Showing posts with label GEazy's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GEazy's. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Halsey Comments on Ex G-Eazy"s Big Dick Energy Claims

Just a few weeks ago, Halsey dumped G-Eazy and publicly implied that he had cheated on her. Yikes.

G-Eazy moved on and is currently touring. He decided to announce to his Instagram followers that he has “Big Dick Energy.”

Well, Halsey had something to say about that in the comments. Take a look:

G-Eazy posted a photo of himself at the Sunlit Supply Amphitheater, standing on a car with countless spotlights providing a dramatic visual effect.

His caption for the photo reads: “Big Dick Energy.”

While a man describing himself as having BDE is just about the polar opposite of actually possessing this quality that became a meme in recent weeks, that’s not what got people’s attention.

No, what made people marvel in wonder is that his ex, Halsey, commented under the photo.

She left three emojis — a cloud, a tornado, and a water droplet.

Followers absolutely noticed Halsey’s comment, which left many scratching their heads.

“I’m so f–king confused,” one fan wrote.

It’s unclear if they were confused by her emojis or the fact that she commented at all.

Another commenter explained: “Couples can break up and not hate each other.”

That is true!

When one commenter accused Halsey of being “petty,” the singer explained herself.

“No petty here,” Halsey writes. “Caption damn funny and stage looks dope. Jealous of everyone who gets to see the show.”

Her words are clear. Her emojis are … less so.

We don’t know exactly what Halsey meant. Interpreting a string of emojis like that is a little like trying to work out hieroglyphs without the Rosetta Stone.

If she had replied with an emoji conveying mocking laughter, that would mean one thing.

If she had replied with an eggplant emoji, that would have been another thing altogether.

But, with the cloud and the tornado, it looks like she’s referring to a storm — or possibly energy.

The water droplet can be used to imply thirst (as in, sexual attraction) or, well, ejaculation.

We should, of course, clarify that Big Dick Energy is not synonymous with someone who is assumed to be well-endowed.

They can totally overlap, but they don’t have to.

The meme has made it very clear that someone might be known to have an absolutely gargantuan penis but lack Big Dick Energy.

Similarly, a cisgender woman can absolutely radiate Big Dick Energy with an intensity that should set off Geiger counters.

That, folks, is the difference between Jared Leto and Tessa Thompson.

This really does seem to be a situation of two exes who still respect each other.

Even if Halsey’s emoji choice was all but inscrutible. But that’s okay.

They’re exes, and she can post whatever emojis she likes. Considering what some of the other emoji options were, her reply was very tasteful.

In the mean time, G-Eazy has been spotted being a bad influence on Demi Lovato as her relapse continues.

This is a guy who’s still getting past that little incident where he got into a fight and was then caught with coke. Whoops.

Big Dick Energy or not, he and Halsey were together for nine months. It’s healthy for them to not treat each other like enemies.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Halsey Backs G-Eazy"s Claim He"s Just Friends with Demi Lovato

G-Eazy has NOT jumped to dating Demi Lovato after his split from Halsey … and that’s coming straight from his ex, Halsey. We got her Thursday at LAX, and had to ask her about the speculation G’s hooking up with Demi. There were…


Halsey Backs G-Eazy"s Claim He"s Just Friends with Demi Lovato

G-Eazy has NOT jumped to dating Demi Lovato after his split from Halsey … and that’s coming straight from his ex, Halsey. We got her Thursday at LAX, and had to ask her about the speculation G’s hooking up with Demi. There were…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Cops Reveal G-Eazy"s Alleged Victim and $100 Coke Bill

The bouncer G-Eazy got busted for punching has been revealed, along with the rapper’s favorite Benjamin — as in the $ 100 bill he used to snort cocaine … allegedly. Cops in Sweden released pics showing the nightclub bouncer. They’ve focused on…


Monday, May 29, 2017

G-Eazy"s Birthday Party Not Short on Strippers or Weed (VIDEO)

G-Eazy’s really got the birthday week thing down … and he knows exactly how he likes to celebrate. The rapper’s bday was Wednesday, but he kept the party going Sunday night at a private party in Malibu. A$ AP Rocky was in attendance … along…


Monday, August 29, 2016

Britney Spears Refuses G-Eazy"s Kiss at VMAs, Things Get Awkward

If you were watching the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards, then you definitely saw things get sexual on stage thanks to Britney Spears. 

Specifically, between the pop legend and G-Eazy during their electric performance of Spears’ newest single, “Make Me.”

If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear that Spears and Eazy were sleeping together, because the chemistry was definitely there.

Heck, the 34-year-old upped the suggestive ante when she placed her hands on the Oakland native’s junk at one point.

Things got super weird, though, when Eazy went in for a kiss, and Spears shook her head as she continued to “sing.”

Spears and Eazy walked the red carpet together before the show started in NYC, with Britney posting a photo to Instagram.

Her caption? “My partner in rhyme.”

I will say that I appreciated her sliding through Eazy’s legs to re-enact a bit of her best performance ever (2000 VMAs, below).

So if it takes a little teasing to get the old Britney Spears back (not the 2007 sedated Spears), then goodness knows I’m all for it.

Refuse those kisses, Brit.

Even though you had to feel for the rapper (we suppose) Britney’s fans loved the rejection, lighting up a storm on Twitter afterward.


“In 2011 she rejected Gaga’s kiss. In 2016 she rejected G-Eazy’s kiss,” said another, referencing when Gaga’s male alter ego tried to get some.

Other choice comments were along these lines:

“G-Eazy was trying to savage up and kiss Britney but she wasn’t going #BritneyOnVMAs”

“Shawty tried to kiss homie and he curved her badly”

“He was just trying to have a kiss moment with her and she was like Goodnight #VMAs

Today, Spears went on Elvis Duran to recap the performance, and of course didn’t address the fact that Eazy tried to go in for the kill.

Instead, she offered a generic assessment:

“We wanted to do something different, something I’ve never done before. So that was probably the coolest thing we could come up with.”

Even though she made it clear there would be no boning or even heavy petting going on, Britney did throw him a bone … so to speak.

“Oh, he’s so sweet!” she raved to Duran.

“He’s got a lot of swag,” Spears added of Eazy, who may or may not be heard from again, “he’s got the whole cool thing going on.”

Just not cool enough … to have THIS: