Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ted Cruz: Booed Off Stage at Republican National Convention

Just when you thought the Republican National Convention could not get any stranger…

Just when you thought Scott Baio opening the event and Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama were the most unlikely happenings to take place in Cleveland…

… enter Ted Cruz.

The runner-up to Donald Trump in this year’s race for the Republican nomination, Cruz took to the stage on Wednesday night to address thousands in attendance and millions watching at home.

He then proceeded to get booed off said stage after refusing to actually endorse Trump for the Presidency.

“I congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night,” Cruz said in the beginning of his speech.

“And like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believes prevail in November.”

This would be the only time during his speech that Cruz said Trump’s name.

Instead of telling individuals why they ought to vote for Trump, Cruz went on about his ideological brand of conservatism, telling folks to not to “stay home in November” and to “stand and speak and vote your conscience.”

Once it became clear he was not going to say anything about the candidate himself, those inside Quicken Loans Arena started to boo Cruz.

And in case THAT wasn’t dramatic enough, Trump actually appeared in the crowd at one point during the speech.

Diverting attention away from his rival, Trump join his family in a VIP area and flashed a thumbs-up while Cruz spoke, a gesture that transmitted obvious anger at the Texas senator’s behavior.

From there, as delegates started to protest, Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, was heckled by Trump supporters who yelled “Goldman Sachs!” at her.

She had to be escorted out by security.

Trump and Cruz, of course, exchanged major insults on the campaign trail for months.

In response to Cruz’s speech, Trump Tweeted a reference to the pledge all GOP candidates signed awhile back, saying they would support the nominee… whoever he ended up being.

“Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn’t honor the pledge!” Trump Tweeted in reply to the craziness, adding:

“I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!”

angry crowd

New Jersey Governlor Chris Christie – a former presidential candidate and now a Trump supporter – slammed Cruz’s speech in an interview with CNN.

“I think it was awful,” Christie said. “And quite frankly, I think it was something selfish. And he signed a pledge. And it’s his job to keep his word.”

Trump attorney Michael Cohen, meanwhile, said on CNN that “the only way to describe it is political suicide.”

Sure, that. But also standing up for one’s moral beliefs as well.

An insider close to Cruz said the Senator didn’t exactly expect to receive a standing ovation.

“He expected people to not approve,” the source said. “Not surprised at the reaction.”

As for Hillary Clinton?

The front-runner’s campaign seized on Cruz’s speech, Tweeting: “Vote your conscience” with a link to her website soon after it ended.

HRC tweet

This is all truly remarkable.