Showing posts with label Passionate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passionate. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2017

Ashton Kutcher Gives Passionate Statement on Refugees at SAG Awards!

Last night, Hollywood"s biggest stars gathered together in a big, fancy room to pat each other on the back and to congratulate themselves on jobs well done.

Yes, last night, the SAG Awards happened.

And while it would have been perfectly fine if all the actors simply got dressed up and kept things light — that is a big part of their job, after all — they didn"t.

Since the awards fell on a day when thousands of people across the country were protesting Donald Trump"s latest executive order, that endlessly awful Muslim Ban, things were a little more serious.

And Ashton Kutcher set the tone for that in his opening speech.

Right at the beginning of the show, in the very first sentence, Ashton made sure that everyone knew what was up.

"Good evening fellow SAG-AFTRA members and everyone at home," he began, "and everyone in airports that belong in MY AMERICA."

His passion, as well as his anger that he even had to make a statement like that was undeniable.

All the tragic things that happened this weekend must have hit home for him — after all, his wife, the amazing Mila Kunis, came to the U.S. as a refugee from Ukraine when she was a child.

Watch Ashton"s moving speech below:

Ashton kutcher gives passionate statement on refugees at sag awa

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Demi Lovato: Latino Men are More Passionate Than White Men!

Demi Lovato is really, really, really, really, REALLY in love with Wilmer Valderrama.

You won’t find many famous women gushing over their boyfriends with such fervor as Lovato has done with Valderrama over the years.

Heck, you won’t see any women anywhere gush over their boyfriends with such fervor as Lovato has done with Valderrama over the years.

Because she really wants a ring? Sure, maybe that’s part of it.

But why be so cynical?

Can’t Lovato just be head over heels with Valderrama?!?

The latest example of Demi showing her strong feelings for Wilmer comes to us in the form of her cover story interview in the latest issue of Latina Magazine.

The young singer goes into semi-X-rated territory with the publication, telling editors that Valderrama is an especially passionate man and, we presume, lover.

“When I dated white guys, it wasn’t as passionate as my relationship with Wilmer,” Lovato says.

“Maybe that’s just Wilmer. But I do believe that Latin people are just more expressive, more passionate with their emotions.”

Interesting. Lovato isn’t the first person to make this sort of comparison, but we wonder if she receives any sort of flak for such a comment.

The cute couple celebrated its six-year anniversary in January… and Lovato appears to be more smitten than ever with the former That ’70s Show star, whose parents are from Colombia and Venezuela.

“He’s very manly, and he can be stubborn like Latino men can, but he’s protective and he cares so much and loves so hard,” the former Disney star explains.

“I’ve been blessed enough to have him in my life, and not just as my man, but also my best friend.”

Seriously, how adorable are these two?!?

Lovato, of course, spent many weeks in rehab toward the end of 2010, dealing with substance abuse issues and also an eating disorder.

But Valderrama has seen Demi at her best and at her worst, both emotionally and physically.

“I’ve been my heaviest in my relationship with Wilmer and also been my thinnest,” Lovato says. “He’s seen it all and loves me equally, and it gives me confidence to know that.”

We’ll go ahead and say it for everyone out there:

#RelationshipGoals, right?