Showing posts with label Leaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leaders. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner"s Partner Says Trans Leaders Got It Wrong, She Didn"t Vote For Trump

Caitlyn Jenner is being treated more harshly by her own, transgender community than the general public because they think she voted for Donald Trump … but she didn’t, according to her partner. Sophia Hutchins says a few leaders in the trans…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Parkland Leaders David Hogg and Cameron Kasky Not Going to Prom Together

Parkland student leaders David Hogg and Cameron Kasky have nothing but love for one another, but they’re not actually going to prom together … TMZ has learned. Cameron’s tweet Monday of this photo with the caption “Prom 2018” led many to believe…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor Warns Government Leaders, Make A Change, Or Else

Lauren Hogg, a survivor of the Florida shooting, has a strong message for President Trump and lawmakers …  change, or else.  Lauren lost 4 of her friends in the attack last week and is laser-focused on putting an end to the violence.…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

LeBron James Challenges World Leaders: "Step Up, People Need Us"

LeBron James has a message to the most powerful people on the planet — the time is now to “step up” … and lead the charge to make the world a better place. LeBron delivered his statement in a video introducing the first ever Bloomberg Global…


Monday, June 13, 2016

Jessa Duggar, Ben Seewald React to Orlando Shooting By Quoting Anti-Gay Leaders

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald are speaking out against the Orlando shooting this weekend, and as always, their response is under scrutiny.

The two quoted anti-gay religious leaders in their responses to the mass shooting in Orlando‘s Pulse nightclub, the deadliest in U.S. history.

The gunman, 29-year-old American citizen Omar Mateen, killed at least 50 people and wounded 53 before being shot dead by police.

Mateen’s father claimed his son deliberately targeted LGBT Americans – Pulse being a prominent nightspot for that community – Sunday.

After seeing two gay men kissing in public, the mass murderer was allegedly angry because this happened in front of his wife and son.

There are also reports that Mateen called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic state (ISIS) shortly before opening fire on the crowd.

Like everyone else, Jessa Duggar was horrified by these tragic events, and spoke out in mourning on social media shortly thereafter.

Still, she’s facing some criticism for quoting Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky:

“This is when we show that Christians mourn with those who mourn. May the Gospel of Jesus Christ be evident as the only power greater than a broken heart.”

A moving quote, but one that isn’t sitting well with some.

Critics of the Duggars have been quick to point out that Mohler once called for Christians to boycott the weddings of gay men and women.

Even for friends and relatives, attendance signals “moral approval” of same-sex unions, Mohler said, among other controversial views.

In his response, Jessa’s husband decided to quote Calvinist Baptist preacher John Piper. He posted on Facebook: “Let it be said again.”

“Through tears. Followers of Jesus lay down their lives to save others, not to slaughter.’ – John Piper #‎Orlando #‎shooting #‎tragedy.”

Piper, the founder of desiringgod (dot) org, has also been very outspoken in his belief that Christians should not attend gay weddings.

Not mincing words, he claims that those who do are being “false” because “there is no such thing as a so-called same-sex marriage.”

Piper compares attending a gay wedding to attending a gathering to celebrate “theft,” “drunkenness,” “swindling,” “greed,” or “adultery.”

Jessa and Ben, of course, did not and have not said that.

The Duggars’ and Seewalds’ anti-gay marriage views are not new, nor do they translate to a condoning of violence in any way whatsoever.

Still, given the nature of the attacks and what looks to be a deliberate targeting of the LGBT community, their source material is interesting.

Should they have been more sensitive in choosing quotes, or simply issued their own statements in response to this historic tragedy?

Or are we reading too much into this? Discuss below …