Showing posts with label Refugees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Refugees. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo House Hurricane Harvey Refugees, Ask Fans For Support

Hurricane Harvey brought heavy rains and deadly flooding to Texas last week, and Lone Star State residents are doing their part to help.

That includes Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo, who live a long way from the historic storm’s path, but have taken in those affected by it.

The couple kept this quiet at first, but Jeremy did respond publicly to a fan on Twitter who asked if he and his wife were okay.

Vuolo responded to the concerned follower:

“We are. Laredo wasn’t affected. We’ve housed some refugees, though, and are planning a trip North next week. Thanks for checking in!”

Jinger, who moved away from her large family in Arkansas, now lives in South Texas, hundreds of miles from where Harvey struck.

In addition to housing displaced Texans himself, Vuolo has been re-tweeting posts from an organization whose mission is exactly that.

Thirsty Ground is a “Christian non-profit dedicated to providing relief for weary bodies and thirsty souls in disaster-stricken areas.”

Jeremy also said that some of the couple’s friends evacuated Corpus Christi, on the Texas coast, and are now staying in Laredo.

It’s nice to see the pastor doing his part, and some news about the Duggar family that doesn’t border on controversial for once.

Even Jinger, one of the most beloved and least polarizing members of the giant TLC crew, frequently makes headlines online.

Especially lately, given her fashion “rebellion.”

Photos of Jinger Duggar in short sleeves, jeans, sneakers, shorts and everything else have sent fans into a frenzy so far in 2017.

A girl wearing tight pants may not seem like a big deal, but this is the Duggar family … wear pants aren’t typically allowed. At all.

Jessa, Jinger, Jill and Jana, the oldest four Duggar girls, discussed the famous family’s modest dress code in their 2014 memoir.

“We do not dress modestly because we are ashamed of the body God has given us; quite the contrary,” the Duggar girls wrote.

“We realize that our body is a special gift from God and that He intends for it to be shared only with our future husband.”

“We always avoid low-cut, cleavage-showing, gaping, or bare-shouldered tops; and when needed, we wear an undershirt.”

“We try to always cover the top of our shirt with our hand when we bend over. We don’t want to play the peekaboo game.”

No thoughts of hanky panky, guys. Sorry.

Don’t get us wrong, Jinger still dresses quite modestly. (You’ll have to check out Amy Duggar in a bikini if you want a true rebel.)

The fact that Jeremy encourages her to dress how she pleases without abiding by the strictest of “codes” is a major departure, though.

Jessa would never be caught dead in some of these outfits, which tells you a lot; Jim Bob and Jeremy clearly disagree on this topic.

Jinger has also charted her own course in another, unexpected way … by not getting pregnant after being married almost a year.

Again, it’s just a year. Not exactly a lifetime, but with Joy-Anna expecting after three months of marriage, well, it’s the Duggars.

All in all, Jinger continues to fascinate her adoring fans – and given her humanitarian efforts this week, they will love her even more.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Food Fight, Refugees and Volunteers Get Different Menus

The rescue shelters have literally been lifesavers for thousands of displaced people in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, but there has been some grousing over a disparity in the food served to the evacuees and the food served to the volunteers. It…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Ashton Kutcher Gives Passionate Statement on Refugees at SAG Awards!

Last night, Hollywood"s biggest stars gathered together in a big, fancy room to pat each other on the back and to congratulate themselves on jobs well done.

Yes, last night, the SAG Awards happened.

And while it would have been perfectly fine if all the actors simply got dressed up and kept things light — that is a big part of their job, after all — they didn"t.

Since the awards fell on a day when thousands of people across the country were protesting Donald Trump"s latest executive order, that endlessly awful Muslim Ban, things were a little more serious.

And Ashton Kutcher set the tone for that in his opening speech.

Right at the beginning of the show, in the very first sentence, Ashton made sure that everyone knew what was up.

"Good evening fellow SAG-AFTRA members and everyone at home," he began, "and everyone in airports that belong in MY AMERICA."

His passion, as well as his anger that he even had to make a statement like that was undeniable.

All the tragic things that happened this weekend must have hit home for him — after all, his wife, the amazing Mila Kunis, came to the U.S. as a refugee from Ukraine when she was a child.

Watch Ashton"s moving speech below:

Ashton kutcher gives passionate statement on refugees at sag awa

Simon Helberg and Jocelyn Towne Support Refugees at 2017 SAG Awards

A number of actors and actresses who accepted trophies tonight at the 2017 SAG Awards made a mention of Donald Trump’s latest executive order.

You know the one; the one being referred to as a Muslim Ban across social media and, really, most of the free world.

But while Simon Helberg didn’t personally take home any gold at the event in Los Angeles, he still made his opinion on Trump’s order as clear as possible.

And he did so without saying a word:

Check out the sign held on the red carpet above by Helberg and wife Jocelyn Towne.

It has created quite the stir across Twitter, Instagram and the Internet at large.

Helberg us carrying a small sign that read, “Refugees Welcome.”

Meanwhile, Towne was seen with the words “LET THEM IN” written above her chest.

The President has faced major backlash after issuing the controversial order.

The ban has led to protests across the country, specifically in airports in which refugees were being detained, some of which were in possession of a legal green card.

Here is what other stars have said about the Muslim Ban:

And here is what Julia Louis-Dreyfus said upon winning Outstanding Female Actress in a Comedy Series:

“Whether the Russians did or did not hack the voting of tonight’s SAG awards, I look out at the million or probably even a million and a half people in this room, and I say this award is legitimate and I won.

I’m the winner, the winner is me — landslide!

She then turned serious:

I want you all to know, I am the daughter of an immigrant.

My father fled Religious persecution in Nazi-occupied France. I’m an American patriot and I love this country, and because I love this country I am horrified by its blemishes.

This immigrant ban is a blemish and it is un-American.

What do you think of celebrities denouncing the Muslim Ban? And Trump in general?

Are they helping their cause? Hurting their cause?

Would you prefer to watch an awards show that is apolitical? Or do you understand why these stars feel a need to speak out?

And how excited are you to see Trump’s response tomorrow on Twitter?



Friday, October 21, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Slams US Government, Provides Refugees With Energy Drinks

As erratic as her behavior has been over the years, we usually have a pretty good idea of what’s going through Lindsay Lohan’s mind.

Cocaine. The answer is usually cocaine.

These days, however, Linds is reportedly given up the Colombian marching powder in favor of a new habit:

Sources say she’s railing fat lines of the powdered milk of human kindness and gettin’ all geeked-up on compassion for her fellow man.

As you may have heard, Lindsay spent time with Syrian refugees and the experience was apparently enough to turn her into a celebrity humanitarian, a la Angelina Jolie.

Of course, this is still LiLo we’re talking about, so the whole endeavor is way more half-assed, and there’s money to be made.

Lindsay has teamed up with German energy drink-maker Mintanine to provide hand out sugary caffeinated sludge to people fleeing the Syrian civil war.

We assume the bonkers humanitarian mission will be documented on the ‘Gram, along with captions like:

“Mintanine: for when your homeland’s resources aren’t the only thing that’s depleted!”

“There’s hardly food, water or anything,” a source from Lindsay’s camp tells.

“So at this point sending anything is helpful.”

The company decribes its product as a “blue caffeine lemonade” (which is weird, because elsewhere on its website, it claims the drink is caffeine-free).

Their tagline (sadly, we’re not making this up) is, “Blue tastes woo-hoo!”

Maybe that suffers in translation.

We’re not sure “woo-hoo!” is exactly what people who have been forced to flee their war-torn homeland need, but what do we know.

In case you were worried that Lindsay is using this humanitarian crisis just to make a quick buck, fear not…

She’s also using it to show off how little she knows about politics!

Sources say Lindsay has taken to slamming the US and backing Turkish military strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Knowing that most of you came here to have a good LiLo laugh, we don’t want to get too deep in the weeds politically, but suffice it to say Erdogan is widely considered to be a bad dude, and Lindsay is widely considered to be a dumbass for supporting him.

Here’s Lindsay giving a bizarre, rambling interview on Turkish television:

Don’t mix vodka with your blue woo-hoo juice, kids.

Also a hearty LOL at Lindsay’s assertion that there’s no tabloid media in London.

Anyway, in case you were worried that Lindsay has lost sight of who she is, don’t worry…

She’s still living proof that you can take the cocaine out of the girl, but you can’t take the girl out of the cocaine. Or something.

Lindsay recently opened a nightclub in Greece called – what else? – LOHAN.

The clip above shows her screaming at the clubs patrons to STFU on opening night!

Some things will never change.

Lindsay Lohan being bonkers is one of those things.
