Showing posts with label Activism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Activism. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

NBA"s DeMarcus Cousins Supporting Meek Mill Activism ... With #Reform Kicks

Boogie Cousins will be making a statement with his shoes when he takes the court Thursday night … rockin’ Puma kicks to support Meek Mill‘s push for criminal justice reform.
Meek teamed up with Puma to launch the new Clyde Court #REFORM kicks — the profits of ...
NBA"s DeMarcus Cousins Supporting Meek Mill Activism ... With #Reform Kicks

Friday, August 17, 2018

Martin Luther King III Proud Of Aretha Franklin"s Social Activism

Aretha Franklin taught us all the meaning of “Respect” … and the iconic singer truly lived by those words …  so says the son of Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King III says Aretha was committed to the cause as a friend and…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

NFL Owners Only Care About Money, Not Activism, Says NFLPA"s DeMaurice Smith

The head of the NFL Players Association says NFL owners only care about one thing — money.  DeMaurice Smith — executive director of the NFLPA — was speaking at George Washington University when the issue of Colin Kaepernick and his kneeling…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Chris Bosh Says He"s Proud Of Dwyane Wade For Parkland Activism

Chris Bosh says his heart is full of pride because his friend Dwyane Wade did an awesome thing … taking time out to brighten the lives of kids affected by the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High. In case you missed it, Wade visited with the…


Chris Bosh Says He"s Proud Of Dwyane Wade For Parkland Activism

Chris Bosh says his heart is full of pride because his friend Dwyane Wade did an awesome thing … taking time out to brighten the lives of kids affected by the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High. In case you missed it, Wade visited with the…


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Parkland Leader David Hogg Launching Nationwide Political Activism Club

David Hogg’s ready for another major rally — getting students nationwide to sign up for his political activism club. We’re told David and the March for Our Lives leaders will be launching a new platform for students to create school clubs and…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Republican Senator Praises Warriors Activism, Don"t Just Shut Up and Dribble!

The Golden State Warriors did NOT visit the White House during their trip to D.C. — instead, they worked with kids in the community … and the move is getting praised by a republican senator.  We spoke with John Thune [R-SD] who commended…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Rose McGowan Tears Into Golden Globes, "Fake" Hollywood Activism

The 2018 Golden Globe Awards aired live from Los Angeles on Sunday night.

But talk afterward was less about big wins for Big Little Lies and more about the theme of nearly every speech, not to mention nearly every outfit:

Female empowerment in Hollywood.

As you can see in the photo gallery above, celebrities from all industries walked the red carpet in all-black, coming together to make a statement in support of the #MeToo Movement.

Speech after speech centered on this topic, which has been at the forefront of the entertainment world for months now, ever since producer Harvey Weinstein was exposed as a sexual predator.

There were multiple standing ovations.

There were many tears shed.

There was applause all around for the brave women (and men) who have spoken out against accusers and helped drive terrible people such as Kevin Spacey and Matt Lauer out of a job.

In other words:

This was the sort of night Rose McGowan has been waiting for her entire professional life, right?

The actress came out long ago with accusations of rape against Weinstein and has finally seen these allegations proven right.

So, why didn’t she do a figurative victory dance on Sunday?

Because McGowan doesn’t care about symbolism.

She cares about action.

The star took to Twitter to slam her acting peers in response to the following Tweet from Asia Argento, an actress and singer who also says Weinstein raped her.

“No one should forget that you were the first one who broke the silence,” she wrote to McGown, adding:

“Anyone who tries to diminish your work is a troll and an enemy of the movement. You gave me the courage to speak out. I am on your side until I die.”

Replied McGowan:

“And not one of those fancy people wearing black to honor our rapes would have lifted a finger had it not been so. I have no time for Hollywood fakery, but you I love, .@AsiaArgento #RoseArmy.”

Argento went on to note that neither she nor McGowan were invited to attend the Golden Globes.

This isn’t the first time McGowan has been critical of her fellow celebrities. She is nothing if not passionate and outspoken.

Late last year, for example, McGowan Tweeted about the idea for stars to wear black as a fashion/anti-harassment statement in a series of since-deleted posts.

“Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in silent protest. YOUR SILENCE is THE problem,” she wrote at the time, adding:

“You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy.”

Shortly after McGowan’s comments, Streep told Entertainment Tonight that she was “hurt to be attacked by” McGowan and insisted she knew nothing at all about Weinstein’s bad reputation when it came to women.

“I did not know about Weinstein’s crimes, not in the ‘90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others,” Streep said in response.

“I wasn’t deliberately silent. I didn’t know. I don’t tacitly approve of rape. I didn’t know. I don’t like young women being assaulted. I didn’t know this was happening.”

For the record, and for what it’s worth, Streep attended Sunday night’s ceremony.

She wore a black gown and she took activist/the Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Ai-jen Poo, as her date.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Matt Bomer Praises Magic Johnson For AIDS Activism

Matt Bomer is praising Magic Johnson for his fight against HIV & AIDS, telling TMZ Sports the Hall of Fame basketball player was “incredibly brave” in taking on the disease. Today is World AIDS day and Bomer is a huge activist, so when we got…


Matt Bomer Praises Magic Johnson For AIDS Activism

Matt Bomer is praising Magic Johnson for his fight against HIV & AIDS, telling TMZ Sports the Hall of Fame basketball player was “incredibly brave” in taking on the disease. Today is World AIDS day and Bomer is a huge activist, so when we got…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Ray Lewis to Kaepernick: Stay Quiet About Social Activism!

Ray Lewis has a message for Colin Kaepernick — when it comes to your social activism, tone it down!  The Baltimore Ravens legend just posted a video saying he applauds what Colin stood up for last season … but says he needs to change his PR…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Meghan Markle: Outshining Kate Middleton With Activism?

It’s been almost six months since we first learned that Meghan Markle is dating Prince Harry, and the actress is still enjoying (or enduring) the sort of skyrocketing popularity that tends to come with dating one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. 

We’re sure it can be disorienting to go from the obscurity of a basic cable legal drama in the midst of an overcrowded #PeakTV market to international household name who might soon be the recipient of a royal title, but Meghan seems to be handling it all with aplomb.

It helps that Markle is no stranger to the international humanitarian community.

The actress has been an outspoken women’s rights activist for years, with a particular focus on the ways women and girls are abused, mistreated, and relegated to the ranks of second-class citizens in many third world and developing nations.

Yesterday, Meghan celebrated International Women’s Day in a number of poignant ways.

She began by sharing the following poem cautioning of the dangers of prioritizing female appearances over female accomplishments:

Meghan Markle Poem

It’s a powerful sentiment, but remarkably, Meghan outdid herself with an essay published in Time magazine about the ways in which menstruation is stigmatized in the western world:

“Imagine a world where the female leaders we revere never achieved their full potential because they dropped out of school at the age of thirteen,” Markle writes.

“Based on societal ignominy in the developing world, shame surrounding menstruation and its direct barrier to girls education remains a hushed conversation.”

“All of these factors perpetuate the cycle of poverty and stunt a young girl’s dream for a more prolific future.”

Obviously, Meghan’s primary goal in writing such an essay is to bring attention to a vitally important cause, but there’s an added personal benefit, and this being a gossip site and all, we’d be remiss to ignore it:

Meghan’s reputation grows tremendously each time she demonstrates that far from being a royal coattail-rider, she’s a true citizen of the world, who seems to be profoundly affected by the plight of those less fortunate.

These days, the feeling toward Meghan is that here is a celebrity who walks the walk in terms of her contribution to the global community.

We’re all familiar with the famous figures who show up for photo-ops and make speeches at the UN, and their contributions shouldn’t be discounted, as at least they’re doing something to use their platform for good.

But while the Bonos and Angelinas of the world are often accused of calculated philanthropy that often does more good for their reputation than for the lives of the people they serve, there’s a different class of public figures who remain committed to their causes even when there are no cameras around, no benefit to be gained.

More and more, the consensus among Brits is that Kate Middleton belongs to the former group, and Meghan to the latter.

While the Markle vs. Middleton competition may be entirely imagined by the public, the fact remains that the people only have so much love to give, and these days, Meghan seems to be benefitting at the expense of Kate.

Fortunately, the people who are aided by Markle’s philanthropy remain the true beneficiaries.
