Showing posts with label Weasel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weasel. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Shannon Beador: David"s Trying to Weasel Out of Spousal Support!!

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Shannon Beador has seen some business success … but will that end up costing her in the long run?

It sounds like her bitter ex, David, plans to use her entrepreneurial gains to weasel out of paying her spousal support during their ongoing divorce.

This could get ugly. …

Shannon Beador isn’t just a reality star and mother; she is also an entrepreneur.

She launched QVC Real for Real Cuisine, whose tagline is “Real Food for Real People.” Fake b–ches, it would seem, get nothing.

No, but it’s a food service featuring pre-prepared meals with balanced nutrients, and this has apparently enriched her. Reportedly by several million dollars.

RadarOnline reports that David Beador is seizing upon this opportunity to try to lower his spousal support payments.

“He thinks that Shannon is just being greedy,” a source explains. “And it isn’t fair.”

It’s not a huge surprise to hear that David feels this way.

But Shannon, it seems, is not budging about the payments.

“She doesn’t care what he thinks anymore,” the source explains.

That reflects a lot of personal growth on Shannon’s part. Divorce can do that.

It may also have to do with reports that Shannon Beador is in love with her new boyfriend, Alex.

That kind of new love can really insulate you against your ex’s whining.

Obviously, the next step for David would be to try to get a judge to modify the spousal support agreement that is already established.

However, the report says that this is not likely.

“Shannon already dropped the amount of what the judge thought was fair,” the source says. “When he had a fit in the courtroom.”

Yeah, when the ruling on David Beador’s spousal support payments came down, reports say that David said foul and hateful things to Shannon in a shocking tone of voice while still in the courthouse.

It is also reported that, out of spite, he had shut off the water to her house — where his own children live and bathe.

But Shannon is apparently not worried that the court will slash the payments.

The source explains: “She knows that the courts will side in her favor, especially after he caused such a disturbance the last time they were there.”

Bad behavior doesn’t leave a good impression, David.

We’re not sure that David’s rudeness in the courthouse — a sadly common sight in divorce cases — will actually impact spousal support rulings.

But if she really did rake in millions from her new food business, that could make a lot of difference.

That will depend upon how the prior rulings were phrased.

If Shannon mentioned that this venture and the judge factored it in, that would not change spousal support.

The fact that she voluntarily lowered her ask from him could be the real nail in the coffin on David’s argument, though.

It is very difficult to make someone look greedy when they’ve already bent over backwards to ask for less from you.

Shannon is having a good time with her boyfriend Alex, but she has no plans to bring him onto The Real Housewives of Orange County.

But don’t worry that her storyline this season will be lackluster.

We can probably expect to see a lot of her divorce on screen.

Sure, we may know plenty of details right now, but that’s a far cry from watching the drama play out on camera.

We wonder if this particular argument — the demand that David owes her less — will make its way to viewers.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Josh Duggar Trying to Weasel Out of Catfishing Lawsuit!

Of all of the many, many things that we’ve heard about Josh Duggar, it’s easy to forget that he’s accused of catfishing women using another dude’s photo. And that guy is suing him over the damage to his reputation and his business.

We guess that, if you never see the inside of a courtroom despite molesting a bunch of young girls, you start to feel like you should never get into trouble.

Because Josh Duggar is trying to worm his way out of the lawsuit.

Now, after all of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, the embattled reality star has finally learned that he’s accountable for his own misdeeds.

Just kidding!

As we all know, Josh Duggar isn’t sorry for molesting his sisters. Because, you see, the devil made him do it.

When you’re a member of the Duggar fertility cult, front-hugging is a huge no-no, but apparently even the most evil deeds can be allowed so long as you super promise to never do it again and ask for forgiveness.

All within the context of the Duggar family’s very fringe religious beliefs.

But while those of us with a solid grasp of right-and-wrong are hung up on Josh Duggar’s history of sexually preying upon and molesting multiple young girls, including two of his own sisters, he’s done more than that.

The Duggars, of course, are concerned that he viewed porn.

And the fact that he cheated on his wife is just the awful icing on the horrendous cake.

Josh Duggar is being sued over how he went about cheating.

Matthew James McCarthy (the guy in this photo, who is definitely not Josh Duggar) is a DJ in California.

He is suing Josh Duggar for allegedly using his photo on OkCupid, Twitter, and Ashley Madison in order to flirt with various women.

When you use someone else’s photo and/or identity over the internet, folks, this is called catfishing. 

Now, you might be thinking “gee, that’s a crappy thing to do to those women and to McCarthy, but what grounds does he have to sue?”

Well, as you can imagine, anything associated with Josh Duggar is pretty heavily tainted.

And, very unfairly, that foul association seems to be impacting Matthew James McCarthy.

Both personally … and professionally.

McCarthy says that he’s received nasty personal messages referring to him as “Josh Duggar’s boy toy” and “DJ Duggar.”

Both of those are unfair, but the second is perhaps worse — because it’s catchy.

Remember, this is not a voluntary association of McCarthy’s. It’s not like he was friends with Josh or anything.

(If you’re having trouble feeling sympathy for McCarthy, imagine if, say, Bill Cosby used your photo to flirt with women on social media and that the whole world found out and saw your picture in that context)

What’s worse, McCarthy reports that he has lost gigs over the negative association with Josh Duggar.

McCarthy is seeking damages to compensate for his losses.

It doesn’t look like Josh Duggar is feeling apologetic about his actions … which is no surprise … because Josh is fighting back in court.

According to documents obtained by The Daily Mail, Josh Duggar wants the lawsuit dismissed.

Josh was issued a summons to appear in court back in May, and apparently he’s seeking to quash the summons because … he doesn’t live in California and the suit was filed in California.

Nothing says “I’m innocent” like fighting back on jurisdictional technicalities, amirite?

McCarthy argues that Josh Duggar has made trips to California, but Josh’s legal team is essentially responding by saying that Josh Duggar didn’t catfish anyone in California.

It’s possible that McCarthy will have to try again in federal court. It’s also possible that he’ll be able to make a case for continuous jurisdiction.

Some would argue that McCarthy, Josh Duggar’s alleged victim, being in California should be enough to justify the suit in its current setting.

We’re not legal experts, however, so we’ll have to wait and see what the courts decide, though.


Friday, September 18, 2015

Florida Man Pretends to Be Ashton Kutcher to Weasel Out of Drug Arrest, Fails

Dennis Smith, 27, was stopped by Miami-Dade County, Fla., authorities this morning and charged with possession of two KILOS of cocaine.

But not before resisting arrest … and employing a most unusual tactic to avoid getting locked up by pretending to be actor Ashton Kutcher.

After being forcibly extracted from his white 1985 Lamborghini, Smith told police he was Ashton Kutcher and that the drugs were just props.

He would “sign free autographs” and cast them in his upcoming film The Cocaine Dealer as cops, the Florida man promised, if they let him walk.

They were in Miami, which would make more sense than say, Omaha, but the eagle-eyed cops quickly noticed some holes in this tall tale.

Chief among them? His driver’s license said Dennis Smith.

“He said ‘some kids stole it from me,’” the arresting officer recalled of why the faux Kutcher said he had no ID with his “real” name on it.

“And since he hates driving, he said never got another one and was instead just packing around his character’s driver’s license.”

“Which, apparently, was another prop in the movie.”

Smith continued to maintain his identity as Ashton and insisted that the “prop cocaine” was flour; it tested positive as cocaine in the police crime lab.

He ranted, according to the cops: “Why else would they try to pin this on me? They’re jealous. It’s obvious by just looking at me that I’m Ashton Kutcher.”

“The police must not like my movies or they’re simply jealous of my good looks and massive success as a major Hollywood talent.”

Smith threatened that once he is released from jail he will file a lawsuit against the police department for false imprisonment … and sexual abuse.

Just another day in the life of #FLMan.