Showing posts with label Republican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trump"s "Republican Club" Painting on "60 Minutes" is a Hot Commodity

President Trump’s painting featuring him with Grand Old Party presidents set the internet ablaze during his “60 Minutes” interview — but it also lined the painter’s wallet with cash.  During 45’s interview Sunday night, a lot of people noticed…


Monday, October 15, 2018

John Elway Donating Big Money to Republican Candidates Ahead of Midterm Elections

John Elway is donating tons of money to Republicans running in next month’s midterm elections … TMZ has learned.  We combed through 2018 Federal Election Commission filings to see which A-listers were bucking up for the GOP, and…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Republican Senator Praises Warriors Activism, Don"t Just Shut Up and Dribble!

The Golden State Warriors did NOT visit the White House during their trip to D.C. — instead, they worked with kids in the community … and the move is getting praised by a republican senator.  We spoke with John Thune [R-SD] who commended…


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Anthony Scaramucci Calls Republican Honcho a Big Fat Liar

Anthony Scaramucci WENT OFF on Republican big wig David Frum, calling him a liar, and that’s just for starters. We got The Mooch at Craig’s Friday night after he shot an episode of Bill Maher’s show, where Frum suggested Scaramucci was involved in…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Republican Congress Members in Train Wreck

House Speaker Paul Ryan and several other GOP Congressional leaders are caught in a train wreck — and that’s not a metaphor. An Amtrak train carrying Republican members of Congress to a retreat smashed into a garbage truck Wednesday morning…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Mark Cuban: I"ll Challenge Trump as a Republican, If I Run for President in 2020

Mark Cuban will challenge Donald Trump in the primaries … IF he decides to run for President in 2020. Cuban was profiled on the Fox News Channel show “OBJECTified” Sunday night, and he declared which party he’d choose if he were to run … he…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Steve Scalise, House Republican, Among Those Shot in Virginia

Representative Steve Scalise was among multiple people shot Wednesday morning in Alexandria, Virginia in what witnesses and law enforcement officials are describing as a “deliberate attack.”

The incident took place while Scalise, Rand Paul, Mo Brooks and other Congressmen were taking part in baseball practice prior to starting their work day.

With new information pouring in every minute, here is what we know at the moment:

Scalise, a member of the House Republican leadership as the majority whip, appeared to have been shot in the hip and is reportedly in stable condition.

At least two Capitol Hill police agents and Representative Roger Williams were also wounded in the attack, Brooks tells CNN.

The gunman was shot by U.S. Capital Police, apprehended and taken to the hospital, officials said.

However, Senator Mike Lee tells Fox News that the suspect (who Brooks describes as a “middle-aged white man”) has been killed.

We cannot verify this latter claim right now, but Alexandria police have Tweeted that the shooter is “not a threat” any longer.

congressman shot

Recounting the chaos to CNN, Brooks approximated that 50 to 100 shots were fired.

He said there were a number of congressmen and congressional staffers lying on the ground shortly after he heard a “blam” and that he used his belt as a tourniquet to assist one of the victims.

“I see a rifle… I hear another blam… at the same time I heard Steve Scalise scream. He was shot,” the Alabama Republican told the news outlet.

He said he saw Scalise crawling toward right field at one point, “leaving a trail of blood.”

Paul, who was reportedly awaiting his turn to bat when the shooting broke out, told Joe Scarborough on air this morning that “everybody would’ve died except for the fact that Capitol Hill police were there.”

He said the “baseball field was basically a killing field.”

“It sure as heck wasn’t an accident,” Brooks added. “He was going after elected officials.”

In response to the horrible incident, President Donald Trump has released the following statement:

The Vice President and I are aware of the shooting incident in Virginia and are monitoring developments closely.

We are deeply saddened by this tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with the members of Congress, their staffs, Capitol Police, first responders, and all others affected.

djt statement

The shooting took place around 7:15 a.m. EST.

Along with Scalise, Paul and Brooks, Congressmen Brad Wenstrup, Ron DeSantis Chuck Fleischmann and Senator Jeff Flake were among the 15-25 people at Simpson Field in Alexandria for the practice.

Schools in the area have been placed on lockdown.

saying prayers

“The gun was a semiautomatic,” Brooks said, adding in an interview with FMTALK1065:

“The shooter was shot behind home plate as he was circling around to the first base dugout where there were a number of us congressmen and other folks.

“Our security detail was able to incapacitate him at that point.

“I don’t know if he [shooter] was dead. He was wounded. I don’t know how many times he was wounded.”

Scalise is a 51-year old who has represented Louisiana’s First Congressional District since 2008; he chairs the House Republican Study Committee and is married with two kids. 

He’s the first member of Congress to be shot since former Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot in January 2011.

Tweeted President Trump soon after issuing the statement above:

“Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, a true friend and patriot, was badly injured but will fully recover. Our thoughts and prayers are with him.”


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Marlon Wayans Says Republican Presidents Give Kids Hope (VIDEO)

Marlon Wayans has an all-time favorite Republican president, and he has 2 favorite living Republican presidents. We got Marlon leaving Catch in WeHo Saturday night, and he’s clearly anti-Trump, but he’s a glass-half-full kinda guy.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Christopher Suprun: Republican Elector Vows to Vote Against Trump

In case you moved into a cave as a precautionary measure on November 8, former reality star and angry tangerine Donald Trump was elected Preseident of the United States of America last month.

Of course, the deal has yet to be sealed, but the electoral college vote that will ensure the Donald’s ascendancy to the highest office in the land is all but a formality.

Or is it?

If you’re like us, everything you learned in sixth grade civics class has been replaced by fun facts about the Kim Kardashian sex tape during your previous eight years of political complacency.

So a quick refresher might be in order:

Presidential elections aren’t decided by the popular vote, but by the Electoral College – a group of pledged delegates who are selected by the popular vote.

As far as anyone can tell, the reason for this is that the Founding Fathers were pissed at the world because they were born into an era in which powdered wigs and knee-high socks were en vogue, and they therefore decided to take their revenge on the future with a needlessly complex democratic process.

Anyway, making matters even more f–ked up is the fact that electors are not legally bound to vote the way their state decided, which is all the more reason that your vote counts about as much as that time you had a threesome in a dream.

Obviously, the system is insane and in desperate need of a top-to-bottom overhaul, but the good news is that in this case, it offers a sliver of hope that we might not have to spend the next four years praying that the Orange Prophet of Doom doesn’t tweet a declaration of nuclear war with China.

One elector has already stepped down in order to avoid casting a vote for Trump, and now Christopher Suprun, a Texas elector, paramedic, and first responder to the Pentagon on 9/11 is taking even more of a hard-line stance against the least-qualified commander-in-chief in US history.

In an op-ed piece published by The New York Times this week, Suprun stated that he will not cast a vote for Trump on December 19, claiming that the real estate mogul and political neophyte “shows daily he is not qualified for office.”

“Mr. Trump,” Suprun wrote, “lacks the foreign policy experience and demeanor needed to be commander in chief … Mr. Trump urged violence against protesters at his rallies during the campaign. He speaks of retribution against his critics.”

Suprun pointed out that the Federalist Papers argue that it is the job of the Electoral College to ensure that candidates are “qualified, not engaged in demagogy, and independent from foreign influence.” 

He called upon his fellow electors to “do their job” and rally around an “honorable and qualified” candidate, such as Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Obviously, Suprun is waging a quixotic battle with little chance of success, but his assessment of the duties of the electors is absolutely accurate, and if even a handful of his colleagues follow his lead, it may help send the message to the rest of the world that many, many Americans share their concerns about a Trump presidency.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: This is Why I"m a Republican

To many people out there, Caitlyn Jenner is a dichotomy.

She is an outspoken transgender individual… and she"s a Republican.

How can this be?

The reality star and former Gold Medalist explained her political stance in an interview on Wednesday night with HBO"s Bill Simmons.

“I believe in our Constitution," Jenner told the host, explaining that this document gives the government certain, enumerated powers and that the government has gone to exceed them.

"They’re in control of everything," she added.

Caitlyn, who met Hillary Clinton this spring and who thinks Hillary Clinton is a liar, did not tell Simmons that she"s endorsing Donald Trump.

She said she wants to help the entire Republican party, especially when it comes to LGBT issues.

Suicide rates for transgender people are nine times higher than the norm, she said. Kids struggling with their identity are more prone to bullying.

There are hates crimes, the murder rate is abnormally high.

There are clearly many ways in which members of this minority community aren"t just having problems, but are actually dying.

"Maybe I can help the Republican part do a better job when it comes to these types of issues," Caitlyn said.

That"s an admirable goal, to be sure.

But one must ask in light of it: Does Jenner really believe Donald Trump is the person to help her achieve it?

Caitlyn"s stance also raises interesting broader questions. To wit:

At what point should one place a community"s best interests over one"s personal beliefs?

Of course Jenner is entitled to share the same opinions as those espoused by the Republican Party. But it would be a pretty tough argument for anyone to make that Conservatives are more in touch with the LGBT world than Liberals.

Does Caitlyn therefore have a responsibility to vote Democratic? Because she considers herself a transgender role model?

Or is that simply one side to a layered person who still relates more to one party than another, despite the issue with which this person is most closely associated?

Ponder these questions as you watch Caitlyn Jenner talk about her political leanings below?

Caitlyn jenner here is why im a republican

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bradley Cooper Attends DNC, Causes Republican Meltdown

So Bradley Cooper attended the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night.

This really should not have been a noteworthy occurrence, considering the vast number of celebrities who vote Liberal and who are supporting Hillary Clinton this year.

But… see… Cooper portrayed Chris Kyle in the 2014 movie American Sniper, a war hero who is held in very high estimation by many Republicans. 

As a result, Twitter users on the Right took Cooper"s DNC attendance as a major slap in the face, seeming to somehow believe that he is Chris Kyle and that he committed an act of treason against the party.

(And here we were this entire time, thinking Cooper was really a space raccoon.)

This confusing led to some harsh words from Republicans on social media, followed by some mocking words from Democrats in response. It was beautiful.

See what we mean below:

1. Meryl Streep Actually Spoke at the Convention…

Meryl streep actually spoke at the convention

… but she never played a famous Republican, we guess. So she’s spared this wrath.

2. Disappointed AND Appalled!

Disappointed and appalled

Just a mixture of emotions, really. All of them bad.

3. You’re All Sheep!

Youre all sheep

And Cooper is the sheep-iest of them all!



And may I also add: ick.

5. Stupid Celebrity’s

Stupid celebritys

Also, stupid spelling and grammar. Who needs those things when Bradley Cooper is betraying his country?!?

6. The Democrats Respond

The democrats respond

First, with Crying Michael Jordan, of course.

View Slideshow

Friday, July 22, 2016

Peter Thiel RNC Speech: I"m Proud to Be a Gay Republican!

The 2016 Republican National Convention wrapped up last night, and for obvious reasons, Donald Trump’s nomination acceptance speech (and his daughter Ivanka’s memorable introduction) are grabbing the majority of this morning’s headlines.

But just hours before the elder Trump’s lengthy address, another speaker made history and stirred up controversy with a speech that may well be discussed and dissected for years to come.

Silicon Valley tycoon Peter Thiel made his billions as a co-founder of PayPal and board member of Facebook.

Recently he made headlines after it was revealed that he bankrolled Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker as part of his efforts to bring the online gossip network down.

Thiel admits he was motivated by a desire for revenge on Gawker for outing him as gay in a 2007 article.

Last night, Thiel became the first openly gay speaker to take the stage at the RNC.

Interestingly, he did so in one of the most high-profile time slots of the entire convention:

“Every American has a unique identity. I am proud to be gay,” Thiel said to applause from the conservative crowd. 

“I am proud to be a Republican, but most of all I am proud to be an American.”

With regard to the party’s apparent insensitivity toward many of the issues faced by the LGBTQ community, Thiel says they only serve to compromise party unity and divert attention from more important issues.

“This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?” Thiel said.

“I don’t pretend to agree with every plank of our party platform.”

Obviously, millions of gay men and women disagree, and many took to social media to express their displeasure with Thiel’s speech.

Many of Thiel’s comments seemed especially tone deaf in the context of Trump’s later address, which many feel verged on hate speech at times.

But whatever your feelings about Thiel and his views, there’s no denying that his speech served its purpose – to get people talking, and send the message that this isn’t your father’s GOP.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ted Cruz: Booed Off Stage at Republican National Convention

Just when you thought the Republican National Convention could not get any stranger…

Just when you thought Scott Baio opening the event and Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama were the most unlikely happenings to take place in Cleveland…

… enter Ted Cruz.

The runner-up to Donald Trump in this year’s race for the Republican nomination, Cruz took to the stage on Wednesday night to address thousands in attendance and millions watching at home.

He then proceeded to get booed off said stage after refusing to actually endorse Trump for the Presidency.

“I congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night,” Cruz said in the beginning of his speech.

“And like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believes prevail in November.”

This would be the only time during his speech that Cruz said Trump’s name.

Instead of telling individuals why they ought to vote for Trump, Cruz went on about his ideological brand of conservatism, telling folks to not to “stay home in November” and to “stand and speak and vote your conscience.”

Once it became clear he was not going to say anything about the candidate himself, those inside Quicken Loans Arena started to boo Cruz.

And in case THAT wasn’t dramatic enough, Trump actually appeared in the crowd at one point during the speech.

Diverting attention away from his rival, Trump join his family in a VIP area and flashed a thumbs-up while Cruz spoke, a gesture that transmitted obvious anger at the Texas senator’s behavior.

From there, as delegates started to protest, Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, was heckled by Trump supporters who yelled “Goldman Sachs!” at her.

She had to be escorted out by security.

Trump and Cruz, of course, exchanged major insults on the campaign trail for months.

In response to Cruz’s speech, Trump Tweeted a reference to the pledge all GOP candidates signed awhile back, saying they would support the nominee… whoever he ended up being.

“Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn’t honor the pledge!” Trump Tweeted in reply to the craziness, adding:

“I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!”

angry crowd

New Jersey Governlor Chris Christie – a former presidential candidate and now a Trump supporter – slammed Cruz’s speech in an interview with CNN.

“I think it was awful,” Christie said. “And quite frankly, I think it was something selfish. And he signed a pledge. And it’s his job to keep his word.”

Trump attorney Michael Cohen, meanwhile, said on CNN that “the only way to describe it is political suicide.”

Sure, that. But also standing up for one’s moral beliefs as well.

An insider close to Cruz said the Senator didn’t exactly expect to receive a standing ovation.

“He expected people to not approve,” the source said. “Not surprised at the reaction.”

As for Hillary Clinton?

The front-runner’s campaign seized on Cruz’s speech, Tweeting: “Vote your conscience” with a link to her website soon after it ended.

HRC tweet

This is all truly remarkable.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. Look Like Idiots At Republican National Convention

Someone thought it would be a great idea to invite Charles in Charge and that moderately good-looking Italian dude to this year"s Republican National Convention.

What a lark!

Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. both spoke at day one of the RNC in Cleveland, and each one left his own special mark. Sabato, who emigrated to the states from Rome in 1985, called into question President Obama"s religion.

"We had a Muslim president for 7 1/2 years," Sabato told the audience. "I don"t believe he is [a Christian]."

Sabato also declared that both the military and law enforcement officials don"t like the president.

What"s more? Mr. President is totally a baddie!

"I believe that he"s on the other side … the Middle East," the former Melrose Place star told ABC News. "He"s with the bad guys."

Meanwhile, Baio had to relive a few tweets he probably wishes he had deleted as he was grilled by NBC"s Tamron Hall outside the Quicken Loans Arena.

Baio reportedly wrote his speech at Sunday church service prior to the convention, so Hall wanted to know if he was feeling like a good Christian when he tweeted a meme of Hillary Clinton in front of the words "COUNT:"

“Did you think about that in church when you tweeted it out?” Hall asked.

“That was just offered up without commentary,” Baio said defensively.

”You can look at it anyway you want. It’s the word ‘count,’ she’s standing in front of it, I just put it up there.

There’s no commentary attached to it, I didn’t call her anything, and the fact that you question my faith over posting a picture is not nice.”

Hall was neither intimidated nor amused by Baio"s response, and continued to grill him on national television. 

After calling him out for blocking her on the social media platform, Hall pulled up a tweet from 2010, featuring an unflattering image of First Lady Michelle Obama with the caption, "“WOW! He wakes up to this every morning.”

“That tweet was a joke,” Baio said.

“I’m a guy from Brooklyn, I have a certain sense of humor.

Bitch please, Hall thought to herself before asking, “But does joking about a woman that way make America great again?” 

Watch Baio attempt to stay afloat in the video below.

Scott baoi and antonio sabato jr hollywoods biggest idiots speak

Willie Robertson, Scott Baio Support Donald Trump at Republican National Convention

Willie Robertson, Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. were among the so-called celebrities who opened the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Monday night.

Each expressed his reason on stage for supporting Donald Trump.

“Are you cheering because we’re ugly?” the Duck Dynasty star said to kick off primetime coverage of the event from Cleveland.

Robertson went on to note similarities between himself and Trump, namely that both are successful businessmen who have anchor hit reality programs, “though I flew commercial here,” Willie joked.

That’s not a bad line actually.

Robertson then took aim at “media experts” who were dead wrong about Trump’s candidacy, assuming he would lose early on in the GOP primary and adding that “it must be humbling to be so wrong about so much for so long.”

We’re not sure how slamming reporters from both sides of the aisle gets Trump votes, but hey.

Robertson proceeded to play the divisive card, talking about southern roots and saying “they don’t know how to talk to folks like us,” people who “hunt, fish, pray and actually work for a living.”

He concluded that Trump “may not be politically correct,” but he “always tells you the truth as he sees it” – and that’s why the Duck Commander CEO believes “Donald Trump will have your back.”

Scott Baio also shared his thoughts live from Ohio, getting quickly to his main point in a speech that was short and not sweet.

Not when it came to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at least.

She’s a a woman who feels she’s “entitled to the presidency,” Baio argued, while describing Trump is “a man doing this out of the goodness of his heart,” who “says what he means. and means what he says.”

Once again, it’s not really clear why either of those statements are a reason to vote someone in to the Oval Office, but hey.

Baio’s final message to attendees and viewers? “Let’s make America America again!”

We don’t know what that means.

Then there was Antonio Sabato Jr., who did not address the crowd in only his underwear, much to the chagrin of the women and gay men in attendance.

(JUST KIDDING! There are no women or gay men in support of Donald Trump.)

“My belief in this country and my faith in Jesus Christ have compelled me to speak now,” said the model and former Dancing with the Stars contestant.

“Our rights have been trampled and our security threatened,” added Sabato, who detailed his decision to move to the United States from Rome in 1985 and who become a naturalized citizen in 1996.

“Others who want to come to the U.S. to live and work should follow the same rules!”

Sabato’s speech, which claimed that America is “weaker by almost every measure,” was short on specifics, yet heavy on passion.

“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton promote division,” he said with a straight face, adding:

“Don’t be fooled: Donald Trump is for unity. Donald Trump believes in one America with liberty and justice for all.”

Monday, March 7, 2016

I Am Cait Recap: Is Jenner a Lesbian ... and a Republican?

Caitlyn Jenner is back! On I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 1, the reality star and newly-minted transgender icon returned for more adventures.

If you watch I Am Cait online or have followed the journey of the former Bruce Jenner at all, then the Season 2 premiere did not disappoint.

Jenner’s road trip with friends contained a mixture of lighter and serious moments, most notably a discussion of Cait’s political views.

She remains a staunch Republican, despite becoming a transgender role model, something many of her friends cannot comprehend.

Ah yes, such is the life of Caitlyn Jenner these days.

Mentors Jennifer Finney Boylan and Candis Cayne may be excited to see the Grand Canyon, but their journey is much bigger than that.

Fun as it is, much of the bus trip is spent trying to get Jenner to open up about more profound issues, such as politics and sexuality.

Regarding the latter, what is her orientation now?

What levels of attraction does she feel these days? Does she gravitate toward men or women? These are hard questions for anyone.

For Cait, she either can’t answer conclusively because she doesn’t fully know (understandable), or she’s playing it close to the vest.

She’s a bit more forthcoming when it comes to her old-school Republican views, which come as a shock to her transgender friends. 

Republicans, in Caitlyn’s view, are the party most concerned with a strong economy, and making sure all Americans are gainfully employed.

As for Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton?

“She could care less about women. She cares about herself,” Caitlyn says, to the surprise (and abject horror) of her road trip companions.

In a recent interview with The Advocate, we learned that Caitlyn Jenner supports Ted Cruz, despite differing opinions on trans issues.

All of which raises some interesting points:

Does Caitlyn’s gender identity mean she must sacrifice political principles she acquired as Bruce, and in many cases, still believes in?

If she believes Ted Cruz would be the best president for all people, despite some deep disagreements, isn’t it her duty to vote that way?

Regardless of her views, or anyone’s views, isn’t being open-minded enough not to think in absolutes something we should all respect?

All we can tell you for sure is that our last road trip with friends didn’t get this deep, but we’re glad to be along for the ride again with Cait.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: I"m Not a Role Model... But I Am a Republican

Caitlyn Jenner would like to make a couple things clear.

The I Am Cait and Keeping Up with the Kardashians star spoke at the University of Pennsylvania on Wednesday night, responding at one point to a student’s question about her Conservative viewpoints by saying:

“I have gotten more flak for being a conservative Republican than I have for being trans.”

Jenner made news a few months ago when she was asked how she can be transgender… and also be against gay marriage.

But Vanity Fair writer and author Buzz Bissinger understands.

As the one interviewing Jenner during the event last night, Bissinger supported Caitlyn’s Republicanism and explained it as follows:

“Just because you change gender doesn’t mean you change your core beliefs.”

As for those who believe Jenner is only starring I Am Cait due to a need for attention or in order to pad her bank account?

“I don’t need the money. So I don’t understand that claim,” she responded. “No one transitions for financial gain. No way…

“You don’t do it unless you know deep down in your soul that it’s the right thing to do. If I can’t be honest with myself about what I’m doing, I’m no good for anything.”

In closing, Caitlyn was asked about being a role model for the LGBT community.

And her response may be surprising to some:

“I’m not a role model! I’m so new to this community I don’t expect to be one.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Donald Trump to Boycott Republican Debate, Is Scared of Megyn Kelly

Donald Trump is a man of his word.

Those words may be racist, sexist and hollow, but hey. He’s still a man of them.

Following his memorable clash with Fox News host Megyn Kelly during an August debate, Trump Tweeted this week that he would boycott the Republican debate on Thursday if Kelly was one of the moderators.

The network has confirmed that Kelly will be one of the moderators…

… and Trump has responded by standing by his boycott.

On Tuesday evening, the GOP front-runner’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, announced that her client “will not be participating in the Fox News debate on Thursday.”

And it’s all because Trump has beef with one of Fox’s most recognizable and respected faces.

The billionaire businessman’s problems with Kelly stem from her asking him during the August debate about how he’s referred in the past to women he doesn’t like as “fat pigs” and “slobs.”

Trump took offense to this line of questioning and went on a media blitz in the days that followed, slamming Kelly as a “lightweight,” as a bimbo and implying she was on her period during the debate.

Really, Trump said this.

Earlier on Tuesday, Trump told supporters on social media that having Kelly as a moderator was a “pathetic attempt by @foxnews to try and build up ratings for the #GOPDebate. Without me they’d have no ratings!”

He also shared a video on his Instagram account stating:

“Megyn Kelly is really biased against me. She knows that. I know that. Everybody knows that. Do you think she can really be fair at a debate?”

Kelly has stood by her questions for Trump from August and is yet to commend on The Donald’s debate withdrawal.

The question is whether or not Fox News will bring it up at the debate itself.