Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Halsey Comments on Ex G-Eazy"s Big Dick Energy Claims

Just a few weeks ago, Halsey dumped G-Eazy and publicly implied that he had cheated on her. Yikes.

G-Eazy moved on and is currently touring. He decided to announce to his Instagram followers that he has “Big Dick Energy.”

Well, Halsey had something to say about that in the comments. Take a look:

G-Eazy posted a photo of himself at the Sunlit Supply Amphitheater, standing on a car with countless spotlights providing a dramatic visual effect.

His caption for the photo reads: “Big Dick Energy.”

While a man describing himself as having BDE is just about the polar opposite of actually possessing this quality that became a meme in recent weeks, that’s not what got people’s attention.

No, what made people marvel in wonder is that his ex, Halsey, commented under the photo.

She left three emojis — a cloud, a tornado, and a water droplet.

Followers absolutely noticed Halsey’s comment, which left many scratching their heads.

“I’m so f–king confused,” one fan wrote.

It’s unclear if they were confused by her emojis or the fact that she commented at all.

Another commenter explained: “Couples can break up and not hate each other.”

That is true!

When one commenter accused Halsey of being “petty,” the singer explained herself.

“No petty here,” Halsey writes. “Caption damn funny and stage looks dope. Jealous of everyone who gets to see the show.”

Her words are clear. Her emojis are … less so.

We don’t know exactly what Halsey meant. Interpreting a string of emojis like that is a little like trying to work out hieroglyphs without the Rosetta Stone.

If she had replied with an emoji conveying mocking laughter, that would mean one thing.

If she had replied with an eggplant emoji, that would have been another thing altogether.

But, with the cloud and the tornado, it looks like she’s referring to a storm — or possibly energy.

The water droplet can be used to imply thirst (as in, sexual attraction) or, well, ejaculation.

We should, of course, clarify that Big Dick Energy is not synonymous with someone who is assumed to be well-endowed.

They can totally overlap, but they don’t have to.

The meme has made it very clear that someone might be known to have an absolutely gargantuan penis but lack Big Dick Energy.

Similarly, a cisgender woman can absolutely radiate Big Dick Energy with an intensity that should set off Geiger counters.

That, folks, is the difference between Jared Leto and Tessa Thompson.

This really does seem to be a situation of two exes who still respect each other.

Even if Halsey’s emoji choice was all but inscrutible. But that’s okay.

They’re exes, and she can post whatever emojis she likes. Considering what some of the other emoji options were, her reply was very tasteful.

In the mean time, G-Eazy has been spotted being a bad influence on Demi Lovato as her relapse continues.

This is a guy who’s still getting past that little incident where he got into a fight and was then caught with coke. Whoops.

Big Dick Energy or not, he and Halsey were together for nine months. It’s healthy for them to not treat each other like enemies.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Ariana Grande "God Is A Woman" Music Video Radiates Big Vagina Energy

Ariana Grande has done it again in what might be her best music video yet. "God Is A Woman" dropped on Friday, and the video is a true work of art.

Fair warning, both the not-so-subtle imagery and Ariana herself push the boundaries of what some consider appropriate for a music video.

She"s radiating what some might call Big Vagina Energy. Take a look:

Ariana grande body paint

Pete Davidson is a lucky man.

Ariana Grande"s "God Is A Woman" music video takes viewers on an artistic tour of the sacred feminine.

We mentioned that some of her imagery was not especially subtle and potentially crossed some lines.

What we meant by that is, well, Ariana is showing off a whole bunch of vagina shapes. (She pushes the envelope further than that, as you"ll soon witness)

As far as the Big Vagina Energy is concerned, see what we mean right here:

Ariana grande god is a woman

In addition to hoola hooping through the galactic core, we also see Ariana lounging on her side, apparently wearing nothing but paint and a ponytail.

Ariana is wearing some selective body paint to cover the bare essentials, but most of her essentials are still bare.

The paint-streaked water that looks like it came from the mother of all bath bombs (a MOABB) takes a very particular shape: a vagina.

Here, we are using that term vagina colloquially to refer to the entire pubic area — the paint defines labia and even hints at a clitoris. If you missed that, look again.

In art, an almond shaped aura around a person is often referred to as a mandorla (not a mandala, that"s unrelated).

This artistic device is used to depict a holy figure or someone sacred. Ariana Grande, who was raised Catholic, is fusing this symbol with the vagina to make a powerful statement.

Ariana grande straddles the world

This gif, folks, is the least subtle of all. Which, given the contents of Ariana"s absolutely stunning music video, is saying something.

Here, we see Ariana straddling the globe like a divine figure, with one hand between her legs.

But it is the other hand that is even pore provocative, as she strokes and appears to finger the eye of a hurricane, however briefly.

Both hurricanes and galaxies (which, again, she is shown hula-hooping) have been pointed out as feminine imagery — which can be a touch cissexist.

Ariana is taking things a step further by lovingly inserting her fingers into the hurricane.

(With those nails! Ouch!)

Ariana grande above men

Ariana"s "God Is A Woman" music video is not devoid of men.

For a brief moment, she writhes in the air above a bed covered in writhing, unclothed men — though these men are covered by white foam.

We hope that everyone understands the symbolism of white foam in this context.

There is another moment in which Ariana dances as if she were the wick in a candle flame.

Remember the vagina imagery of when she lounges in the paint? That"s back in full force with the shape of the candle flame.

And then, of course, there is the end.

Ariana grande the creation of woman

The music video has some strange moments, and during some of them, the music even pauses for a few seconds for something else to happen.

But we have to talk about this last bit.

Before the video fades to black, Ariana Grande recreates Michelango"s famous "The Creation of Adam," a fresco mural from within the Sistine Chapel.

This time, however, she is part of a host of women taking the position of God, and she is reaching out to a woman who is in the position of Adam.

This is so deeply gorgeous.

Ariana is one of the greatest musical talents to ever live. This music video is an absolute gift to her fans and to the world.

Check it out:

Ariana grande god is a woman music video radiates big vagina ene

Friday, September 1, 2017

Monster Energy Drink Sued After Employee Tried to Bite Off Woman"s Finger

A woman is suing her ex-boyfriend and his employer, Monster Energy Drink, after he allegedly tried to bite her finger off during a work trip. The woman claims her BF was Monster’s head of music marketing and flew her out to the 2016 Country…


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Monster Energy Drink Sued for Death of 19-Year Old

Monster Energy Drink killed a teenager … so his father claims in a new lawsuit. Dustin Hood downed 3 1/2, 24-ounce cans of the self-proclaimed buzz drink within a 24-hour period back in 2015.  According to the lawsuit, after drinking the last…


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Rick Perry Tapped as Donald Trump"s Choice For Energy Secretary

Supporters and detractors alike assumed that a Donald Trump presidency was certain to offer plenty of surprises and questionable moves that would have Constitutional scholars poring over the revered document with a jeweler’s loop.

With his inauguration still more than a month away, however, Trump is flouting the rules and conventions of his office in ways that even the most chagrined alarmists wouldn’t have thought possible just a few weeks back.

Trump’s transition has been the subject of daily headlines, both for reasons thoroughly unexpected (a surprise visit from Kanye West), and widely feared (a cabinet packed with Wall St. insiders and fossil fuel profiteers).

Yesterday, Trump chose Exxon-Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state.

The move came as something of a surprise, as Tillerson has no government experience, and enjoys such close ties to Russia that Vladimir Putin awarded him the country’s Order of Friendship medal in 2013.

Tuesday, in an equally surprising move, Trump announced former Dancing With the Stars contestant and Governor of Texas Rick Perry as his choice for energy secretary.

The choice of Perry may not initially seem like such a shock.

After all the 66-year-old served three terms as governor, ran for the GOP presidential nomination twice, and he wears smart-guy glasses now!

But it was during one of those presidential bids that Perry was taught the same valuable lesson that Will learned when he tried to impersonate Carlton in that episode of Fresh Prince:

Specs don’t make the egghead.

During a nationally televised debate, Perry announced his intention to eliminate three government departments if he were to be elected.

Unfortunately, he came up short, and was only able to remember two.

He later revealed that the crucial third department that slipped his mind was – you guessed it – the Energy Department.

The very agency Perry will likely soon be in charge of.

“As the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry created created a business climate that produced millions of new jobs and lower energy prices in his state, and he will bring that same approach to our entire country as Secretary of Energy,” Trump said in a statement.

“My administration is going to make sure we take advantage of our huge natural resource deposits to make America energy independent and create vast new wealth for our nation, and Rick Perry is going to do an amazing job as the leader of that process.”

Trump went on to say that he chose Tillerson as secretary of state, because he’s also from Texas, which research has shown, is a state.

Okay, we’re kidding about that last part, but really…

… Would you put it past him at this point?


Friday, October 21, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Slams US Government, Provides Refugees With Energy Drinks

As erratic as her behavior has been over the years, we usually have a pretty good idea of what’s going through Lindsay Lohan’s mind.

Cocaine. The answer is usually cocaine.

These days, however, Linds is reportedly given up the Colombian marching powder in favor of a new habit:

Sources say she’s railing fat lines of the powdered milk of human kindness and gettin’ all geeked-up on compassion for her fellow man.

As you may have heard, Lindsay spent time with Syrian refugees and the experience was apparently enough to turn her into a celebrity humanitarian, a la Angelina Jolie.

Of course, this is still LiLo we’re talking about, so the whole endeavor is way more half-assed, and there’s money to be made.

Lindsay has teamed up with German energy drink-maker Mintanine to provide hand out sugary caffeinated sludge to people fleeing the Syrian civil war.

We assume the bonkers humanitarian mission will be documented on the ‘Gram, along with captions like:

“Mintanine: for when your homeland’s resources aren’t the only thing that’s depleted!”

“There’s hardly food, water or anything,” a source from Lindsay’s camp tells.

“So at this point sending anything is helpful.”

The company decribes its product as a “blue caffeine lemonade” (which is weird, because elsewhere on its website, it claims the drink is caffeine-free).

Their tagline (sadly, we’re not making this up) is, “Blue tastes woo-hoo!”

Maybe that suffers in translation.

We’re not sure “woo-hoo!” is exactly what people who have been forced to flee their war-torn homeland need, but what do we know.

In case you were worried that Lindsay is using this humanitarian crisis just to make a quick buck, fear not…

She’s also using it to show off how little she knows about politics!

Sources say Lindsay has taken to slamming the US and backing Turkish military strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Knowing that most of you came here to have a good LiLo laugh, we don’t want to get too deep in the weeds politically, but suffice it to say Erdogan is widely considered to be a bad dude, and Lindsay is widely considered to be a dumbass for supporting him.

Here’s Lindsay giving a bizarre, rambling interview on Turkish television:

Don’t mix vodka with your blue woo-hoo juice, kids.

Also a hearty LOL at Lindsay’s assertion that there’s no tabloid media in London.

Anyway, in case you were worried that Lindsay has lost sight of who she is, don’t worry…

She’s still living proof that you can take the cocaine out of the girl, but you can’t take the girl out of the cocaine. Or something.

Lindsay recently opened a nightclub in Greece called – what else? – LOHAN.

The clip above shows her screaming at the clubs patrons to STFU on opening night!

Some things will never change.

Lindsay Lohan being bonkers is one of those things.
