Showing posts with label Claus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claus. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2017

Farrah Abraham Plays Mrs. Claus at Vegas Strip Club

Christmas comes this time each year, and so does Farrah Abraham in a Santa Suit … and usually at a strip club. Farrah kicked off her holiday season at Crazy Horse III in Las Vegas Thursday night. The ‘Teen Mom’/porn star wasn’t stripping –…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hey Kids, Santa Claus Is Dead ... Real Grave Found (Maybe)

‘Twas 3 months before Christmas and way down in Turkey …  Archaeologists claim they found where the REAL Santa Claus has been lurky. They say St. Nick’s bones are under a church …  And they found them in a very high-tech, electronic…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" Songwriter"s Family Sues Over Grinch-Like Practices

The family of the guy who wrote “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” says they’ve been getting nothing but lumps of coal, when they should’ve been cashing in big on the holiday classic. The tune was written by Haven Gillespie way back in the 1930s.…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Paulina Gretzky"s Son Is Adorably Terrified Of Santa Claus (Cute Video)

Here’s Paulina Gretzky’s son,Tatum, proving that not every kid is looking forward to a visit from ol’ St. Nick … hilariously and adorably panicking at the sight of Santa Claus. Paulina posted the videos of Tatum onto her Instagram stories ……


Monday, December 5, 2016

Racist Trolls Freak Out Over Black Santa Claus at Mall

SPOILER ALERT: Santa Claus is not real.

But this hasn"t stopped a handful of racist Internet users from freaking out over the Mall of America in Minnesota daring to feature a Saint Nick played by Larry Jefferson-Gamble.

Nevermind the fact that Jefferson-Gamble is a retired U.S. Army veteran. He"s black!

And the response of idiotic bigots to this fact prompted the Minnesota Star-Tribune to shut down the comments section for a simple profile of the mall’s first black Santa.

Elsewhere, a CBS Minnesota report was also bombarded with negative and comments, leading us to wonder what the heck is wrong with a certain segment of the population.

Because we want to keep believing that love trumps hate, however, we"re here to present only POSITIVE social media reactions to Jefferson-Gamble as Santa.

Why let the racists win, right?

1. This is What We’re Up Against

This is what were up against

Seriously, look at these comments. Talk about depressing…

2. Well Said, George Takei!

Well said george takei

We wish he wasn’t able to make this point, but history sadly speaks for itself.

3. Kind, Engaging and Thoughtful

Kind engaging and thoughtful

But… he’s black!

4. Such a Simple Concept

Such a simple concept

Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

5. A Reason to Believe

A reason to believe

If not in Santa, at least in equality.

6. Wait for Me, Santa!

Wait for me santa

Save me a spot on your lap please!

View Slideshow

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Farrah Abraham -- Santa Claus Is Coming ... (PHOTO GALLERY)

Farrah Abraham put her festive snow globes on display while wading in a kiddie pool in Texas … without her kid. The OG Teen Mom may be expecting Santa down her chimney, but we all know which door he’s taking.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

North West Meets Santa Claus, Makes Kanye Smile

North West has achieved the impossible, folks.

On two fronts.

First, the adorable two-year old has managed to make her grumpy father smile, as not even Kanye West could withhold a grin upon holding his daughter when she met Santa Claus last week.

Just look at the rapper’s face in the adorable photo above.

It was recently shared by Kim Kardashian on her official app/website.

Secondly, North has given editors at The Hollywood Gossip nothing at all to mock about this famous family.

We aren’t exactly fans of Kim Kardashian and kompany, but what is there to negatively say about a toddler’s satisfied face upon being presented with Saint Nick himself?

The image comes to us from Kris Jenner’s Christmas Eve party, which also included our first look at Kardashian following the birth of her second child, Saint West.

We’re still waiting on photos of Saint himself, with various reports claiming Kim and Kanye have been offered A LOT OF MONEY to make the baby public.

They are yet to accept, however.

When it came to North, Kanye actually revealed her very first photo when he appeared on Kris Jenner’s talk show as a guest.

That (ridiculous) talk show no longer exists, so it remains a mystery when we’ll catch our initial glimpse at Saint West.

In the meantime, North remains adorable. This statement cannot be debated.

Monday, December 7, 2015

You"ve Never Seen Santa Claus Do THIS Before

According to some critics out there, Starbucks does not grasp the true meaning of Christmas.

But the Santa Claus featured in the following video most assuredly does.

He’s hanging out at Cleveland Centre, a shopping mall in Middlesbrough, England and he’s doing what most men dressed as Saint Nick of this time of year:

Spending time with little kids and listening to their list of Christmas present demands/wishes.

Except this Saint Nick is not like most of the others out there: he knows how to use sign language… and that"s about to come in handy.

As you can see below, the mother apologizes at the outset of her daughter"s lap visit because her child "can"t talk very well," but Santa Claus isn"t dismayed by this unfortunate fact.

"Can she sign at all?" he asks in response.

Yes, the mother replies, she"s just learning how to do so.

What follows is a heartwarming exchange with a nary a word uttered. It"s all sign language all the time and it makes us smile every time we check it out.

We can"t get enough of this interaction.

(NOTE: This is not the real Santa Claus, people. We all know that the real Santa Claus sends out representatives to various malls around the country and they then report back with what millions of children want under their tree.)

Check out the moving footage now, courtesy of our friends at My Fanatic:

Santa claus shares heartwarming moment with hearing impaired chi