Monday, December 5, 2016

Racist Trolls Freak Out Over Black Santa Claus at Mall

SPOILER ALERT: Santa Claus is not real.

But this hasn"t stopped a handful of racist Internet users from freaking out over the Mall of America in Minnesota daring to feature a Saint Nick played by Larry Jefferson-Gamble.

Nevermind the fact that Jefferson-Gamble is a retired U.S. Army veteran. He"s black!

And the response of idiotic bigots to this fact prompted the Minnesota Star-Tribune to shut down the comments section for a simple profile of the mall’s first black Santa.

Elsewhere, a CBS Minnesota report was also bombarded with negative and comments, leading us to wonder what the heck is wrong with a certain segment of the population.

Because we want to keep believing that love trumps hate, however, we"re here to present only POSITIVE social media reactions to Jefferson-Gamble as Santa.

Why let the racists win, right?

1. This is What We’re Up Against

This is what were up against

Seriously, look at these comments. Talk about depressing…

2. Well Said, George Takei!

Well said george takei

We wish he wasn’t able to make this point, but history sadly speaks for itself.

3. Kind, Engaging and Thoughtful

Kind engaging and thoughtful

But… he’s black!

4. Such a Simple Concept

Such a simple concept

Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

5. A Reason to Believe

A reason to believe

If not in Santa, at least in equality.

6. Wait for Me, Santa!

Wait for me santa

Save me a spot on your lap please!

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