Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor Warns Government Leaders, Make A Change, Or Else

Lauren Hogg, a survivor of the Florida shooting, has a strong message for President Trump and lawmakers …  change, or else.  Lauren lost 4 of her friends in the attack last week and is laser-focused on putting an end to the violence.…


Sunday, January 21, 2018

SNL Weekend Update Skewers Trump Over Government Shutdown and Stormy Daniels

SNL took aim at Donald Trump and fired. Weekend Update hit the Prez hard on the government shutdown, but the Stormy Daniels commentary was hilarious.   Colin Firth mused that Trump’s comment to Stormy that he was afraid of sharks was…


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Donald Trump Weirdly Jokes About Government Shutdown in Twitter Storm

You’d think President Trump would be solemn the day the federal government shut down over a budget impasse, but instead he used his favorite platform to use jokes laced with sarcasm to describe his feelings. Trump tweeted, “This is the One Year…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Omarosa"s Not Done with Government Work Yet

Omarosa’s out at the White House, but she’s not on the outs with government, and in fact, is already eyeing other federal positions … TMZ has learned. As we reported … Omarosa and President Trump say they’re on good terms after…


Friday, November 10, 2017

LiAngelo Ball, UCLA, Jack Ma Actively Lobbying Chinese Government for Release

LiAngelo Ball has got 2 powerful forces trying to secure his release from China  … UCLA and Alibaba founder Jack Ma … TMZ Sports has learned. Ball and 2 other UCLA basketball players are currently under house arrest after allegedly stealing…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Sheryl Crow"s Ready to Fire the Government If Gun Laws Don"t Change

Sheryl Crow is taking a bold stance in the country music world — saying it’s time performers and fans reconsider their outlook on guns, especially semi-automatic ones. We got Sheryl at LAX Thursday and asked her how the country music…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Martin Shkreli, Government Wants Him in Jail After Threatening Hilary Clinton

Bad boy and convicted felon Martin Shkreli may be heading to jail way sooner than he thought, because the United States government wants to put him behind bars NOW, after threatening Hilary Clinton. The Justice Dept. just filed docs, obtained by…


Friday, November 4, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Spying For the Turkish Government?!

There are phrases you never expect to hear, and then there’s “Lindsay Lohan might be a spy for the Turkish government?!” which is up there with “Donald Trump just used his giant hands to give away his billion-dollar fortune that actually exists!” in terms of staggering degree of unlikelihood.

And yet, all over the Internet today, there are serious discussions about the possibility that LiLo is highly-paid operative working in league with a Middle Eastern government.

The really crazy part is, this isn’t just today’s “Taylor Swift is pregnant with Drake’s baby” gossip.

There might actually be some legitimacy to this report.

The rumors started shortly after the release of this video:

You may have seen it.

The clip went unexpectedly viral not because of the bizarre ramblings about nightclubs and refugee camps (that’s just typical Lohan), but because of Lindsay’s accent.

What the hell is that?

It’s as though she sampled a little bit from each continent like she’s eating at a buffet at Epcot.

And what’s with the pauses, like English isn’t her first language?

We can understand picking up certain linguistic quirks if you’ve been living abroad for a while, but if she’s forgetting her native tongue, that’s just a case of cocaine-induced brain damage.

But believe it or not, Lindsay’s sh-tty stage accent and appropriated cadence aren’t the most interesting things about this video.

We know it’s painful, but pay attention to what she’s saying.

Note the effusive praise for Turkey and the repeated use of the phrase “the world is bigger than five.”

She says it twice in that 3-minute clip, and it’s her favorite hashtag these days, appearing on just about every photo that Lohan has posted on Instagram in the past two weeks.

So what the hell does it mean?

Well, unlike the notion that Syrian refugees need dope night spots to party in, the phrase didn’t originate in Lindsay’s Smirnoff-pickled  brain.

Turns out it’s a favorite slogan of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his cronies.

Despite showing zero interest in global politics at any previous point in her multiple decades as a public figure, Lohan is suddenly gushing at Erdogan every chance she gets.

Here she is singing his praises in an interview for Turkish television:

“The world is bigger than five” refers to Erdogan’s contempt for the UN Security Council and its five permanent members – he US, the UK, France, China, and Russia.

In recent weeks Lohan (who again, is Lindsay Lohan and has never previously shown an interest in matters any deeper than that new cut her dealer is using) has repeatedly called for the Security Council to be restructured.

She’s also praised Erdogan’s handling of a military coup that threatened to unseat him over the summer.

We’re not saying Lindsay is definitely being paid by Turkish government officials to push their agenda in the West, but what’s more likely:

That Lindsay has taken a sudden interest in the more arcane complexities of the Middle Eastern political climate, or that someone offered her blow money to spout a bunch of BS she doesn’t understand in front of some TV cameras?

We think you see our point.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Slams US Government, Provides Refugees With Energy Drinks

As erratic as her behavior has been over the years, we usually have a pretty good idea of what’s going through Lindsay Lohan’s mind.

Cocaine. The answer is usually cocaine.

These days, however, Linds is reportedly given up the Colombian marching powder in favor of a new habit:

Sources say she’s railing fat lines of the powdered milk of human kindness and gettin’ all geeked-up on compassion for her fellow man.

As you may have heard, Lindsay spent time with Syrian refugees and the experience was apparently enough to turn her into a celebrity humanitarian, a la Angelina Jolie.

Of course, this is still LiLo we’re talking about, so the whole endeavor is way more half-assed, and there’s money to be made.

Lindsay has teamed up with German energy drink-maker Mintanine to provide hand out sugary caffeinated sludge to people fleeing the Syrian civil war.

We assume the bonkers humanitarian mission will be documented on the ‘Gram, along with captions like:

“Mintanine: for when your homeland’s resources aren’t the only thing that’s depleted!”

“There’s hardly food, water or anything,” a source from Lindsay’s camp tells.

“So at this point sending anything is helpful.”

The company decribes its product as a “blue caffeine lemonade” (which is weird, because elsewhere on its website, it claims the drink is caffeine-free).

Their tagline (sadly, we’re not making this up) is, “Blue tastes woo-hoo!”

Maybe that suffers in translation.

We’re not sure “woo-hoo!” is exactly what people who have been forced to flee their war-torn homeland need, but what do we know.

In case you were worried that Lindsay is using this humanitarian crisis just to make a quick buck, fear not…

She’s also using it to show off how little she knows about politics!

Sources say Lindsay has taken to slamming the US and backing Turkish military strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Knowing that most of you came here to have a good LiLo laugh, we don’t want to get too deep in the weeds politically, but suffice it to say Erdogan is widely considered to be a bad dude, and Lindsay is widely considered to be a dumbass for supporting him.

Here’s Lindsay giving a bizarre, rambling interview on Turkish television:

Don’t mix vodka with your blue woo-hoo juice, kids.

Also a hearty LOL at Lindsay’s assertion that there’s no tabloid media in London.

Anyway, in case you were worried that Lindsay has lost sight of who she is, don’t worry…

She’s still living proof that you can take the cocaine out of the girl, but you can’t take the girl out of the cocaine. Or something.

Lindsay recently opened a nightclub in Greece called – what else? – LOHAN.

The clip above shows her screaming at the clubs patrons to STFU on opening night!

Some things will never change.

Lindsay Lohan being bonkers is one of those things.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kim Kardashian is a Dangerous Secret Agent, Iranian Government Claims

Kim Kardashian is many things mom, wife, entrepreneur, purveyor of nude bathroom selfies.

But is she also a sexy super-spy, like some combination of James Bond and the many women James Bond has had sex with?

Ha! No way in hell! But don’t tell that to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

According to Vanity Fair, Iran believes that Kim is part of a covert mission to corrupt the youth of Iran and lead them to the 100% accurate conclusion that in today’s economy, a round ass you like to put on display is more valuable than talent or an education.

In a recent interview, Revolutionary Guard spokesman Mostafa Alizadeh makes the following hilarious accusation against Kim:

“Ms. Kim Kardashian is a popular fashion model so Instagram’s C.E.O. tells her, ‘Make this native,’” Alizadeh, told an Iranian news program this week.

“There is no doubt that financial support is involved as well. We are taking this very seriously.”

Yeah, we’re picturing it right now…

Top brass at Instagram pounding their fists on the desk of the war room:

“We need someone to sell sex on the Internet! Otherwise, Iran will continue to dominate the global marketplace. Get Kim Kardashian on the phone! We need that oiled-up ‘donk now more than ever.”

Apparently, the reason The Revolutionary Guard is targeting Kim and not the bajillion other people who post explicit photos online is because the Kardashians are of Armenian descent, which means…they’re hell-bent on destroying the cultural fabric of Iran?

Sure, why not.

Obviously, we’re making light of the accusations against Kim (because they’re freakin’ absurd), but for many like her who are living in Iran, the situation is no laughing matter.

The Revolutionary Guard claims to have rounded up 170 people for posting what they consider “illicit content” online.

29 have been accused of “promoting a culture of promiscuity” or “ridiculing religious values and beliefs,” and are now facing prosecution.

One prominent Iranian entertainer recently delivered a forced confession on live television.

It’s an unpleasant reminder that millions of people living in the Middle East still live in constant fear of their own governments.

We guess that’s why Kim supports the candidate with foreign policy experience, as opposed to the throbbing foreheav vein of American politics.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Australian Government Is Laying The Groundwork To Ban Chris Brown From Entering The Country!

Well isn’t this inneresting…

Chris Brown may not be performing in Australia any time soon, because the Land Down Under’s government has handed Breezy a Notice of Intention to Consider Refusal, which basically sounds exactly like what it is!

Related: Did Drake Call Out CB On What A Time To Be Alive?

The Australian government, concerned over Brown’s criminal history, just put in motion step one to deny the performer the right to enter the country, primarily based on his past felony conviction after he attacked Rihanna. Australian officials have been against Brown’s planned visit to Australia for some time, and now the government may act on this concern.

It wouldn’t be the first time Australia has done this — Floyd Mayweather, Jr. was denied entry to the country earlier this year — so there’s certainly a precedent against those who’ve committed domestic violence. Breezy has three Australian concerts scheduled for December, and he’s still adamant he’ll be there… but, well, maybe not now!

What do U think — should Australia ban CB from entering the country?! Is it the right thing to do??

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]