Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chris Brown: Gaunt Appearance Prompts Drug Rumors

Chris Brown has a long history of treating other people badly.

But based on his latest photos some fans think the one he’s been abusing lately is himself. Oh, and drugs. They also think he’s abusing drugs:

We know Chris loves weed, but his recent weight loss has many wondering if he’s hitting harder stuff these days.

Brown has been to rehab in the past, but it was court-ordered and he’s always maintained that he doesn’t suffer from any addiction issues.

In fact, he went back to partying – hard – right after he finished his most recent stint:

So it’s not too outlandish to think that Chris has bigger issues with booze and drugs than he admits (or is aware of).

The combination of his gaunt appearance and slightly drooping eyelids have many fans wondering if Breezy is sipping on the sizzurp lately.

Of course, it’s possible Chris has been dieting and/or that he was a bit tired at his latest appearance.

No one knows for sure, but at this point, no one really puts anything past the singer, either.

Finding out that Chris Brown is a fiend for the lean wouldn’t even crack the top on the list of most troubling things about him.

Chris has yet to comment on this latest round of rumors, but you can be certain he’s going to at some point.

This is a guy who compulsively shares his thoughts on feuds that don’t involve him.

He’s certainly not going to bite his tongue about speculation that he’s wasting away due to addiction.