Showing posts with label Cait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cait. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2016

I Am Cait: CANCELED After Two Seasons!

It looks like when it comes to reality television, Caitlyn Jenner just doesn’t have the same staying power as her preternaturally popular offspring.

From the first episode of her solo Keeping Up With the Kardashians spinoff, I Am Cait was a ratings disappointment.

(Some went so far as to use the word “disaster.”)

Against all odds Caitlyn’s show was renewed by E! for a second season.

However, industry insiders regarded the move primarily as an act of goodwill to appease the network’s most lucrative family.

Rumors that I Am Cait would be canceled persisted throughout the series’ second go-round and today, and now it looks as though execs may have finally made a decision that seemed inevitable from the start.

Several outlets are now reporting that I Am Cait has officially been canceled by E!.

Sources say the network was optimistic that the show could recover from its early ratings struggles, but those hopes were dashed by the Cait‘s second-season numbers.

“There just weren’t enough viewers,” one production insider explains to Radar Online. “The show can’t compete with other programming.”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the show’s second season averaged fewer that 700,000 viewers.

Many fans have speculated that Caitlyn’s political views did her series in.

Jenner is an outspoken Republican who supported Ted Cruz during this year’s GOP primaries, a fact that seems somewhat incongruous with her status as the most visible hero of America’s trans population.

Jenner has yet to speak publicly on the cancelation.

Unidentified sources close to the former Olympian say that the expect her to pursue a similar show on a different network.

Hey, on the bright side, at least she’ll have more time to watch the upcoming Rio games!

Monday, April 25, 2016

I Am Cait Season 2 Finale Recap: Houston, We Have a Problem

On I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 8, the second season of the E! hit came to an end in dramatic fashion as Cait made some big decisions.

Those who watch I Am Cait online know that the entire second season has been revolving around politics and Cait’s role in the community.

This week, the sophomore campaign culminated in Jenner arriving to Houston to “do something” about the city’s “anti-trans message.”

First, though, Kris Jenner visited Caitlyn  house to celebrate Christmas … and face a key vote on being let into the girls’ night squad.

“We have a tradition at girls’ night,” Caitlyn told Kris.

“To get in you have to be voted on by the board.”

“I’m screwed,” Caitlyn Jenner’s ex-wife lamented.

Not the case, though! In a gesture of good will and growing warmth between the former spouses, she was voted in – unanimously at that.

She even got “an official girls’ night bracelet.” Aww.

Also, Cait and Candis Cayne were dared to kiss.

That was interesting, to put it mildly!

Meanwhile, those who know Caitlyn Jenner supports Ted Cruz could have predicted that her squad confronted her about this viewpoint.

Clearly, the election and the Republican presidential contender are polarizing topics, but that’s what makes them so interesting to debate.

There were bigger issues at stake this week, though. For example, Ella Giselle confronted her father about not accepting her initially.

This was deep, powerful stuff.

While I Am Cait cameras weren’t allowed to film inside the Houston church services they attended, the squad made its presence felt.

Jenny Boylan told Caitlyn:

“I thought that was interesting that in spite of the church’s very anti-trans message, many, many people wanted pictures of you.”

“Particularly people under the age of 13.”

“We went to two church services and the most lively, loving, cheering, happy response was when the parishioner saw that Caitlyn.”

Kate explained that their trip to Texas “was all worth it for the four-minute conversation that Caitlyn had with the reverend.”

“Caitlyn said to him, ‘I need you to know that your comments on that video are highly offensive to me and all trans people."”

“And no one has said that to his face before that.”

It was an emotional experience for all involved.

During the last meal with her squad (of the season, not in life – these girls are tight!) Caitlyn broke down crying, reflecting upon everything.

“We spent a lot of time together,” Caitlyn told her friends. “We poured our hearts out, we spoke with passion, hopefully some respect.”

“Have I made mistakes? Yeah but that’s OK, you learn from it and you move on. And I so appreciate your love and support, it’s been overwhelming.”

“You know we did good. I love you all.”

Friday, April 22, 2016

I Am Cait Finale Clip: Houston, You"ve Got a Problem!

Oh, Houston.

You"ve got a major problem on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 8.

In the following sneak peek from this Sunday"s I Am Cait season finale, we watch as Caitlyn Jenner and her friends attempt to expose a few bigots in Texas.

Allow Kate Bornstein to explain:

"We came to Houston to do something about this city"s response to the hatred, especially of five pastors, who turned an entire Human Rights Ordinance into a lie about bathrooms.

"Caitlyn"s idea was, "I"ll go see them and talk with them face to face.""

This topic is actually a hot button one around the country right now, with North Carolina recently having passed legislation that bans transgender individuals from using the bathroom of the gender with which they now identity themselves.

Former baseball pitcher Curt Schilling got fired by ESPN for sharing an offensive meme that mocked those in the LGBT community who wanted to use a different restroom.

We see Boylan call up a church in the clip below, only to be told that a pastor is unavailable.

"I"m a transgender woman who"s looking for a place to worship, would I be welcome at the service this evening?" Jenny asks.

When there"s no response on the other hand, Jenny hands the phone to Caitlyn.

Caitlyn identities herself… and the person on the other line hangs up!

"That"s actually all the more reason we need to go tonight," Caitlyn tells her friends.

Be sure to watch I Am Cait online or on television to see how this transpires on Sunday and check out the sneak peek now.

I am cait season finale clip houston youve got a problem

Monday, April 18, 2016

I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Jenner vs. Jenner

Sunday night on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 7, Caitlyn Jenner came face to face with Kris Jenner in an emotionally charged conversation.

You don’t have to watch I Am Cait online to grasp that there is major tension between the former spouses, and has been for awhile.

The transgender component merely amplified this. By a lot.

In any case, Caitlyn informed Kris that she not only changed her name and gender on her license, but also changed her birth certificate.

Kris was taken aback. “Wait a second, does this mean that he didn’t exist if you change the birth certificate? Wait was I ever married?”

Caitlyn’s response: “Yes we did all that. I like to think of it as that person still lives inside me and today I’m a better person because of it.”

The former Bruce Jenner also told his former wife that he cherishes that time and “going forward I would always want you in my life.”

“Maybe at some point we’ll renew our vows,” Cait joked.

As for the topic of Caitlyn Jenner gender confirmation surgery, she met with Dr. Marci Bowers to discuss everything which that entails.

“I have no idea what the future holds,” Jenner admitted.

“But it is really interesting to talk about my future and this issue with a doctor that’s intelligent and obviously been doing this for years.”

“So yeah there’s a lot of questions to be answered.”

In the end, not a lot of questions actually were answered, but this plot line served as an educational moment for both Cait and viewers.

Later, Cait sat down with her unlikely new BFF, the Lord himself, asking Scott Disick, “How are you doing with the whole holiday season?”

“It’s a little tough I mean obviously,” he said.

“Without having my parents and anybody on my side of the family and not really knowing if I’m going to spend it with Kourtney and the kids.”

“But I don’t want people to like take pity on me either and they’re just inviting me because they know that all my family’s dead.”

“You know, I just want people to invite me because they want to, not because they feel bad for me. So it’s hard in that way.”

“I’m obviously not drinking or doing drugs so I’m just alone with my thoughts every night and it’s tough. It’s a very tough feeling isolated.”

Scott revealed that his “dream” is to get back with Kourtney Kardashian and that he sees a “dramatic change” in Caitlyn “emotionally.”

While we never saw Scott’s deep connection to Caitlyn coming, in the end it can only be a good thing for the often-rudderless Lord.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Am Cait Super Trailer: Who"s Kissing Whom?

Those who watch I Am Cait online or on their television set witnessed Caitlyn Jenner coming face to face with Hillary Clinton last Sunday.

That was a bit awkward, wasn"t it? Considering Jenner has recently referred to the Presidential hopeful as a "liar?"

But it looks like things may soon get even awkward for Caitlyn, as a new trailer for the remainder of I Am Cait Season 2 features her kissing… Kris Jenner?!?


But, no, not like that.

On an upcoming episode of this E! reality series, Kris actually joins her ex-husband’s group of friends on a trip to Mardi Gras – and, while aboard a bus, the Jenners smooch on the lips while Caitlyn"s pals cheer them on.

We somehow doubt this will lead to a reconciliation, however.

We do later see the ex-couple sitting down to have a profound talk, however, with both sides committed to mending their broken relationship.

"I just want to apologize for the way I acted," Caitlyn says to Kris in the sneak peek. "It didn"t have to be that way."

How nice, right?

Far nicer than what Caitlyn has to say about Republican Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz.

Check out the preview below to find out what she thinks of his viewpoints on life.

I am cait super trailer whats on tap

Monday, March 28, 2016

It"s Scott vs. Caitlyn Jenner on I Am Cait!

Scott Disick is known as many things.

He"s the ex-boyfriend of Kourtney Kardashian. He"s the father of Mason, Penelope and Reign. He"s a douchebag.

Like we said, many things.

But Disick receives a new label in the following sneak peek, which comes to us from the upcoming episode of I Am Cait.

He gets dubbed an "honorary trans woman."

With Scott going through many obstacles in life these days, most of them related to his partying and drinking, he relishes the time he gets to spend next week on the E! reality show.

"I"ve been through a lot, he"s been through a lot…it"s how you come out the other side," Caitlyn says in the clip below of Disick.

Those who plan to watch I Am Cait online or on their television set will also hear Disick tell Jenner that he is there for her.

After what seems like a good talk, however, Disick gets angry at Caitlyn for seemingly ignoring him, storming out on what had initially been a calm and peaceful meal.

But is anything calm and peaceful when Disick is involved?

Watch the sneak peek here to see what Caitlyn tells her friends when an "upset" Scott leaves the table!

Scott disick dubbed honorary trans woman on i am cait

I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: When Caitlyn Met Hillary ...

Caitlyn Jenner came face to face with her political adversary Hillary Clinton Sunday night on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 4. The results?

As surprising as some of the primary elections so far in 2016 …

If you watch I Am Cait online, you know it’s politics season.

Yes, the presidential election is everywhere (only seven more months until it’s finally over!!!!) but it’s been a central theme on the show.

Even if you don’t watch it, you may have seen Jenner’s controversial comments regarding the ’16 campaign and her positions on the issues. 

Caitlyn supports Ted Cruz, but that’s not even all.

She’s gone so far as to call Hillary Clinton a liar, which made the former Secretary of State’s appearance last night all the more interesting.

Jenner and her friends hit Iowa’s Drake University for one of the Democratic debates, and conservative Caitlyn took Clinton to task.

“[We’ll] see all the free stuff Hillary gives out,” she said. “That’s all she does. She never says how we’re gonna pay for it, but…”

Caitlyn doesn’t #FeelTheBern either, of course.

Bernie Sanders, she says, is “just like Obama, he doesn’t really appreciate this country.” What does the former Olympian mean there?

“They keep talking about the top one percent … all these terrible people. I’m in the top one percent. I don’t even have Obamacare.”

“And I had to put $ 450,000 in there. The healthcare’s going to be worse,” she adds, “so I think we need a better tax structure.”

Hillary’s politics aside, she won Cait over, at least in part, when Jenner and her friends spoke enthusiastically about their road trip.

Clinton seemed thrilled, saying, “I just want you to have a great time and do great work,” and Jenner had to concede she was a fan.

The former First Lady and U.S. Senator, she said, was “very sweet” and undoubtedly would be “very good on transgender civil rights.”

Meanwhile, Caitlyn experienced some drama when confronted by a group of protesters claiming she doesn’t represent the trans community.

“Caitlyn Jenner, you are an insult to all trans people you don’t represent us,” said one woman. “You’re a disgrace to our community.”

“You have no right to speak for us.”

When Cait tried to put a hand on her shoulder and diffuse this, her friend lashed out, “Do not touch her. Don’t you f–king touch her!”

On the flip side, Jenner showed that some are moved and helped by her presence, giving advice to a 13-year-old gender queer teen:

“Surround yourself with positive people, uplifting people, people who want to see you do well. Anybody gives you any trash in your life?”

“Get ’em the hell out of your life.” 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

I Am Cait Clip: When Caitlyn Met Hillary...

Caitlyn Jenner is no fan of Hillary Clinton.

Those who watch I Am Cait online are well aware of this fact after Jenner went off on the Democratic front-runner recently, referring to her as a f-ckin liar.

So… what happened when Caitlyn actually met Hillary?!

We"ll find out on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 4.

It airs on March 27 and it features Jenner and her friends paying a visit to Caitlyn"s alma mater in Iowa. This gives them a chance to actually meet Clinton in her hotel following the Democratic debate at Drake University in Des Moines.

"We"re on the road dealing with trans issues across America," Caitlyn tells the Hillary prior to introducing her friends, including a very awestruck Candis Cayne.

"That"s great," Clinton replies. "I have to tell you, what"s happening around the world deserves your attention. I just want you guys to have a great time and do great work."

Caitlyn agrees and says that"s the goal of her and her team.

The meeting basically ends there… until Hillary actually sends a message to Kim Kardashian and company.

What does she have to say to Caitlyn"s family, with whom she has posed for multiple selfies?

Watch and find out!

I am cait clip when caitlyn met hillary

I Am Cait Facing Cancelation: Who Does Caitlyn Jenner Blame?

Ever since it debuted back in July of 2015, I Am Cait has been a ratings disappointment.

The show never managed to find anything close to a Kardashian-sized audience, and it’s been steadily losing viewers in season 2, with just 745,000 tuning in for the premiere, and the audience dropping shrinking from there.

“There’s buzz that the show could be canceled as early as next month,” a source close involved with production tells Radar Online. “Caitlyn is furious at the fact that her show is doing so poorly.”

Sources say Caitlyn is humiliated by the prospect of a midseason cancelation, so perhaps it’s not surprising that she’s refusing to accept responsibility for the show’s lackluster ratings.

As we reported earlier Caitlyn actually blames Kris Jenner for I Am Cait​’s struggles.

“Caitlyn seems to think that Kris is actually somehow doing something behind the scenes to affect the ratings,” says the insider.

“It looks like she is struggling to accept that she is not going to have the spotlight anymore and does not know what she is going to do once this is over.”

It’s probably a ridiculous allegation, but you never know with Kris.

The woman is a mastermind when it comes to reality TV, and we assume she’s capable of destroying shows as well as creating them from nothing.

In all likelihood, however, Caitlyn’s weird mix of trans activism and ultra-conservative politics only appeals to a very, very small demographic.

I Am Cait Facing Cancelation: Who Does Caitlyn Jenner Blame?

Ever since it debuted back in July of 2015, I Am Cait has been a ratings disappointment.

The show never managed to find anything close to a Kardashian-sized audience, and it’s been steadily losing viewers in season 2, with just 745,000 tuning in for the premiere, and the audience dropping shrinking from there.

“There’s buzz that the show could be canceled as early as next month,” a source close involved with production tells Radar Online. “Caitlyn is furious at the fact that her show is doing so poorly.”

Sources say Caitlyn is humiliated by the prospect of a midseason cancelation, so perhaps it’s not surprising that she’s refusing to accept responsibility for the show’s lackluster ratings.

As we reported earlier Caitlyn actually blames Kris Jenner for I Am Cait​’s struggles.

“Caitlyn seems to think that Kris is actually somehow doing something behind the scenes to affect the ratings,” says the insider.

“It looks like she is struggling to accept that she is not going to have the spotlight anymore and does not know what she is going to do once this is over.”

It’s probably a ridiculous allegation, but you never know with Kris.

The woman is a mastermind when it comes to reality TV, and we assume she’s capable of destroying shows as well as creating them from nothing.

In all likelihood, however, Caitlyn’s weird mix of trans activism and ultra-conservative politics only appeals to a very, very small demographic.

Monday, March 21, 2016

I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 3 Recap: Is Jenner Dating Men?

Last night on an all-new I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 3, the E! reality show focused a great deal on its transgender star’s dating life.

If you watch I Am Cait online, you know there’s a lot of time spent debating the complex and at times controversial issues of the day.

As it should be. The show and its acclaimed star have been educational on so many levels when it comes to the transgender community.

Sunday was no exception, as Candis Cayne getting stood up led to an in-depth discussion of what it’s like to date as a trans woman.

“My online dating experience so far has been dismal,” she told the cameras after the fact. “Honestly, I feel kinda embarrassed.”

“I’m alone waiting for somebody with a drink, and nobody’s showing up. It’s insulting. Why am I doing this to myself again?”

“I’m sick and tired of men who feel like they have the upper hand on trans women,” she went on. “F–k you. I’m sorry, I’m over it.”

Fortunately, Candis worked through her frustration, and allowed herself to think outside the box a bit with regard to the dating pool.

As for Caitlyn Jenner? Life is complicated in this regard.

“I am not comfortable with doing this,” she said during the a salsa class in which she was approached to partake with male dancers.

“Having a bunch of guys here so we dance with guys … that ain’t happening. That picture’s gonna go all over the world.”

“My kids … I don’t want my kids to see that.” 

Caitlyn admitted to Canis that she’s scared of rejection, that men “wanna have sex with you, but they don’t wanna be seen with you.”

She also worried about Kendall and Kylie Jenner, explaining, “I think it would be confusing for them and I don’t want to confuse them.”

On the plus side, Caitlyn received her new driver’s license, complete with the “Female” gender, thanks to Kim and Kourtney Kardashian.

Who helped her get a good photo, natch.

“For Kourtney and Kim to come in and be at my side, and to have that process done for me, was really important,” she said.

The moment was truly symbolic and emblematic of so many things for the Olympic champion, she reflected at one point.

“It’s almost like a whole part of my life, like kinda throwing old Bruce out the door,” she told her friends while getting choked up.

“He was a very good person. Did a lot of good things in his life. And sometimes, I feel like maybe he didn’t deserve to be gone.”

“He just wasn’t me.”

Finally, Cait flew to NYC to accept Glamour Magazine’s Woman of the Year honors, which was a huge success for all involved.

Well, maybe not Kylie Jenner‘s stylist.

“She’s had a wardrobe malfunction, so I gotta do the red carpet all by myself,” Caitlyn said. “And to be honest with you, that is very scary.”

Kylie explained that her dress “ripped all the way down my ass … my vagina was out. Not my boob. Not my butt crack. My vagina.”

Easy, Tyga.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I Am Cait Clip: Why Doesn"t Caitlyn Want to Dance?

Caitlyn Jenner will be faced with an uncomfortable situation on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 3.

Simply put, the transgender star is refusing to take Lady Gaga"s advice and just dance.

For what reason?

As you"ll see below, Jenner walks into a studio with very close friend Candis Cayne, but it taken aback when she learns that she"s expected to dance with men for this class.

"I am not comfortable with doing this," Caitlyn says in the following clip. "Having a bunch of guys here so we dance with guys."

Coyne doesn"t push the issue, but Caitlyn goes on to explain why.

She thinks pictures of her getting close with those of her former gender would go viral and she"s afraid of what this would do to Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner and her kids.

It seems like somewhat of a random concern. This is just Salsa dancing and what not.

But we"re not about to criticize Caitlyn for thinking of her children above all else.

What does Candis think about Caitlyn"s response?

You"ll find out when you watch I Am Cait online or on television next week, but she says here that Caitlyn "hasn"t really embraced those sides of her feminine self yet."

It"s true. Caitlyn Jenner is definitely torn over whether to date or dance with men.

Check out the video now:

I am cait clip why doesnt caitlyn want to dance

I Am Cait Clip: Why Doesn"t Caitlyn Want to Dance?

Caitlyn Jenner will be faced with an uncomfortable situation on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 3.

Simply put, the transgender star is refusing to take Lady Gaga"s advice and just dance.

For what reason?

As you"ll see below, Jenner walks into a studio with very close friend Candis Cayne, but it taken aback when she learns that she"s expected to dance with men for this class.

"I am not comfortable with doing this," Caitlyn says in the following clip. "Having a bunch of guys here so we dance with guys."

Coyne doesn"t push the issue, but Caitlyn goes on to explain why.

She thinks pictures of her getting close with those of her former gender would go viral and she"s afraid of what this would do to Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner and her kids.

It seems like somewhat of a random concern. This is just Salsa dancing and what not.

But we"re not about to criticize Caitlyn for thinking of her children above all else.

What does Candis think about Caitlyn"s response?

You"ll find out when you watch I Am Cait online or on television next week, but she says here that Caitlyn "hasn"t really embraced those sides of her feminine self yet."

It"s true. Caitlyn Jenner is definitely torn over whether to date or dance with men.

Check out the video now:

I am cait clip why doesnt caitlyn want to dance

Monday, March 14, 2016

I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: Woman of the Year

Sunday on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 2, Jenner’s political beliefs came under fire once again on the girls’ road trip across the nation.

You don’t have to watch I Am Cait online to know where Caitlyn stands these days, as Jenner’s outspoken views have made headlines.

After all, before the episode even aired, we knew Caitlyn supports Ted Cruz and calls Hillary Clinton a f–king liar and political hack.

Caitlyn railed against the Democratic stalwart and seemed to semi-endorse Donald Trump, which her friends balked at to say the least.

“I think he’d be very good for woman’s issues,” Cait said. “I don’t think he’s out there to destroy women or any of that kinda stuff.”

Most of Caitlyn’s friends literally walked out on her at that point, while Jenny Boylan summed up their thoughts thusly: “Kill me now.” 

Jenner, who was just named Glamour Woman of the Year, admitted that “I disagree and I get a little bit excited when I disagree.”

“Sometimes I get very passionate about it, and the old Bruce comes in,” Cait added, noting that she can get a little “aggressive.”

Politics gets her fired up, what can she say.

In the end, she agreed that she needs to work on her “feminine side” when it comes to listening skills, and things simmered down.

It wasn’t just national politics that caused tensions to erupt, however, as Caitlyn is still new to the internal politics in the trans community.

A conversation about the word “tranny” came up, and Kate Bornstein drew fire when she said she refers to herself as a “tranny” with pride.

Jenny, conversely, views it as a slur.

“It’s a word I associate with beatings, being diminished, being on the receiving end of violence,” Boylan explained to her friends.

“Somebody grabbed me by the neck, used that word and other words, dragged me around by my neck for about a half hour.”

“And finally dropped me, and I lay there on the ground unable to move,” she added. “Words can hurt as much as violence can.”

Horrifying. Jenny and Kate ended up agreeing to disagree, and the whole crew moved on to a truly unifying, inspiring moment:

The Mayor of Santa Fe, N.M., put a gender neutral sign on a public bathroom, and they were all on hand for this equality victory.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: Blaming Kris Jenner For Low I Am Cait Ratings?

There was a time when it seemed it unlikely that Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show I Am Cait would get renewed for a second season

Ratings were low, and Jenner seemed to have squandered whatever goodwill she may have built up over the past year by expressing her controversial views on the plight of other members of the trans community.

On Sunday night, however, I Am Cait Season 2 premiered on E!, and as many industry insiders predicted, the ratings were disastrous.

The show pulled in just 745,000 viewers, a loss of more than 500,000 from its season one finale.

If the decline continues, Jenner will likely suffer the embarrassment of a mid-season cancelation.

Fortunately, Caitlyn knows just who to blame, and no, it’s not herself for bizarrely defending Ted Cruz as some sort of trans advocate.

Just like she did last season, Caitlyn is blaming Kris Jenner for her low ratings.

According to Radar Online, Caitlyn thinks Kris criticized her interviews in the weeks leading up the show’s premiere as a means of sabotaging the series.

In fairness, Kris did say she was “confused” by Caitlyn in an interview on Ellen last week, but frankly, we don’t think Caitlyn needed any help sabotaging her show. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

I Am Cait Recap: Is Jenner a Lesbian ... and a Republican?

Caitlyn Jenner is back! On I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 1, the reality star and newly-minted transgender icon returned for more adventures.

If you watch I Am Cait online or have followed the journey of the former Bruce Jenner at all, then the Season 2 premiere did not disappoint.

Jenner’s road trip with friends contained a mixture of lighter and serious moments, most notably a discussion of Cait’s political views.

She remains a staunch Republican, despite becoming a transgender role model, something many of her friends cannot comprehend.

Ah yes, such is the life of Caitlyn Jenner these days.

Mentors Jennifer Finney Boylan and Candis Cayne may be excited to see the Grand Canyon, but their journey is much bigger than that.

Fun as it is, much of the bus trip is spent trying to get Jenner to open up about more profound issues, such as politics and sexuality.

Regarding the latter, what is her orientation now?

What levels of attraction does she feel these days? Does she gravitate toward men or women? These are hard questions for anyone.

For Cait, she either can’t answer conclusively because she doesn’t fully know (understandable), or she’s playing it close to the vest.

She’s a bit more forthcoming when it comes to her old-school Republican views, which come as a shock to her transgender friends. 

Republicans, in Caitlyn’s view, are the party most concerned with a strong economy, and making sure all Americans are gainfully employed.

As for Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton?

“She could care less about women. She cares about herself,” Caitlyn says, to the surprise (and abject horror) of her road trip companions.

In a recent interview with The Advocate, we learned that Caitlyn Jenner supports Ted Cruz, despite differing opinions on trans issues.

All of which raises some interesting points:

Does Caitlyn’s gender identity mean she must sacrifice political principles she acquired as Bruce, and in many cases, still believes in?

If she believes Ted Cruz would be the best president for all people, despite some deep disagreements, isn’t it her duty to vote that way?

Regardless of her views, or anyone’s views, isn’t being open-minded enough not to think in absolutes something we should all respect?

All we can tell you for sure is that our last road trip with friends didn’t get this deep, but we’re glad to be along for the ride again with Cait.

Monday, February 22, 2016

I Am Cait Season 2 Trailer: What’s Next?

Caitlyn Jenner is about to be back.

And better than ever?

It sure does appear that way, based on our first look at I Am Cait Season 2.

New episodes of this E! reality series will premiere on Sunday, March 6 and feature this transgender star clearly more comfortable in her skin than when we would watch I Am Cait online throughout Season 1.

This time around, the program will follow Caitlyn as she embarks on a cross-country road trip with her girlfriends and LGBT activists.

It looks like she will also party in New Orleans with ex-wife Kris Jenner, while often discussing her sexual orientation and political views.

Elsewhere, Kim Kardashian supports Caitlyn during an important milestone (her new DMV photo!), while Kendall Jenner jokingly says her dad is “mad.”

At one emotional point, we also see Caitlyn mourn the loss of her former identity and get criticized for her take on same-sex marriage.

Will she ever date a woman again?

That question is answer below.

Check out the first extended trailer for I Am Cait Season 2 and prepare to tune in on Sunday, March 6 at 9/8c on E!.

Are you excited to take a road trip with Caitlyn Jenner?

I am cait season 2 trailer whats next

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I Am Cait Season 2: Confirmed by E!

The rumor of I Am Cait Season 2 has turned into a confirmed reality.

A month after word leaked that E! had picked up the series for a second season, the star herself has come out and issued a statement.

“I’m looking forward to continuing the conversation,” Caitlyn Jenner said in a statement today.

I Am Cait debuted in July to 3.9 million viewers, but that figure dropped by 700,000 households after just one episode.

While ratings failed to match those of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, though, Caitlyn has only seen her national profile gain momentum over the past several months.

She just signed on, in fact, for a five-city motivational speaking tour.

“Caitlyn’s story has ignited a global conversation on the transgender community on a scale that has never been seen before,” said E! EVP, programming and development, Jeff Olde.

“We are honored Caitlyn has chosen to continue to share her ongoing evolution with our viewers around the world.”

Jenner, of course, came out as a woman in an interview with Diane Sawyer in late April and then in a subsequent Vanity Fair photo spread.

She is considered a trendsetter and a role model in the LGBT community.

No word yet on when new episodes of I Am Cait will air, but original word said the series would return some time this spring.

Until then, you can always visit our friends at TV Fanatic and watch I Am Cait online.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner: Quitting Reality TV After I Am Cait Flop?

From the time it was announced that Caitlyn Jenner would star in a reality show about the difficulties faced by transgender individuals, it was assumed that the series would be a massive hit on par with Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Unfortunately, I Am Cait received disappointing ratings, and there were even rumors of a midseason cancelation that would’ve been tremendously embarrassing for Caitlyn.

The show rallied a bit toward the end of its debut run, thanks in part to the much-hyped first meeting between Caitlyn and Kris Jenner

It seems unlikely that Cait and company will be able to ensure another ratings bonanza stunt in season two, but even so, Radar Online is reporting that the E! network is willing to take a chance by ordering more episodes of I Am Cait.

The only question is:

Will Caitlyn sign on for another go-round knowing that she runs the risk of both getting the axe from the network and further damaging her relationships with her kids?

“There are talks with Caitlyn and Candis Cayne, as well as a few of their friends, for a new upcoming show, and E! should have something solid in place after the fall season,” a source close to the show tells Radar Online.

Unexpectedly good news for Caitlyn, but the insider says she’s told execs that she needs “a breather” from reality TV and is planning an indefinite hiatus.

“I Am Cait really pushed Caitlyn farther away from her family than she had ever wanted,” says the source. “Every single one of Caitlyn’s children are so glad that the show is finally off the air and that it is over.”

Insiders claim Caitlyn is deeply divided on the issue, as another season could be great for her career – or it might be a horrible embarrassment that could tear her family apart.

At the end of the day, of course, Caitlyn is a Jenner, so we’re guessing she’ll be on board as long as she thinks she’ll have an audience.

Monday, September 14, 2015

I Am Cait Finale Recap: Jenner Rips Ex, Finds God

On Sunday’s season finale of I Am Cait, the emotional and spiritual journey of Caitlyn Jenner reached its peak on the E! television network.

She clashed with ex-wife Kris, but found a higher power.

Whereas last week was a mere tease of the Kris-Caitlyn showdown, I Am Cait Season 1 Epsiode 8 was the main event. It didn’t disappoint.

The long and short of it: Kris is pissed about the content of Caitlyn’s landmark Vanity Fair article, while Cait feels that Kris abandoned her.

In Vanity Fair, Cait insinuated that their marriage ended because Kris did not accept her transgender identity, and “mistreated” her in life.

Kris denies, and is devastated by this, but Cait insists it ended 80 percent due to drama and 20 percent due to her lack of acceptance.

Caitlyn, in Kris’ view, doesn’t treat her own family with this newfound “sensitivity” people adore her for, but Cait stands by her VF quotes.

As for the fact that Cait was not invited to Kylie Jenner’s graduation party, she is PISSED about the snub, and Kris doesn’t deny doing it.

“I didn’t want to communicate with you and be angry,” she said.

Fortunately, rather than letting this deteriorate further and devolve into bitterness, they agree to work on their relationship, and move on.

It clearly won’t be romantic and it won’t even be free of tension, but at least they took a selfie together and buried the hatchet somewhat.

In all seriousness, things could have been a whole lot worse.

If you watch I Am Cait online, you’ve seen Caitlyn struggle at times to get to know the LGBT community and what its members are all about.

Ironically, Cait is the best known transgender person in the world, despite being one of the newest, and most unique – almost an outsider.

In her defense, it’s inherently complicated. Spirituality and religion are complex issues that many in the community can’t come to grips with.

Activist Allyson Robinson, who is both deeply religious and trans, looks at religion and God not as enemies, as some might think they are.

“God doesn’t love us in spite of who we are, God loves us because of who we are,” she says of the support system she hopes they will find.

The episode, and season, conclude around a “renaming” ceremony for Caitlyn, and for Jenner and her squad, it’s cause for celebration.

What’s in a name? Only reinventing her entire image and devoting herself to educating people about being transgender, including herself.

There have been plenty of ups and downs and she is not the perfect role model, but the fact of the matter is, Caitlyn is groundbreaking.

“The transgender community, this is my place and this is where I belong,” she says, and we could not be happier to have joined on this ride.