Showing posts with label Kutcher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kutcher. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ashton Kutcher Slammed After Sharing How He Coped With Divorce

Many celebrities are known for their eccentricities, so it’s no surprise to hear that Ashton Kutcher had an unusual way of coping with his split from Demi Moore.

Five years later, he’s sharing the details of his odd post-breakup behavior. This doesn’t sound particularly healthy.

In fact, it’s seen him accused of being a “pervert.”

Ashton Kutcher’s fought infidelity accusations now that he’s with Mila Kunis, but he was accused of cheating on Demi Moore during their famous marriage.

Right now, though, he’s opened up about his post-divorce process in an interview with Dax Shepard for the Armchair Expert podcast.

“Right after I got divorced, I went to the mountains for a week by myself.”

Isolation can be healing for some but nightmarish for others. It sounds like he had a good time, though he made some odd choics.

“I went into Big Sky in Montana, and I did no food, no drink —  just water and tea.”

That, folks, is not a healthy diet. That is called starvation.

“I took all my computers away, my phone my everything … I just had a notepad and a pen and water and tea for a week.”

If you’re wondering if his diet of literal starvation had any effects, it did.

“I started to hallucinate on day two, which was fantastic … It was pretty wonderful.”

(Gosh, what kind of metabolism must he have if he’s hallucinating after skipping one day of eating? It takes most people longer than that, not that we’d recommend it to anyone)

“I was doing taiji with my own energy.”

Taiji quon, often improperly anglicized as “tai chi,” is supposed to work like that. But you’re not supposed to hallucinate or be malnourished while you do it.

“I was just doing what came to me.”

But his spiritual fitness regiment wasn’t what proved to be so controversial. And neither was his horrifying experimental diet.

“I wrote down every single relationship that I had where I felt like there was some grudge or some anything and then I wrote letters to every single person and sent the letters on day [seven].”

Oh wow. That sounds … intense.

“I typed them all out and sent them. It was almost like an AA exercise, where I was like, ‘I probably have done some damage,’ so I just cleared [my] palate.”

That must have been intense for him to write in his … altered state of mind. It must have been even stranger for these women to have received.

All in all, he says that the experience was “really spiritual and kind of awesome.”

But after he shared this, people took to Twitter to express their thoughts.

“That’s just weird,” wrote one user.

Another wanted to know why he was opening up old wounds:

“And you’re bringing this up now? Why?! Everyone’s moved on. Why talk about this now when so many years have passed?”

That’s a fair question.

But then he also got called a “lunatic” and “pervert.”

That seems … uncalled for, right?

No doctor is going to recommend a starvation diet.

But in general, therapists recommend that if you think that something (within reason) will help you get over a breakup, it’s likely to.

If it’s some sort of fitness regime or spiritual or religious activity (Kutcher sort of fused those), or taking a vacation or sabbatical or even just spending more time with friends, you’re likely to meet your recovery expectations.

However, some folks might question his “making amends” through letters.

First of all, he was in an altered state of consciousness, which is part of some spiritual practices but not an ideal headspace for writing a letter of apology to an ex.

Second of all, in general, not everyone wants your statement of amends. Whether you’re sober or just woke up one day and realized that you were terrible to a lot of people, some find the “amends” process of AA and similar groups to be selfish.

As far as many people are concerned, you had your chance to leave a good impression and you blew it. They don’t want to see your face or hear from you again.

Still, we don’t know that Ashton Kutcher’s alleged cheating or any other behavior really amounts to grounds to call him a “pervert.”


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Trent Reznor Goes After Ashton Kutcher, Drake, and Donald Trump!

It’s probably fair to say that Trent Reznor seems like sort of an angry guy, right?

At the very least, it’s fair to say that he seems like an angry guy in this bizarre new interview he just did.

Just for an example, the interview, done with Vulture, starts off by describing Trent as being in a “pugnacious” mood.

And one of the first things Trent says is “These are the last few moments of life, let’s make the most of it.”

Solid start, right?

Things only get worse from there.

At one point, Trent is asked about celebrities and social media, and artists like Drake and Taylor Swift are mentioned as examples of stars who use social media in a smart way.

From there, he goes off on a tangent about Drake, saying “I’m not saying pop music isn’t well-crafted or the people who make it aren’t wonderful, but it’s not fair me.”

Fair enough, but he also adds “I’ve asked people, ‘What is it that’s good about Drake?’ I’ve said to my friends at Apple: ‘Explain to me why."”

“As the old guy, I don’t see it.”

And that seems a little too catty, doesn’t it? Drake is obviously popular for a reason, and if you don’t understand that reason, you don’t have to discuss it with a major publication.

From there, the conversation shifted to Trent’s work with Apple Music: he was chief creative officer of Beats Electronics’ music subscription service, which was later bought by Apple.

“My experience with Beats Music and then at Apple largely was dismissed from outside, maybe justifiably, as here’s another celebrity moron holding up a phone and expecting some sort of credit,” he begins.

“That kind of situation, which mine isn’t, would be insulting to the people that actually are doing the important jobs.”

And then, out of nowhere, he adds “And I don’t want to hear about ‘Ashton Kutcher’s a f-cking tech genius.’ I don’t give a sh-t about that.”

“He seems like an asshole.”

What’s funny, of course, is that it’s actually Trent who seems like the asshole here.

The reporter simply responded with “Ouch,” because how else do you respond to that sort of outburst?

“I don’t know where that rage just came from,” Trent says. “But all I can say is that I’ve learned a hell of a lot from working at Beats and Apple.”

Later, the topic switched again to Donald Trump, and he reveals that he’s struggling with being a father during this wild and crazy time.

“My kids walk in the room and I’ve got CNN or MSNBC on and I have to hit the mute button because I don’t want to get into a discussion about how embarrassing the president is,” he says.

“He’s a f-cking vulgarian. Aside from whatever ideological beliefs he has — if he has any — he’s a grotesque person who represents everything I hate.”

“I’m repulsed by everything about him and he’s the president, you know?”

We know, Trent. We know.

“I haven’t figured out how to rationalize that to my kids’ beautiful little optimistic minds,” he explains.

“I grew up in a sh-tty little town full of Trump voters, so I think I can understand the point of view of someone who supports his message. What I don’t understand is supporting that messenger.”

Well, at least the Trump hate is more deserved than the Ashton Kutcher or Drake hate, right?

But either way … maybe just take a vacation or even just some deep breaths, Trent.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Ashton Kutcher Claps Back at Cheating Allegations with One Simple Tweet

It takes a lot to get Ashton Kutcher talking about Mila Kunis.

Or, to be more specific, it takes a lot to get Ashton Kutcher talking about his marriage to Mila Kunis in any detail.

Typically, any time the actor’s famous wife gets brought up, it’s because Kutcher is gushing endlessly over the gorgeous star.

Last week, however, Kutcher was forced to respond to rumors that he’s been cheating on Kunis, all of which started because Star Magazine went out and… well…

… acted like Star Magazine.

The trashy tabloid published a story in its latest issue that featured a photo of Kutcher and a mystery woman getting out of a car and preparing to board a private airplane.

Hey, Ashton, editors at Star asked. Who’s the girl?

This, of course, is Supermarket Tabloid 101. You don’t directly accuse a celebrity of infidelity… you just run random photos and pose vague questions and get the public wondering about what’s going on.

kutch story

So, Ashton, what was going on in this picture? HUH?!?!?!?!?

The actor was apparently hanging out with a relative, that’s what.

“You should have heard how upset Mila was that I spent the day with our cousin,” Kutcher wrote last night, adding with sarcasm:

“Sorry aunt Jodie these magazines lack integrity.”


We’re sure Star is very sorry about this implication and will never make the same mistake with Kutcher or any other celebrity ever again.

ak response

This isn’t the first time the That ’70s Show and Two and a Half Men alum has defended himself against false infidelity chatter.

Upon receiving the Robert D. Ray Pillar of Character Award in April, Kutcher acknowledged his alleged past deeds, such as supposedly cheating on Demi Moore prior to their 2013 divorce, for his strong character.

“I’m probably the first person to get this award for character who had, like, his name splashed across every gossip magazine as an adulterer like five years ago,” Kutcher said, alluding the supposedly good/unprotected sex he had with a 22-year old back in the day.

He added:

“Character comes when those magazines tear you apart for something you may or may not have done and you gotta go out and perform tomorrow – with everyone looking at you like you might be an adulterer.”

Kutcher and Moore got married in 2005 and split six years later. They did not have any children together.

He later married Kunis in 2015. The couple shares two children, daughter Wyatt, 2, and 7-month-old son Dimitri and remains one of our favorite twosomes in Hollywood.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Ashton Kutcher: I"m Awesome Because of Mila Kunis!

Ashton Kutcher has come a long way from his days of playing the hilarious Michael Kelso on That 70’s Show. 

At one point, he was married to Demi Moore, but he moved on to Mila Kunis, and the pair have been married for almost two years. 

Accepting the Robert D. Ray Pillar of Character Award on Sunday night, Kutcher had only positive things to say about Kunis, who apparently challenges his character often. 

Kutcher dedicated the award to his wife, saying she “kicks my a** on character every day.”

In fact, she was even grilling him for some of his actions earlier that day. 

“I thought I was awesome because I got up early and helped with the kids before she woke up and I let her sleep a little bit,” he shared.

“Then she’s like, ‘Well, now you’re gonna act tired? I do it every day.’ But it was a character moment, right? Because she’s right!”

Also, the praise he was directing at his wife, Kutcher also took some time to let the world know he was very fond of his kids. 

He and Kunis have a 2-year-old daughter named Wyatt and a 4-month-old son named Dimitri. 

“When my wife and I had these kids, and we got to share that amazing, amazing, amazing honor, my first response was, I wanted to call my parents and say, ‘I’m sorry, because I never knew how much you loved me,"” he recalled.

As is always the case with Ashton, he had no qualms about poking fun at the past. 

In this instance, he found it ironic that he had his “name splashed across every gossip magazine as an adulterer, like, five years ago.”

This was in response to his divorce from Demi Moore, which caused outrage when there were claims Kutcher was cheating on her. 

“Character comes out when those magazines tear you apart for something you may or may not have done, and you gotta go out and perform tomorrow, with everyone looking at you like you might be an adulterer,” he told the crowd.

“I had the great fortune of getting a divorce because I felt the impact of it and how much loss is in there and how much love is in there and that its not neat or clean or messy. And I understood finally my parents’ divorce in a whole different way.”

It was a decent speech, and it definitely showed off that his character is important to him. 

What did you think of it?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ashton Kutcher Blows Sen. John McCain a Kiss (VIDEO)

Obama and Biden are gone, but Senator John McCain and Ashton Kutcher are ready to fill the D.C. bromance void after sharing an air kiss during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. Ashton was on the Hill testifying about human…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Ashton Kutcher Gives Passionate Statement on Refugees at SAG Awards!

Last night, Hollywood"s biggest stars gathered together in a big, fancy room to pat each other on the back and to congratulate themselves on jobs well done.

Yes, last night, the SAG Awards happened.

And while it would have been perfectly fine if all the actors simply got dressed up and kept things light — that is a big part of their job, after all — they didn"t.

Since the awards fell on a day when thousands of people across the country were protesting Donald Trump"s latest executive order, that endlessly awful Muslim Ban, things were a little more serious.

And Ashton Kutcher set the tone for that in his opening speech.

Right at the beginning of the show, in the very first sentence, Ashton made sure that everyone knew what was up.

"Good evening fellow SAG-AFTRA members and everyone at home," he began, "and everyone in airports that belong in MY AMERICA."

His passion, as well as his anger that he even had to make a statement like that was undeniable.

All the tragic things that happened this weekend must have hit home for him — after all, his wife, the amazing Mila Kunis, came to the U.S. as a refugee from Ukraine when she was a child.

Watch Ashton"s moving speech below:

Ashton kutcher gives passionate statement on refugees at sag awa

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis Take New Baby Out For Family Breakfast (PHOTO)

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis now have 2 kiddos hanging off their arms … and they couldn’t look any happier for it. Paps got the couple grabbing breakfast Sunday morning in L.A. with their kids in tow — 2-year-old Wyatt held hands with…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher: Baby Name Revealed!

Hope you’re ready for some extraordinarily adorable news!

You know how, just earlier today, we learned that Mila Kunis gave birth to her second child with Ashton Kutcher on November 30th?

At the time, that was the only detail that was released.

But now we have a name. A truly unique, precious name.

Welcome to the world, Dimitri Portwood Kutcher!!!

We also now know that little Dimitri was born at 1:21 A.M., and he weighed 8 pounds and 15 ounces.

The couple also released a brief statement that read “We’d like our kids to have a choice on whether to have a life in the public eye or not.”

“We don’t want to make the choice for them.”

So yeah, it pretty much goes without saying, but there’s no photo of the new baby.

And judging by the situation with Mila and Ashton’s older child, Wyatt, who was born on October 1st, 2014, it’ll probably be a good long while before we get one.

When Wyatt was born, they shared a series of baby photos and invited people to guess which kid was theirs, and then that December, some creeper leaked photos of the family from their Christmas card.

And then last November, Ashton posted a photo of a little girl who would be roughly Wyatt’s age, but he never confirmed that it was her.

And now that baby Dimitri is here, we didn’t even get another guessing game — just a statement about privacy.

So, tragically enough, it could be years before we get a glimpse at this surely beautiful baby.

We know, we know, it doesn’t seem fair that we’d have to suffer like that.

But we’ll have to just simply carry on as best we can, won’t we?

We’ll find comfort in the few pictures we do have of the Kunis-Kutcher spawn, and we’ll also find comfort in the strange but very true fact that, all thanks to Mila, Ashton Kutcher is no longer a massive douchebag.

Congrats, Kutcher family! On everything!


Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Welcome Second Child!

Congratulations are very much in order for Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher.

The beloved couple has welcomed its second child into the world!

Hooray! Huzzah! So totally awesome, right?

A representative for the actress and actor has confirmed that Kunis gave birth to a boy on November 30, although that is the only detail made known to the public at the moment.

We’ll let you know as soon as a name and/or any measurement intel is release.

The newborn joins two-year old sister Wyatt Isabelle as offspring of Kunis and Kutcher, who have done an admirable job of keeping their first child shielded from the spotlight.

Good luck finding photos of Wyatt anywhere online.

It’s almost as if Kunis and Kutcher care more about their little girl’s privacy and well-being than any attention or money they could earn off her existence.

Weird, right?

It’s safe to assume this will also be the case for the couple’s son.

But while we don’t know a great deal about their kids, we do know that Kunis and Kutcher positively adore parenthood.

“The one topic of conversation we had even prior to ever having kids was always, ‘How do you raise a child to not be an asshole?’ ” Kunis said in August, adding:

“It’s a matter of teaching them from a very early age that, you know, ‘Mommy and Daddy may have a dollar, but you’re poor."”

There was also the time Kutcher appeared opposite Ellen DeGeneres and simply gushed over Kunis as a mother. And we mean GUSHED.

“She’s the greatest mom I can’t even… like I go to work every day and I come home and she’s like perfect. And it just seems like everything went amazing,” the actor said two years ago.

“And I know that something probably didn’t go amazing, but she never tells… it’s unbelievable. She’s incredible.”

Kutcher and Kunis have also drawn praise for not hiring a nanny to help child rear, a decision Kutcher explained in that same interview thusly:

“We just want to know our kid,. We want to be the people that know what to do when the baby’s crying to make the baby not cry anymore.

“We want to know, like when she makes a little face or something we want to be emotionally in touch with her and I think the only way to do that is by being the one who’s there.”

Such a simple way of putting it, and yet such a spot-on explanation.

Kunis and Kutcher got married in July of 2015, months after becoming first-time parents.

They confirmed that they were expecting again in June, with Kutcher spilling the gender beans during a chat this fall with Savanna Guthrie on NBC.

“I’m a little terrified to be honest,” Kutcher admitted to The Today Show host, smiling and confessing: “It’s intensely scary.”

Two kids instead of one? We’re sure it is. That’s, like, twice as many children as they had before. Talk about a challenge!

As for the name of their son?

Go ahead and take a guess. 

As for photos of their son?

Do not go ahead and hold your breath awaiting some to be released. That would be a dangerous game to play.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Charlie Sheen & Ashton Kutcher -- Back On the Same Team ... Bro Out At Dodgers Game (PHOTO GALLERY)

What beef??? Charlie Sheen and Ashton Kutcher came face-to-face at Dodger Stadium Wednesday night — but there was no rivalry, just love … and beer. Remember, the two got off to a rocky start when Ashton took over for Sheen on “Two and a Half Men”…


Friday, May 6, 2016

Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher: Baby #2 on the Way! Soon!

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are trying for another baby.

The actress came out and admitted this, in very funny fashion, during an appearance this week on Ellen.

Sitting alongside Bad Moms co-star Kristen Bell, Kunis laughed when Ellen asked if she and Ashton Kutcher were trying for a second child, acknowledging the awkward nature of that question and replying:

Like am I having sex, Ellen?

"Yeah. Are you having sex? That"s my question," Ellen replied. "I want to know how often you"re having sex."

Bell then joked that she also wanted to know "when and where" it takes place.

Mila just giggled, but also admitted that she and Kutcher are, indeed, hoping to give little Wyatt a brother or sister in the near future.

From there, Kunis and Bell were actually surprised on set by their famous husbands, as Kutcher and Dax Shepard came out with a bouquet of flowers in honor of Mother"s Day.

The wives seemed legitimately stunned to see them… which makes us wondered where they thought their men were actually supposed to be.

Once both couples were on the couch together, it was time for a game of Never Have We Ever.

These were the important questions asked and topics covered:

Never have we ever been to a nude beach.

Never have we ever used each other"s toothbrushes without telling them.

Never have we ever hooked up on set.

Never have we ever fallen asleep making love.

Never have we ever waxed each other"s body parts.

Never have we ever thrown out something of our spouses that we hated without telling them.

Never have we ever been in handcuffs.

Never have we ever given each other massages.

Don"t tell us you aren"t dying to learn the answers. Click PLAY now:

Mila kunis and ashton kutcher baby number 2 eventually on the wa

Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher: Baby #2 on the Way! Soon!

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are trying for another baby.

The actress came out and admitted this, in very funny fashion, during an appearance this week on Ellen.

Sitting alongside Bad Moms co-star Kristen Bell, Kunis laughed when Ellen asked if she and Ashton Kutcher were trying for a second child, acknowledging the awkward nature of that question and replying:

Like am I having sex, Ellen?

"Yeah. Are you having sex? That"s my question," Ellen replied. "I want to know how often you"re having sex."

Bell then joked that she also wanted to know "when and where" it takes place.

Mila just giggled, but also admitted that she and Kutcher are, indeed, hoping to give little Wyatt a brother or sister in the near future.

From there, Kunis and Bell were actually surprised on set by their famous husbands, as Kutcher and Dax Shepard came out with a bouquet of flowers in honor of Mother"s Day.

The wives seemed legitimately stunned to see them… which makes us wondered where they thought their men were actually supposed to be.

Once both couples were on the couch together, it was time for a game of Never Have We Ever.

These were the important questions asked and topics covered:

Never have we ever been to a nude beach.

Never have we ever used each other"s toothbrushes without telling them.

Never have we ever hooked up on set.

Never have we ever fallen asleep making love.

Never have we ever waxed each other"s body parts.

Never have we ever thrown out something of our spouses that we hated without telling them.

Never have we ever been in handcuffs.

Never have we ever given each other massages.

Don"t tell us you aren"t dying to learn the answers. Click PLAY now:

Mila kunis and ashton kutcher baby number 2 eventually on the wa

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis: Headed For Divorce?!?!

If a Hollywood couple is too quiet, something is wrong.

In particular, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, whom Life & Style declares are headed towards a divorce.

One of the reasons?  All those damn “meetings” Kutcher takes because he is very busy and important.

“Ashton is out at meetings many nights of the week,” a source told the tabloid.

“Mila’s chomping at the bit to get back to work and more creative stimulation. Mila loves her daughter but she feels isolated after being home for so long.”

Kunis, according to IMDB, will star in 2016’s Bad Moms, alongside Kristen Bell and Christina Applegate (production has not started yet).

Kunis is also co-producing a horror comedy for Starz with Rob Zombie called Trapped.

The plot of the show takes place over the course of a night, in which a wealthy family is “under attack by a murderous cult,” according to Deadline Hollywood.

Kunis and Kutcher have a  daughter, Wyatt, who turned one on October 1st.  They got married over the July 4th weekend in Oak Glenn, CA.

It’s always the same cycle of news; whether Kutcher and Kunis are trying for another baby to “save” their marriage, or he’s got a wandering eye, it’s all so tired.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis: Did They FINALLY Post a Pic of Baby Wyatt?!

It’s been over a year since Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher welcomed their first child, and they still haven’t gone the usual celeb route by selling their baby pics to People magazine for a hefty price tag.

Because the Internet is the shadiest place on Earth, we’ve seen baby Wyatt on Ashton and Mila’s Christmas card, but the couple has yet to share an official first photo – until now?

The eagle-eyed folks over at Fishwrapper noticed that Ashton recently posted a photo of a little girl who would be just about Wyatt’s age. 

There’s nothing in the caption to indicate that this is, in fact, the debut of the long-awaited That ’70s Show spinoff, but the pic is getting lots of attention on Instagram.

Maintaining the mystery was a pretty savvy move on the Kutch’s part, as he used the pic to promote the Red Sand Project – a global initiative to help bring awareness to the tragedies of human trafficking.

“39 million people have fallen through the cracks into modern slavery,” Kutcher captioned the pic.

Yes, it seems the obnoxiously attractive A-listers are already getting their daughter in on their philanthropic efforts, which is awesome for a number of reasons.

A real-life Jackie and Kelso they are not!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Florida Man Pretends to Be Ashton Kutcher to Weasel Out of Drug Arrest, Fails

Dennis Smith, 27, was stopped by Miami-Dade County, Fla., authorities this morning and charged with possession of two KILOS of cocaine.

But not before resisting arrest … and employing a most unusual tactic to avoid getting locked up by pretending to be actor Ashton Kutcher.

After being forcibly extracted from his white 1985 Lamborghini, Smith told police he was Ashton Kutcher and that the drugs were just props.

He would “sign free autographs” and cast them in his upcoming film The Cocaine Dealer as cops, the Florida man promised, if they let him walk.

They were in Miami, which would make more sense than say, Omaha, but the eagle-eyed cops quickly noticed some holes in this tall tale.

Chief among them? His driver’s license said Dennis Smith.

“He said ‘some kids stole it from me,’” the arresting officer recalled of why the faux Kutcher said he had no ID with his “real” name on it.

“And since he hates driving, he said never got another one and was instead just packing around his character’s driver’s license.”

“Which, apparently, was another prop in the movie.”

Smith continued to maintain his identity as Ashton and insisted that the “prop cocaine” was flour; it tested positive as cocaine in the police crime lab.

He ranted, according to the cops: “Why else would they try to pin this on me? They’re jealous. It’s obvious by just looking at me that I’m Ashton Kutcher.”

“The police must not like my movies or they’re simply jealous of my good looks and massive success as a major Hollywood talent.”

Smith threatened that once he is released from jail he will file a lawsuit against the police department for false imprisonment … and sexual abuse.

Just another day in the life of #FLMan.