Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Has Huge Meltdown: Find Out Why!

Bethenny Frankel hasn’t had the best of seasons on The Real Housewives of New York City. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you’ll know that she’s been at the center of several arguments with her co-stars, while battling with several health issues. 

The arguments with the other housewives didn’t exactly show the 45-year-old in a good light and that’s what apparently pushed the star to the edge

During a 12-hour shoot of the reunion show for the most recent season of the Bravo smash, Frankel was said to have had an “epiphany” about the way she was portrayed. 

“She was genuinely upset by how she came across onscreen,” the insider explains.

“Often, she doesn’t realize how she comes across.”

She clashed with the likes of LuAnn de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan and Jules Wainstein. That’s probably the reason producers fought so hard to get her back on the show. 

Frankel is a slam dunk if you want controversy. She leads an interesting life and is not afraid to open her mouth if there’s opportunity for an argument.

She always comes across as tough as nails, so she must be genuinely shocked by her behavior. 

It was bad, but not THAT bad. All of the arguments were caused by petty things. 

What could have sent her down her path to breaking point?

“Bethenny was sobbing,” the source confirmed. They then went one step further to declare, “she had a complete meltdown.”

The reality star could have still been in shock at her divorce from Jason Hoppy finally happening after three years. 

Yeah, that’s a pretty long time to try and end a link to someone. Right?!

Frankel must be ecstatic that chapter is officially over.

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!