Showing posts with label Hogg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hogg. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Parkland Leaders David Hogg and Cameron Kasky Not Going to Prom Together

Parkland student leaders David Hogg and Cameron Kasky have nothing but love for one another, but they’re not actually going to prom together … TMZ has learned. Cameron’s tweet Monday of this photo with the caption “Prom 2018” led many to believe…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Parkland Leader David Hogg Gets Accepted to UC Irvine

David Hogg might soon be trading one sunshine state for another … because the Parkland leader’s been accepted to UC Irvine!!! The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School senior tells us he got an acceptance letter from the prestigious…


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Parkland Leader David Hogg Launching Nationwide Political Activism Club

David Hogg’s ready for another major rally — getting students nationwide to sign up for his political activism club. We’re told David and the March for Our Lives leaders will be launching a new platform for students to create school clubs and…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

David Hogg Accepted at New Mexico State University

David Hogg might not be good enough for the University of California — despite his activism — but he’s now got something in his back pocket … a possible full ride in New Mexico! TMZ has obtained an acceptance letter from the Dean of the Honors…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

David Hogg Rejects Fox News Host"s Apology

David Hogg is basically telling Fox News host Laura Ingraham to take her apology and shove it … or, at the very least, make it more sincere. The Parkland, FL teen just fired back at Ingraham saying she’s sorry for calling Hogg a whiner over his…


Laura Ingraham Loses TripAdvisor, Nutrish Ads in Backlash to David Hogg Cyberbullying

Laura Ingraham’s show is taking a hit for her going after Parkland leader David Hogg … TMZ has learned. The FOX News host has lost the backing of TripAdvisor, a key advertiser on her show. The move comes on the heels of what some feel was…


Laura Ingraham Loses TripAdvisor, Nutrish Ads in Backlash to David Hogg Cyberbullying

Laura Ingraham’s show is taking a hit for her going after Parkland leader David Hogg … TMZ has learned. The FOX News host has lost the backing of TripAdvisor, a key advertiser on her show. The move comes on the heels of what some feel was…


David Hogg Calls for Laura Ingraham Boycott After Cyberbullying

Laura Ingraham picked a fight with the wrong 17-year-old … her show’s now facing David Hogg’s wrath … wrath in the form of a boycott. The Parkland leader ordered his more than 600,000 followers on Twitter to boycott advertisers who sponsor…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Meghan McCain Accused of Hypocrisy for David Hogg Criticisms

Over the weekend, millions of teens and others who dislike the constant threat of mass shootings poured out to attend rallies and protests to push for gun control.

March For Our Lives had a number of critics. For example, Rick Santorum says that teens should take CPR classes instead of asking for the government to protect them and their peers.

As you"ll see in the video below, Meghan McCain is also criticizing the movement … because she disapproves of the language being used.

Meghan mccain speaks on the view

We don"t want to just write anyone"s words out of context, so the video of her comments is below, but Meghan McCain said this of Parkland survivor David Hogg"s speech:

"One thing I will say is that you don’t move the narrative when you use language like this."

That line in particular came back to haunt her, but we"ll get to that in a moment.

"He said, ‘It just makes me think what sick blankers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder our children and honestly just get reelected. What type of blanking person does that?""

She continues to quote him, saying:

""They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they don’t take action because all they see are dollar signs.’"

She ends her quote with her final criticism.

"I wish we could have it where the rhetoric isn’t that any of us could ‘have blood splattered on our faces and your life perspective wouldn’t be changed.’ I don’t think it’s productive."

David hogg march for our lives

David Hogg was one of multiple Parkland shooting survivors who gave a speech at the March For Our Lives protest.

Millions came out in support of gun control in an effort to prevent more terrible mass shootings.

The Onion titled one of their satirical articles: "Teens Spend Wild Spring Break in D.C. Begging Lawmakers for Their Lives," which is … pretty accurate, unfortunately.

At the protest, David Hogg spoke up, saying:

"When politicians send their thoughts and prayers with no action, we say, ‘No more.""

He continues, issuing a warning to politicians who continue to drag their feet against the growing demands for gun control.

“And to those politicians supported by the NRA, that allow the continued slaughter of our children and our future, I say, get your resumes ready."

Like many 17-year-olds, Hogg will soon be able to vote.

David hogg and emma gonzalez

David Hogg, seen here with fellow survivor Emma Gonzalez, was not on The View to defend his words to Meghan McCain.

But Whoopi Goldberg spoke up in his defense.

"Well, here’s the thing. These kids are not going to take it."

People who have heard their friends die aren"t going to mince words when they appeal for sensible regulations that have been proven to prevent mass shootings in other Western nations.

"They are sick of waiting for the adults to do it. They are letting you know."

And Whoopi points out that his language choice is really not a problem.

"Whether they’re cussing you out or speaking beautifully. It doesn’t matter."

David hogg selfie

Viewers of The View spoke up on Twitter in opposition to Meghan McCain"s words.

"Come on. These kids want to go to school and have a decent chance to grow up. They"re scared. Do something to help instead of crticize."

"Oh please! Get your priorities straight. Some people only listen when you shock the hell out of them. This fine young man is PASSIONATE. Kids have been blown away & gunned down. You need to focus on the issue. Stop distracting the good these kids R doing."

"Once again @MeghanMcCain misses the point. The words of @davidhogg111 aren’t effective because he cursed? The boy watched his friends die and he’s not allowed to swear? Please."

"You"re wrong Meghan. Own it."

We mentioned that Meghan"s comment about language would come back to bite her.

Her own profile includes the tag "F–kCancer," a reference to her father"s current health battle.

Tweeters did point out that if she feels that "bad" words are acceptable for a cause about which she feels passionate, she shouldn"t hold David Hogg to different standards.

Meghan mccain on the view

We will say, to be fair, that Meghan McCain wasn"t necessarily as focused on David Hogg"s use of "bad" words as many have assumed.

It sounds like she felt that his rhetoric wasn"t really designed to change any hearts and minds. And she"s right.

Hogg"s speech was designed to inspire people who are already big believers in gun control. He wants them to vote out politicians who won"t budge over guns.

Meghan is a conservative, but she"s a moderate conservative, and she and many who feel as she does feel like changing people"s minds should be the goal of speeches like that.

Others — perhaps Hogg included — might counter that anyone who is still opposed to gun control after countless mass shootings, including the one in Parkland, is probably not going to be swayed by Hogg"s words or by anyone else"s.

Here are her comments:

Meghan mccain accused of hypocrisy for david hogg criticisms

Parkland Leader David Hogg Rejected by UC Schools

David Hogg helped spearhead a movement in the wake of the Parkland massacre that has resonated around the world, and you’d think colleges around the country would be clamoring to snag him, but sadly that’s not the case. David has been rejected by…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor David Hogg Conspiracy Theory Debunked by Yearbook

David Hogg, the Florida high school shooting survivor, is at the center of a spreading conspiracy theory … that he and other survivors are not really students, but now that’s being squarely debunked. The theory goes Hogg already graduated from a…
