Thursday, June 14, 2018

Shannon Beador: David"s Trying to Weasel Out of Spousal Support!!

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Shannon Beador has seen some business success … but will that end up costing her in the long run?

It sounds like her bitter ex, David, plans to use her entrepreneurial gains to weasel out of paying her spousal support during their ongoing divorce.

This could get ugly. …

Shannon Beador isn’t just a reality star and mother; she is also an entrepreneur.

She launched QVC Real for Real Cuisine, whose tagline is “Real Food for Real People.” Fake b–ches, it would seem, get nothing.

No, but it’s a food service featuring pre-prepared meals with balanced nutrients, and this has apparently enriched her. Reportedly by several million dollars.

RadarOnline reports that David Beador is seizing upon this opportunity to try to lower his spousal support payments.

“He thinks that Shannon is just being greedy,” a source explains. “And it isn’t fair.”

It’s not a huge surprise to hear that David feels this way.

But Shannon, it seems, is not budging about the payments.

“She doesn’t care what he thinks anymore,” the source explains.

That reflects a lot of personal growth on Shannon’s part. Divorce can do that.

It may also have to do with reports that Shannon Beador is in love with her new boyfriend, Alex.

That kind of new love can really insulate you against your ex’s whining.

Obviously, the next step for David would be to try to get a judge to modify the spousal support agreement that is already established.

However, the report says that this is not likely.

“Shannon already dropped the amount of what the judge thought was fair,” the source says. “When he had a fit in the courtroom.”

Yeah, when the ruling on David Beador’s spousal support payments came down, reports say that David said foul and hateful things to Shannon in a shocking tone of voice while still in the courthouse.

It is also reported that, out of spite, he had shut off the water to her house — where his own children live and bathe.

But Shannon is apparently not worried that the court will slash the payments.

The source explains: “She knows that the courts will side in her favor, especially after he caused such a disturbance the last time they were there.”

Bad behavior doesn’t leave a good impression, David.

We’re not sure that David’s rudeness in the courthouse — a sadly common sight in divorce cases — will actually impact spousal support rulings.

But if she really did rake in millions from her new food business, that could make a lot of difference.

That will depend upon how the prior rulings were phrased.

If Shannon mentioned that this venture and the judge factored it in, that would not change spousal support.

The fact that she voluntarily lowered her ask from him could be the real nail in the coffin on David’s argument, though.

It is very difficult to make someone look greedy when they’ve already bent over backwards to ask for less from you.

Shannon is having a good time with her boyfriend Alex, but she has no plans to bring him onto The Real Housewives of Orange County.

But don’t worry that her storyline this season will be lackluster.

We can probably expect to see a lot of her divorce on screen.

Sure, we may know plenty of details right now, but that’s a far cry from watching the drama play out on camera.

We wonder if this particular argument — the demand that David owes her less — will make its way to viewers.
