Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Willie Robertson, Scott Baio Support Donald Trump at Republican National Convention

Willie Robertson, Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. were among the so-called celebrities who opened the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Monday night.

Each expressed his reason on stage for supporting Donald Trump.

“Are you cheering because we’re ugly?” the Duck Dynasty star said to kick off primetime coverage of the event from Cleveland.

Robertson went on to note similarities between himself and Trump, namely that both are successful businessmen who have anchor hit reality programs, “though I flew commercial here,” Willie joked.

That’s not a bad line actually.

Robertson then took aim at “media experts” who were dead wrong about Trump’s candidacy, assuming he would lose early on in the GOP primary and adding that “it must be humbling to be so wrong about so much for so long.”

We’re not sure how slamming reporters from both sides of the aisle gets Trump votes, but hey.

Robertson proceeded to play the divisive card, talking about southern roots and saying “they don’t know how to talk to folks like us,” people who “hunt, fish, pray and actually work for a living.”

He concluded that Trump “may not be politically correct,” but he “always tells you the truth as he sees it” – and that’s why the Duck Commander CEO believes “Donald Trump will have your back.”

Scott Baio also shared his thoughts live from Ohio, getting quickly to his main point in a speech that was short and not sweet.

Not when it came to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at least.

She’s a a woman who feels she’s “entitled to the presidency,” Baio argued, while describing Trump is “a man doing this out of the goodness of his heart,” who “says what he means. and means what he says.”

Once again, it’s not really clear why either of those statements are a reason to vote someone in to the Oval Office, but hey.

Baio’s final message to attendees and viewers? “Let’s make America America again!”

We don’t know what that means.

Then there was Antonio Sabato Jr., who did not address the crowd in only his underwear, much to the chagrin of the women and gay men in attendance.

(JUST KIDDING! There are no women or gay men in support of Donald Trump.)

“My belief in this country and my faith in Jesus Christ have compelled me to speak now,” said the model and former Dancing with the Stars contestant.

“Our rights have been trampled and our security threatened,” added Sabato, who detailed his decision to move to the United States from Rome in 1985 and who become a naturalized citizen in 1996.

“Others who want to come to the U.S. to live and work should follow the same rules!”

Sabato’s speech, which claimed that America is “weaker by almost every measure,” was short on specifics, yet heavy on passion.

“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton promote division,” he said with a straight face, adding:

“Don’t be fooled: Donald Trump is for unity. Donald Trump believes in one America with liberty and justice for all.”