Showing posts with label Bridal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridal. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Meghan Markle Bridal Shower: Details Revealed

In a little over two months, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will tie the knot in what is bound to be a beautiful spring wedding.

Adoring fans will be delighted to know that Markle has already gone through the bridal shower ritual.

Now we know the details of what went down at this private affair, and this all sounds beautifully majestic.

Since the November announcement that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are engaged, the world’s delighted obsession with this royal couple has only grown.

Now, E! reports the details of Meghan Markle’s bridal shower. It apparently took place at Soho Farmhouse in Oxfordshire.

Their source reveals:

“Markus Anderson has helped throw the shower for Meghan and a small group of mostly her London friends.”

And it sounds like it was the sort of bridal shower that everyone would enjoy.

“It’s just a relaxing day of good food and pampering.”

It turns out that you can get treated like a princess, just by being friends with a … future Duchess.

Soho Farmhouse sits on 100 acres of beautiful British countryside.

Oxfordshire is perhaps best known as a place to get a world-class education — at Oxford. But the area’s economy is also heavily impacted by the tourism industry.

This is a place with picturesque rolling hills of grass with sparse, low-lying trees dotting the landscape without obstructing one’s view.

Soho Farmhouse itself is a member’s club where guests can enjoy amenities such as spas, tennis courts, and a movie theater.

(The movie theater is called a cinema because, you know, it’s British)

MegMar had a number of friends in attendance, including Lindsay Jill Roth and Heather Dorak.

There are friends and then there are friends so near and dear that you invite them to your bridal shower and they actually make the journey to attend.

Markle’s mother, Doria Radlan, was not there for the bridal shower.

That’s not so unusual — in some families, half of the attendees are relative. For others, it’s a time to go (reasonably) wild with friends.

Radlan will however be at Meghan Markle’s bachelorette party, which will be more low-key though it won’t be a somber occasion.

There is one very serious even coming up on Markle’s schedule, however.

Later this week, Meghan Markle will be baptized and confirmed in the Church of England.

(Her mother will be there for that — and so will her father, Thomas Markle)

This religious event will take place in the Kensington Palace chapel, and be performed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

The history of the Church of England has been intrinsically linked to the monarchy and Royal Family since the Church’s separation from papal authority in 1534 under the “guidance” of King Henry VIII.

For some — even for those girls who dreamt of growing up and marrying their Ginger Prince — a conversion like that would be a deal-breaker.

The fact that Markle is going through with it goes to show exactly how in love she is with Harry.

The royal wedding itself will be open to 2,640 members of the public. The crowd will be the equivalent of a large high school attend the ceremony, which is a wholesome gesture.

Truly, Harry is committed to the idea that the Royal Family belongs to the People.

Despite the racist hate crime perpetrated against Meghan Markle, they know that the majority are happy for them and eager to witness a part of British Royal history.

The wedding itself will take place in St. George’s Chapel. 

A royal wedding in a place named after a man credited with slaying a dragon — that’s about as close to a fairytale wedding as you can get.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Molly Roloff Celebrates Bridal Shower: See the Beautiful Photos!

Get ready to say goodbye to Miss Roloff …

… and hello to Mrs. Joel Silvius!

Little People, Big World fans have missed Molly Roloff since she went off to college and became less of a presence on the TLC show.

But with just weeks to go until her wedding, the family threw her a beautiful bridal shower – and shared gorgeous photos of it to boot.

"So my seestor gets married in 22 days. If you can"t tell by this photo I"m extremely excited," sister-in-law Tori Roloff captioned one shot.

Tori, who"s married to Molly"s brother Zach, was joined by her other sister-in-law Audrey Roloff (who married her brother Jeremy Roloff).

Isabel Rock, who is dating Molly"s younger brother Jacob Roloff, was also in attendance, and gushed about the event on social media.

"Yesterday we celebrated a very special lady who is getting married in 21 days. Love all of these beautiful women," she wrote.

Audrey added, "Celebrating the bride to be!"

"I"m so stoked to stand by you on the day you become one with Joel, and to continue standing by you both for the rest of your lives."

Of course, no one was prouder than Molly"s mom Amy, who shared some touching thoughts on her only daughter"s upcoming nuptials.

"This girl! Molly Jo is one awesome beautiful woman. What a wonderful weekend sharing with her … bridal shower and all," Amy gushed.

"Making final wedding plans today [before] she takes off for Spokane today. Can"t believe my girl is going to be married in about 20 days."

"I"m so so happy for her," Amy Roloff added.

See all the photos from the event below!

1. Welcome to Molly’s Shower!

Welcome to mollys shower

The bride-to-be and her family all looked so happy, which is all that really matters in the end. But the decor was on point too.

2. Molly and Tori Roloff

Molly and tori roloff

Tori Roloff is so excited for Molly to join the marriage club!

3. Roloff Mom and Sisters!

Roloff mom and sisters

Amy Roloff celebrating the bridal shower with her soon to be married daughter Molly, her daughters in law Tori and Audrey, and Jacob’s girlfriend Isabel.

4. Amy and Molly Roloff

Amy and molly roloff

Amy and Molly Roloff in a sweet moment from her bridal shower.

5. Woman of the Hour

Woman of the hour

Bride-to-be Molly Roloff at her bridal shower in July 2017.

6. Tori and Molly Roloff

Tori and molly roloff

Tori and Molly Roloff at the latter’s bridal shower. Only three more weeks!

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 29, 2016

"Say Yes to the Dress" Bridal Shop Sued For Not Refunding $12k Dress

The bridal shop featured on TLC’s hit TV show “Say Yes to the Dress” gave a woman the wrong size gown for her wedding, yet wouldn’t refund her thousands of bucks … so she claims in a new lawsuit. Randi Siegel-Friedman just filed suit against…


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Chelsea Houska: Inside The Teen Mom Star"s Bridal Shower!

Before she says “I Do” to fiance Cole DeBoer, Chelsea Houska was thrown a bridal shower over the week.

“Such a wonderful day,” the pregnant reality star wrote on Instagram, along with a picture of her opening a home accents sign that  “Fight For The Fairytale. It Does Exist.”

Houska said how grateful she was to have friends and family to celebrate her milestones.

“I feel extremely lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people!”

Houska and DeBoer announced on July 12th they were expecting a brother or sister for Aubree, Houska’s daughter with ex-boyfriend, Adam Lind.  This will be the couple’s first child together.

“And then there were four…,” Houska wrote on Instagram.

Houska elaborated on the pregnancy announcement via her website, which she launched the same day.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so excited to finally be launching my website, and I felt like the perfect first post…would be to announce to everyone that baby DeBoer is expected in February 2017!” she wrote.

“We are beyond excited for this journey and can’t wait to share it with you all! Big sister Aubree is also extremely excited and it’s no secret that she is hoping for a girl haha.”

Since then, Houska has been responding to fan questions about her pregnancy and wedding planning.

On August 6th, Houska shared an adorable interaction with DeBoer on Twitter.

“*wakes me up* “Babe,I was gonna surprise you with breakfast,but I wasn’t sure if u could have cheese in ur eggs when ur pregnant” -Cole,” she tweeted.

Of course, it can’t be all congratulatory comments.  One fan called out Houska for allegedly criticizing Aubree’s half sister in one episode, which prompted a response from Houska.

“good godddd and then we laughed because I was obviously joking. Please keep worrying about my life some more ;),” Houska wrote.

She later regretted even acknowledging the tweet.

“I hate when I respond to annoying people on Twitter! I always regret it right after. I don’t like negativity on my page. Delete.”

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

You"ve Never Seen a Bridal Walk Like THIS Before

WARNING: The following video will make you cry.

This doesn"t mean you shouldn"t watch it. But it"s worth noting.

Earlier this month, Jeni Stepien got married in Pennsylvania.

But we aren’t saying you will cry while watching her nuptials just because weddings can be emotional.

No, we’re saying this because Jeni lost her father 10 years ago. And a man named Arthur Thomas was given his heart as part of an organ donation.

Prior to exchanging vows with the man she loves, Jeni was given a chance to feel her dad’s heart beating inside of Thomas for the first time.

“Can you feel it?” Thomas asks her in a video filmed by Pittsburgh TV station KDKA.

She tearfully holds his wrist and chest and quietly nods. Yes, she does feel it.

Michael Stepien was murdered in a 2006 robbery when his daughter was 23 years old.

After he spent 24 hours on life support, the family accepted his death and donated his organs, Jeni explained to The Huffington Post.

At that time, Thomas (referred to a "Tom" by the family members) was living in New Jersey, having been on the transplant list for a decade.

“He was going to die if he did not receive a new heart in the next several days,” Stepien told HuffPost via email Sunday.

“Tom received my father’s heart within the next 48 hours.”

After Tom wrote a letter of gratitude to the Stepiens, the families kept in touch via more letters and the occasional phone call.

With Jeni set to get married, it seemed like the ideal time to meet.

“When my fiancé proposed, one of the first things I thought of was ‘but who will walk me down the aisle?’ I could think of nobody more meaningful than Tom,” she said.

“My fiancé suggested I write him a letter; that way Tom would feel in no way obligated or pressured by my request.”

In sharing her story on Facebook, Jeni wrote the following of her wedding:

It truly was the best day of MY ENTIRE LIFE!

To be able to bring my dad home and have him at my wedding was an absolute dream COME TRUE! Not to mention that being married to the best person that was hand picked just for me was beyond words the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I am blessed beyond words to share our story!

Truly amazing stuff.

Watch the tear-inducing aisle walk below:

Bride walks down the aisle by man who received her fathers heart