in love with Taco Squirrel.

He"s a squirrel. Who was spotted eating a taco.

That"s about it. But check out the adorable animal below and then see what Twitter has to say about him:

1. This is Taco Squirrel

Taco squirrel

He made headlines by scarfing down on this Mexican delicacy during a nice spring day in New York.

2. Or When It’s Warm and Dry Outside

Or when its warm and dry outside

When isn’t a good time for taco squirrel?!?

3. Just Trying to Get By

Just trying to get by

The squirrel trouble is real.

4. We’d Totally Read This

Wed totally read this

Come on, children’s authors of the world!

5. #RelationshipGoals

Number relationshipgoals

Just something to consider, ladies.

6. What is This Nonsense?!?

What is this nonsense

We’re not ready for Eggo Squirrel. One at a time, please.

View Slideshow