Showing posts with label You've. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You've. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Adam Silver To Dana White, You"ve Got To Punish Khabib!

Adam Silver says he’s “counting his lucky stars” that he’s not in Dana White’s shoes … but tells TMZ Sports the UFC honcho HAS to punish Khabib for the brawl he ignited at UFC 229. We got the NBA commish leaving Michael’s in NYC … and he…


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ohio State Legend to Michigan, Don"t Talk Crap, You"ve Had Scandals Too

University of Michigan fans shouldn’t point their fingers at Ohio State over the Urban Meyer scandal, ‘cause the Maize & Blue don’t exactly have clean hands either … so says an ex-OSU football star. Buckeye legend Shawn Springs — the #3 pick…


Ohio State Legend to Michigan, Don"t Talk Crap, You"ve Had Scandals Too

University of Michigan fans shouldn’t point their fingers at Ohio State over the Urban Meyer scandal, ‘cause the Maize & Blue don’t exactly have clean hands either … so says an ex-OSU football star. Buckeye legend Shawn Springs — the #3 pick…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Annabelle Fox in "You"ve Got Mail" "Memba Her?!

Hallee Hirsh is best known for playing the adorable aunt Annabelle Fox — opposite her on-screen nephew Tom Hanks — in the classic 1998 rom com ‘You’ve Got Mail.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

You"ve Never Seen An Animal Attack Like THIS Before

We"re guessing you"ve seen quite a few signs such as the one below in your time:

It makes sense that drivers would be warned of a possible deer crossing because these animals can actually do a great deal of damage to vehicles, big and small.

However, sign makers around the world may need to soon get to work on another deer-related sign, one that warns not of deer about to cross the road…

… but of cross deer about to seriously mess people up!

On April 1, 25-year old British Columbia resident Cary McCook was getting out of his co-worker’s passenger seat when he was positively demolished by a sprinting deer.

He was destroyed. He was bulldozed. He flattened and wrecked and effectively devoured right on the spot.

Not literally, of course. The deer did not eat McCook. But it took his figurative lunch in one of the most epic animal takedowns we"ve ever witnessed.

The thing is, this attack took place on April Fool"s Day.

And with websites out there trying to get readers to believe in an actual Beygency – among other jokes, lies and pranks – Cary"s friends didn"t believe that he actually got gored by a deer

But then a hotel near the sight of this incident supplied McCook with surveillance footage of the assault… and here you have it.

It really did happen.

McCook is an aspiring rapper in a group named "Reka-Nation" and he told a Canadian news network that he plans to write a rap song about his encounter.

So this isn"t the last time you"ll hear about it.

We"re guessing this won"t be the only time you watch tape of the destruction, either. One viewing of this massacre simply won"t cut it.

But get the experience started now:

Deer demolishes man in canada sends message to rest of the world

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Tyga -- Happy Birthday ... You"ve Been Served! (VIDEO)

Tyga’s birthday was full of surprises Friday night … he got himself a brand new lawsuit, and it was even hand delivered. Kylie’s BF rolled into Penthouse nightclub in WeHo when a guy popped out of nowhere and served him with legal docs.  The…


Friday, September 2, 2016

You"ve NEVER Seen Ellen and Oprah Like This Before!

Ellen DeGeneres will kick off Season 14 of her talk show on Tuesday in most unusual fashion.

And we mean MOST unusual fashion.

Not exactly known for making like Kim Kardashian and taking her clothes off very often (or at all) in public, Ellen went ahead and shocked viewers with a parody of Magic Mike.

She and a few famous friends taped a preview for a fake movie titled "Magic Michelle," with Ellen taking on the title character.

Who else appeared in the video?

There was Olivia Munn as "Honeydew" and Jenna Dewan Tatum as "Peppermint" and Chrissy Teigen as "Linda Peterson" and Oprah Winfrey as an unnamed character who came in and did a split.

Wait… WHAT?!?

Yes, Oprah Winfrey came in and did a split.

She does have a new body to show off, remember.

"Hillary"s not the only one bringing women to the poles," states the film"s amazing tagline.

What prompted this faux movie trailer?

"I thought it would be a good idea to have Jenna teach me some dance moves," DeGeneres said on air, giving Dewan Tatum some choreography credit.

"She kept telling me to drop it way down low, so now my down low hurts really really bad!"

Ellen also joked that she has a new respect for the profession parodied in the following piece of footage.

"My knees are black and blue. I have a new respect for stripers. Give them more than singles you guys," she quipped.

Channing Tatum, of course, who starred in Magic Mike, based the film on his real, former life as a male stripper.

The Ellen premiere takes place on Tuesday, September 6.

The series simply put this video online ahead of time to drum up interest.

Look for Tatum to appear on Tuesday"s premiere, along with the cast of his new Las Vegas show "Magic Mike Live."

Oprah and Olympian Simone Biles will also swing by for interviews.


Ellen degeneres strips down for new season previews magic michel

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

You"ve Never Seen a Bridal Walk Like THIS Before

WARNING: The following video will make you cry.

This doesn"t mean you shouldn"t watch it. But it"s worth noting.

Earlier this month, Jeni Stepien got married in Pennsylvania.

But we aren’t saying you will cry while watching her nuptials just because weddings can be emotional.

No, we’re saying this because Jeni lost her father 10 years ago. And a man named Arthur Thomas was given his heart as part of an organ donation.

Prior to exchanging vows with the man she loves, Jeni was given a chance to feel her dad’s heart beating inside of Thomas for the first time.

“Can you feel it?” Thomas asks her in a video filmed by Pittsburgh TV station KDKA.

She tearfully holds his wrist and chest and quietly nods. Yes, she does feel it.

Michael Stepien was murdered in a 2006 robbery when his daughter was 23 years old.

After he spent 24 hours on life support, the family accepted his death and donated his organs, Jeni explained to The Huffington Post.

At that time, Thomas (referred to a "Tom" by the family members) was living in New Jersey, having been on the transplant list for a decade.

“He was going to die if he did not receive a new heart in the next several days,” Stepien told HuffPost via email Sunday.

“Tom received my father’s heart within the next 48 hours.”

After Tom wrote a letter of gratitude to the Stepiens, the families kept in touch via more letters and the occasional phone call.

With Jeni set to get married, it seemed like the ideal time to meet.

“When my fiancé proposed, one of the first things I thought of was ‘but who will walk me down the aisle?’ I could think of nobody more meaningful than Tom,” she said.

“My fiancé suggested I write him a letter; that way Tom would feel in no way obligated or pressured by my request.”

In sharing her story on Facebook, Jeni wrote the following of her wedding:

It truly was the best day of MY ENTIRE LIFE!

To be able to bring my dad home and have him at my wedding was an absolute dream COME TRUE! Not to mention that being married to the best person that was hand picked just for me was beyond words the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I am blessed beyond words to share our story!

Truly amazing stuff.

Watch the tear-inducing aisle walk below:

Bride walks down the aisle by man who received her fathers heart

Monday, May 16, 2016

You"ve Never Seen a Baseball Fight Like THIS Before

So… you think baseball is a boring, non-contact sport, do you?

Okay, granted: you"re typically right in this assessment.

But give Rougned Odor and Jose Bautista a chance to change your mind.

On Sunday afternoon Globe Life Park in Arlington, Texas, Rangers pitcher Matt Bush hit the Blue Jays slugger with a pitch.

So Bautista took first base.

Later that inning, he went in to break up a double play, sliding late and extremely hard into Odor just as the second baseman gathered the relay throw for a double play.

Odom bounced right up and went after Bautista, which is not an altogether unusual sight.

Major League Baseball recently instituted rules against sliding in such a violent manner and players have certainly brawled in the past as a result of this sort of maneuver.

But never like this before.

Because Odor went ahead and punched Bautista right smack dab in the face. And we mean it: The guy really landed his haymaker.

Bautista, who stumbled back but somehow remained upright, admitted after the game that he was trying to send a message with his slide.

“I had a hard slide at second base. I could have injured [Odor, but] I chose not to,” he told reporters. “I tried to send a message that I didn’t appreciate getting hit.”

Benches emptied both during this crazy altercation again later in the contest when Texas first baseman Prince Fielder was hit by a pitch from Jesse Chavez.

Odor and Bautista were both ejected, along with numerous other plays and coaches. 

Expect plenty of suspensions to follow as well.

Oh, and the Rangers went on to win the game 7-6. But who cares about that?!?

“It was ugly and unfortunate,” Blue Jays manager Gibbons said. “To me, it was gutless."

Check out The Punch Heard " Round the Sports World now:

Rougned odor punches jose bautista in the face

Friday, April 22, 2016

I Am Cait Finale Clip: Houston, You"ve Got a Problem!

Oh, Houston.

You"ve got a major problem on I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 8.

In the following sneak peek from this Sunday"s I Am Cait season finale, we watch as Caitlyn Jenner and her friends attempt to expose a few bigots in Texas.

Allow Kate Bornstein to explain:

"We came to Houston to do something about this city"s response to the hatred, especially of five pastors, who turned an entire Human Rights Ordinance into a lie about bathrooms.

"Caitlyn"s idea was, "I"ll go see them and talk with them face to face.""

This topic is actually a hot button one around the country right now, with North Carolina recently having passed legislation that bans transgender individuals from using the bathroom of the gender with which they now identity themselves.

Former baseball pitcher Curt Schilling got fired by ESPN for sharing an offensive meme that mocked those in the LGBT community who wanted to use a different restroom.

We see Boylan call up a church in the clip below, only to be told that a pastor is unavailable.

"I"m a transgender woman who"s looking for a place to worship, would I be welcome at the service this evening?" Jenny asks.

When there"s no response on the other hand, Jenny hands the phone to Caitlyn.

Caitlyn identities herself… and the person on the other line hangs up!

"That"s actually all the more reason we need to go tonight," Caitlyn tells her friends.

Be sure to watch I Am Cait online or on television to see how this transpires on Sunday and check out the sneak peek now.

I am cait season finale clip houston youve got a problem

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Bachelor"s Olivia Caridi to Haters: "You"ve Made Me Stronger Than Ever"

Fans of The Bachelor know that every season, there’s a villain, and this season’s villain was 23-year-old news anchor Olivia Caridi.

On Monday’s episode, much to the joy of fans and most certainly the other contestants vying for that final rose, bachelor Ben Higgins gave villain Olivia the axe. 


Olivia had angered the other ladies with her arrogance, standoffishness and rude comments, and after some of them complained to Ben about her evil ways, he began to question his once-strong feelings for her.

Because The Bachelor loves an over-dramatized diss, Ben left a dejected and teary-eyed Olivia stranded on a desert island (seriously) as he rode off into the horizon on a speedboat with Emily.

Now that she’s off the show, Olivia is speaking out about her experience.

She posted a photo to Instagram of herself with her BFF on that desert island in the same swimsuit she wore on the show, looking pretty damn happy, we must say.

In the caption, she shared the grueling experiences she had on the island after being abandoned:

“So I’d like to thank my best friend @rachelantigua for renting a kayak and picking me up on the island in the Bahamas. It was very cold out there for a while, I just made a tent with some of the rocks near the blowhole and slept near some sea crabs and turtles for comfort and friendship. I caught fish with my hands for meals. It was very difficult. But my friend just anchored near the shore days later and we floated back to the mainland during sunset. It was idyllic.”

Olivia’s got jokes! Even if you loathed her, you kinda gotta love her for making light of what seemed like a pretty shitty situation, even for a woman who compared her fellow contestant to a Teen Mom.

Since Olivia was cast as this season’s shrew, she had her share of haters, and she now has a message for them:

“But for real — thank you to the lovers and supporters, both friends and strangers, who have reached out. I am eternally grateful. For the haters, you’ve made me stronger than ever before. The girls on this show see your comments and they have feelings. Think twice before sending an insensitive message. Words hurt, and they kill, too. Don’t be mean behind the screen. #AntiBullyingMonth”

Now, this sounds like an entirely different Olivia than the one we saw on the show. Because love her or hate her, that was a pretty solid thing to write. 

Certainly her detractors will accuse her of simply trying to make herself look good, but hey, it’s still a positive message and she’s not just talking about herself.

She closed her comment on a high note, admitting that she’d made mistakes and she’s owning up to them, but moving ahead.

“This has been one of the most interesting experiences of my life. I’ve learned a lot about myself. Good things and tough lessons. We’re all human. We make mistakes. Learn from them. Let them make you wiser. Be imperfect, flawed, and quirky. And own it. Never trade your authenticity for approval. Don’t be afraid to stand alone. Anyway, rant over. Can’t wait for adventures ahead!”

This is probably one of the most mature responses that could’ve been offered after such an experience. We don’t know if a publicist wrote it or she’s enlisting her journalistic knowledge on how to shape public opinion, but we have to admit, the girl did it right.

If you’re the type who likes to skip to the back of the book to know the ending, check out our Bachelor spoilers (yeah, we know what happens). 

Monday, December 7, 2015

You"ve Never Seen Santa Claus Do THIS Before

According to some critics out there, Starbucks does not grasp the true meaning of Christmas.

But the Santa Claus featured in the following video most assuredly does.

He’s hanging out at Cleveland Centre, a shopping mall in Middlesbrough, England and he’s doing what most men dressed as Saint Nick of this time of year:

Spending time with little kids and listening to their list of Christmas present demands/wishes.

Except this Saint Nick is not like most of the others out there: he knows how to use sign language… and that"s about to come in handy.

As you can see below, the mother apologizes at the outset of her daughter"s lap visit because her child "can"t talk very well," but Santa Claus isn"t dismayed by this unfortunate fact.

"Can she sign at all?" he asks in response.

Yes, the mother replies, she"s just learning how to do so.

What follows is a heartwarming exchange with a nary a word uttered. It"s all sign language all the time and it makes us smile every time we check it out.

We can"t get enough of this interaction.

(NOTE: This is not the real Santa Claus, people. We all know that the real Santa Claus sends out representatives to various malls around the country and they then report back with what millions of children want under their tree.)

Check out the moving footage now, courtesy of our friends at My Fanatic:

Santa claus shares heartwarming moment with hearing impaired chi

Thursday, November 19, 2015

You"ve Never Seen Jennifer Lawrence Like This Before

No, we did not need another reason to fall in love with Jennifer Lawrence.

We"ve got plenty of reasons to adore the Oscar-winning actress already.

But Lawrence was kind enough to provide us with another one on Wednesday night, appearing as a guest on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

Did she talk a bit about Katniss Everdeen and saying goodbye to this character after filming The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2? Yes, of course.

But whatever. Let"s table that discussion for a moment.

Because Fallon also asked Lawrence if she had heard about this "infomercial that airs at 3 a.m. with these two people in it that look just like you and me."

Yes, Jennifer said. She heard of it.

It"s an instructional dance video that features two people named Des and Dash, right?

Yup, right she is. And it turns out that Fallon had a copy of this commercial on hand. What luck!

You simply need to sit back now and check it out below.

How else will you see what insane outfits Fallon and Lawrence are wearing? How else will you learn the moves of such dances as peekabo-a-choo or the soon-to-be famous brow-brow-chicken-cow?

We have no idea where Fallon comes up with this stuff. But we"re forever grateful that he does.

Jennifer lawrence and jimmy fallon dance for fake infomercial